单词 | superfluous |
释义 | superfluous [英 [su:?p?:flu?s] 美 [su:?p?:rflu?s] ] superfluous的意思、解释 superfluous 基本解释 形容词多余的; 过多的; 不必要的; 奢侈的 superfluous的翻译 superfluous 相关例句 形容词 1. superfluous 1. He had already been told, so our comments were superfluous. 他已被告知,所以我们的评论是多余的。 2. superfluous 2. In writing telegrams omit superfluous words. 写电报稿要省去不必要的文字。 superfluous 网络解释 1. 多余的:它考虑的是生活的便利. 在负责戏剧、文学、娱乐时,它的目标是生活的快乐. 简言之,生活是治安的目标:不可或缺的生活,有用的生活,多余的(superfluous)生活. 人要活命、人要生活,还要过得好,这就是治安必须保证的东西. 2. 不必要,过多的:superfluity 过多,过量 | superfluous 不必要,过多的 | circumfuse 展开,散布,围绕 3. superfluous的翻译 3. 多余的, 过剩的, 过量的:extruder head 压出机机头 | superfluous 多余的, 过剩的, 过量的 | crossyard 横桁 4. 4. 过剩的,多余的:laborious 费力的 | superfluous 过剩的,多余的 | able 能...的,有能力的 superfluous 双语例句 1. Another problem that PE faces is fund liquidity superfluous, go up in appreciation service and surplus capital forces PE to put in more energy is not pure financing activity. PE面临的另一个问题是资金流动性过剩,过剩的资金迫使PE将更多精力投放在增值服务上而不是单纯的融资活动。 2. Ticks here are absolutely superfluous. By the way, why are they done in red? 这里的对号绝对多余,另外,它们为什么是红色的? 3. After reviewing the research progress of the book Treatise on Superfluous Things, it is found that most of the related research just analyse the text itself without exploring the underlying logic behind its gardening thoughts. 在回顾《长物志》研究进展的基础上,指出相关研究往往停留在对文本表面信息的解读上,而没有深入研究《长物志》造园思想形成背后的深层逻辑。 4. Market respect, mood of market of suitable July anhydride is unusually insipid, supply in home superfluous, the benefit sky with export less order for goods is hit pressure below, the city after together with trafficker is right looks weak influence of more state of mind, integral market one have diarrhoea and below, discuss atmosphere low fan, expect the market as home market supply of goods abundant, still have low tendency. 市场方面,7月份偏苯三酸酐市场气氛异常平淡,在国内供应过剩,出口定单较少的利空打压下,加之贸易商对后市看淡较多的心态影响,整体市场一泻而下,商谈气氛低迷,预期市场随着国内市场货源的充裕,依然有走低趋势。 5. 5. I said it was superfluous, then. 我说,这倒大可不必。 6. 6. What I said may seem superfluous, but I do hope you'll give it a little more thought. 我说的也可能是废话,不过还是请你再考虑考虑。 7. Says it is to call it by when I want it to come. I said it was superfluous, then. 它说如果我想要它来,就喊那个名字。 8. 8. I'm gonna lose my job. Without him, I'm superfluous. 我要失业了,没了老板,我还算哪门子助理 9. 9. I have omitted many superfluous words in my manuscript. 我把我原稿许多不需要的字删去了。 10. We are all faulty, we all have some extra superfluous meat. 我们都是不完美的,身上都有些赘肉。 11. The superfluous zero energy element modes of some elements such as 8-node hybrid brick elements associated with the Hellinger-Reissner prin- ciple 〔2, 3〕, 9-parameter triangular and 12-paramete... 文中讨论了基于Hellinger-Reissner变分原理八节点正六面体杂交元〔2〕、九参三角形和十二参矩形薄板弯曲拟协调元〔3〕的单刚零能模式,并提出了避免单元出现多余零能模式的方法。 12. superfluous 12. By the end of 2002, the overall capacity of the Asia-Pacific area has reached 7, 957, 000, 000 bbls/year, and the superfluous capacity has been up to 657, 000, 000 bbls/year. 年底亚太地区炼油总能力已达到 10.9 亿吨/年,能力过剩达 9000 万吨/年,炼油毛利低位徘徊,整体经营环境较为严峻。 13. 13. Thirdly, by making full use of the superfluous low pressure steam and chilled water, a pre-heater for feed air was used to reuse the waste heat, and about 3% fuel was saved. 齐鲁乙烯装置充分利用乙烯装置内过剩的低压蒸汽、急冷水等热源,在裂解炉上采用空气预热器回收低温热能的节能技术,可节省燃料3%左右,收效显著。 14. Long in the tooth and superfluous hair. 牙齿长,头发密。 15. 15. But at that instant he felt as though something superfluous was hanging on his benumbed left arm. 这时他觉得,他那只失去知觉的左手上悬着什么多余的东西。 16. Ornamentation; it was supererogatory of her to gloat; delete superfluous words; extra ribs as well as other''. 多余'。''的;在客房睡觉;额外的装饰;让她心满意足是''。 17. 