单词 | bring forward |
释义 | bring forward [英 [bri? ?f?:w?d] 美 [br?? ?f?rw?d] ] bring forward的意思、解释 bring forward 基本解释 动词提出,提前,显示; 套圈; 转账 bring forward的意思 bring forward 网络解释 1. 提出:bring forth 产生,提出 | bring forward 提出 | bring out 使出现,使显明;公布,出版 2. 提出,提议;提前:bring forth 产生,提出 | bring forward 提出,提议;提前 | bring out 使显出;激起,引起;出版,推出 3. 3. 提出(建议等显示:bring forward 使涌现出 | bring forward 提出(建议等显示 | bring in 收获(庄稼等生产 4. 使涌现出:bring forth 使产生;生(孩子) | bring forward 使涌现出 | bring forward 提出(建议等显示 bring forward 双语例句 1. In the last part of this dissertation, we analyze the real estate bubble in China and bring forward any beneficial suggestion on for developing the real estate industry and financial industry. 本文最后将对中国房地产泡沫与非泡沫情况进行实证分析,并对今后国家如何制定合理的金融政策和产业发展政策提出一些有益的建议。 2. Create Jinfeng 62 (1.2MW) temperature model of mathematics and physics about permanent magnent synchronous generator in wind power, present basic hypothesis and boundary condition. select area that one slot opposite to calculate, utilize FEM calculate roter and stator temperature field. bring forward actual method, carefully analyse the result to generator temperature field, for example reduce coil insulation thickness, decrease conduction coefficient because insulation aging between circle, increase iron-core anisotropism conduction coefficient. 建立了金风62型(1.2MW)永磁同步风力发电机的二维温度场的数学和物理模型,给出了计算边界条件和分析假设条件,以一个槽所对应的电机计算区域,利用有限元方法计算发电机的定、转子温度场,详细分析了绕组线棒绝缘厚度减小、匝间绝缘老化致使导热系数减小、铁心各向异性导热系数提高等参数改进对于发电机温度场的影响。 3. Under the above background, by applying the theoretical framework and methodology of the industry's control economics and institutional economics, adopting the approaches of analysis, comparison, and example verification, and taking the review of China's tobacco monopoly system as the cut-in point, this thesis is designed to analyze the status quo and existing problems from the basic view of the functional transformation of the government control and evolvement and reconstruction of the monopoly system, probe into the development path whereof under the brand-new situation, and, by the international comparison of different countries on the issue of the tobacco industry control, endeavours to bring forward the policy proposal on the institutional evolvement from both layers of the industry itself and the external environment. 在这样的背景下,本论文运用产业的管制经济学和制度经济学的理论框架和方法论,采用分析、比较、实证的手段,以中国烟草专卖制度的检讨为切入点,以政府管制的职能转变和专卖制度变革和重构为基本视角来分析我国烟草专卖管制的现状和问题,探讨在新的形势下烟草专卖制度的发展路径,并通过对世界各国烟草业管制的国际比较,尝试从行业自身和外部环境层面提出制度变革的政策建议。 4. As some kinds of our products have been out of stock, we hope that you can bring forward the date of shipment for this order. 1,因为我们有些类型的货物已经断货了,所以希望您能将我们的订单的发货日期提前,感谢您的帮忙。 5. Because some kinds of our commodities has been out of stock, we hope you can bring forward the consignment date of our order. Thanks for your help! 1,因为我们有些类型的货物已经断货了,所以希望您能将我们的订单的发货日期提前,感谢您的帮忙。 6. On the basis of analytical study on the constant tension control system of synchronous belt manufacture machine both home and abroad, we bring forward a new kind of constant tension control system, and achieve closed-loop control in order to satisfy the requirement of high precision. 在研究和分析国内外同步带成型机恒张力控制系统方案的基础上,针对其中的不足,提出了一种新型的恒张力控制系统,实现了闭环控制以满足高精度的控制要求。 7. Think up one name for your team, tailor the guidon and song of your team, bring forward one catchword 创建队名,制作队旗队歌,提出口号。2、信任背摔。3、穿越电网。4、智慧3人行。 8. bring forward 8. On the basis of above, we bring forward some suggestion and scheme to solve the relationship between the peasant issues and Sustainable Development of industrialization and urbanization. 论文在此基础上为解决农民工问题和城乡协调、可持续发展提出了改革制度、强化服务、人本管理、宣传教育、加强培训等方面的具体建议。 9. 9. Thank God, have word from our out of work and, through text, so that God can be·home, Sunrise Church, would like to praise the Lord go with us, dear readers, when you pray, when, I hope you remember us and look forward to We can bring the intersection of the text, understanding, unity. 