单词 | strike up |
释义 | strike up [英 [straik ?p] 美 [stra?k ?p] ] strike up的意思、解释 strike up 基本解释 开始演奏; 开始(交谈),建立起(友谊等) strike up 网络解释 1. strike up 1. 开始演奏:2. elegant adj. 优雅的 | 3. strike up 开始演奏 | 4. waltz n. 华尔兹 2. 开始演奏;开始(交谈 建立起(友谊等):recent a. 新近的,近来的 | strike up 开始演奏;开始(交谈 建立起(友谊等) | strike v. 冲,撞;罢工;(使)产生印象,打动;极点;发现,找到 n. 罢工 3. 开始(谈话,演奏:1461strike someone as在某人看来似乎... | 1462strike up开始(谈话,演奏...) | 1463stripen. 条纹 4. 4. 发起谈话:Pie in the sky 天方夜谭 | strike up 发起谈话 | stock up 囤货 strike up 双语例句 1. Without the ability to take up one's sword and strike at one's internal demons, one cannot ascend. 如果没有能力去拿起他自己的剑并打击他内在的魔鬼,他就不能提升。 2. 2. Degree of metamorphism steps up along the strike from south to north, whereas steps up along the dip in company with depth. 在走向上煤的变质程度由南向北逐渐增高,在倾向上煤层随赋存深度的增大变质程度逐渐增高。 3. strike up 3. Under the direction of the Design Director and overseeing the colorist, responsible for design driven lab dip, handloom and strike-off approvals and resubmit follow up. 根据设计师的设计方向和掌控颜色发展趋势,负责批复设计的色样,手织样和印花样,并跟踪样卡的提交和批复。 4. 4. Money being fungible, this means a fair amount of illegal dues money is now propping up Ron Carey`s strike. 钱正互换,这意味着一笔相当数额的钱非法会费现夏扶Carey的罢工。 5. 5. This is a excellent video for tit torture: you will see the master use a lot of clamps put on model`s breast and nipple, also use nipple chain on the nipples, then hang few heavy metal cuff on the nipple chain, flogger strike on her breast, Tongtong`s hands are tied up with ropes and hang strait up back, she can do nothing except moaning and screaming for mercy. 您可以在本期录像中看到精彩的虐乳镜头:彤彤的双手被高高地吊在天花板上,主人用夹子夹满了她的乳房和乳头,又用几个钢制手铐穿在一起吊在她的乳头铁链子上,令她发出痛苦的呻吟。您还将看到口枷,鞭打,吊刑,铁笼子等刑具在等着美丽的彤彤! 6. You`re picking out the perfect hydrangea when you strike up a conversation with a fellow green thumb. 你在挑选完美的八仙花时和一个有特殊园艺才能的人展开了一段对话。 7. 7. She woke up clearly remember this phone, work, and in their colleagues in the chat about it, he said that the man, especially handsome appearance long could clearly remember their colleagues, while joking aside clucked to strike the phone to her, then she hesitate and curious condition playing the telephone. 她醒后清楚地记住这个电话,上班后,在无意聊天中就和她们同事说起这件事,又说那个男子特别帅,长的样子还能够清楚地记得,她们同事一边开玩笑一边起哄地非要她打那个电话,然后她在犹豫与好奇的状态下打了那个电话。 8. Around them, the skeletons shifted, the bones coming together, as though they might rise up to strike if the wrong words were spoken. 在他们四周,骨头重新结合,骸骨都站了起来,似乎只要说出了错误的名字它们就会群起攻击。 9. strike up的近义词 9. The producers set up a $20 million strike emergency fund, taking a couple cents out of each ticket sold over the last several years to pay for it. 制片人在过去的几年中,从每一张戏票中抽取几美分作为罢工应急基金,现在这个基金已经有了2亿。 10. As the split became inevitable, the Canadian concern was to make the transition smoothly and to get enough financial resources from Detroit to support a strike fund and cover the start-up costs for the new union. 作为分裂成为不可避免的,加拿大的令人关注的是,使过渡顺利进行工作,并获得足够的财政资源,以支持从底特律罢工基金和支付开办费的新联盟。 11. I know I know, I strike up the band. 我知道了,我会指挥乐队的。 12. If you do strike up a conversation with someone you'd like to know better, follow up! 如果你想要通过谈话更多的了解某个人,也是很可行的。 13. I hope you will strike up a lasting friendship. 我希望你们将建立起永久的友谊。 14. strike up什么意思 14. They went on strike and close up all. 他们继续罢工,并且关闭了所有的商店。 15. strike up的意思 15. But learn to strike up conversations with people you meet in daily life. 但你可以同你日常生活中碰到的人开始交谈。 