单词 | night and day |
释义 | night and day [英 [nait ?nd dei] 美 [na?t ?nd de] ] night and day的意思、解释 night and day 基本解释 night and day的翻译 日夜; 夜以继日 night and day 相关例句 ph. 1. They had been traveling night and day for a whole week. 他们日夜兼程已有整整一星期。 night and day 网络解释 1. 日日夜夜:仅为方便您查询报价和做好购物选择. 您在交易时,请以中国音像商务网网站上的日日夜夜 (Night and Day) 报价为准. 此外,智购网为您找到总计1条日日夜夜 (Night and Day) 类似报价,详情链接如下: 2. 夜与日:维吉尼亚 吴尔芙 Virginia Woolf 1880-1941 英国 女作家 在英国著名女作家弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)的小说中,异性之间总有一条难以逾越的鸿沟,倒是女性之间感情能水乳交融,(The Voyage Out)中的雷切尔与姨母海伦,(Night and Day)中的凯瑟琳与玛丽, night and day 双语例句 1. 1. Only have troubles while woke up in the middle of night, stayed in the outsize bed, stared at the similar hotel guest room ceiling, and not to resemble which country I was that day. 将近三十天之内的行程里在亚洲国家之间兜著圈子狂赶通告整整飞了十几 14或19班次老了已经记不清楚了! 2. Your handmaid is, indeed, a God-fearing woman, serving the God of heaven night and day. 你的婢女原是敬畏天主的人,日夜都要服侍天上的大主。 3. I ate day and night. now i am cutting down on suger and carb. 我每次怀孕都会增重很多,我怀孕的时候总是从早吃到晚,现在我用蔬菜和糖把体重降了下来。 4. night and day 4. This painting entitled the father of the father of painting, though no gorgeous coat, only one piece of rags plain white coat, The father, although no BaiZhe slender hands, with only a pair of full time by removing ground-in kneading veteran, we can imagine him to family livelihood is how hard work, The father didn't delicate cup to drink, only a rough bowl of water, The father not jiongjiongweishen eyes, a pair of only a pair for trifling and deeply sunken to eye, The father not smooth skin, only the sun shine skin dark, The father of a pretty face, not only for a day and night worrying about leaving a deep wrinkles in the face. 这幅名为《父亲》的画上的父亲虽然没有华丽的外衣,只有一件破烂不堪的朴素的白色外套;这位父亲虽然没有白哲纤细的双手,只有一双布满老茧的经满岁月的揉捏的老手,我们可以想象出他为了一家人的生计是如何辛苦劳作的;这位父亲没有精致的杯子喝水,只有一个粗糙的大碗喝水;这位父亲没有一双炯炯有神的双眼,只有一双因操劳而深深凹进去的眼;这位父亲没有光滑的皮肤,只有被太阳晒的黝黑发亮的皮肤;这位父亲没有一张英俊的脸,只有一张因日日夜夜操心而留下一道道深深的皱纹的脸。 5. night and day 5. The Astoria's a valadictory building, a place you play when you think you've first connected with people, a right of passage to go to your first gigs there and dream of one day headlining there, to spill out into the west end late at night and dissapear down alleys to find your favourite caf or late night bar, a hotch potch of people and cultures all colliding and a feeling of great joy bring able to have such a fantastic venue in the heart of one of the greatest musical cities in the world, the experience in future will be all the more suburban. The future? 向Astoria告别,曾经在这里演出,想起第一次和人群互动,曾经到这里看第一场演唱会,然后想象有一天也能在这开个唱,深夜里从西端涌出的人们消失在巷子里去寻找最喜爱的咖啡厅或酒吧,不同人群和文化都混在一起,感受这个世界上最伟大的音乐城市中心那无与伦比的场地所带来的欢愉,以后这些经历只能发生在郊区了。 6. And as in childhood, when existence had no toil beyond the day's simple lesson, no ambition beyond the neighboring approval of the night, I brought to you the morning's task for the evening's sanction, so now I bring to you this self-appointed taskwork of maturer years; less confident indeed of your approval, but not less confident of your love; and anxious only to realize your presence between myself and the public, and to mingle with those severer voices to whose final sentence I submit my work the beloved and gracious accents of your own. 