感谢神,有文字工作从我们而出,并且透过文字,使神家得以匡扶,中兴教会,愿颂赞归与我们的主,亲爱的读者,当你祷告的时候,盼望你记念我们,盼望我们的文字能带来相交、了解、合一。 10. bring forward 10. I deride self in order that I am able to bring forward such simple problem. 我嘲笑自己以便我能提出这么简单的问题。 11. bring forward的翻译 11. The second is QoS research on IP phone. We refer to many methods studied in other papers, then bring forward a congestion avoid and control scheme based on end to end. A dynamic queue management also is suggested in recever to improve the QoS of IP phone. 话音质量控制,在参考了现阶段一些提高话音质量方法的基础上,我们提出一种端到端的拥塞避免和控制方法,并在接收端采用动态队列管理措施提高话音质量,通过计算机仿真得出试验结果;C。 12. bring forward 12. On the basis of clarifying the essence and characteristic of dynamic innovation capability, this paper demonstrates that dynamic innovation capability is the origin of cluster`s Competitive advantage; it also puts forward an index system about dynamic innovation capability from the angle of combination, which bring forward a objective standard to analysis the dynamic innovation capability and Competitive advantage. 本文在明确产业集群动态创新能力的内涵和特征的基础上,论证动态创新能力是产业集群竞争优势的来源,并从组合的角度提出评价产业集群动态创新能力的指标体系,为分析产业集群动态创新能力及竞争优势提供一个客观的标准。 13. The article mainly make a research on sealing method of Aseptic Canning Machine, and bring forward several measures to reduce drape. 本文主要介绍了无菌灌装机的封合方法以及减少褶皱采取的方法和措施。 14. The paper analyzes the present situation, the development of high frequency switching mode power supply and the soft switching technique, then to know the asymmetrical half-bridge suits to be used in the medium power situation. The paper firstly emphasizes on the AHB converter`s steady state operation principle and the relationship between the input and output voltage, then bring forward the voltage and current pressure of some important components and the condition to realize the MOSFET`s ZVS; and then considering the problem of transformer offset magnetizing current and the voltage oscillation in the circuit resulting from the inductor which in serial with the transformer, the paper analyses the reasons and the methods to resolve it. To the offset magnetizing current, it can be better through adjusting the circuit parameter or resolves in series with capacitor in double current rectify circle, but to the voltage oscillation it can be resolved by clamping the inductor to the source or ground. At last, the simulation proves the methods right. 本文首先分析了国内外高频开关电源及其软开关技术发展和现状,继而在此基础上着重分析适用于中等功率场合的不对称半桥电路的稳态工作原理及其稳态输入输出电压关系,给出关键器件的电压电流应力,并对其实现零电压开通的条件进行了讨论及改进,继而针对不对称半桥电路存在变压器直流偏置和串联电感带来的振荡问题进行了分析并提出了各自的解决办法即主功率变压器的直流偏置问题可以通过调整原电路的参数来改善或通过在次级采用倍流整流和串隔直电容来彻底解决此问题,而对于串联电感带来的电压振荡问题可以通过对串联电感进行双向钳位来解决,并通过仿真证明各种方法的可行性。 15. Using export system for reference, we bring forward the principle model of condition monitoring parameter optimum select. 2利用专家系统的设计思想,提出了特征参数择优选取的原理模型。 16. Drawing insights from our empirical findings, we put forward a new strategy for social development, i. e., the government should play an active role in strengthening the autonomy and capacity of civil organizations so as to bring about a combination of strong state management capacity and vivant societal organizations. Under such circumstances, a balanced socioeconomic development could be achieved. 基于这一经验研究,我们提出国家新的社会发展战略,即通过强化社团组织的自主性,提高民间组织的能力,从而形成一个国家行政能力强大、社会组织富有活力的新局面,推进经济社会的和谐发展。 17. Chapter 2 OverBooking Discuss the core technique when overbook, bring forward three models to calculate the numbers of overbooking in uncertainty situation. 第二章 超售讨论了决定超售的核心技术,提出了三种不确定情况下超售量的计算模型:①考虑成行率分布的超售量计算模型〓上式成立时收益最大。 18. Because current web framework is not fit well for portal, one of the papers main work is to bring forward and realize an appropriate tree-style framework, which is based on paper layout Object Oriented design and support style customize, and to design an arithmetic about transform between xml data and relation data to realize permanence storage. 