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单词 surplus
    surplus [英 [?s?:pl?s] 美 [?s?:rpl?s] ]
    surplus 基本解释
    形容词过剩的; 多余的
    名词盈余; 顺差; 剩余额; 公积金
    surplus 同义词
    surplus 反义词
    surplus 相关例句
    1. Surplus wheat is put in storage and shipped abroad.
    2. I found a surplus store and bought a pocket calculator.
    1. surplus是什么意思
    1. Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.
    2. surplus是什么意思
    2. Japan's trade surplus increased rapidly over the last few years.
    3. That country has a large surplus of food.
    surplus 网络解释
    1. 顺差:如果收入大于支出,国际收支的差额就称为顺差(Surplus如果支出大于收入,这个差额就称为逆差(Deficit如果收入和支出相等,就称为国际收支平衡(Equilibrium).
    surplus 双语例句
    1. surplus的解释
    1. Above all, in western areas of china, there is surplus of electricity supply.
    2. He had the last laugh, as within a few years the supposed dollar shortage had turned into an equally mythical dollar surplus.
    3. We shall see, in Book Ⅲ, that the rate of profit is no mystery, so soon as we know the laws of surplus-value.
    4. surplus
    4. At present the world economy is still dominated by the capital movement and surplus value rule, but the capital is newly developing and changing and new capital type appears, such as public owned capital, knowledge capital, power capital.
    5. Long-term since, people thinks all the time, surplus value is the child with capitalist peculiar place, surplus value rule is the economic rule with peculiar capitalism.
    6. We can see from what is discussed above that in volume III, Capital, Marx gradually changes the ideal commodity into the capital commodity in reality, developing the law of surplus value that is drawn under the ideal conditions into a richer expression_r under the real conditions.
    7. surplus
    7. But it is the way of humankind, that when they have a surplus they do not value the blessings that come from God, but instead become indifferent and frivolous.
    8. According to Introduction Hu Lubin, of M1 in forming, with industry current deposit is given priority to, the fund that its fluctuant circumstance reflected a business directly is bounteous degree -- if company capital is abundant, the current account that many capital surplus is in a bank, m1 increases quickly; Conversely, if company capital is nervous, so that current capital inadequacy wants to employ time deposit, m1 is added fast drop to appear even negative growth.
    9. In fact, from the second half of last year, domestic has initial emerging indication of surplus refining capacity with economic crisis spreads quickly.
    10. In chapter 3, we analyze a discrete time risk model with diffusion. We use a stochastic process to describe the premium process; using Doobs stopping theorem and martingale methods to obtain accurate expressions for the ruin probability as well as the Lundberg inequality for the new risk model. Furthermore, by the concrete example, the relationship between the ruin probability, the initial surplus, the premium income and the claim amounts is discussed.
    11. Among them, the overseas Chinese华宝兴industry initial size of 462 million copies, remaining the third quarter were 240 million; day governance innovation vanguard initial size of 248 million copies, remaining the third quarter were 171 million; Yimin Victoria bonds initial size of 745 million copies, the third quarter were 310 million surplus; Yinhua global scale for the initial core optimization 417 million copies, the third quarter were 246 million surplus; Penghua initial size of a bumper harvest of 21 million copies, the third quarter were 1.652 billion surplus; Fu proceeds to enhance the initial fund size of 757 million copies, the third quarter were 424 million surplus.
    12. Price A P1 P2 Initial consumer surplus B D Additional consumer surplus to initial consumers C F Consumer surplus to new consumers E Demand Q1 Q2 Quantity 0 Consumer Surplus and Economic Well-Being Consumer surplus, the amount that buyers are willing to pay for a good minus the amount they actually pay for it, measures the benefit that buyers receive from a good as the buyers themselves perceive it.
    13. Chapter 3 The methods of surplus management in new criterion.
    14. Under Class C is a Marx-Sraffa theorem such as the ratio of values in the dual accounting regime are never affected by the increase in the rate of surplus value, even though the ratio of prices will be generally affected by changes in the rate of profit, in any system where the ratios of direct-wageto other costs are not uniform between industries.
    15. This chapter points out, after analysing compre-hensively the contradiction existing in the traditionaltheory of AR, that there isn't any substantial rela-tion between the existence of AR and the height of theorgnic composition of agricultural capital, nor anynecessary association between the quantity of AR andthe balance of value of agricultural product and it'sPP; The only factor that determines the existence ofAR is the monopoly of land ownership, which naturallytakes the limitednass of land and the marginal reve-nue product of land bigger than zero as it's premise; The monopoly of land ownership makes the MPP transformto monopolistic enough price determined by the indivi-dual enough price of inferior land; AR as the MPP ofinferior land equals to the balance of IEP and IPP, andDR as the MPP of superior land equals to the balanceof MEP and IEP; All rents are created from the naturalproductive force of labour, both of them coming fromthe deduction of total surplus value.