17. In the course of the evocations and schemes to which i had dedicated so many insomnias, I had gradually eliminated all the superfluous blur, and by stacking level upon level of translucent vision, had evolved a final picture. Nacked, except for one sock and her charm bracelet, spread-eagled on the bed where my philter had felled her- so i foreglimpsed her; a velvet hair ribbon was still clutched in her hand; her honey- brown body, with the white negative image of rudimentary swimsuit patterned against her tan, presented to me its pale breastbuds; in the rosy lamplight, a little pubic floss glistened on its plump hillock. 在我为之奉献了多少个失眠之夜的幻想和计划的过程中,我渐渐清除了所有多余的污迹,通过一层层堆积半透明的幻象,已经设想出最后的画面:除了一只袜和她美丽的小手镯外,她整个身子都裸露在外,正摊开手脚躺在床上,被我的春药击倒了——我就这样预想着她的模样;她的手里仍然握着一条丝绒发带;她那蜜黄色的身体,露出游泳衣在她身上留下的与她那晒成褐色的部位形成对照的白色痕迹,并向我展示出苍白的蓓蕾似的乳房;在粉红色的灯光下,一小撮细小的阴毛在隆起的丰满的下腹部闪闪发亮。 18. It can be seen from this that current system normalizing government behavior is a kind of system with nonequilibrium obviously, and its main embodiment as follows: the system supplies is deficient, the system supplies is superfluous and the functioning mechanism of the system is distempered. 在规范地方政府行为的制度变迁中,制度变迁的主体主要涉及三个方面的力量:中央政府、地方政府和社会大众。 19. Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul. 多余的财富只能够买多余的东西,而钱是无法买到人的灵魂所需要的东西的。 20. Documents of superfluous words, professional jargon and legal terminology, a juxtaposition of language can make vivid, with stylistic features... 公文的赘词,专业的行话和法律术语,并列使用能使语言生动、形象,具有文体特征。。。。 superfluous 词典解释 1. 多余的;过剩的;不必要的 Something that is superfluous is unnecessary or is no longer needed. superfluous什么意思 e.g. My presence at the afternoon's proceedings was superfluous... 我去参加下午的活动是多此一举。 e.g. I rid myself of many superfluous belongings and habits that bothered me. 我把很多无用的物品都丢掉了,并且改掉了一些让我烦心的习惯。 superfluous 单语例句 1. China has had superfluous steel production capacity as a result of excess investment in the sector in recent years. 2. Calling for law enforcement officers to behave themselves and respect the law sounds paradoxical and superfluous. 3. But her lovely rendition is the only thing in the whole film that doesn't feel processed or superfluous. 4. But Zhang also finds the communication between Russia and China is superfluous. 5. China's township enterprises are an important sector that helps provide job opportunities for the country's superfluous labor forces in rural areas. 6. The splendid views make this one journey where interior distractions are surely superfluous. 7. The bad news is that there could well be much superfluous expense and effort in the meantime. 8. But they also announced recently that they were cutting superfluous production costs. 9. However, insiders at recorded music companies said the " dual review " is superfluous. 10. To point out that the film has an excellent soundtrack is superfluous. superfluous 英英释义 superfluous的意思 adj 1. more than is needed, desired, or required e.g. trying to lose excess weight found some extra change lying on the dresser yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant skills made redundant by technological advance sleeping in the spare room supernumerary ornamentation it was supererogatory of her to gloat delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts surplus cheese distributed to the needy Synonym: excessextraredundantsparesupererogatorysupernumerarysurplus 2. serving no useful purpose having no excuse for being e.g. otiose lines in a play advice is wasted words a pointless remark a life essentially purposeless senseless violence Synonym: otiosepointlesspurposelesssenselesswasted |
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