单词 | strut |
释义 | strut [英 [str?t] 美 [str?t] ] strut的意思、解释 过去式:strutted; 过去分词:strutted; 现在分词:strutting; 复数形式:struts; strut 基本解释 及物动词炫耀; 在…上趾高气扬地走; 给…加支撑 不及物动词趾高气扬地走; 高视阔步 名词支柱; (框架的)支杆; 趾高气扬的步态; (尤指跳舞或表演时)卖弄 strut 相关例句 不及物动词 1. Eddie turned around and strutted back to them. 埃迪转过身趾高气扬走回到他们那儿。 2. He strutted into the room. 他昂首阔步地走进屋去。 strut 网络解释 1. 支柱:GT2 RS的前悬挂采用麦弗逊结构,支柱(strut)、连杆(links)与车轮之间的链接球头经过特别强化,带来更准确的转向. 后悬挂采用长短臂的多连杆结构,通过铝制材料的使用,达到降低重量的目的. 2. strut的反义词 2. 支撑:心侧钣core plate ledge 高程为正常 冻水系统(NCW)、紧急 冻水系统(ECW)等,相关视察发5.抽查ECW 管 安装,发现1P25-STRT-569,其支撑(strut)安装器厂房 却海水系统(RBSW)渠道及开关厂房之现场环境进( )冈五号机在每月一次的 测试(surveillance test)时, 3. strut在线翻译 3. 压杆:前悬架为压杆(Strut)式,但由于采用了带防震绝缘体的副车架(Subframe),因而提高了整车的行驶平稳性. 后悬架为扭转梁式,更显小型化的特点. 此外,行李箱地板高度的降低,使后悬架得以缩短,突出其短小精悍的特点. 日产的March, 4. 撑杆:紫杉醇洗脱支架组重叠支架边支受损的主要原因包括,支架撑杆(strut)的增加引起的几何学的狭窄;聚合物的皱褶使支架边缘增厚和(或)形成团块;血小板聚集和(或)血栓沉积;紫杉醇引起的痉挛等等. strut 双语例句 1. Concurrently camp product:The automation mechanical device must each kind of translation series product, for example: The straight line guide rail, the guide screw strut, the shaft coupling, lock the nut, the straight line bearing, the knuckle bearing, the oil-retaining bearing and so on. 兼营产品:自动化机械设备所必须的各类直线运动系列产品,如:直线导轨、丝杠支撑、联轴器、锁紧螺母、直线轴承、关节轴承、含油轴承等。 2. strut在线翻译 2. She strut s the catwalk at New York fashion shows and she's best friends with Mariah Carey and Cameron Diaz. 她在纽约时装秀上趾高气昂地走着猫步,她还是玛丽亚·凯莉和卡梅隆·迪亚兹最好的朋友。 3. The influence of the structural parameters such as rise-span ratio, heights of strut, the numbers of hoop cables and prestresses of cables on the structural characteristics and deformation have been concluded. 通过对矢跨比、撑杆高度、环索布置方式和预应力大小等结构参数的研究,总结了他们的变化对结构的静力性能的影响规律。 4. For the new Mazda RX-8, engineers improved body rigidity through the addition of structural reinforcements, by adding a trapezoidal strut tower bar and enhancing the local rigidity of the front suspension tower areas. 对于新的马自达RX - 8,工程师有了改善,结构体刚性增援此外,通过添加一个梯形拉杆,并加强前悬挂塔地区的地方刚性。 5. They are also equipped with a dark-silver dash panel, stainless-steel scuff plates and Niseko-branded luxury interior mats, with a suspension strut tower bracing bar beneath the bonnet. 他们还配备了一个暗银色仪表板,不锈钢板,防擦雪谷品牌的豪华内饰地毯,以悬挂支柱支撑引擎盖下的酒吧塔。 6. strut的近义词 6. In my craft or sullen art Exercised in the still night When only the moon rages And the lovers lie abed With all their griefs in their arms, I labour by singing light Not for ambition or bread Or the strut and trade of charms On the ivory stages But for the common wages Of their most secret heart. 在平静的夜里施展,当只有月亮在发怒而恋人们躺在床上抱着他们所有的悲苦,我在吟唱的灯光下潜心于我的技艺或沉郁的艺术,不是为了抱负或面包,也不是为了在象牙舞台上卖弄风骚,昂首阔步,是为了他们最隐秘的心这寻常的薪金。 7. She is young girl that an arrogant extremely conceited that male leading role but have the sensitive faculty magic power again, she like to strut about, want the cartoon still at last to help him. 她是一个自大狂妄但是又有感性魅力的少女,她喜欢逞强,但是最后还是要漫画的男主角来给他帮助。 8. Cast box drain, backfill, remove bottom layer of strut, cast the drain wall....... 浇注排水方沟、回填、清理支撑底部土层、浇注排水墙。。。。。。 9. 9. Klingenberg ordered Sergeant Hans Hossfelder to raise the German colors, replacing the Yugoslavian national flag with the German ensign shortly after 5 p. m. on April 12. Under Klingenberg's orders, his men began to strut about the city on patrol, giving the inhabitants the unmistakable impression that they were in charge. 克林根贝格命令军士Hossfelder升起德国国旗,换掉南斯拉夫国旗。4月12日下午5点,按照克林根贝格的命令,士兵们趾高气扬在城里巡逻,给人以征服者的印象。 10. Experimental studies on the combustion and flow process in a scramjet combustor with strut fuel injector were presented. The results show that, the relative position of the fuel injector and flame holder has great influence on the flame structure and scramjet performance. The combustion efficiency of fuel injected from the side of strut is better than from strut end. 利用高速摄影和高速纹影对超燃冲压发动机支板喷注燃料的燃烧流动过程进行了试验研究,结果表明:燃料喷注器与火焰稳定器之间的相对位置,对流场的火焰结构和发动机性能有较大的影响,支板侧喷较尾喷方案具有更好的燃烧效果。 11. 11. In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. 在会议室隅,或有好的支撑的内部方法是寻求避难的好地方。 12. Peta Wilson strut down the runway as a model until she picked up her role as the sexiest spy on TV. 很早之前就在AOL 上看过这段Video,但当时把吃奶的劲儿都使出来了也没能找到下载它的方法。 