单词 | testy |
释义 | testy [英 [?testi] 美 [?t?sti] ] testy的意思、解释 testy 基本解释 testy的意思 形容词易怒的,脾气急躁的 testy 网络解释 1. testy是什么意思 1. 易怒的:testudo 龟甲形大盾 | testy 易怒的 | tetanic spasm 肌肉强直性痉挛 2. 易怒的,急躁的:terebinth 篤褥香(漆樹科樹木,產生松節油) | testy 易怒的,急躁的 | thong 細長皮帶,皮條,皮鞭,鞭梢 3. 暴躁:terrible 可怕 | testy 暴躁 | thoughtless 輕率 4. 易怒的, 暴躁的:envoy外交使节, 特使 | testy易怒的, 暴躁的 | Kosovo科索沃[南斯拉夫自治省名] testy 双语例句 1. Economy and some testy exchanges about the conduct of the candidates'two campaigns. 两位侯选人围绕下滑的美国经济进行了激烈的交锋,双方还就对方的竞选方式相互指责。 2. A friendly warning: If I find sales are lagging, I get testy and lock the exits. 友情提示,如果我发现销量上不去将会很生气,并把出口锁上。 3. I can't see that the remark as reported here is actually all that extreme, but apparently it does come across as quite blunt and even a little testy in Chinese. 我看不出来这里提到的言辞真的有多么极端,但是很明显,给中国人的印象的确是没有转弯抹角甚至是不耐烦的。 4. But you have changed me, I think I need to change my full realization to entertaiment stars, before I know you, I think all of entertaiment stars are really frivolity and testy, but you, really kindly and just like a very tradational oriental nice girl, you make me dreamed to be your bodyguard behind you forever even you don't know me at all... 后来我的同事要求和你拍照,你真的很尽力,你真的很耐心,在那一刻,我想我正爱着你,虽然与你谈爱太愚蠢或者说太轻浮,但是你已经改变了我,我想我需要完全改变我对娱乐明星的认识,在我认识你之前,我认为所有的娱乐明星都很轻浮和浮躁,但是你不一样,真的很善良而且像是一个非常传统的东方美女,你让我梦想过在你的背后永远做你的保镖即使你完全不知道我。 5. It offers the buffee. It has different kinds of healthy food and also has fruits, desserts and testy soup. 二楼中餐厅主营高档粤菜,特聘广东特级大厨精心料理。 6. North Korea, a longstanding ideological ally, has had increasingly testy relations with China in recent years. 长期以来在意识形态为中国盟友的朝鲜近年来与中国的关系越来越紧张。 7. 7. It is also prey to many more frequent and murderous terrorist attacks, and has testy relations with a nuclear-armed neighbour. 印度还是许多更频繁更血腥恐怖袭击的目标,而且同一个拥有核武器的邻国(注3)关系极不稳定。 8. These latest antics are an embarrassment for him and for the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, who came to power in the wake of the PAD`s debilitating protests but has testy relations with the group. 对于他和阿披实总理而言,最近的这些闹剧让他们感到十分棘手。阿披实虽然在人民民主联盟无力的抗议后当上了总理,但和他们的关系却十分糟糕。 9. Macedonia remains fragile eight years after it almost lapsed into war. Testy relations with its neighbours do not help. 距上次险些滑入战争已过去八年后,马其顿仍然是一个脆弱的国家;而它与邻国的紧张关系也未能促进国内团结。 10. Details of studies are as follows.1 Quasi-dynamics analysis of spindle bearings: The paper improves the quasi-dynamics analysis model including the influences of the friction heat and preloadings and establishes a series of equations on the velocities, contact loads, deformation, deflection and friction moment.2 Temperature analysis of spindle bearings: Using the basic theory of heat transfer, the paper founds the heat transfer model and derives the heat transfer resistance and heat transfer equations in spindle units.3 Running performance analysis of spindle bearings: The paper analyses the running performances with the influences of the friction heat, structure and application parameters through an example.4 Stiffness analysis and testing of spindle bearings: Using Hertz contact theory, the paper derives the stiffness formula, computes, analyzes and tests the stiffness through an example.5 Dynamics analysis of spindle units: Applying difference method, finite element method and vibration theory, the paper analyses and computes the deformation and resonant frequencies of the spindles through an example.6 Minimum preload analyses of spindle bearings: The paper puts forward the principles and computations of the minimum preload through an example.7 Speed experiment of spindle bearings: The paper testy studies the influences of lie structure and lubrication parameters on the speed. 