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单词 accord
    accord [英 [??k?:d] 美 [??k?:rd] ]
     过去式:accorded;   过去分词:accorded;   现在分词:according;
    accord 基本解释
    名词协议; 条约; (色彩的)协调; 和解协议
    及物动词给予; 使和谐一致; 使符合; 使适合
    不及物动词符合; 一致
    accord 相关词组
    1. of ones own accord : 自愿地, 主动地;
    2. with one accord : 一致;
    accord 相关例句
    1. accord什么意思
    1. He was accorded a warm welcome at the airport.
    2. We accorded him a hearty welcome.
    3. Most students study and rest according to schedules.
    1. His account of the incident accords with yours.
    1. accord什么意思
    1. He came to see you of his own accord.
    2. accord的解释
    2. His words are in complete accord with his thoughts.
    accord 网络解释
    1. 协定:在今天的加拿大此保留地的范围一直是纷争的所在.许多的原住民族领袖认为,上述的王室布告乃是其所宣称的「主权(Sovereignty)」(或「自治(self-当协定(Accord)再度展开时,第二十八条到第三十三条的条文遭到推翻被删除,
    2. 和音:完美的和音(accord)给我们以宁静安息之感,但有些音符却恍惚不定,需要别的较为明白确定的音符来做它的后继,以获得一种意义. 据音乐家们的说法,它们要求一个结论. 不少歌伶利用这点,故意把要求结论的一个音符特别延长,
    accord 双语例句
    1. For then I will change the language of the peoples Into a pure language That they may all call upon the name of Jehovah, To serve Him with one accord.
    3:9 那时,我必使万民改用纯洁的语言,好叫他们都呼求我耶和华的名,同心合意的事奉我。
    2. accord的意思
    2. Out of one`s accord with
    3. Accord to the fundamental research analysis and used the characteristics that zinc vapor tension nearby its melting point will dramatic increase, we proposed the hot-dip galvanizing dregs evaporated-condensation method preparation metal zinc powders craft.
    4. In the parasitic effect model, the experiments show that numerical simulation results accord with the experimental results.
    5. Examine sorts of the technical parameter of casemate that accord with request for the design files.
    6. People's sentiment is not always in accord to their judgement.
    人们的感情与他们的判断有时不一致 5。
    7. The case study shows that the results received from the unascertained mathematics theory accord closer with practical situation than the...
    8. Abide by, conform to, comply with 遵守 abundant in 富于, 富有 of ones own accord自愿地, 主动地 in accordance with 依照, 根据 in terms of 根据 takeinto accounttake into consid...
    9. Through thorough analysis, the following conclusions have been arrived at:(1) most types of tone arrangements are greatly patterned, therefore accord with the metric requirements of regular verse, among which ping-ping-ze-ze and ze-ze-ping-ping are two basic patterns of which other patterns are derivations; (2) a high percentage of Chinese idioms contain alliteration and different types of rhyming schemes, among which the repetition of yunmu has a larger proportion than that of shengmu, making the speech sounds of idioms more harmonious and pleasant to the ears.
    10. In accord with the feathers of the soil microphotograph, a three-level segmentation scheme is used to segment the soil microphotograph.
    11. But beneath it all lay a austere affair -- how to acquisition a role afterwards retirement, and how to accomplish a success of what can be a catchy accord with those who appear after.
    12. The simulation on the aperture used for limiting beam size in front of the sample showed that, smaller the size of the aperture and further the distance from the aperture to the sample, greater the loss of the intensity and more serious the spread of the beam along vertical direction at the sample position which makes the practical sampling volume greater than expected.(211) reflection of the polycrystal α-iron sample is used in the simulation experiments, and both the resulting full-width-at-half-maximum of the diffraction peaks and peak shifts under tensive and compressive strain are in accord with that expected from analytical methods.
    13. The project opportunity mean age of the high jumper of outstanding man of our country is 14.3 years old, the special opportunity of high jumper of man of our country of macro-forecast is in 13.2-15.5 ranges; The special opportunity trains the task to basically accord with the physiology of this age bracket and psychological development level, it is early to be slightly partial.
    14. accord的意思
    14. Main conclusions include: the stock price will approach the true value and the volatility will diminish in the markets with information dissymmetry; the changes of liquidity accord with the changes of trade volume in most of time, but sometimes the opposite way happens; the traders with individual information can get extra profit which is related to the amount of noise traders and the precision of information; liquidity, traders` order and profit will change with some information traders` change of information.
    15. The contents of Cd, Hg, As, Pb, Cr of soil accord with Ⅰ quality standards.
    16. accord的意思
    16. Under the accord, Mr. Mugabe is to continue as head-of-state and preside over cabinet meetings.
    17. The valuable and conveyable merits accord with the constitution of mortgage for intellectual property, in which there are enough academic and practical proofs to hold out the existent rationality of the mortgage on trade secret.
