单词 | stratify |
释义 | stratify [英 [?str?t?fa?] 美 [?str?t??fa?] ] stratify的意思、解释 过去式:stratified; 过去分词:stratified; 现在分词:stratifying; stratify 基本解释 stratify 及物动词(使)分层,成层 stratify stratify 网络解释 1. 成层:stratification 成层法 | stratify 成层 | stratigrapher 地层学家 2. 分层:stratiformis 层状云 | stratify 分层 | strato 层的意思 3. 使层化:stratum单数形式 | stratify使层化 | strip脱衣v 4. 4. (使)成层:stratiformis /成层状云/ | stratify /(使)成层/ | stratigracy /军人专政/ stratify 双语例句 1. The main approach to solve this problem is to stratify the population studied through taking the confounder as the stratifying variable. 解决这一问题的主要方法是将混杂因子作为分层变量把被研究群体分层。 2. The square-built dolomite flat containing karstenite and karstenite-dolomite flat in the Ordovician of middle-eastern Ordos Basin provide the favorable condition for the stratify development of pores and holes and the large acreage distributing. 鄂尔多斯盆地中东部奥陶系呈现出宽缓的盆缘含硬石膏白云岩坪与盆缘硬石膏白云岩坪相带,为孔洞型储层的成层发育、大面积展布创造了良好的条件。 3. The tried and true way of germinating Sarracenia seed is to cold stratify the seed for 4 weeks. 真正有利於瓶子草种子发芽的方法,是让种子在湿冷积层的环境下待4周左右(比较常听到6周的说法)。 4. The results show that humidity does stratify in the space, which is different from mixing ventilation where humidity is constant. 置换通风系统的这一特点,有利于对空调空间进行有效的湿度控制和空调系统的节能。 5. In so doing, and over time, one will cease to stratify human civilization founded upon preoccupation. 这样随时间,一个人将会停止将建立在职业之上的人类文明分层。 6. stratify 6. What history and physical examination data help to risk stratify patients with syncope? 什么样的的病史和体验资料有助于区分出有危险的晕厥病人? 7. However, we now know that technology also has the potential to further stratify society into the information-haves and the information-have-nots. 但是,我们现在知道技术也有可能进一步将社会分化成信息富裕者和信息贫困者。 8. Stratify teaching to be one to plant in lower individual-rization collective teaching form teaching tactics. 分层教学是一种在集体教学形式下的个别化教学策略。 9. stratify的翻译 9. Objective To investigate the value of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A level for the risk stratify and prognosis of the metabolic syndrome patients. 目的 探讨血清妊娠相关蛋白A水平对代谢综合征患者危险分层和预后判断的价值。 10. In four valve spark ignition engines, tumble motion in the cylinder is required to be intensified in order to improve combustion process in general homogeneous mixture combustion system or to stratify the air fuel mixture in lean burn combustion system. 在四气门汽油机中,运用滚流运动组织快速燃烧过程或混合气分层稀燃过程,都需要提高滚流强度。 11. 11. The fault diagnosis arithmetic based on Bayes test method and the significance-test of time statistics of the transition was put forward. Under the guidance of modular fault diagnosis idea, stratify and locate the fault source combined with prior probability and posterior probability of the system. 提出了基于Bayes试验方法的故障诊断算法,对变迁的时间统计量进行显著性检验,结合系统的先验和后验概率,在模块化故障诊断思想的指导下,分层定位至故障源。 12. stratify 12. Via proportional (25%) stratify sampling, 515 students from various healthcare majors were sampled and tested. 等比(25%)分层整群抽样法从医学及其相关专业抽出515名1~3年级学生进行测试。 13. stratify 13. The study examined CT's ability to stratify risk in patients with acute chest pain but normal cardiac enzymes. 该研究验证CT对急性胸痛但心肌酶正常患者风险进行检测的能力。 14. Conclusion The analysis of chaotic characteristics of heart period signal is a valuable method in evaluating prognosis of chronic congestive heart failure patients and is useful to stratify the chronic congestive heart failure patients. 结论心动周期信号混沌特征分析是判断慢性充血性心力衰竭患者预后的一项有用指标,有助于对慢性充血性心力衰竭患者进行危险分层。 15. We currently use a large repository of data from our operational systems to help us stratify, or classify, members. 目前,我们使用我们业务系统的一个大型数据存储库来帮助我们对会员进行分层或分类。 16. 16. The ABCD score was used to stratify the30-day stroke risk. ABCD评分系统用于预测30天内的中风风险。 17. 17. One of the limitations of this study was that we could not stratify the incidence rate by severity and stage of dementia, which should be the focus of future studies. 本研究的限制是无法区分不同严重程度失智症,这是未来研究应该进一步厘清的重点。 18. stratify的解释 18. Although the study did not stratify care recipients according to disease, the cohort did include cancer patients, who were disproportionately represented in the group of patients who died, Wolff said. Wolff说,由于被护理者中包括癌症患者,这些病例不能合适地代表死亡病人的结构比例,因此此研究没有将被护理者按疾病进行分类。 19. 19. The estimator based on kernel principal component extraction requires to stratify the training samples of interested signals with respect to their respective frequencies. 基于多层核主成分提取估计器需要将调制信号的训练样本根据各自的频率进行分层。 20. Powder place elimination system; Corporate culture; The achievement effect appraises system; Stratify being sifted out. 末位淘汰制;企业文化;绩效评估体系;分层淘汰。 stratify 英英释义 stratify是什么意思 verb 1. render fertile and preserve by placing between layers of earth or sand e.g. stratify seeds 2. form layers or strata e.g. The rock stratifies 3. form, arrange, or deposit in layers e.g. The fish are stratified in barrels The rock was stratified by the force of the water A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses 4. divide society into social classes or castes e.g. Income distribution often stratifies a society 5. develop different social levels, classes, or castes e.g. Society stratifies when the income gap widens |
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