16. There are so many ways to strike up a conversation in a supermarket. 在超市有很多种开始谈话的方式。 17. The structural styles, developed in the thrust-fold belts, include: wedge thrusting structure, imbricate fan, duplex, pop up, triangle zone, detachment fold, faultpropagation fold, fault-bend fold, strike-slip fault system, flower structure and inversion structure. 发育的构造样式有:楔冲构造、叠瓦扇、双重构造、冲隆构造、三角构造带、断滑褶皱、断弯褶皱、断展褶皱、走滑断层系及花状构造、反转构造。 18. strike up 18. There was plenty to talk about on those short winter days when the animals found themselves round the fire; still, the Mole had a good deal of spare time on his hands, and so one afternoon, when the Rat in his arm-chair before the blaze was alternately dozing and trying over rhymes that wouldn`t fit, he formed the resolution to go out by himself and explore the Wild Wood, and perhaps strike up an acquaintance with Mr. 他们回想起夏日炎热的正午,在灌木丛的绿荫下昏昏然午睡,阳光透过浓荫,洒下小小的金色斑点;回想起午后的划船和游泳,沿着尘土飞扬的小径,穿越黄澄澄的田野,漫无目的地遨游;又回想起那长长的凉爽的黄昏,各路人马全都会齐,交流着友情,共同筹划明天新的历险。 19. She said breathlessly:You can`t think how worked-up all the girls are getting over the strike. 她气喘喘地说:你想象不出大伙儿为了罢工的事多么兴奋,连厨房里都在纷纷议论着。 20. Some leading actors used to hold up one of the side curtains to strike a pose when going on the stage and hold it up again to show off when leaving the stage. 他心爱的学生,还把老师在牛棚里偷偷写成的《论舞台艺术的整体性》霍地甩了出来,于是现场像热油锅里掉进盐粒,沸起来了。 strike up 词典解释 1. 开始(交谈);建立(友谊);开始(来往) When you strike up a conversation or friendship with someone, you begin one. strike up什么意思 e.g. I trailed her into Penney's and struck up a conversation... 我跟着她进了彭尼家然后开始交谈起来。 e.g. James struck up a friendship with a small boy who owned a pony on the island. 詹姆斯和小岛上一个养了一匹小马的小男孩儿交上了朋友。 2. 开始演奏 When musicians strike up a piece of music, or when music strikes up, the music begins. e.g. And then the orchestra struck up the National Anthem... 然后管弦乐队奏起了国歌。 e.g. Music struck up in one of the big old buildings along the seafront... 音乐从海滨区一栋古老的大楼里响起。 strike up 单语例句strike up的翻译 1. The Giants also stepped up security heading into the contest, fearing there might be a retaliatory strike against visiting Dodgers fans by the Giants'faithful. 2. Besides getting what they really need and dispose of what they don't, they also strike up friendship with each other. 3. " Lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place, " Lorraine Burns said as she walked up to a Barnes and Noble bookstore. 4. The strike is expected to lose the carrier up to 5 million euros every day. 5. Nearly all of these millionaire women had husbands and children, saying they never felt they had to give up family to strike it rich. 6. It was the latest strike against local tribesmen who have been encouraged by the government to take up arms against the Taliban. 7. For someone just beginning to learn Chinese, it's easy to strike up a conversation with anybody by asking them about their hometown. 8. The " buffets " offer them opportunities to strike up new friendship and to find their true love. 9. Strike up a conversation with any of the four owners and they'll be happy to introduce each item with a hint of pride. 10. Sultan said there was a precision air strike, and helicopter gunships mopped up. strike up的近义词strike up 英英释义 verb 1. begin e.g. strike up a conversation strike up a friendship 2. start playing e.g. The musicians struck up a tune Synonym: sound off |
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