单词 | take effect |
释义 | take effect [英 [teik i?fekt] 美 [tek ??f?kt] ] take effect的意思、解释 take effect 基本解释 take effect的意思 生效,奏效 take effect take effect 相关例句 ph. 1. take effect的近义词 1. The medicine will soon take effect. 这种药很快就会见效。 take effect 网络解释 1. 生效:文章同时以瓜市为墨国的一扇窗户,说明墨国在协定生效(take effect)15 年后,出口(export)虽呈爆炸性成长(explode),每年的经济成长(economic growth)却仅约3%,还是无法在国内创造足够的就业(employment)机会, 2. take effect的近义词 2. (药等)见效:take down 取下;记下;拆卸 | take effect (药等)见效 | take for 认为,以为;误认为 3. 生效、起作用:effective ways of reducing pollution 降低污染的有效方法; | take effect 生效、起作用 | to the effect that 大意是 take effect 双语例句 1. If the drug does not take effect one week laster, please increase dosage. 如果药物在一周之内没有效果,请加大剂量。 2. If you submit End orders, we will contact with you in the first time, to confirm your information, booking can take effect. 如果您提交完订单,我们将在第一时间与您联系,确认您的提交信息,预订方能生效。 3. take effect 3. We rely on the banks for accurate pricing and liquidity to enable our traders to take positions based on the interbank market. Consequently, this unpredictable economic climate has created limited liquidity and may have an effect on the spreads and interest rates we provide to our valued traders. 一如既往,我们依靠银行的报价提供给客户最有利的市场价格,然而,现在的金融危机令交易缩减,市场不稳定因素增加,因此这将影响到我们原本提供给客户的固定点差和隔夜利息。 4. The new system of taxation will take effect next month. 新的税收制度将在下月生效。 5. take effect是什么意思 5. It could reduce pollution odds and take good effect on the quality of products and the rate of finished products. 通常可安置在洁净车间的入口处,也可以设置在生物实验室内,起到洗净并快速吹干手的作用,可以减少污染的几率,对提高产品质量和成品率均有良好的效果。 6. A sense of humor may take various forms and after maybe anything from a refined tincal to an earth quaking role, but the effect is always the same. Human helps us maintain the correct sense of values. 我们大众公司客户的需求在不停得发生变化,新的市场在产生,竞争越来越激烈。 7. Judge Crabb included a caveat that her ruling would not take effect until after all appeals are exhausted. 法官克拉布包括警告,她的裁决之前,不会被用尽所有上诉后生效。 8. take effect 8. In a statement, Wolfowitz said his resignation was in the best interests of the 185 member-nation bank and would take effect June 30th. 辞职申请是在世界银行24个执行委员会成员进行了一天的会议之后递交的,沃尔伏维茨在一份声明中说,他的辞职是在银行185个成员国的最重要的利益,将在6月30号生效 9. take effect 9. Analgesia result, sedation scale, comfort score and side effect were studied. Mean arteriol pressure, heart rate, pulse blood oxygen saturation(SpO2) and partial pressure of end tital carbon dioxide(PETCO2) were monitored continuously pH、PaCO2 and changes between arteriol partial pressure of carbon dioxide and endexpired carbon dioxide tensionPaPETCO2) were monitored by blood gas before anesthesia and 4、12、24hour after operation on the condition that the patients could not take in oxygen or stop taking in it for 0.5 hour. 观察镇痛效果、镇静程度、舒适评分、不良反应,持续监测平均动脉压、心率、脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2)和呼气末二氧化碳分压(PETCO2),分别于麻醉前,术后4、12、24h在患者不吸氧或停吸氧0.5h的情况下抽取动脉血,监测pH、PaCO2,并计算动脉血与呼气末CO2梯度(PaPETCO2)的变化。 10. It is not until autum term that the new rule begin to take effect. 新的规定将于秋季学期的开始时生效。 11. It did not take him long to find out the magic effect of the food. 他不许随从碰这种植物,并发出命令:把那些懒倦的伙伴拖回船上;并把他们捆在凳子上。 12. take effect的翻译 12. It is expected to take active and promotive effect on col-legers'physical and psychological health and overall improvements 同时也要求我们在高校体育教育中树立健康第一的指导思想。 13. There are numerous and complicated driving forces acting on regional land use and land cover spatio-temporal pattern, but all driving forces take effect by land use decision-makers. 区域土地利用/覆被时空格局变化是错综复杂的多种驱动力共同作用的结果,然而所有驱动力最终通过土地经营者的行为产生作用。 14. 