单词 | negligent |
释义 | negligent [英 [?negl?d??nt] 美 [?n?ɡl?d??nt] ] negligent的意思、解释 negligent 基本解释 形容词疏忽的; 粗心大意的; 不留心的; 懒散 negligent 相关例句 形容词 1. He was negligent of his duty. 他玩忽职守。 negligent 网络解释 1. 1. 疏忽:第一个层次的犯罪本体要件包括犯罪行为( actus reus)和犯意(mens rea)两个方面的内容. 犯罪行为包括三个部分,即行为、结果和相关重要情节. 犯意包括蓄意( intent) 、轻率( recklessness)和疏忽( negligent)三个方面. 2. 忽视的, 粗心大意的:confidential 机密的 | 21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 | negligible 可忽视的 3. 疏忽,怠忽的:neglect 忽略,不顾 | negligent 疏忽,怠忽的 | negligible 很小的 negligent 双语例句 1. The study of official negligent crime is relatively weak in the theory circle of criminal law in our country. 职务过失犯罪的主观方面是过失,而且这种过失有别于其他犯罪过失,因此有必要对职务过失犯罪的主观特征进行深入的研究,以正确认定犯罪。 2. Any negligent conduct of Party A, whether it is action or forbearance, that resulted in loss of party B shall be deemed to be breach of this Contract. 甲方的任何疏忽行为,无论是作为还是不作为,只要引起乙方损失,即可是为甲方对本合同的违约。 3. Forbearance)对应, 如 Any negligent conduct of Party A, whether it is action or forbearance, that resulted in loss of party B shall be deemed to be breach of this Contract. 甲方的任何疏忽行为,无论是作为还是不作为,只要引起乙方损失,即可是为甲方对本合同的违约。 4. The action gave a remedy for wilful or negligent damage to property. 该诉讼对故意或过失损害财产的行为要求给予补偿。 5. negligent的解释 5. The bbe fish toximeter is well suited for the rapid detection of wilful or negligent damage to water systems. BBE-FISH鱼类探测综合毒性分析仪鱼类法毒性分析仪的简单介绍及技术指标。 6. On land, meridional, a bispherical moon, revealed in imperfect varying phases of lunation through the posterior interstice of the imperfectly occluded skirt of a carnose negligent perambulating female, a pillar of the cloud by day. 陆地上,朝着南方,以双球体的月亮为标志:一个正徜徉着的丰腴、邋遢女人那没有完全遮住的裙子后面,从裂缝里露出太阴月那不完整、起着变化的月相。白天,用云柱指示方向。 7. 7. The aim is to obtain the bought-in goods and service at the lowest possible total acquisition cost, this does not mean simply the lowest possible purchase price, though that is the starting point, in fact, the total acquisition cost involves a complex mix of factors such as: Best purchase price Hidden costs of stockholding and internal administration Cost of poor quality and late delivery Loss of interest on early payments Costs arising from a negligent or failed supplier Costs of disposal and/or recycling The procurement process As a basic administrative process, procurement involves the following activities Determining the need for a particular item or service Contributing to development of the specification Selecting the most appropriate supplier Negotiating price Placing the order Expediting (ie chasing the supplier for completion of the order) Payment External relationships The main role of the procurement function in an organization is to act as the prime interface with the external market place, relationships are developed with suppliers, following a process of evaluation to determine their fitness to provide required goods and services, once the relationship is set up, it must be managed The basis of ant supplier relationship will be determined by the following: The nature of the purchase eg is it a one-off capital purchase or a recurring need? 这样做的目的是获取购买的商品和服务在尽可能最低的总收购成本,这并不意味着只是尽可能最低的购买价格,尽管这是出发点,事实上,总购置成本涉及的复杂组合因素,如:最佳购买价格隐性成本股份制和内部管理质量差,成本和延迟交付利息损失的早期付款产生的费用由供应商的疏忽或失败费用的处理和/或再循环采购过程作为一个基本的行政程序,采购涉及下列活动确定是否有必要对某一特定项目或服务有助于制定规范选择了最合适的供应商谈判价格订货加快付款外部关系的主要作用采购职能在组织中是作为总理接口与外部市场,关系的发展与供应商,下面的一个进程的评价,以确定他们是否适合继续提供所需的货物和服务的,一旦这种关系建立行动,就必须进行管理根据蚂蚁的供应商的关系将取决于如下:的性质购买(例如,它是一次性投资购买或经常发生的需要? 8. negligent 8. So it's necessary to attribute joint negligent crime to joint crime. 然而传统的共同犯罪理论越来越难以适应社会的需求。 9. Knowledge of essential illegality is also one of the elements that relates to the constitution of negligent crime. 实质的违法性认识即社会危害性认识也是过失犯罪的成立必须联系的一个因素。 10. 10. They should be more heavily punished with the exception of negligent crime. 这就是我国现行《刑法》规定的累犯制度。 