单词 | tenor |
释义 | tenor [英 [?ten?(r)] 美 [?t?n?] ] tenor的意思、解释 复数形式:tenors; tenor 基本解释 名词男高音; 要旨; 稳定的进程; 票据的限期 形容词男高音的 tenor的翻译 tenor 相关例句 名词 1. Who is going to sing the tenor? 谁唱男高音? 2. I forget the tenor of her reply. 我不记得她回答的大意了。 tenor 网络解释 1. 男高音:在每个变奏中,同旋律会以不同和声,节奏,速度,加减音符甚至倒弹出现Voices:声部,人声可依音域分成大类:女高音(Soprano),女中音(Mezzo.Soprano)女低音(Alto),男高音(Tenor),男中音(Baritone)和男低音(Bass).每个音域中还有特别的区分, 2. 次中音:萨克斯风有很多不同的种类(音域), 常见的为 高音(soprano), 中音(alto), 次中音(tenor), 上低音(baritone) 萨克斯风, 指法和谱号都是相通的, 而音域和调性不同而比较重要的是吹嘴跟簧片, 初学时为了训练正确的口型(embouture)和容易发声, 3. 品位:矿石(ore)是矿体的主要组成部分,从中可提取有用组分(元素、化合物)的矿物集合体. 矿石一般由矿石矿物矿石中有用组分的含量称为品位(tenor)是衡量矿石质量的主要指标. 大多数金属矿石是以所含金属元素或 tenor 双语例句 1. Be able to reproduce a clear tenor to the treble effect, and strong bass. 能再现清晰的中音至高音效果,以及强劲有力的低音效果。 2. Rossini was also an innovator of opera, he enhanced the tenor and orchestra position in opera, focused on figural characteristic, emphasized consistency of drama, and confirmed the score of colorature part. 罗西尼也是歌剧的革新者,他提高了男高音和管弦乐队在歌剧音乐中的地位,将花腔部分乐谱固定,强调戏剧的连贯性,注重刻画人物性格。 3. The band was just great: Wayne Shorter on tenor sax, Freddie Hubbard on trumpet, Curtis Fuller on trombone and Art Blakey in the lead with his solid, imaginative drumming. 那乐队真的很吊:韦恩宿他的中音萨克斯,费迪虚宾的小号,柯蒂斯夫勒的长号及艾特以他扎实的,富有想像力的鼓乐领导著乐队。 4. 4. The garden uses unique expressing methods to represent amusement styles in Song Dynasty, and develops items for tourists` joining, such as pulling-pot in Song Dynasty, bucketful money in Song Dynasty, beating malfeasant, basinful treasures, imperial horse pile, rolling chou, hero meeting for shooting tiger and so on, all of them could make tourists experience sentiment and tenor of people in Song Dynasty during amusement, and if performing well, you could get kinds of awards and enjoys overflow pleasure. 以独特的表现手法再现宋代娱乐方式,开发了游人可互动参与其中的项目,如大宋投壶、大宋一桶金、打贪官、金玉满盆、御马桩、滚绣球、射虎英雄会等等,都会使人体验到宋朝人在娱乐时的情趣和品位,身手不错的话更能赢取各式奖品,收获超值欢乐。 5. His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed 他说话的声音,又粗又大的男高音,增添了他给人的性情暴戾的印象。 6. Both tenor and vehicle is a pair of terms of figure of speech, and mean the both aspects of it. 喻本和喻体,是修辞手法的一对术语,用来指比喻的两个方面。 7. Change the moral tenor of your home town 15 years later. 这样的决定将在15年后,改变你故乡的道德进程。 8. 8. In full accord with the few texts we have quoted is the whole tenor of the inspired Word. 神所默示的圣經的全部意旨,和我們以上所引圣經上的几處經文正相吻合。 9. 9. The music was also of the highest caliber, including tenor Placido Domingo and cellist Yo-Yo Ma. 音乐表演也是一流的,有男高音歌唱家多明戈和大提琴演奏家马友友。 10. 10. I think pop music in the classical music plays an important role, even if Caruso. Geely and other great tenor Placido also sing pop ah. 我认为流行音乐在我的古典音乐事业中有着重要的地位,即使如卡鲁索、吉利等伟大的男高音歌唱家也曾唱过流行歌曲啊。 11. What happens if you want to play a tune that was originally written for violin that uses low notes not available on a C chromatic, as well as higher notes that are not available on a 12-hole in Tenor C? 如果一支小提琴曲子中用到一些C调琴演奏不了的低音,而12孔C调中音琴上又缺少一些较高的音,你该怎么办? 12. While this may vary from singer to singer, it is usual in simple four-part writing to limit the soprano to a compass from middle C to G an octave and a half higher; the alto to a compass from the G below middle C to an octave above middle C; the tenor to a compass from the C below middle C to the G above middle C, and the bass to a compass from the F one and a half octaves below middle C to the B below middle 每个歌手的声区各不相同,简单的四声部写作中通常把中C到G即八度和比八度高半音的音界定为高音声部;中C下的G到中C上的八度为中音声部;中C下的C到中C上的G为男高音声部,F ,中C下的八度半到中C下的B为男低音声部。 13. tenor的近义词 13. C If the tenor refers to xxx days after the bill of lading date, the on board date is deemed to be the bill of lading date even if the on board date is prior to or later than the date of issuance of the bill of lading. 如果票期指提单日之后XXX天,则装船日期应视为提单日期,即使装船日早于或晚于提单签发日。 14. On the strength of the latter he received a contract as a tenor comprimario and as a coach for other singers. 凭借着他出色的男高音表现,他以歌剧中主要配角的身份和其他歌手教练的身份签约。 