针对目前的web框架应用到门户上都不是很理想的情况,论文的工作重点之一就是提出并实现了一种适合门户的树型框架方案,此方案是基于页面层00,支持完全的风格定制,并且设计了一个解决xml数据和关系数据相互转化的算法以实现持久化存储。 19. Research the blood pressure arithmetics and bring forward a new blood pressure judging method based on existing oscillometric technique. 在分析示波法现有血压判别方法定性法和幅度系数法的基础上,提出了在一定幅度范围内寻求突变点来判别血压的方法。 20. In this measuring system design, we use 8051 MCU as main control part that can harmonize other parts, such as LCD display, pulse generating and pulse counting; pulse stream generator design is a key and hard technology in this system design. We use CPLD as pulse distributor so that motor movement can drive piston pout pulse stream, and the above design had been tested has good performance. The difficulty of the electronic system design lies in the laser is very faint for being photodetected, known as 10-6~10-9W. After lots of test, we bring forward a new design of the photoelectricity system, it has the advantages of both reduce the noise and magnify the signal. Among this, ellipse type filter can reduce the beyond band noise very well. At last, through the performance test and results analysis, primary experimental results indicates that the project useing the method of non-contact IOP measurement based on laser interference to measure IOP should be feasible, and are turning into mature. 本眼压测量系统以8051单片机为主控制系统,主要用来控制其他部分协调工作,如液晶显示、脉冲发生、脉冲计数;脉冲气流发生器是这个眼压测量系统设计中的一个难点和重点,我们通过CPLD实现脉冲分配,然后驱动步进电机产生运动,从而推进活塞产生脉冲气流,性能稳定可靠;电信息处理电路的设计难点在于因为入射到光电检测器的光信号非常微弱,只有10-6~10-9W量级,我们通过大量实验设计出一种新的光电检测电路结构,不但降低了噪声而且对光电转换后有用的电信号进行了适当的放大;电信息处理系统中有源带通滤波器部分对光电检测系统中带外噪声可以很好滤除,有源带通滤波器采用椭圆函数型滤波器对系统性能有很大的改善作用;最后对整体系统进行了性能测试和结果分析,实验结果表明:用激光干涉式非接触眼压测量系统测量眼压这一方案是可行的,而且正在逐渐走向成熟。 bring forward 词典解释 1. 使(会议或活动)提前 If you bring forward a meeting or event, you arrange for it to take place at an earlier date or time than had been planned. e.g. He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting so that he could get to the funeral on time... 他不得不把11点的会议提前,这样他就可以准时赶去参加葬礼。 e.g. The election date had to be brought forward by two months. 选举日期必须提前两个月。 2. 提出(观点);提交(议案) If you bring forward an argument or proposal, you state it so that people can consider it. bring forward的意思 e.g. The Government will bring forward several proposals for legislation. 政府将向立法部门提交几项议案。 bring forward 单语例句 1. We will offer 22 training centers to support athletes and help them bring forward this ambition that every athlete has inside. 2. If the International Olympic Committee wanted to bring the Games forward a year, we would be ready for it. 3. He has said he is seeking a trade that would bring the Rockets a power forward. 4. Mark Felt stepped forward Tuesday as Deep Throat, the secret Washington Post source that helped bring down President Nixon during the Watergate scandal. 5. " Many bring forward or delay their schedule for tourism, " said Wei. 6. Ho will bring forward his platform in detail on Sunday at the meeting of the Democratic Party. 7. UNEP continues to this day to bring forward the science and convening treaty negotiations. 8. Earlier springs will bring forward plant growth and the length of time animals hibernate. 9. The administration will bring forward suggestions upon energy product prices and submit to the NDRC and then to State Council for approval. 10. Hu's decision to fly back early forced Brazil to hurriedly bring forward the summit by a day. bring forward 英英释义 bring forward什么意思 verb 1. bring forward for consideration e.g. The case was called up in court Synonym: call up 2. cause to move forward e.g. Can you move the car seat forward? Synonym: advance |
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