    第三章 绝对地租与垄断足够价格本章所提出的新见解是:(1)全面分析了传统绝对地租理论中存在的矛盾以及这些矛盾由以产生的根源;(2)论证了绝对地租的存在与农业资本有机构成的高低没有任何本质的关系,绝对地租的数量与农产品价值和生产价格的差额也没有必然的联系,绝对地租存在的唯一条件是土地所有权的垄断,而这种垄断又是以土地的有限性和土地的边际收益产品大于零为前提的;(3)揭示了由于土地所有权的垄断所引起的垄断生产价格向垄断足够价格的转化;(4)在劳动价值论和平均利润理论基础上重新阐释了绝对地租的来源及其量的规定,并对级差地租和绝对地租进行了综合考察,指出,全部地租都是由劳动的自然生产力创造的,它们均来自对总剩余价值的扣除,其中绝对地租作为劣等土地的边际收益产品等于个别足够价格与个别生产价格的差额,级差地租作为较优等土地的边际收益产品等于垄断足够价格与个别足够价格的差额。
    16. The proportion is not only the result of development of the industry at last 20 years, but also of some significance to monitor and eliminate structural surplus in the field.
    17. Distribution according to work and the funding allocated for the micro-distribution of surplus value in the field of primary and secondary status, decided to owners and workers compare the strength of both the game and distribution of macro-level policy adjustments.
    18. In recent years, the accelerated pace of construction enterprises, the increase in the number of workers laid off, a large number of rural surplus labor into the construction field, peasant workers account for 60%, resulting in an increasingly complex labor relations, labor relations have become increasingly prominent, especially in arrears, the deduction for 134, 143 farmers particularly serious problem, which triggered the labor dispute cases and mass incidents has risen.
    19. In addition, with the extension of oil field development, the water in the oil field is rising, pour into pressure increase certainly it will appear that the output water is difficult to realize all issue of recycle oil field, surplus sewage up to standard to deal with problem of discharging, This is necessary to study treatment technology up to standard of sewage.
    20. Field nitrogen surplus, groundwater depth, soil sandy content at 30-60 in depth and soil organic content were included as input vectors of the BPNN.
    surplus 词典解释
    1. 过剩;剩余;过剩量;剩余额
    If there is a surplus of something, there is more than is needed.
    e.g. Germany suffers from a surplus of teachers.
    2. 过剩的;剩余的;多余的
    Surplus is used to describe something that is extra or that is more than is needed.
    e.g. Few people have large sums of surplus cash...
    e.g. I sell my surplus birds to a local pet shop...
    3. (贸易)顺差
    If a country has a trade surplus, it exports more than it imports.
    e.g. Japan's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars.
    日本每年的贸易顺差额在 1,000 亿美元左右。
    4. (预算)盈余
    If a government has a budget surplus, it has spent less than it received in taxes.
    e.g. Norway's budget surplus has fallen from 5.9% in 1986 to an expected 0.1% this year.
    挪威的预算盈余已经从 1986 年的 5.9%降至今年预计的 0.1%。
    surplus 单语例句surplus是什么意思
    1. According to the state organization, the increase was contributed more by birth surplus to deaths than by net immigration.
    2. Analysts normally calculate hot money by deducting foreign direct investment and a trade surplus from the country's foreign exchange reserve increase.
    3. China's rising current account surplus and domestic inflation has been cited to justify these countries'call.
    4. But the huge fiscal surplus and the growth momentum of the country's tax revenue have convinced tax and financial authorities that they can afford it.
    5. The move will also help reduce China's capital account surplus, Zhao said.
    6. Capital outflows will be constant and substantial as China's current account surplus continues to decline and global demand remains weak.
    7. A fish is also a symbol of surplus in Chinese culture, another measure of a good year and a good life.
    8. The sharp decrease of yuan funds further suggested that foreign capital outflows were gaining traction, because China registered growth in both FDI and its trade surplus.
    9. The rocketing of China's foreign exchange reserve was attributed to the increasing surplus in trade and capital flow.
    10. Reducing the trade surplus and capital inflow is now a policy goal.
    surplus 英英释义
    1. a quantity much larger than is needed
    Synonym: excesssurplusagenimiety
    1. more than is needed, desired, or required
    e.g. trying to lose excess weight
    found some extra change lying on the dresser
    yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant
    skills made redundant by technological advance
    sleeping in the spare room
    supernumerary ornamentation
    it was supererogatory of her to gloat
    delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words
    extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts
    surplus cheese distributed to the needy
    Synonym: excessextraredundantsparesupererogatorysuperfluoussupernumerary




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