单词 | tensile |
释义 | tensile [英 [?tensa?l] 美 [?tensl] ] tensile的意思、解释 tensile 基本解释 形容词拉力的; 张力的; 可伸展的; 可拉长的 tensile 网络解释 1. 1. 抗张强度:( 二)纸张的结构特性(Structural Properties),如纸重(Grammage) 、平滑度 (Smoothness) 等. 各种特性的改变难度胀裂强度(Burst) 抗张强度(Tensile) 撕裂强度(Tear) 耐摺度(Fold) 刚挺度(Stiffness) 相对湿度 % 纸张相对湿度与纸张特性的关系 2. 可伸长的:468 denier 旦尼尔(旦) | 469 tensile 可伸长的 | 470 creamy 乳脂色 3. 3. 可拉长的:tensile stress 张应力 | tensile 可拉长的 | tensility 张力 tensile 双语例句 1. tensile的近义词 1. The results showed that the addition of compatibilizer could make the tensile strength, tensile modulus, bending strength and bending modulus of GMT-PP sheets increase by 29%, 23%, ... 结果表明,相容剂的加入可使复合片材的拉伸强度提高29%、拉伸模量提高23%、弯曲强度提高42%、弯曲模量提高25%;高熔体质量流动速率PP可使片材的弯曲与冲击性能进一步改善。 2. The magnetic field was applied to weld stainless steel with GTAW. The influence of magnetic frequency on properties of welded joint was studied by bending test, tensile test and SEM. 在外加纵向磁场下对不锈钢进行氩弧焊,通过对焊接试样进行弯曲和拉伸试验、显微组织观察分析,研究外加磁场频率对焊接接头力学性能的影响。 3. Tensile test was performed by univariate method under simulated normal body temperature (36.5±0.5)℃, at 20 mm/min. When the specimens were destructed, stress-strain curve and data were automatically output by computer. 在模拟正常人体温在(36.5±0.5)℃的温度场下进行,以20 mm/min的速度对试样施加拉应力,试样破坏后,计算机自动输出应力-应变曲线和数据。 4. Based on freeze thaw cycle indirect tensile test, a further study of moisture susceptibility for some familiar graded HMA mixtures is carried out through modification of immersion conditions, and a new method of... 本文以劈裂试验为基础,通过对浸水条件的改进,进一步深入地研究了几种常见沥青混合料的水稳定性,提出了以真空循环饱水条件下的沸煮劈裂试验的残留稳定度来评价沥青混合料的水稳定性。 5. Have Products: OPP sealed with adhesive tape, textured plastic, double-sided tape, bubble bag, EPE, tensile membrane and a variety of industries with special adhesive tape products; 2004 business layer in view of market expansion and product wizard considerations, started planning for supporting the printing and packaging business, and in the same year in Dongguan Tangxia create wing and printing presses. 产品有:OPP封箱胶纸、美纹胶、双面胶、汽泡袋、珍珠棉、拉伸膜及各种工业用特殊胶粘带制品;2004年公司经营层鉴于市场拓展及产品向导因素的考虑,开始策划配套的印刷包装业务,并于同年在东莞塘厦创建荣和印刷厂。 6. Additionly, the influence of the plastifier of different structures and its concentration on the tensile properties, adhesion work of Ap-HTPB system and surface tension of HTPB elastomer is very different. 利用粘合功或内聚功可预估Ap-HTPB体系的拉伸强度,这就为含能复合材料的力学性能设计提供了计算依据,填料Ap浓度的变化对Ap-HTPB体系拉伸性能、表面张力和内聚功有显著的影响,实验表明:拉伸强度的最大值对应着一最佳极性。 7. At the same time, has advanced with the twin-screw extruder, high-speed mixer, such as production equipment, has injection molding machines, infrared spectrometer, electronic universal tensile tester, melt flow rate meter, Shore hardness tester, anti-aging testing machine, weathering testing machine, such as laboratory equipment. 同时拥有先进的同向双螺杆挤出机、高速混合机等生产设备,有注塑机、红外光谱仪、电子万能拉力试验机、熔体流动速率测定仪、邵氏硬度计、耐老化试验机、耐候试验机等实验设备。 8. The production of this invention has high tensile strength and extension at break, costs little, and is biodegradable. 本发明的产品的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率高、成本低廉、具有可生物降解性。 9. This invention can substantially increase tensile strength and won't loss extension at break, low cost and is biodegradable. 本发明能在不损失断裂伸长率的情况下大幅提高拉伸强度,成本低廉、可生物降解。 10. As the mass fraction of CaP was 7.0%, the mechanics properties of hybrid membrane were optimum with the tensile strength of 54.42 MPa, the elasticity modulus of 4045.72 MPa and the extension rate at break of 4.85%. 当磷钙的质量分数为7.0%时,杂化膜的力学性能最佳,其拉伸强度为54.42MPa、弹性模量为4045.72MPa、断裂伸长率为4.85%。 11. TGA analysis indicated that the thermal stabilities of the cured epoxide systems with G1.0〓, G1.5〓 and EDA as hardeners were similar. The tensile strength of dendrimer/epoxide system was slightly higher than that of EDA/epoxide system, while the extension at break acted reversely. TGA分析表明G1.0〓/环氧树脂体系和G1.5〓/环氧树脂体系固化产物热稳定性与EDA/环氧树脂体系相似。