单词 | symbolize |
释义 | symbolize [英 [?s?mb?la?z] 美 [?s?mb??la?z] ] symbolize的意思、解释 过去式:symbolized; 过去分词:symbolized; 现在分词:symbolizing; symbolize 基本解释 symbolize的翻译 及物动词象征; 用符号表现 不及物动词使用符号; 采用象征; 作为…的象征 symbolize 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. The dove symbolizes peace. 鸽子象征和平。 symbolize 网络解释 1. 象征:白色一直被认为是纯洁(pure)童贞的象征(symbolize). 但是在古罗马,黄色才是社会公认(generally recognize)的新娘婚装的颜色,所以新娘头上常罩以火焰(flame)色调的黄色面纱. 在英格兰直到16世纪,才由作家们首次提到白色婚礼礼服, 2. 用符号表示:symbol 符号,象征 | symbolize 用符号表示 | sync defibrillator 同步除颤器 3. 体现了:大力支持Powerful support, strong support, energetic support | 体现了Represent, symbolize, reflect, embody, show | 集中include, gather together, incorporate symbolize 双语例句 1. Generally speaking, it has three functions: to protect our body, to prettify ourselves and to symbolize our social status. 一般来说,服饰具有三种基本功能:第一个功能是保护身体;第二个功能就是美化身体;第三个功能就是社会标识作用。 2. This series by Yan Li shows the social involvement of an artist, while offering visual appeal. Balloons built from brick symbolize dwelling places and the search for peace. But after technology walls us away from nature, our urban life is full of pitfalls. 严力的和平演变系列展示了艺术家的社会参与,并提供了另一种视觉的观赏性:用砖头和水泥砌垒起来的气球象征着居住与和平,其实是远离大自然并高度依赖科技的、充满了异化之陷阱的都市生活。 3. symbolize的近义词 3. A golden light yellow, symbolize wealth and power, it is proud of colour. 黄色有着金色的光芒,有象征着财富和权利,它是骄傲的色彩。 4. This kind of effect is possessed of a complex symbolic meaning to symbolize and make real this ever-growing consumer scene of our society through this group of women, so that this visual image can move from an unreal level to a realistic level to express his profound concern for this society and its personal apprehensiveness. 这种效果具有复杂的象征意义,把我们现今社会日益膨胀的物质消费的情景,通过这组女性的形象符号化和现实化了,于是视觉的图像从非现实的层面进入到一个现实的层面,以此来表达他对当下现实社会以及自我内心焦虑的深刻关注。 5. And what is more, in traditional Chinese thinking, cranes and pine trees symbolize longevity. 还有,按照中国的传统观念,仙鹤与松树都是长寿的象征。 6. Yuhua is affected deeply by Kafka. His novelette The Midday with West north Wild Whistling learns much from Kafka's novelette The Village Doctor. The forms of these two compositions have the characteristic of synthesis of reality and fiction. With their absurd texts, both of them symbolize the essential disorder of the world. 余华深受卡夫卡的影响,他的小说《西北风呼啸的中午》正是借鉴卡夫卡《乡村医生》的尝试之作,两部作品在形式上都表现出真实与虚构复合的特点,又都在荒诞的文本中隐喻了世界本原意义上的混乱。 7. The bottom book on the shield was face down, to symbolize the limits of human knowledge. 盾形校徽位于下方的书样原来面朝下,象征人类知识的局限。 8. Now that marked language elements, forms or structures deviating from norm symbolize extra meanings and certain intention on one hand, on the other, aim of review articles in journalistic English to clarify viewpoints particularly entails prominent language elements, forms or structures to better perform the function of conveying viewpoints, marked iconicity must be able to play a great role on achievement of stylistic features and effects in review articles. 由于偏离常规的标记性语言成分、形式或结构象似于额外意义或某种意图,而新闻英语中以阐明观点为主要目的的评论体裁文章又尤其需要突出的、能增强表达效果的语言成分、形式或结构来为其观点和思想的传播服务,所以标记象似性对于新闻英语中评论文章文体特征的取得应该起着重要的作用,并且能在其中发挥巨大的文体效果。 9. You can energize your desk by adorning it with objects that symbolize the five elements to attract work and luck. 你可以激发你喜爱的书桌与物体,象征五行吸引工作运气。 10. 10. Blurb used their blue shadow behind their name to symbolize a book, 大成智慧, as they are in the book publishing business. Blurb 用蓝色的图形搁在实字前面往代里一原书,由于他们干的是图书没版业务。 11. Many times, I hesitated, picked up the phone and dial the number, and hung up, Many times, I cry silently, many times, I feel very helpless, I don't know who would like to help me, Many times, I lost the confidence of life, Many times I lost, Many times, I don't know who I torment; symbolize Many times, I want to find a person about my story, I don't know who is wrong, I really, who would listen my story, How many times have I not, because you have rejected me... 多少次,我犹豫了,拿起了电话却又放下,拨了号码却又挂断;多少次,我默默的哭了,多少次,我觉得很无助,我不知道谁会愿意帮助我;多少次,我失去了对生活的信心;多少次我迷茫;多少次,我不知道该向谁倾述我的委屈;多少次,我好想找一个人说说我的故事,我不知道谁才是我真正的知音,又有谁愿意听我的故事;多少次。。。。。。 12. The quince shrub is one of the first to bloom and has come to symbolize the start of spring. 温柏树是最早开花的植物所以用它来象征春天的开始。 13. Human beings exccssively artificialize and symbolize the world through limitless inspirations and imaginations, which makes people deeply indulged in the false images created by ourselves. The structure and characteristics of these false images reversely change everything that human beings and the society rely on. Consequently, questions and perplexity on meanings and values of the society are raised by human beings due to those false images. 