14. Seen from the return on total assets and macro fixed assets investment of public companies, efficiency of this economic cycle was obvious lower than that of the previous economic cycle. The law of diminishing marginal returns has already begun to take effect in China and the quality of China`s economy increase is deteriorating. 从上市公司的总资产收益率和宏观固定资产投资的收益率来看,本轮经济周期的效率明显低于上一轮经济周期,边际收益递减的规律已经开始在中国发生作用,中国经济增长的质量正在恶化。 15. This paper discusses the constitutive elements of environmental crime and puts forward its own viewpoint. First, in environmental crime, the subject of crime has two classes which are natural person and legal person. Second, most environmental crime are unintentional and, their negligence is determined on the basis of objective criteria that whether a wrongdoer goes to take prevention measures; if not, negligence is held to exist. Third, objective elements maily concern act of crime and cause-effect relation. 首先,在环境犯罪中,犯罪主体有自然人和法人两种;其次,大多数环境犯罪是过失犯罪,其过失将依据这样一个标准来确定,即行为人是否采取了有效防治措施以力图避免损害结果的发生,如果没有,应认定过失成立;再次,环境犯罪之客观要件主要指犯罪行为以及犯罪行为与危害后果的因果联系。 16. take effect 16. Burns and by blood circulation obviate extraneous, As reaches quick reduce wetght`s aim Newest CO2 exceeds critical bush take technology with Especial science and technology make It efficacy lngredient activity anhance 8 time, lt will concentrate technoIogy let each a capsule contain`s malic acid equivaIent to 100 milliliter`s apple vinegar, 3000 fresh America green apple Besides has reduce weight outside effect. 最新CO2超临界萃取技术与Especia1科技使其功效成分活性提高8倍,其浓缩技术让每粒胶囊所含的苹果酸脂相当于1 00毫升的苹果醋、3000个新鲜的美国青苹果! 17. 17. The results indicate that in the same condition some of the extractives or their matching s take more obviously bacteriostasic effect than sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. 结果表明,在相同条件下,某些中草药及其配伍的水浸出物相对1%苯甲酸钠和10%山梨酸钾具有更明显的抑菌防霉效果 18. Under Israeli law, however, its decision to pull out does not take effect until Thursday - leaving time for last-minute negotiations. 根据以色列法律,沙斯党退出政府的决定将到周四才可生效--以留下做最后谈判的时间。 19. Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said the lifting of martial law will take effect 9 p. m. 执行秘书阴美沓说,取消军管在下午九点生效。 20. Usually, when take madicine according to instruction, there is no side effect. 一般来说,按照说明书服用药时,是不会有副作用的。 take effect 单语例句 1. Registered certificates held by athletes, officials and media from countries throughout the world will only take effect after activation. 2. If any food poisoning occurs, the tracing system can take effect in minutes. 3. It can take several decades for a population policy to show its effect. 4. All 25 EU member states must approve the constitution before it can take effect. 5. The CIS Charter stipulates that formal withdrawal can only take effect 12 months after the CIS executive committee is notified of the decision. 6. The Amendment to the Criminal Procedural Law will take effect in January, after an amendment to the Civil Procedural Law in September. 7. The CBRC announced earlier this month that new rules setting tougher criteria for lenders'capital adequacy will take effect at the beginning of 2012. 8. The law relating to passports will take effect at the beginning of next year and aims to regulate the issuing and administration of passports. 9. A comprehensive action plan to preserve water creatures is expected to take effect next year, a Ministry of Agriculture official said Tuesday. 10. Sources with MJC said that the deal may take effect in May after the computer operating network of the two jockey clubs hooks up. take effect什么意思take effect 英英释义 verb 1. go into effect or become effective or operative e.g. The new law will take effect next month |
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