G1.0〓和G1.5〓作为固化剂的体系与EDA作固化剂的体系相比拉伸强度略高,断裂伸长略小。 12. Bolt, hexagonal head, with split pin hole, for tensile application. NF L22-129-1985 带销孔六角头承拉螺钉。ISO 螺纹4h类? 13. In basic properties of silver grass, the basic biology construction, fiber morphology, buffering capacity, surface wet ability and longitudinal tensile strength was mainly studied; in manufacturing process of SPB, the effect of board density and UF addition on physical and mechanical properties of SPB was mainly discussed, and By means of test of orthogonal experimental design and searching test, the relationship between moisture content, hot-pressing temperature, water-proofing agent addition and the TS of SPB was studied in detail. Through the study of the test production process of SPB, the best technological conditions were determined. 在荻草基本性质方面,主要研究了荻草的基本生物构造、纤维形态、化学成分、酸碱缓冲容量以及荻草的表面润湿性和纵向抗拉强度;在荻草刨花板制造工艺方面,主要讨论了不同密度、施胶量与板材物理力学性能之间的关系,并通过正交试验的方法深入研究了热压温度、板坯含水率以及防水剂施胶量对荻草刨花板吸水厚度膨胀率的影响,通过研究确定了较佳的试验生产荻草刨花板的工艺条件。 14. As to the axia l strain, there is a compression strain both at the top and the bot tom of the shelf, but tensile strain at the sidepiece. 其中,环向应变在底部为拉应变,侧部和顶部为压应变,纵向应变在壳体顶部和底部均为压应变,侧部为拉应变。 15. First, product performance: 1st, the excel in highly effective tensile strength is above ordinary steel products 10 times, the elasticity coefficient surpasses the steel products, has the outstanding anticreep energy, inoxidizability and anti-knocking property. 一、产品性能:1、高强高效抗拉强度是普通钢材的10倍以上,弹性模量优于钢材,具有优异的抗蠕变性能,耐腐蚀性和抗震性。 16. The embedded silicon-germanium source and drain with uniaxial compressive strain is applied to pMOSFETs, while the contact etch stop layer with uniaxial tensile strain and strain memory technology are used for nMOSFETs. In chapter 2, the valence band structures in bulk silicon are calculated by using a bond orbital model, which is appropriate for a high energy portion of valence band structures. 在第二章中,介绍一种用来计算矽价电带结构的键结轨域模型,其因为具有较可靠的高能量价电带结构,可以利用来模拟快闪式记忆元件操作在高压下的之热载子行为。 17. When the frequency is 15Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, relative intracrytalline solubility of alloy elements (for Zn, Mg and Cu the solubility are 68.8%, 76.0% and 45.0%, respectively) is the highest; when the frequency is 15Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, Vicker hardness is the highest of Hv160; when the frequency is 25Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, ultimate tensile strength is the highest of 324MPa. 频率为15Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时,Zn、Mg和Cu元素相对溶质固溶百分数最高,分别为68.8%、76.0%和45.0%;频率为15Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时,锭坯维氏硬度最高为Hv160;频率为25Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时,抗拉强度最高为324MPa。 18. Current main products of centrifugal cast iron roll, chilled cast iron rolls, unlimited Chilled ductile iron pipe and roll kind of tools rose by Roll, straightening roller, roller guide roll sizing Central products and even roller mill, high-speed wire Roll roll, such as hot-rolled, the company also produces DHT300, DHT350 tensile alloy die casting, mainly applies to stainless steel plate, the plate, drawing manufactures aluminium die tensile material. 公司目前主要产品有离心复合铸铁轧辊,冷硬铸铁轧辊,无限冷硬球墨铸铁轧辊以及制管工具类的涨减轧辊,矫直辊,定径辊导辊环类产品和连轧机辊,高速线材辊等热轧辊,本公司还生产DHT300、DHT350合金铸造拉伸模具,主要适用于不锈钢板,铁板,铝板拉伸制成品的拉伸模具材料。 19. In order to research the mechanism of dynamic fracture, the fractured surface of dynamic tensile and dynamic fracture is investigated by microscope-analysis technique. The results are obtained as follows:(1) Under the condition of dynamic tensile, there is a brittle fracture feature in the local weak-link though the metals still show the ductile fracture feature.