在想像世界的无限激发上,人类过度地人工化与符号化这个世界,这不但使得人类深陷於由其本身所制造的虚假意象里,也因为这些虚假意象的结构与特质,反身过来改变了人类与社会生活的一切性质,也进而成为人类对於这个社会在意义与价值之间的质疑与茫然,我们竟无法去依存眼前所见的事实。 14. One colour of mine can symbolize a thing. 我的每一种颜色都有一种象征意义。 15. symbolize的意思 15. If it is a anticlockwise rotation, that become a sign of the Bon; Tibetan Buddhism is the clockwise rotation, symbolize the strong of the Buddhism; Yongzhong is one of the incantation of Bon, means the'eternal life', 'eternal 如果这个符号逆时针旋转就成为苯教的标志;藏传佛教是顺时针旋转的,象征着佛教的坚无不摧;雍仲是苯教的密语之一,代表了`永生`、`永恒`、`长存`的含义。 16. If it is a anticlockwise rotation, that become a sign of the Bon; Tibetan Buddhism is the clockwise rotation, symbolize the strong of the Buddhism; Yongzhong is one of the incantation of Bon, means the'eternal life', 'eternal''Forever 如果这个符号逆时针旋转就成为苯教的标志;藏传佛教是顺时针旋转的,象征着佛教的坚无不摧;雍仲是苯教的密语之一,代表了`永生`、`永恒`、`长存`的含义 17. symbolize的翻译 17. It was hoped that the dagoba would symbolize the regime`s divine power and keep the nation at peace. 预期,舍利塔会象征政权的神的力量和会保留国家在和平。 18. Its basic characteristic is to manifest the religious figurativeness of its content, or to symbolize the oblation, the sacrificial offering activity and the god, or to symbolize treat- ing illness and practising divination. 其基本特征是表现内容的宗教象征性和表现手法的意象化。萨满剪纸的象征性萨满剪纸不同于一般的艺术剪纸,它主要的功能是传递与沟通萨满教。 19. The stopped clocks at Satis House symbolize Miss Hav-isham'S attempt to stop time; the many objects relating tocrime and guilt(gallows, prisons, handcuffs, policemen, lawyers, coups, convicts, chains, files)symbolizethetheme of guilt and innocence; Satis House represents theupper-class world to which Pip longs to belon9; BentleyDrummle represents the grotesque caprice of the upperclass; Joe represents conscience, affection, loyalty, andsimple good nature; the marsh mists represent danger andambiguitv. 象征沙堤斯庄园停摆的钟表象征郝薇香小姐想让时间停止的企图;与犯罪和有罪相关的许多物体(绞刑架、监狱、手铐、警察、律师、法庭、囚犯、镣铐、锉刀)象征有罪和清白的主题;沙堤斯庄园代表匹普向往的上流社会;本特利·朱穆尔代表上流社会怪诞的变化无常;乔代表良知、真爱、忠诚和纯真的善良;沼泽地的迷雾代表危险和捉摸不定。 20. Stlye:Time has always had its own writing style; The magazine still follows French spellings for some words; Time is also known for its signature red border, introduced in 1927, which only changed once since then – the issue released shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, which featured a black border to symbolize mourning; In 2007, Time engineered a style overhaul of the magazine aimed at appealing to a younger generation Time 风格:Time坚持自己的写作风格;Time里的文章现在还保持带有一些法国拼写的单词;Time最著名的是他的署名的红色边线,从1927年一直到现在,只改变过一次——美国911恐怖袭击事件,红色变成了黑色,象征悼念。在2007年,被呼吁要更面向年轻一代的读者。翻译完毕,磕磕巴巴的。希望对你有帮助。 symbolize 词典解释in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 symbolise 1. 象征;代表 If one thing symbolizes another, it is used or regarded as a symbol of it. symbolize是什么意思 e.g. The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolised the end of the Cold War between East and West. 柏林墙的倒塌象征着东西方冷战的结束。 e.g. ...the post-war world order symbolised by the United Nations. 以联合国为代表的战后世界秩序 symbolize 单语例句 1. An evening party on August 3 will symbolize the end of the supporting education activity. 2. The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. 3. A country where advertising was reintroduced only in 1979, the protests symbolize a wider realization of what the tiny coffee shop actually stands for. 4. On the large piles a cypress is planted to symbolize that all people of village live young. 5. The bad weather didn't appear to affect the mood of the marchers, many of whom were dressed in red to symbolize their anger with Chen's leadership. 6. Chopin to symbolize the decay of the old system in the nation. 7. Fifty years after his death, his shock of white hair and droopy mustache still symbolize genius. 8. They were built to symbolize the Qing Dynasty's policy of strengthening the unity of the country's various ethnic groups. 9. The sacrifices were carried out during the expansion of one of the city's major monuments, suggesting the government wanted to symbolize growing sacred political power. 10. But in that era of extreme propaganda, each facial expression was magnified to symbolize the whole country. symbolize 英英释义 verb 1. express indirectly by an image, form, or model be a symbol e.g. What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize? Synonym: typifysymbolisestand forrepresent 2. represent or identify by using a symbol use symbols e.g. The poet symbolizes love in this poem These painters believed that artists should symbolize Synonym: symbolise |
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