单词 | multifarious |
释义 | multifarious [英 [?m?lt??fe?ri?s] 美 [?m?lt??feri?s] ] multifarious的意思、解释 multifarious 基本解释 形容词许多的,多方面的; 各式各样的; 猥; 万端 multifarious 网络解释 1. 多样性的:multifactorial inheritance 多因子遗传 | multifarious 多样性的 | multifont 多字体 2. 2. 多种的:multidisciplinary 包括各种学科的 | multifarious 多种的 | multifid 多裂的 3. 多方面的:multielectrodetube 多极管 | multifarious 多方面的 | multifeedoiler 多点加油器 4. multifarious的意思 4. 各种各样的:multifarious 繁杂的 | multifarious 各种各样的 | multifarious 各种各样的 multifarious 双语例句 1. Being subjected to a biggest usage of dint the most multifarious of 100 meters run a point, can't be subjected to spiked shoes or rise to run a breakage. 抗钉力:在受力最大使用最频繁的百米起跑点,也不会受到钉鞋或起跑架破坏。 2. multifarious的反义词 2. And learned from how to get along with people, how to find the task in multifarious good solution. 并且从中学到了如何与人相处,怎么在繁杂的任务中寻找好的解决办法。 3. The multifarious military activity have very big influence to mountain Guan Cen, the forest area in river Fen upper stream, cause the forest of that region becomes less much. 同时为了稳定边界,往往实行军屯,并大批移民实边,毁林垦地,大片森林毁于一旦。战区人民为躲避战祸,举家迁入深山老林,使高山邃谷中的森林也惨遭破坏。 4. Especially, the present study of multifarious nano-Pt compound systems catalyst is introduced, and the future of DMFC is also indicated. 尤其介绍了各种纳米态铂复合体系催化剂的研究现状,并指出了直接甲醇燃料电池今后的研究和发展方向。 5. To relax the tense situation, many esquires compiled multifarious books of Persuading Beneficence, in order to reconstruct social order. 嘉善士绅袁黄在善书的形成、发展和流传过程中起到了承上启下的引导者的重要作用。 6. In reality killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which time kills us. 现实中浪费时间仅仅是时间用以杀死我们的各种方式的代名词--奥斯博特。 7. All of us have multifarious attitudes, which results in our pain. 我们所有的人都有各种各样的态度,这是我们的痛苦。 8. All of us have multifarious attitudes, which results in our pain. We 我们所有的人都有各种各样的态度,这是我们的痛苦。 9. I am excited by the the multifarious nature of my new job. 我的新工作很多元化让我感到很兴奋。 10. multifarious的解释 10. The strategy of multifarious development will be brought up in the thesis. 但这个过程中存在的各种威胁严重影响着中国的石油安全。 11. multifarious的解释 11. In modern society, the exchanges between nation and nation is more and more important, also more and more multifarious. 在现代社会中,国家与国家之间的交流越来越重要,也越来越频繁。 12. With the development of computer application, some corporations have dealwith ordinary multifarious jobs with the help of computer. 随着计算机应用的普及,不少企业已经使用电脑对日常繁杂的工作进行有效管理。 13. Methods The Siemens linear accelerator model of Primus M was used to produce electron, and the 6 dual fields technique which was primarily used by Stanford University School of Medicine was adopted to measure multifarious dosimetric characteristics. 在西门子直线加速器上,采用Stanford大学医学院建立的双机架多照射野方法,利用CMS公司的Dynascan三维水箱和PTW剂量仪及KODAK公司的XV2胶片等设备,分别测量各项剂量学特性的指标。 14. At early spring seasonal changes, avoid eating mordacious food; Hate to wash face with the temperature higher water, hate a multifarious usage to wash noodles milk while wash face, use everyday an all right; Hate to do skin nursing more. 在早春时节,要忌食辛辣食品;忌用温度较高的水洗脸,洗脸时忌频繁使用洗面奶,每天使用一次就可以了;忌多做皮肤护理。 15. 15. Be in roughly same time, netease, sohu these at the outset the portal website with infinite scene ever also differred to degree and cold current brush a shoulder and pass: Wireless appreciation business loiters around not before, advertising Wu is not Anacreontic and the multifarious business with unidentified pattern of one pile trade. 就在大致相同的年代,网易,搜狐这些当初风光无限的门户网站也曾不同程度与寒流擦肩而过:无线增值业务踯躅不前,广告业务不明朗以及一大堆商业模式不明的繁杂业务。 16. For example, when I operated an imitation game, I made students compared with each other to select best imitator and partner; when practiced courtesy vocabularies and expressions, designed preemptive and compulsory questions; when consolidated contents taught newly, set up multifarious competitions; when stagger reviews, made up all kinds of activities and arranged for various award items and the owners of more awards could get extra points in the end of every semester. 在进行模仿性游戏操作时,让学生比一比谁是最佳模仿者和最佳模仿搭档;在练习礼貌用语时,设计抢答题和必答题;在巩固新授内容时,设计各种擂台赛;在单元复习时,设计各种活动,评出各种奖项,获奖多者可在期末加分等。 17. During the development of FengTan Simulation System, it exist a lot of paper material, excel sheet and relation database fomat of isomerous data, and depend on different survey station, the form of records are also variety, like this multifarious data and a bit complex logic make the data processing speed slow, it won`t fit the real needs of engineering, thefore, how to slove this problew is the key in the project. 在凤滩水库仿真系统项目的开发过程中,存在着大量的纸质、电子表格和关系数据库等各种形式的异构数据,并且针对不同的测站,其记录形式也不尽相同,这种异构的数据格式和复杂的逻辑关系导致数据处理速度较慢,运算过程需要较长的时间,不能满足实际的工程需求。 18. Finally it is worthwhile underlining that philosophy is indeed a multifarious endeavor, taking different ways of working. 最后要强调的是,哲学事实上是一项以不同工作方式进行的多重工作。 19. The investigation shows that plenum chamber total pressure has multifarious effects on arcjet thruster operation, and both specific impulse and thrust efficiency can be improved by increasing it befittingly under steady arc. 研究表明,集气腔总压对推力器工作过程具有多方面的影响,在保证电弧稳定的情况下,适当提高集气腔总压可同时提高比冲和推进效率。 20. multifarious的近义词 20. From the operating aspect, these papers proposes some practicable measures, including accelerating Marathon textbook construction, launching Marathon sport in multifarious ways, diluting the competing characteristics of Marathon in campus and strengthen medical supervisions. 7最后从可操作层面上分析,提出我国高校开展马拉松运动的具体措施,包括加快马拉松运动的教材建设、开展多种形式的马拉松运动、软化马拉松运动在高校开展的竞技成分以及注重马拉松运动的科学训练等方面。 multifarious 词典解释 1. 多种多样的;五花八门的 If you describe things as multifarious, you mean that they are many in number and of many different kinds. e.g. Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people... 西班牙是多种传统和多个民族的合成体。 e.g. The reasons for closure are multifarious. 关闭是多种原因造成的。 multifarious 英英释义 adj 1. having many aspects e.g. a many-sided subject a multifaceted undertaking multifarious interests the multifarious noise of a great city a miscellaneous crowd Synonym: many-sidedmultifacetedmiscellaneous |
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