单词 | stubby |
释义 | stubby [英 [?st?bi] 美 [?st?bi] ] stubby的意思、解释 stubby 基本解释 stubby的意思 形容词短而粗的 stubby 网络解释 1. 小瓶啤酒:Spud: 土豆 | Spunk:非常有魅力的人 | Stubby: 小瓶啤酒 2. stubby是什么意思 2. 断株样的:stubbornness 倔强 | stubby 断株样的 | stucco 灰泥 3. 短而粗的:Gnarled 多节的 | Stubby 短而粗的 | Give sb. a big hand 鼓掌 4. 粗短的:Pointed 尖尖的 | Stubby 粗短的 | Tapering 上粗下细的 stubby 双语例句 1. The bill of the bird in the photograph is short and stubby. 图片中的鸟喙短而粗。 2. stubby的近义词 2. The stubby root disease of Hydrangea macrophylla as a new disease was reported. 首次报道了绣球花上的一种线虫新病害——短粗根病。 3. Visible in these photos are the sweep of the roofline and the stubby rear deck. 看到这些照片是横扫车顶和短后甲板。 4. stubby 4. Through morphological identification for the pathogenic nematode, it was shown that the disease was caused by Paratrichodorus minor (Colbran, 1956) Siddiqi. Typical symptoms were observed for the stubby root disease, i. e. 对病原线虫进行形态观察、测量和种类鉴定,鉴定结果表明,较小拟毛刺线虫[Paratrichodorus minor (Colbran,1956) Siddiqi,1974]是引起绣球花短粗根病的病原物。 5. Stubby, a Bull Terrier mix, was the most decorated war dog in U. S. history. He was picked up as a stray in 1917, by Private J. Studdy,一只斗牛犬,是美国历史上最卓越功勋的战犬。1917年,学者 J。 6. stubby的解释 6. Her eyes went to the stubby hairy hand on the floor so close to the sewing box and suddenly she was vitally alive again, vitally glad with a cool tigerish joy. 苏伦和卡琳哭了一阵睡着了,她们每天至少要来这么两次,因为一想起母亲便感到悲伤,觉得自己孤苦无依,眼泪使簌簌地从深陷的两腮上往下流。 7. There are many stories of heroic deeds by Stubby as well as anecdotes like his ability to salute by putting one paw over his eye. 有许多关于Stubby 的英雄故事以及人民喜欢它当表示敬意就会把爪子放到眼睛上的能力。 8. Fruiting spurs are specialized twigs that generally branch off the sides of branches and leading twigs, and are stubby and slow-growing, with many annular ring markings from seasons past. 繁殖枝是特殊的小枝,它通常从枝条或主小枝的侧面发出,并且比较粗短、生长缓慢,其上的环纹记录着它经历过的一个个生长季节。 9. That is how the tower has remained to this day, stubby but stunning. 这就是这一粗短塔楼的来历。 10. Now for the big moment: you're finally going to run the unit test against this stubby little module. 重要的时刻到了:你终于要对这个简陋的小模块开始运行单元测试了。 11. Called the Albertonykus borealis, the odd-looking creature had birdlike features including slender legs, jaws like pincers and stubby arms with big claws. 这种被叫作 Albertonykus borealis 怪模怪样的生物有着和鸟类一样的特点,包括像细细的腿,像钳子一样的嘴和坚硬的爪子。 12. He nodded and puffed on a stubby pipe as he listened. 他边听边点头,还吸着一支粗短的烟斗。 13. stubby在线翻译 13. Short and stubby hands and absent thumbs, eye abnormalities including iris dysgenesis, porokeratosis and cataracts, annular pancreas, duodenal stenosis. 粗短手并无拇指,眼部异常:包括虹膜发育不良、汗孔角化症和白内障,环状胰腺,十二指肠狭窄; 14. Pushing aside thicker, grittier soil, Dardo dug stubby fingers in and came up with a fistful of darkish Sekiton mixed with sand. 达多把粗大带有砂砾的土壤拨到一旁,用粗短的手指掏进去,抓出一把浅黑色混合着沙子的塞基顿。 15. With increasing of silicon content, the quantity of carbon atom melting to the austenite decreases, the number of silicon atom increases and the flake graphite will be stubby and spherical. 随着硅添加量的提高,固溶于奥氏体基体中的硅含量不断增加,碳原子不断减少,结晶中的片状石墨逐渐短粗化和球化而共晶石墨的数量减少。 16. All files that are created are attached to fields on the generated files tab of the Stubby document. 创建的所有文件附在Stubby文档的generatedfiles附签的字段中。 17. 17. Goat-like antelope of central Eurasia having a stubby nose like a proboscis. Effect of short term using of intranasal steroids spray on bone mineral density in the children 欧亚大陆形似山羊的羚羊,口鼻部短而粗。短期鼻用皮质类固醇激素对儿童骨密度的影响 18. stubby的翻译 18. Hence, a stubby antennas of interphone, based on the theory of helical antenna and can operate at 420MHz~460MHz, is simulated and optimum designed by using HFSS. 本文对基于螺旋天线原理的对讲机外置天线做了细致的研究,并使用HFSS软件对该天线进行了仿真优化设计。 19. Identification of the nematodes causing the stubby root disease in rhizospheric soils of Hydrangea macrophylla 绣球花短粗根病病原线虫的种类鉴定 20. Suzuki's stubby little crossover, with a tall roof, short wheelbase, standard all-wheel drive and spacious greenhouse, is not quite like any other vehicle on the road. Gas drive (gas channeling) features of gas cap heavy oil reservoir and countermeasures against 是一款短小精干的车型,高车顶,短轴距,标准的四轮驱动,内部空间大。与其他有很大的不同。气顶稠油油藏气驱(窜)特征及平复对策 stubby 词典解释 1. 短而粗的;矮壮的 An object that is stubby is shorter and thicker than usual. stubby什么意思 e.g. He pointed a stubby finger at a wooden chair opposite him. 他伸出一根粗短的手指指向他对面的一把木椅。 stubby 单语例句stubby是什么意思 1. Add exotic nuts and decorative apples and even a simple stubby candle can be made into a work of art. 2. The rhino has a conical head, round body and stubby limbs. 3. Getting on top of the wall means climbing up a series of stubby rock pegs, an ascent purposefully made precarious for defense purposes. 4. In World War I, a pit bull named Stubby won acclaim as a hero. 5. It likely had stubby limbs with an unknown number of digits, scientists said. stubbystubby 英英释义 stubby的翻译 adj 1. short and blunt e.g. stubby fingers a stubby pencil |
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