单词 | movement |
释义 | movement [英 [?mu:vm?nt] 美 [?muvm?nt] ] movement的意思、解释 复数形式:movements; movement 基本解释 movement 名词运动; 活动; 乐章; 动作,举动 movement的反义词 movement 相关词组 1. in the movement : 随着时代潮流; movement 相关例句 名词 1. 1. She watched the dancer and tried to copy her movements. 她观察那个跳舞的人,想模仿她的动作。 2. 2. We're starting a movement against smoking. 我们正掀起一场反对吸烟的运动。 3. He lay there without movement. 他躺在那里,一动也不动。 4. movement的反义词 4. The police are carefully watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully. 警察密切注意着那个可疑人物的行动。 5. There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing. 时下服装设计趋于朴素。 movement 网络解释 1. 乐章:音乐厅礼仪真的很重要,关闭通讯工具、严禁饮食、严禁喧哗这些相通的要求就不必说了,乐章(movement)与乐章之间不要鼓掌,很多audiences难以做到. 不该鼓掌的地方(乐章之间)鼓掌,但是该鼓掌的地方(欢迎入场、致谢、要求encore)掌声又不热烈. 2. 动作:格思里对作为动作(movement)的反应与作为行动(act)的反应作了区分:前者是指个别的肌肉动作;后者是指由一系列肌肉动作构成的动作复合体. 在他看来,行动是无法如实逼真地描述的. 行动发生在整体反应之中,而整体反应是无限复杂的, 3. movement:mov; 通用数据传送指令 movement 双语例句 1. But the tendency that at present economics also puts in a move in chess or a movement in wushu to learn formalism, caused the criticism of a few economist. 但是目前经济学也存在着数学形式主义的倾向,引起了一些经济学家的批评。 2. Berserk - Gives the Troll Berserker faster movement and attack rate; however, they will also take more damage from attacks. 狂暴 -给予巨魔狂战士更快的移动速度和攻击频率。不过,他们受到的攻击也会造成更多的伤害。 3. The reciprocating movement of the pistons is converted to rotary motion by a swash plate drive. 在活塞的往复运动转换为旋转运动的旋转斜盘驱动器。 4. movement 4. Designed by Nehru, the Non-aligned Movement was a domestic and international triumph for India. 尼赫鲁设计的不结盟运动对印度而言是一个国内和国际的胜利。 5. movement什么意思 5. The completely new systems theory from kybernetics, information theory and system science has revealed in different aspects the law of link in things and the law of movement in objective world. 控制论、信息论、系统论等崭新的系统理论从不同侧面揭示了客观物质世界的本质联系和运动规律,为现代科学技术的发展提供了新思路、新方法。 6. The only movement in the air was the soft downward motion of microscopic drops of moisture or mist. 花园中光秃秃的树枝上挂着透明的水珠。 7. The direction of movement of this ejector pin is, therefore, controlled by this hole. 因此顶杆的运动方向由这个孔来控制。 8. The Suprascapular nerve is closeto superior transverse scapular ligment at suprascapular hole, close to inferior transverse scapular at subscapular hole. The movement space is limited, the nerve tension is increased when the shoulder abduct, the fascia separate the suprascapular nerve from the rotator cuff. 肩胛上神经分别在肩胛上、下孔处贴近肩胛上韧带、肩胛下韧带,活动余地较小,肩部外展活动时神经张力增大,肩袖和肩胛上神经干之间有筋膜相隔。 9. Ethic intermarriage is an important content to study the national relationship as well as a strung evidence to prove the reasonable effective movement of the nationality policy in our country, which has not only reflected different national groups'acceptting nod approvaling to the different cultures, but also has reflected objectively that national relationship is going well. 族际通婚是研究民族关系的一个重要内容,它不仅反映了不同民族成员之间对异文化的认同和接受,而且客观上反映了民族关系的良性发展,是我国民族政策合理有效运行的有力证明文章通过对四个具有典型族际通婚特征的移民村落的考察,在分析当地族际通婚现状的基础上探讨了大规模族际通婚产生的原因及其影响。 10. Now their growing movement to parper students. 现在,有越来越多的用以支付学生的活动。 11. In the prepared environment, there is a variety of activity as well as a great deal of movement. 在准备的环境中,有许多活动以及大量运动。 12. Based on the method used to calculate ground elastic displacement around deep tunnel and some researches on gap parameter of shield tunnel, a brief method for estimating subsurface ground horizontal movement induced by shield tunneling is presented. 在深埋隧道周围土体弹性位移计算方法及盾构问隙参数研究成果的基础上,通过相应的分析和假设提出了一种预测盾构隧道施工引起地表下土体水平变位的简便估算方法。 13. movement的翻译 13. Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee, the movement's governing body, has forecast that broadcasting alone will generate $3.5bn in the quadrennium after Beijing. 