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单词 nose
    nose [英 [n??z] 美 [no?z] ]
     过去式:nosed;   过去分词:nosed;   现在分词:nosing;   复数形式:noses;
    nose 基本解释
    名词鼻子; 嗅觉; 芳香,香气; 突出的部分
    及物动词嗅出,闻出; 用鼻子触; 用鼻子品评(酒)等; 探出
    不及物动词小心探索着前进; 探问
    nose 相关词组
    1. pay through the nose : 被勒索;
    2. turn up ones nose at : 瞧不起;
    3. have a good nose : 嗅觉灵敏;
    4. blow ones nose : 擤鼻子;
    5. keep ones nose clean : 不喝酒;
    6. run at the nose : 流鼻涕;
    7. follow ones nose : 笔直走, 凭本能做事;
    8. nose to nose : 面对面;
    9. nose over : 机首着地而翻转;
    10. nose up : 升起;
    11. on the nose : 正好;
    12. fuddle ones nose : 大醉;
    13. speak through ones nose : 带鼻音说话;
    14. look down ones nose at : 看不起;
    15. nose down : 俯冲;
    nose 相关例句
    1. The ship nosed her way through the winding channel.
    2. The dog nosed out a rat.
    1. A sweet smell greeted the nose.
    2. nose的反义词
    2. She pointed the nose of the car towards home.
    3. A dog has a good nose.
    nose 情景对话
    Poke one’s nose into someone’s business.-(多管闲事)
    B:You can turn to the lawyer’s office for help.
    A:Don’t poke your nose into my business. I know how to handle it myself.
    B:Ok, You’ll get what you deserve.
    nose 网络解释
    1. nose
    1. 鼻子:剪剪、贴贴、捏捏是每个幼儿都非常喜欢做的事,看看谁剪的最像,看看谁捏的最像,还要听听谁说的对,如剪贴小朋友的头像,要说先剪小朋友的头(head),再剪头发(hair),然后是眼睛(eye)鼻子(nose)等,这样可以激发幼儿在获取知识的过程中产生好奇欲望,
    2. 前緣:本发明公开了一种长前缘(nose)的可操作导管. 所述导管一般地包括挠性连接区,该连接区确定了主腔和相邻的丝腔. 所述丝腔在所述挠性连接区的远端或邻近远端处具有开口,推/拉丝能够在所述丝腔中被推或拉或牵引.
    3. nose
    3. 板鼻,板尾称:69、 NOSE 板鼻,板尾称 tail. | 70、 NOSEGRAB 前手抓鼻 | 71、 NOSEGRIND 碾磨前桥
    4. nose的翻译
    4. nose:no.; 鼻
    nose 双语例句
    1. Eg.5 The narrow irregular passages of the nose, with their moist surface and hairs, hold the dust and prevent it from passing into the lungs, as if there were a menbrane over the hole.
    2. I have two black eyes, a small nose, and long black hair.
    3. I have a small nose.
    4. I have got a small nose and two small hands.
    5. I have small eyes but a large nose.
    6. My father warned me to keep my nose clean.
    7. But I've made it a point to keep my nose clean ever since I walked into this place.
    8. DBC不愿参与进来, 他说But I've made it a point to keep my nose clean ever since I walked into this place.
    9. I decided after your last visit, i'm going to keep my nose clean from now on, whatever it takes, I could be out of here in 10 years if I play my cards right.
    10. Keep my nose clean.
    11. With the sex, and the bloody nose, and the doctor boyfriend.
    12. I have a quiet, gentle sister, her black long hair, a pair of Jiongjiongweishen Liuxiemei under the eyes, nose low, medium mouth and of medium build.
    13. I have a quiet, gentle sister, her black long hair, fair complexion, a Liuxiemei Jiongjiongweishen under a pair of eyes, nose low, medium mouth, of medium build, large than I three-year-old.
    14. True love is just one of the most simple appearance, as if a face is not modified, regardless of the early morning and evening, are a pair of pure eyes, and a gentle mouth, a nose to breathe, the eternal Mo Yang and you hugged overnight there will be no surprise the moment, no drastic Britain swing, life is such a gentle over-the day after day.
    15. nose
    15. Its nose-mounted weapons cluster features a mounted Dar-2 medium ion cannon bracketed by ordnance launchers -- a starboard proton torpedo tube and a port concussion missile launcher.
    16. The company's products include: Ingersoll-Rand, FS, SuIIair, Atlas copco, Hanshin, ANDEROL, AUGUST, WOYO, CompAir, LIUTECH, KAESER, SCREW, MATTEI, HANIBELL, PUMA, IWATA, KOBELCO, HITACHI, Linghein, GANEY, WOLF, ECOAIR, ASK, MITSUISEKI, Enric, RC, ROTORCOMP, BOGE air filters, oil filters, the smallest pressure valve, oil separation small, oil-concept, unloading valve, emptying valve, 精密过滤器, nose seal, Intake valve, solenoid valves, silencers, high and low voltage lines, automatic drainage, and cold-water-cooled, coolers, trap, the intake valve cylinder, patch, sensors, AB contact, Wen Kongfa, spiral valve, Compressors for oil, one-way valve, off oil valves, compressors carbon deposition cleaning agent, overhaul and other major brand bearing compressor accessories and after-processing equipment, while sales of general machinery, engineering machinery, tunneling machinery, power machinery, mining Machinery and spare parts.
