单词 | swab |
释义 | swab [英 [sw?b] 美 [swɑ:b] ] swab的意思、解释 过去式:swabbed; 过去分词:swabbed; 现在分词:swabbing; 复数形式:swabs; swab 基本解释 名词(医用的)拭子,药签; (用拭子取下的)化验标准 及物动词用拭子拭抹或擦净(某物); (用拖把、抹布等)擦洗(某物) swab 网络解释 1. 拭子:除了检查每天从印尼布兰岛(Pulau Bulan)坐船运到新加坡的1000头猪的健康外,在宰杀这些猪后,宰猪场员工也会用拭子(swab)从猪鼻和猪肺采样,做猪流感检测. 2. 2. 棉签:来到洗手间调查洗手盆,在上面发现一道污迹,将发光氨(Luminol)喷涂到洗手盆的侧壁,找到一条隐藏的血痕,用棉签(Swab)采集到血液样本. 再次调查床上的尸体,在女尸的嘴里找到一张纸币,用手套拾起它. 据吉尔说在希腊的传说里, 3. 棉棒:用于数码相机传感器的某些现有技术清洁棉棒(swab)包含桨状硬质体,其具有伸长的柄部和在柄一端整体包含的扫片(sweeping blade). swab 双语例句 1. Take a q-tip, dip it in the ear cleaning solution, and gently swab the entire ear. 采取调Q提示,浸在它的耳朵清洁液,并轻轻拭子整个耳朵。 2. A corneal abrasion with a diameter of 7 mm was created centrally in both eyes with a trephine and subsequent rubbing off on the corneal epithelium with a 20% alcohol soaked swab. Photographic documentation and hematoxylin and eosin stained pathological section were performed when rabbits were killed at 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 h. Planimetry was performed, and the corneal photographs were analyzed with computer software. 将4组兔双眼角膜中央置入直径7.00mm的环钻,其内滴入20%乙醇约60s后用角膜刮匙刮去角膜上皮,制作角膜上皮缺损模型,术后每组滴用眼液频率均为3次/d,各组分别于术后12,24,36,48及72h行裂隙灯下荧光素染色照相及海德堡共焦激光角膜显微镜检查后各处死2只兔,取角膜做病理切片同时应用计算机图像处理系统测量角膜损伤后愈合面积。 3. Scrub shelves, partition, gridiron, inner wall and fan blade with swab cloth that be soaked with IPA or D. I Water. Repeat scrubbing until clean. 以浸过 IPA 或去离子水的布重复擦拭,架子,隔板,护网,烤箱内壁和风扇扇叶,直到干净为止。 4. 4. If the glasses dirty, and it should be used for plexiglas Sassafras-cloth swab, as general-fiber cloth loose, easy inclusion sand, will wear lenses. 眼镜如果脏了,应该用树脂镜片专用镜布檫拭,由于普通镜布纤维疏松,容易夹杂沙粒,会使镜片磨损。 5. swab的解释 5. Specific PCR primers for hypervariable region of VP2 gene(vVP2) of infectious bursal disease virus and hexon gene of fowl adenovirusFAV)were designed respectively to detect the genomes of IBDV and FAV from bursal and cloacal swab samples of two individual birds in a flock in which an outbreak of IBD was clinically suspected. 应用设计的分别针对传染性腔上囊病病毒VP2蛋白基因高变区(vVP2)和Ⅰ群禽腺病毒六邻体蛋白基因的特异性PCR引物,对临床疑似IBD病例的2只鸡的腔上囊样品和泄殖腔拭子样品分别进行IBDV和FAV的分子检测。 6. Sensitivity to detection of allantoic fluid by one step RT-PCR reached 105.5 EID50/ mL and detection of swab samples reached 103 EID50/mL. 通过对H7亚型禽流感病毒尿囊液和棉拭子浸出液不同滴度检测,证实病毒尿囊液最低检出量为105.5 EID50/mL;阳性棉拭子最低检出量为103 EID50/mL。 7. According to reports, the Department of Suzhou deaths of a 51-year-old male, is the city's second case of a flow in severe cases, surgery of its fracture fever, cough, dyspnea and other symptoms, November 22 sent to a hospital from the Wu River Su Otsuki a hospital, collecting throat swab specimens were sent to Suzhou City CDC testing, diagnosed as a stream, November 23, Suzhou City, five sent to hospital negative pressure rooms. 据介绍,苏州死亡病例系一位51岁的男性,是该市第二例甲流重症病例,其于骨折手术后出现发热、咳嗽、呼吸困难等症状,11月22日由吴江某医院送至苏大附一院,采集咽拭子标本,送苏州市疾控中心检测,确诊为甲流,11月23日送至苏州市五院负压病房。 8. This will ensure preservation of the cellular material present on the swab heads, and prevent any environmental contamination of the source cells. 这将确保保全蜂窝材料上存在拭子头,并防止任何对环境造成的污染来源细胞。 9. Methods The stool specimens were collected from patients with acute diarrhea in 6 diarrhea sentinel surveillance hospitals in Xi'an by using anus swab, and then were Inoculated four kinds of medium (Alkaline peptone water, SS EMB and China blue plate) for detections of vibrio cholerae, salmonella, shigella and pathogenic E. coli after increasing bacteria. 对西安市6所腹泻病哨点监测医院中就诊的急性腹泻病患者,用肛拭子采集粪便标本进行增菌后,分别接种4种培养基(碱性蛋白胨水、SS、EMB、中国蓝平板)作霍乱弧菌、沙门菌、志贺菌以及致病性大肠埃希菌的检验。 