13. STRUT, Mechanical components of the landing gear forkeeping the gear in the extended position. 起落架上用以使起落架保持在伸出位置的机械式部件。 14. The invention discloses an inertia sensor character regulating equipment, it is composed of suspension structure and tiny plating structure, the suspension can be produced by using the element of a surface machining technology of sacrificial layer technology, or the microbody machining technology arranged with film technics. The one end of the suspension structure is fixed on a strut member, and the other end is in hovering condition, and moulding tiny plating structure on this end by tiny plating technics, the plating structure is looked as inertia mass block of inertia sensor, the size of it can be changed by tiny plating technics, so the sensor is suitable to different grades sensing, and achieve the High Aspect-Ratio efficacy of lateral sensing or driving signal setting in tiny structure because of the excellence of metallic material in technics. 本发明公开了一种惯性传感器性能调整装置,由悬浮结构与微电镀结构组成,该悬浮结构可利用牺牲层技术的微面型加工技术,或微体型加工技术配上薄膜工艺制作而成,该悬浮结构的一端固设于一支撑件上,使该悬浮结构的另一端呈悬浮状态,通过微电镀工艺于悬浮结构的呈悬浮状态的一端成型微电镀结构,作为惯性传感器的惯性质量块,通过微电镀工艺可改变微电镀结构大小,使惯性传感器适用于不同等级的感测,并且利用工艺上所选用材料为金属的优点,来实现深宽比高(High Aspect-Ratio)的微小结构中侧向感测或驱动讯号设置的功效。 15. strut是什么意思 15. Here a judge, and there a swindler; here a priest, and there a gambler. Here a jewelled duchess, smiling and gracious; here a thin lodging-house keeper, irritable with cooking; and here a wabbling, strut ting thing, tawdry in paint and finery. 这里既有法官,又有骗子;这里既有神父,又有赌徒;这里既有珠光宝气的公爵夫人,笑容可掬,雍容华贵,又有厌倦了烹调、瘦骨嶙峋的客栈老板;这里还有浓妆艳抹、趾高气扬的货色。 16. You think you can just strut back in here like nothing's ever happened? 你以为你能这样大摇大摆地回来就像什么都没发生过? 17. Torsion links connected at the upper end to a steering collar and at the lower end to the shock strut inner cylinder transmit a turning moment supplied by hydraulically actuated steering cylinders. 纵向稳定性可通过铰接的阻力杆在起练架收起时折合在上方及后方。作动时,减震支柱里面的圆柱体在外圆柱体里面转动。 18. Monumental edifices line the city centre, world-class museums burst with treasures, white stallions strut their way down mirrored halls, and renowned orchestras and angelic choirboys perform in lavish concert halls. 位于奥地利东北部阿尔卑斯山北麓多瑙河畔,四周环绕着著名的维也纳森林,南面是深幽的山谷和开阔的平原,是一座典雅、美丽、清洁的花园城市。 19. They'll make you wanna strut... 他们将使你能趾高气扬地走。。 20. Because of strut of long ministry of pace exercise foot, the shoe that closes a base at this moment becomes squeeze a foot. 因为长时间的步行使脚部肿胀,这时合脚的鞋就变得挤脚了。 strut 词典解释 1. 趾高气扬地走;昂首阔步 Someone who struts walks in a proud way, with their head held high and their chest out, as if they are very important. e.g. He struts around town like he owns the place. 他在城里大摇大摆地晃荡,好像那是他的地盘。 2. 撑杆;支杆;支柱;支撑 A strut is a piece of wood or metal which holds the weight of other pieces in a building or other structure. e.g. ...the struts of a suspension bridge. 吊桥的支柱 strut 单语例句strut 1. More than 20 models expected to strut on the catwalk will be competition winners from home and abroad. 2. The bar counter is also well designed for the staff behind it, giving them space to twist and shake as they strut their stuff. 3. The front suspension is a McPherson strut and the rear a four trapezoidal system. 4. It puts Chinese filmmakers in invisible shackles even before they can strut their stuff and win over a global audience. 5. Then strut your way over to The Emperor Hotel's Yin Bar for a huangjiu nightcap. 6. Until then I'll just have to resign myself to strut the catwalk. 7. The company had received over 600 applications in just three days from male hopefuls eager to strut their stuff. 8. Two boys toted skateboards for their strut down the runway and two others glided on scooters. 9. He does not go around picking fights, but he is not afraid to strut his stuff when challenged. 10. The finalists will then strut across the stage in bikinis for the swimsuit competition. strut 英英释义 noun 1. a proud stiff pompous gait Synonym: pranceswagger 2. brace consisting of a bar or rod used to resist longitudinal compression verb 1. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others e.g. He struts around like a rooster in a hen house Synonym: tittupswaggerruffleprancesashaycock |
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