11. With the development of modern technology and the intricacy of our life, the damage of the negligent crime increased with years. 随着现代科技的发展,社会生活日趋复杂,过失犯罪的危害也在大幅度的增加,越来越多的共同过失犯罪给公共安全等重大利益造成了巨大的损害。 12. The essence of negligent crime is the violation of attentive duty. 过失犯罪的本质是对注意义务的违反。 13. negligent的翻译 13. The legal standard of identifying a crime as negligent crime is whether it is prescribed by law. 将某种犯罪确定为过失犯罪的法定标准,是法律有文理规定。 14. So won't because the eyes of changan group and a little gloating, also won't have any relaxation and negligent, but keep in dangerous thoughts into state, keeping the pace of development of forever. 所以长安集团不会因为眼前的一点点成绩而沾沾自喜,也不会有丝毫的松弛和懈怠,而是时刻保持居危思进的状态,保持永不停息的发展步伐。 15. A person is liable on the basis of fault for intentional or negligent violation of the required standard of conduct. 任何人基于过错因故意或过失违反被要求的行为标准都要负责任。 16. The boy`s behavior was referable to his negligent parents. 这男孩的行为和他父母的疏忽有关。 17. It's pretty negligent for a doctor. 对一名医生来说这岂不是太也大意了? 18. To the extent that they are correct, it is because regulators were negligent in not closing failed institutions in a timely fashion. 在某种程度上,他们是正确的,因为监管当局没有及时让一些无偿还能力的金融机构停业清盘,这是他们疏忽。 19. If your lawyer billed you for time spent working on someone else's project, it would be considered negligent at best. 如果你的律师把功夫花在别人的案子上却把账单寄给了你,这至少也应该被视为玩忽职守。 20. When you don't realize the gravity of a problem, you seem to be negligent. It's often too late to repent, however, when you discover it. 人就是这样,当你没意识到问题的严重性时,你显得漫不经心,但当你发现时,已经后悔莫及。 negligent 词典解释 1. 疏忽的;玩忽职守的;失职的 If someone in a position of responsibility is negligent, they do not do something which they ought to do. e.g. The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew... 陪审团裁定航空公司在对全体机组人员的培训和管理问题上存在疏漏。 e.g. The Council had acted in a negligent manner. 市政会的做法属于失职。 negligently A manufacturer negligently made and marketed a car with defective brakes. 某厂家由于疏忽,制造并销售了一款刹车系统存在缺陷的汽车。 2. 随便的;放松的;不修边幅的 If you describe a person's movements or manner as negligent, you mean that they look relaxed and informal. e.g. Laura acknowledged this compliment with a negligent wave of her left hand... 劳拉随意挥了挥左手算是听到了这个赞扬。 e.g. She stood in the doorway, one hand above her head in a negligent pose. 她站在门口,一只手放在头上,很随意的样子。 negligently He had not moved from his chair at the desk where he slouched, arms negligently spread over his papers. 他懒洋洋地坐在桌旁没有起身,双臂摊开随意地搁在文件上。negligent 单语例句 1. The cause of the accident was that the captain had chosen the wrong route and the sailor on lookout duty was negligent. 2. Authorities have repeatedly vowed to do more to stop the carnage by boosting safety measures and punishing negligent mine owners. 3. Grupo Mexico denied union claims the company had been negligent about safety. 4. He faces nearly 18 years of confinement and a dishonorable discharge if convicted of charges that include negligent homicide. 5. Prosecutors netted thousands of corrupt and negligent officials this year, a sign the prosecutor's offices are enforcing their supervisory powers. 6. The agency admitted it was negligent in some respect but insisted a mainland counterpart was responsible for the three package tours. 7. The doctor was convicted of negligent homicide and sentenced to three years in prison with three years of probation at Miyun county court. 8. Prosecutors are seeking to establish that Murray was negligent in his treatment of the " Thriller " singer and tried to cover up his errors. 9. The court said Zhang was guilty of the crime of negligent homicide. 10. Incompetent, negligent or derelict officials in Shaanxi Province will be expected to quit. negligent 英英释义 adj 1. characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern e.g. negligent parents negligent of detail negligent in his correspondence |
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