10. Following USDA instructions, moisten the sponge with half of the peptone water, swab the carcass through the template in three places for meat carcasses and two places on turkeys. 手套和模板包装在一个密封无菌的塑胶袋子里,有个易开穿孔,方便取出。 11. Then swab the sample and place the swab in a swab box to dry. 然后拭子样本,并把拭子在拭子方块dry。 12. Objective To learn and analyze human geohelminthes infection in Jingshan county and evaluate effect of years`prevention and control. Methods To examine helminth eggs with Kato-Katz, and examine pinworm eggs with anal swab method for children under12years, then do statistics and analysis for the results. 目的 了解和分析京山县人体土源性线虫感染现状,评价年来的防治效果方法采用改良加藤氏厚片法检查肠道蠕虫卵和对12岁以下儿童进行肛拭法检查蛲虫卵,并对检查结果进行统计分析。 13. 13. Fever include: warm water bath swab, alcohol swab smear (children have tender skin and easy to cause alcohol poisoning), ice cold (syncope caused by local cooling easily lead to pulmonary hemorrhage but the first one of the most suitable for children. 土办法退烧有:温水拭浴、酒精搽拭(宝宝皮肤过嫩,易引起乙醇中毒)、冰块冷敷(局部降温易引起昏厥导致肺出血);但第一种最适合小朋友。 14. swab在线翻译 14. And if I'm not to have my rum now I'm a poor old hulk on a lee shore, my blood'll be on you, Jim, and that Doctor swab 要是我现在喝不到朗姆酒,我就像条被风刮到岸上的老破船;我的血会溅到你的身上的,吉姆,还有那个饭桶大夫的身上。 15. The stranded hulk of a severely damaged ship. and if I'm not to have my rum now I'm a poor old hulk on a lee shore, my blood'll be on you, Jim, and that Doctor swab 要是我现在喝不到朗姆酒,我就像条被风刮到岸上的老破船;我的血会溅到你的身上的,吉姆,还有那个饭桶大夫的身上。 16. 16. You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal. 你绝对不应该把棉签或者其他东西放进你的耳沟。 17. swab 17. Well, it's a cotton swab.. 是一个棉花棒 18. Put pressure on this cotton swab for two minutes. 拿着棉花压两分钟就好。 19. Objective To observe the effect of compound iodine cotton swab on sterilizing skin of penicillin skin tests. 目的观察复合碘棉签在青霉素皮试皮肤消毒中的应用效果,寻找一种更好的皮试皮肤消毒剂。 20. 20. The device tests material collected from a quick swab of a person`s throat. 该装置是对从人们咽喉提取的分沁物进行测试。 swab 词典解释 1. (医用)拭子,棉签,药签 A swab is a small piece of cotton wool used by a doctor or nurse for cleaning a wound or putting a substance on it. 2. (用拖把、抹布等)擦洗,擦拭 If you swab something, you clean it using a wet cloth or a tool called a mop. e.g. I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed. 我路过时注意到一个男子独自在自助餐厅里拖地。 swab 单语例句 1. All it really takes to get started is a cotton swab of the inside of your cheek. 2. His father can't even open his stiff palms, so Zhou uses a cotton swab to clean them. 3. Researchers at the center can now identify a panda's father by using a cotton swab to gather DNA. 4. You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal. 5. The sample is collected by running a cotton swab over the inside of the mouth. 6. But you can use a swab or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear. 7. Throat swab specimens collected from two of the pupils yielded positive results for Streptococcus pyogenes. 8. On Saturday afternoon, another test found his swab samples to be negative. 9. Swab tests can easily be contaminated and are considered only to be a sign that further testing is needed. swabswab 英英释义 swab noun 1. cleaning implement consisting of absorbent material fastened to a handle for cleaning floors Synonym: swobmop 2. implement consisting of a small piece of cotton that is used to apply medication or cleanse a wound or obtain a specimen of a secretion swab的解释 verb 1. apply (usually a liquid) to a surface e.g. dab the wall with paint Synonym: dabswob 2. wash with a swab or a mop e.g. swab the ship's decks Synonym: swob |
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