这项计划授予为数不多的跨国公司——目前是12家——指定产品或服务类别的全球独家营销权。2001至2004年期间,TOP计划共带来6.63亿美元的收入。 14. The aileron force limiter limits control wheel movement during A/P operation, the control wheel rotation is limited to 17°with flaps up and 25°with flaps down. 副翼操纵力限制器限制控制轮在自动驾驶仪操作时移动。控制轮的转动被限制在襟翼上升17°及襟翼下降25°之间。 15. At present the world economy is still dominated by the capital movement and surplus value rule, but the capital is newly developing and changing and new capital type appears, such as public owned capital, knowledge capital, power capital. 当代世界经济仍然受资本运动及剩余价值规律的支配,但是资本有了新的发展变化,出现了新的资本类型,如公有资本、知识资本、权力资本等。 16. Will easy to get their movement characteristic ability. The experiment takes from common male and female 究对为平台进行可行性实验,实验对象有一般男、女生各11位及满6足岁惯用右手学童之智能 17. movement的近义词 17. Movement type 351 is only used if the goods issue is posted without a delivery in Shipping. 移动类型351只用于在不带装运的交货单的情况下进行的发货过帐。 18. 18. After rutine disinfection, hold the handle of the needle with the index finger against the handle and tap vertically on the skin with a gentle movement of the wrist. 常规消毒后,手握针柄的后部,食指压在针柄上,用手腕之力进行叩刺。针尖垂直叩打在皮肤上,并立即提起,反复进行。 19. The in-situ reaction method is studied to synthesize the reinforcements. The composites reinforced with 10-100nm AlTi phases or 10 microns Mg2Si phase are fabricated successfully, in which the reinforcements disperse homogenously as well as the volume percentages and sizes of the particles can be controlled. Based on the computer simulation, the behavior of the melt and the reinforcements involved in it are researched systematically in the electromagnetic field. The physical mechanism and principles of the nonmetallic particles movement in the metal liquid are established and the physical model and dynastic functions are obtained. The influences of the processing parameters on the reinforcement's distribution are studied. The main parameters such as melt temperature, imposing time, imposing type and frequency of the EM are optimized. The results of the simulation and mathematic analysis are validated by the experiments. 研究了以原位方应方式形成自生增强体的获得与控制方法,成功制备了10-100纳米的铝钛相与10微米以上的Mg2Si相等多种增强体大小、含量均可控制的自生复合材料,并优化了其均匀分布的工艺条件;从计算机数值模拟入手,研究电磁场作用下熔体与其中自生增强颗粒的行为特性,揭示了电磁场作用条件下非金属增强体颗粒在金属熔体中的运动的物理机制和基本规律,建立了相关的动力学模型和运动方程;探索了不同工艺条件对增强体梯度分布的影响规律,优化并确定了包括熔体温度、作用时间与电磁作用方式、频率等在内的重要工艺参数,并通过试验验证了相关的数值计算与近似数学分析结果。 20. Because of the Duyun Movement at the end of the Ordovician Aijiashan Epoch and the Guangxi Movement at the end of the Silurian Period, the Silurian System in Central Guizhou Uplift and its adjacent areas are not integrated. 奥陶纪艾家山世末期的都匀运动以及志留纪末期的广西运动所造成的古地理变迁,使得黔中隆起及周缘地区的志留系残留不全,沉积相带南浅北深。 movement 词典解释 1. (拥有共同信仰、思想或目标的)运动,运动团体 A movement is a group of people who share the same beliefs, ideas, or aims. e.g. It's part of a broader Hindu nationalist movement that's gaining strength throughout the country. 这是一场凝聚全国力量的更大规模的印度教民族主义运动的一部分。 e.g. ...the women's movement. 妇女运动 2. 活动;运行;移动 Movement involves changing position or going from one place to another. movement在线翻译 e.g. They actually monitor the movement of the fish going up river. 他们实际上在监测鱼类迁往上游的活动。 e.g. ...the plan for free movement of people, goods, capital and services across internal Community borders... 劳动力、货物、资本和服务在共同体各成员国间自由流动的计划 3. (军队作战或演习时的)调遣,调动 A movement is a planned change in position that an army makes during a battle or military exercise. e.g. There are reports of fresh troop movements across the border. 有报告说,新近有军队越过边境。 4. (态度、观点、政策等的)逐渐变化,趋势,动向 Movement is a gradual development or change of an attitude, opinion, or policy. movement的反义词 e.g. ...the movement towards democracy in Latin America... 