并在童年时,存在没有辛劳超出了一天的简单的教训,没有超出夜间邻近批准的雄心,我为您带来的是晚上的制裁上午的任务,所以现在我给你们带来这个自封taskwork的成熟年;缺乏信心确实是你的批准,但不小于你的爱有信心,并渴望实现你的只有我自己和公众之间的存在,并与这些严厉的声音交织到其最后一句提交我的工作和亲切的心爱你自己的口音。 7. The reporters found that the first day of boot, all staff are wearing a black T-shirt, and the last night, T shirt into a yellow T shirt in the second day of shooting behind the printed notice, including the location, the same day climate, the list of actors, props, clothing and so on all the details, even the box to the Studio 11 is the number of states, but every day different color T shirt, according to this daily practice for the T shirt, crew members of film After the movie 记者发现,开机第一天,所有工作人员都身穿黑色T恤,而到了昨晚,T恤变成了黄色,而在T恤背后印着第二天的拍摄通知单,包括拍摄地点,当天的气候,演员名单、道具、服装等等一切细节,甚至连送到片场的盒饭数量的都一一写明,只不过每天T恤颜色不同而已,照这样每天换T恤的做法,剧组成员拍完这部电影后,今后都可以不用再买T恤了。 8. Remember fondly every day and frequently, bend the head one book, short send understanding, style style the language middle …… under the moonlit night that this silk's lane sound, the secondary rainbow clothes dances lightly have no who be willing to toward an autumn a month to harm a sad bosom of feeling. 日日勤思念,俯首一书笺,短短寄知心,款款语中间……在这本该丝弦弄音,霓裳轻舞的月夜下,没有谁肯对着秋月伤情悲怀。 9. The combination of you and I willing, as long as you can see, and you can spend the day and night, I feel very happy. 和你的结合是我心甘情愿的,只要能看到你,能和你朝夕相守,我就感到无比的幸福。 10. I left you, to leave his love each other, day and night to give up, even be happy! 我离开了你,离开了自己相爱相亲、朝夕不舍的人,竟然会感到高兴! 11. night and day的反义词 11. This thesis includes the survey of night environmental illuminance, the investigation of glass wall application in present, the nearby environmental illuminance survey of glass wall in the day time, night advertising and signal lamp investigation, as well as 300 questionnaires about light pollution. 本文的调查测量部分包括夜间环境照度测量、玻璃幕墙应用现状调查、昼间玻璃幕墙附近的环境照度测量、夜间广告灯与标志灯调查,以及300份光污染问卷调查。 12. Until one day, on one summer night when frogs were singing around, we had a rather meaningful long conversation on the campus. He informed me that, practically, as a science worker, he believed in materialism and science; but substantially, he was an agnostic. 直到某一天,校园里一个有蛙鸣的夏日夜晚,我们一次比较有意义的长谈中,他通知我,虽然实践范畴作为科学工作者,他坚持唯物论,相信科学;但是,本质上,他是个不可知论者。 13. Before the autumn harvestthe best, at this time, leaf photosynthetic performance are still high, sunny, autumn, the larger temperature difference between day and night, is conducive to the accumulation of organic nutrients to meet the following year, budding, flower bud differentiation, flowering fruit setting needs. autumn should be, earth-based organic fertilizers such as manure, and at the same time with the appropriate number of available fertilizer applied 秋施基肥采收之前施基肥最好,此时,叶片仍有较高的光合效能,阳光充足,秋高气爽,昼夜温差较大,有利于有机营养的积累,以满足翌年萌芽、花芽分化、开花坐果的需要。秋施基肥,应以圈肥、土粪等有机肥为主,同时要适当配合施入一些速效化肥 14. 14. Before the conference on the weekend two days, a lot of netizens discover surprisingly, between one night, on the greatly small website on Internet, the occurrence that blots out the sky and cover up the earth Justyle, clear net of civil aviaton of expensive, China and net of professional invite applications for a job the advertisement of many network brand of 4 companies such as 100 ability, and a rehearse that this is the product of countrywide broadcast over a radio network that the mom in A rolled out that day nevertheless. 