(2) The bright belt in the impact fracture surface is caused by the fatigue precrack blunt, a distribution of crack stretched zone. The width of the bright belt decreases with an increasing of the loading rate and a decreasing of the experimental temperature.(3) The dynamic crack doesn't start initiation from the crack tip, namely root of fatigue crack, but from the distance x〓 between crack tip, as the condition of cleavage crack nucleation and propagate are satisfied in there. 利用显微分析技术,对动态拉伸断口和动态断裂断口进行了微观分析,研究了动态条件下金属的断裂机理,结果表明:(1)动态拉伸的条件下,尽管宏观上金属仍表现为塑性断裂,但局部薄弱区域会表现出脆性断裂的特征;(2)冲击断口上的亮带由预制的疲劳裂纹钝化所引起,是裂纹伸张区的贡献,亮带的尺寸随加载速率的提高和温度的降低而减小;(3)动态解理裂纹并不是从裂尖,即疲劳裂纹的根部开始起裂,而是在离裂尖一定距离处x〓起裂。 20. tensile什么意思 20. Based on the results of experiments, simulation and FEM calculation, the following are found: The values of mechanical properties measured in tensile tests are lower than those measured in compression tests. The inferior properties presented in tensile tests are caused by the damages of material, which are produced at much lower applied loads before yielding and resulted in more microcracks. Many micro-cracks initiate in the elastic condition, which shows the driving force initiating a cleavage crack is the tensile stress rather than the shear stress or the plastic strain. The interlamellar strength is lower than the translamellar strength, and even lower than the yield strength. The tensile properties of duplex microstructures are higher than that of fully lamellar, on the contrary, the fracture toughness of duplex microstructure are lower than that of fully lamellar, which is related to the grain sizes in a way. The intergranular fracture and finer interlamellar fracture are the dominant fracture mechanisms in the duplex microstructure materials, the fully lamellar microstructure materials resulted in more translamellar fracture. The fatigue fracture surface and mono-bending fracture surface presents almost the same mode. The cracks extend directly from a notch or a precrack controlled by the tensile stress. The superblunting, burification and deviating from direction of tensile stress of the crack-tip fronting an obstacle are the main toughening mechanism. 在这些实验与模拟计算的基础上,我们初步分析了TiAl基合金室温断裂机理,得到了以下几个方面的结论:这种材料的拉伸与压缩性能存在很大差异,拉伸性能远低于压缩性能,在拉伸时测得比较差的性能是由于材料在很小载荷拉伸时产生微裂纹,导致了材料的损伤;大量微裂纹产生于弹性阶段,其驱动力是拉伸应力,而不是剪切应力或者塑性应变;沿层强度低于穿层强度,甚至低于屈服强度;双态组织的拉伸性能高于全层组织,而双态组织的断裂韧性低于全层组织,这与晶粒尺寸的大小有一定的关系;双态组织的断裂形态表现出更多的沿晶粒边界断裂和小沿层面断裂,而全层组织中表现出更多的穿层断裂;疲劳裂纹的断裂形态与加载过程中产生的裂纹断裂形态没有本质差别,加载过程中产生的裂纹是疲劳裂纹的延续,是逐渐扩展的过程;无论缺口试件,裂纹试件还是光滑试件,都是逐渐扩展的过程,所以解理断裂为扩展控制,控制的因素为拉伸应力;裂纹扩展时遇到取向不利的经历而引起裂纹尖端的超钝化,分叉,方向偏移是其主要的韧化机理,在裂纹很短时表现出上升的阻力曲线。 tensile 词典解释 1. 可伸展的;可拉长的 You use tensile when you are talking about the amount of stress that materials such as wire, rope, and concrete can take without breaking; a technical term in engineering. tensile e.g. Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength. 有些材料可以制造成抗拉强度大的产品。 tensile 单语例句tensile是什么意思 1. Xuan paper has good tensile strength and not easily eaten by moths. 2. A new tensile fabric roof structure has been built over the western seating and a spectacular arch added to the east. tensile什么意思tensile 英英释义 adj 1. capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out e.g. ductile copper malleable metals such as gold they soaked the leather to made it pliable pliant molten glass made of highly tensile steel alloy Synonym: ductilemalleablepliableplianttractile 2. of or relating to tension e.g. tensile stress tensile pull |
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