    18. Chuck Colson has been fervently criticized for his part in this accord and in his defense I can only say he has a desire to see Christ's high priestly prayer (John 17) maintained.
    19. The results show that the concentration profile of deterrent of newly manufactured propellant is in accord with the Second Fickian diffusion model.
    20. The results showed that Zn, Cu, Pb and As contents of surveyed vegetables were all accord with the national standard except Pb of edible amaranth vegetable, nitrate was not found in 3 vegetables, and nitrate contents of others were lower than national standard; investigation of pesticides residues of DD-VP, malathion, dimethoate, dusibei, baijunqin, phorate and kuiliuling showed only malathion in stem-leek were higher than the national standard, pesticide residues in other 15 vegetables were accord with the national standard, thus the vegetable quality in Lanzhou city was good.
    结果表明,所检测蔬菜中锌、铜、铅、砷 4 种重金属仅苋菜铅含量超出国家标准要求,其余 15 种蔬菜均未超标;种蔬菜未检出硝酸盐,其余 13 种均3低于我国蔬菜硝酸盐卫生评价标准,未受到污染;敌敌畏、马拉硫磷、乐果、毒死蜱、百菌清、甲拌磷、喹硫磷 7 种农残,仅韭苔中马拉硫磷残留超出国家无公害蔬菜标准要求,其余 15 种蔬菜中的残留均未超出国家无公害蔬菜标准要求;分析结果表明兰州市蔬菜质量较好。
    accord 词典解释
    1. (国家、团体之间的正式)协定,协议,条约
    An accord between countries or groups of people is a formal agreement, for example to end a war.
    e.g. ...a fitting way to celebrate the peace accord.
    2. 使受到,给予(某种待遇)
    If you are accorded a particular kind of treatment, people act towards you or treat you in that way.
    e.g. His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome...
    e.g. The government accorded him the rank of Colonel...
    3. (与…)一致,符合
    If one fact, idea, or condition accords with another, they are in agreement and there is no conflict between them.
    e.g. Such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology.
    e.g. ...scientific evidence that did not fully accord with the facts uncovered by the police.
    4. see also: according to
    5. (与…)一致;(与…)相符
    If one person, action, or fact is in accord with another, they are in agreement and there is no conflict between them. You can also say that two people or things are in accord.
    e.g. ...this military action, taken in accord with United Nations resolutions...
    e.g. Old enemies can become new friends even if all their national interests are not in complete accord.
    6. 自动地;不借助外力地
    If something happens of its own accord, it seems to happen by itself, without anyone making it happen.
    e.g. In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.
    7. 自愿地;主动地
    If you do something of your own accord, you do it because you want to, without being asked or forced.
    e.g. He did not quit as France's prime minister of his own accord.
    8. 一致地;一致同意地
    If a number of people do something with one accord, they do it together or at the same time, because they agree about what should be done.
    e.g. With one accord they turned and walked back over the grass.
    accord 单语例句
    1. He denied there was a tacit agreement with Israel in which the United States would accept some settlement activity despite the road map accord.
    2. But it indicated the government troops would respect the cessation of hostilities agreed in a peace accord in May.
    3. Chief Executive Officer Alan Mulally sought an accord that trims labor costs, while the union tried to preserve jobs.
    4. Roaring is expected to ink an accord on Monday in Australia with Guohua Electric Power, the power generation subsidiary of China's biggest coal producer Shenhua.
    5. An accord is expected to clear the way for those fabrics and garments to reach EU consumers.
    6. Clinton visited Russia in a bid to accelerate progress towards a new accord between the Cold War foes to drastically reduce their nuclear arsenals.
    7. Russia formally ratified the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, clearing the way for the international environment accord to come into force early next year.
    8. China requires domestic commercial banks to reach capital adequacy ratios of eight percent under an international accord.
    9. The official communique announcing the accord states that Espanyol's history and values have been vital in Li Ning's decision.
    10. He also promised that his administration will develop complementary measures to fully protect Taiwanese workers when the trade accord is signed.
    accord 英英释义
    1. sympathetic compatibility
    2. a written agreement between two states or sovereigns
    Synonym: treatypact
    3. concurrence of opinion
    e.g. we are in accord with your proposal
    Synonym: conformityaccordance
    4. harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters
    e.g. the two parties were in agreement
    Synonym: agreement
    1. allow to have
    e.g. grant a privilege
    Synonym: allotgrant
    2. go together
    e.g. The colors don't harmonize
    Their ideas concorded
    Synonym: harmonizeharmoniseconsortconcordfit inagree




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