在会议前的周末两天,很多的网民惊奇的发现,一夜之间,互联网上大大小小的网站上,都铺天盖地的出现了Justyle、昭贵、中国民航网以及专业招聘网百才等四家公司的大量网络品牌广告,而这不过是阿里妈妈当天推出的全国联播产品的一个预演。 15. And our young friend, who was forever dashing from bawdy-house to gambling-den, from tea-house to eating-place, on one errand or another, day and night, would, whenever he had a free moment, squat down by one of the tables and listen to whatever story was being told (he was always obsequiously polite to the tea-house proprietor, and as a result was never chased away). 这小孩日夜在妓院、赌场、茶馆、酒楼中钻进钻出,替人跑腿买物,揩点油水,讨几个赏钱,一有空闲,便蹲在茶桌旁听白书。他对茶馆中茶博士大叔前大叔后的叫得口甜,茶博士也就不赶他走。 16. night and day在线翻译 16. Five standardized nursing service items which were easy to perform included in order reception ofnewly-hospitalized patients in day duty (100%), dermal test (99.0%), checking body temperature (97.3%), reception of newlyhospitalized patients in night duty (90.0%) and meeting those needing consultation (74.0%). 结果 100%的护士对护患角色情景模拟的学习交流形式感兴趣;98.4%的护士认为对自己今后的工作有指导作用;97.5%的护士认为情景模拟中的规范服务型护理在临床工作中能做到。5个情景模拟中规范服务型护理在实际工作中容易做到的依次为:白班新病人人院接待100%,皮内试验99.0%,查体温97.3%,夜班收治新病人90.0%,接待咨询者74.0%。11月份全院护理服务质量满意度为97.9%,比9月份上升2.9%。 17. night and day 17. A 12-night cruise from Hong Kong back to Singapore features two-day calls at Hanoi, Vietnam; and Bangkok, Thailand; as well as day-calls at Hue, Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; and Sihanoukville, Cambodia. On May 8, 2009, Legend will depart the region from Singapore in a repositioning cruise to Dubai and onward to Rome. 其从香港出发回到新加坡的12夜航行将在越南的河内和泰国的曼谷各停留两日,并在越南的顺化、芽庄、胡志明市、柬埔寨的西哈努克各停留一日。2009年5月8日,神话号将从新加坡离开亚洲区开始新的航行驶往迪拜并继续向罗马进军。 18. 18. For special effects, blue LED lights can be attached to the bottom of AntWorks to make it glow day and night.. 为了达到特殊效果,蓝色的LED灯可以被安装在蚂蚁世界的底部使得它在白天和晚上都能够发光。 19. A violent snowstorm started to rage day and night. 狂暴的暴风雪开始夜以继日地狂吹肆虐。 20. Insured transportation home care day and night to serve you. 保价运输、上门服务、昼夜为您服务。 night and day 单语例句night and day的反义词 1. Nicolas Tse is making movies day and night so he'll have " enough money to buy milk " for his baby when it arrives in May. 2. Coffee shop by day and bar by night, its cleanliness makes for a startling contrast with the hutong outside. 3. There are no husbands and fathers here - lovers meet at night but live separately with their own mother's families by day. 4. He played in the field when he shepherded during the day, and practised by himself in a shed at night. 5. Gao Xing is a physics teacher by day and a comet hunter by night. 6. There's nothing heroic about fighting rape allegations by day and playing basketball by night. 7. There are hundreds of cars going by night and day, not to mention the trains. 8. The desperate old man could do nothing but call out his daughter's name across the sea every day and night. 9. Circadian rhythms are the physiological processes that rally the body in the morning to tackle the day's demands and slow it down at night. 10. With a continental climate, temperature here varies greatly between day and night. night and day是什么意思 |
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