拉丁美洲的民主进程 e.g. There was a very good atmosphere at the talks and the participants believed movement forward was possible. 会谈气氛非常融洽,与会者相信会取得进展。 5. (某人在某一时期内的)行动,活动,动向 Your movements are everything which you do or plan to do during a period of time. e.g. I want a full account of your movements the night Mr Gower was killed. 请你完整地描述一下高尔先生被杀的那天晚上你的一切行踪。 6. 乐章 A movement of a piece of classical music is one of its main sections. e.g. ...the first movement of Beethoven's 7th symphony. 贝多芬《第七交响曲》第一乐章 movement 单语例句 1. Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics. 2. The central government adopted the hukou system in 1951 to restrict and regulate the movement of people by tying everyone to their place of birth. 3. An Israeli blockade was imposed on the Gaza Strip right after the Islamic Hamas movement seized control of it by force in June 2007. 4. Erekat said the Fatah candidate will likely be chosen by the movement's small central committee and not in a primary. 5. Abbas hurriedly swore in the new Cabinet on Sunday, days after dissolving a unity government between his Fatah movement and Hamas. 6. What we're talking about is some increased movement in the exchange rate, ''Dunaway said during a conference call. 7. It has obviously preserved the three geological movement traces of the Cambrian Period. 8. The movement also served as a campaign to fight against feudalism and promote democracy and science. 9. He was an active figure in the movement against nuclear proliferation, heading a coalition of Japanese cities calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons. 10. Most of these women were active in the 1919 movement, such as the famous woman author Bing Xin. movement的反义词movement 英英释义 noun 1. the act of changing location from one place to another e.g. police controlled the motion of the crowd the movement of people from the farms to the cities his move put him directly in my path Synonym: motionmove 2. the act of changing the location of something e.g. the movement of cargo onto the vessel 3. a change of position that does not entail a change of location e.g. the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise movement is a sign of life an impatient move of his hand gastrointestinal motility Synonym: motionmovemotility 4. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end e.g. he supported populist campaigns they worked in the cause of world peace the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant the movement to end slavery contributed to the war effort Synonym: campaigncausecrusadedriveeffort 5. the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock) e.g. it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement 6. a general tendency to change (as of opinion) e.g. not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book a broad movement of the electorate to the right Synonym: drifttrend 7. a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata e.g. the second movement is slow and melodic 8. a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something Synonym: motion 9. a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals e.g. he was a charter member of the movement politicians have to respect a mass movement he led the national liberation front Synonym: social movementfront 10. an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object e.g. the cinema relies on apparent motion the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement Synonym: apparent motionmotionapparent movement 11. a euphemism for defecation e.g. he had a bowel movement Synonym: bowel movementbm |
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