研究内容包括:1轴承的拟动力学分析:建立改进的拟动力学分析方法,考虑了摩擦热和预紧方式的影响,推导轴承的载荷、运动、位移、摩擦力矩和摩擦热等计算方程; 2轴承温度分布计算:应用传热学理论,建立了主轴单元的热传递模型,推导了热传递阻抗和热传递方程; 3轴承运转性能计算:实例计算与分析轴承的热特性、设计参数和预紧方式对运转性能的影响; 4轴承刚度分析和测量:应用Hertz接触理论,建立轴承刚度的计算公式,实例计算和分析轴承的刚度特性,建立电主轴振动的测量与处理计算机系统,提取振动特征信号,测量轴承的刚度; 5主轴单元动力学分析:根据振动理论,应用有限差分法和有限元法,对主轴单元的动力学特性进行分析,并进行实例计算; 6最小预紧载荷计算:提出计算轴承最小预紧载荷的准则,并进行实例计算; 7轴承速度性能试验研究:试验轴承结构型式和润滑参数对速度性能的影响。 11. Speaking to The Wall Street Journal after the testy exchanges, Hills said she has been'surprised with the sharpness of the tone'from Beijing in the wake of Washington's clearly telegraphed Taiwan and Tibet decisions, and charged that China is'slamming the door'on U. S. 在这场火药味十足的对话结束之后,希尔斯对《华尔街日报》表示,自己惊讶于在美国已就西藏和台湾问题明确与中国政府沟通后,北京方面还是措辞尖锐。 12. Ben's getting a little testy in his old age. 上了年纪后本变得有点性急了。 13. testy的解释 13. Obviously, it is a testy situation there. 那里的局势显然是紧张的。 14. Many of the changes we can't see with the naked eye just looking at the testy itself. 这是暴躁。许多的改变,我们不能用肉眼看到的只是在寻找自己暴躁。 15. testy的反义词 15. But when i am angry, I see other people as unnecessarily testy. 可是当我生气,我能看到满街尽是脾气暴躁的人。 16. It's getting kind of testy in there, you know? 外贸社区--外贸人的网上家园6 R! 17. The only downside is relations with partners and close friends are testy, especially this week. 唯一的不如意是你与伙伴以及好朋友的关系,这周会有点考验。 18. 18. You can see he got a little testy there about the skin issue. 你可以看得出他在皮肤的问题上有点易怒。 19. Jack Pan: Who influenced you in your art testy? 潘杰客:你的艺术品味受到谁的影响? 20. Testy comments about their leader. 关于他们领袖的不耐烦的评论。 testy 词典解释 1. 急躁的;没耐心的;易怒的 If you describe someone as testy, you mean that they easily become impatient or angry. e.g. Ben's getting a little testy in his old age. 上了年纪后本变得有点性急了。 testily He reacted testily to reports that he'd opposed military involvement. 有报道称他反对军队参与,对此他很是恼火。testy 单语例句 1. The Spaniard became a little testy and cracks appeared in his usually calm demeanor. 2. Dick Cheney became testy last week when CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked him what he thought of conservatives who are critical of his daughter's pregnancy. 3. The candidates'polemics are extraordinarily testy, and it is scary to imagine encore performances to follow some of the recent pronouncements. 4. Their dilemmas have sparked some testy exchanges with the United States and its allies, especially Australia. 5. There were plenty of testy moments in the game as Miami star Dwyane Wade banged his head on the floor in the first half. 6. Still smarting over Janet Jackson, the National Football League sounded testy about seeing its teams in bed with Desperate Housewives. 7. The case took a testy turn when US and Mexican officials traded suggestions of misconduct in the incident. 8. Kevin Durant led the Thunder with 30 points and Russell Westbrook added 18 points in a game that turned testy at times. 9. He has had a testy relationship with Obama, though both insist their coordination on Middle East security is sound. 10. Patterson and Odom say that when they have pressed Palin about diversity in hiring, she gets defensive and even testy. testy的近义词testy 英英释义 adj 1. easily irritated or annoyed e.g. an incorrigibly fractious young man not the least nettlesome of his countrymen Synonym: crankyfractiousirritablenettlesomepeevishpeckishpettishpetulantscratchytetchytechy |
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