15. He pushed the tenor of Ameirican independent war and France revolution, encouraged the British radical reformation, his thought also influenced on European and American national developments subsequently to a certian extent. 潘恩的启蒙思想推动了美国独立战争和法国大革命的进程,鼓舞了英国的激进运动,对欧美随后的国家建设也产生了一定的影响。 16. The highest seajiao xiao Suona flute sound, long strokesliu cun; Suona treble flute called material, under about a foot; Alto flute solo show called Luo, er cun rod about a foot; Suona Tenor II called the first mixed, under foot by one inch in length; Suona bass flute called big stuffy, under one foot three-inch to one foot longwu cun. 最高音唢呐叫小海笛,杆长约六寸;高音唢呐叫材笛,杆长约一尺;中音唢呐叫罗戏笛,杆长约一尺二寸;次中音唢呐叫二混头,杆长约一尺一寸;低音唢呐叫大闷笛,杆长一尺三寸至一尺五寸。 17. Field of discourse is relevant to the ideational function; tenor of discourse is related to the interpersonal function; and mode of discourse has much to do with the textual function. 语场大致与语言的概念功能相关,个人、功能和修辞语旨与语言的人际功能相关,语式主要与语言的语篇功能相关。 18. Tenor of discourse can further be divided into personal tenor, functional tenor and rhetoric tenor. 语旨可以进一步分为个人语旨、功能语旨和修辞语旨。 19. His spindlelegs and sparrow feet are those of the tenor Mario, prince of Candia. 一双细长的腿和麻雀脚活脱儿像是男高音歌手坎迪亚亲王马里奥。 20. tenor是什么意思 20. Following the concert that renowned Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli held in the Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium the previous year, he will return to Taiwan and hold his second concert in Taipei Arena on May 6th. 知名義大利男高音安德烈波伽利繼前年至台中洲際棒球場開唱,引發台灣樂迷風潮後,即將在5月6日於台北小巨蛋2度來台開唱。 tenor 词典解释 1. 男高音(歌手) A tenor is a male singer whose voice is fairly high. tenor的解释 e.g. ...a free, open-air concert given by the Italian tenor, Luciano Pavarotti. 意大利男高音歌唱家卢西亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂举办的一场免费露天演唱会 2. (萨克斯管等乐器)次中音的 A tenor saxophone or other musical instrument has a range of notes that are of a fairly low pitch. e.g. ...one of the best tenor sax players ever. 有史以来最出色的次中音萨克斯管演奏者之一 3. 大意;主旨;要领 The tenor of something is the general meaning or mood that it expresses. tenor的意思 e.g. The whole tenor of discussions has changed... 讨论的整个主旨变了。 e.g. Her dreams were troubled, reflecting the tenor of her waking hours. 她在梦中焦虑不安,反映了她白天生活的基调。 tenor 单语例句 1. The programme will include a cantata, recitation of Mao's poetry and tenor and soprano solos. 2. Soprano Nicola Beller Carbone and tenor Aquiles Machado play the lead roles in the NCPA version of Tosca. 3. For their most recent project with tenor, the quartet arranged Italian and Lithuanian songs in a catchy and heartwarming programme. 4. The Spanish tenor and conductor was involved with the project from the outset, at times even sang suggestions over the telephone to Tan. 5. What these underline is the changing tenor of political debates and they can be seen as part of the criminalization of politics. 6. She has just recorded a Chinese duet Tibetan Plateau with popular Russian tenor Vitas, for the 2010 Spring Festival Global Gala on BTV. 7. Tenor Maxim Mironov has an agile voice and looks like a prince, which is rare for opera princes. 8. A vocal concert by American soprano Renee Fleming and German tenor Jonas Kaufmann is staged. 9. His vocal strength and timbre make him a true Verdi and Puccini tenor of the highest order. 10. It's difficult to think of another tenor who could give so immaculate a performance of the part. tenor 英英释义 noun 1. the pitch range of the highest male voice 2. the general meaning or substance of an utterance e.g. although I disagreed with him I could follow the tenor of his argument Synonym: strain 3. a settled or prevailing or habitual course of a person's life e.g. nothing disturbed the even tenor of her ways 4. the adult male singing voice above baritone Synonym: tenor voice 5. an adult male with a tenor voice tenor的翻译 adj 1. of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice e.g. tenor voice 2. (of a musical instrument) intermediate between alto and baritone or bass e.g. a tenor sax |
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