    公司的产品包括:Ingersoll-Rand、FS、SuIIair、Atlas copco、Hanshin、ANDEROL、AUGUST、WOYO、CompAir、LIUTECH、KAESER、SCREW、MATTEI、HANIBELL、PUMA、IWATA、KOBELCO、HITACHI、Linghein、GANEY、WOLF、ECOAIR、ASK、MITSUISEKI、Enric、RC、ROTORCOMP、BOGE空气过滤器、油过滤器、最小压力阀、油细分离器、观油镜、卸荷阀、放空阀、精密过滤器、机头轴封、进气阀、电磁阀、消音器、高低压油管、自动排水器、分冷及水冷,冷却器、疏水阀、进气阀气缸、膜片、传感器、AB接触器、温控阀、螺旋阀、压缩机专用油、单向阀、断油阀、压缩机积碳清洗剂、大修轴承等各大品牌压缩机配件及后处理设备,同时销售通用机械、工程机械、掘进机械、动力机械、矿山机械及零配件。
    17. nose
    17. Only the elephant is like shaking a ears, long nose rolled food, sent to the mouth.
    18. E. g. That dragon lady had three gigolos under her husband's nose.
    19. He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture.
    20. No more than a dozen cases of supernumerary nostril are reported in the literature. They have an accessory alae nasi or have double nose.
    nose 词典解释
    1. 鼻子
    Your nose is the part of your face which sticks out above your mouth. You use it for smelling and breathing.
    e.g. She wiped her nose with a tissue...
    e.g. She's got funny eyes and a big nose.
    2. (汽车或飞机的)前部;车头;机头
    The nose of a vehicle such as a car or aeroplane is the front part of it.
    e.g. Sue parked off the main street, with the van's nose pointing away from the street.
    3. 嗅觉
    You can refer to your sense of smell as your nose .
    e.g. The river that runs through Middlesbrough became ugly on the eye and hard on the nose.
    4. (赛马中)以一鼻之差
    If a horse wins a race by a nose, it wins by a very small distance.
    e.g. Chirkpar rattled past him on the right to snatch the prize by a nose.
    5. (使)小心翼翼地缓慢行驶
    If a vehicle noses in a certain direction or if you nose it there, you move it slowly and carefully in that direction.
    e.g. He could not see the driver as the car nosed forward...
    e.g. A motorboat nosed out of the mist and nudged into the branches of a tree...
    6. see also: hard-nosed;toffee-nosed
    7. 行为规矩;不惹是非
    If you keep your nose clean, you behave well and stay out of trouble.
    e.g. If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life.
    8. 笔直往前;沿最明显路线
    If you follow your nose to get to a place, you go straight ahead or follow the most obvious route.
    e.g. Just follow your nose and in about five minutes you're at the old railway.
    9. 凭直觉行事;凭本能行事
    If you follow your nose, you do something in a particular way because you feel it should be done like that, rather than because you are following any plan or rules.
    e.g. You won't have to think, just follow your nose.
    10. 对…很敏感;很善于发现
    If you say that someone has a nose for something, you mean that they have a natural ability to find it or recognize it.
    e.g. He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind...
    e.g. Gergen had a great sense of news, a good nose for trends, and a wide range of contacts.
    11. 使生气;惹…发火
    If you say that someone or something gets up your nose, you mean that they annoy you.
    e.g. He's just getting up my nose so much at the moment.
    12. 瞧不起;不把…放在眼里
    If you say that someone looks down their nose at something or someone, you mean that they believe they are superior to that person or thing and treat them with disrespect.
    e.g. I don't look down my nose at comedy...
    e.g. They rather looked down their noses at anyone who couldn't speak French.
    13. 付高价;付出过大代价
    If you say that you paid through the nose for something, you are emphasizing that you had to pay what you consider too high a price for it.
    e.g. We don't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out.
    14. 探问;探看;干预
    If someone pokes their nose into something or sticks their nose into something, they try to interfere with it even though it does not concern them.
    e.g. We don't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs...
    e.g. Why did you have to stick your nose in?
    15. 反复向…提及(不愉快的事);揭…的疮疤
    To rub someone's nose in something that they do not want to think about, such as a failing or a mistake they have made, means to remind them repeatedly about it.
    e.g. His enemies will attempt to rub his nose in past policy statements.
    16. 跟别人怄气却害了自己;赌气做出不顾后果的事
    If you say that someone is cutting off their nose to spite their face, you mean they do something that they think will hurt someone, without realizing or caring that it will hurt themselves as well.
    e.g. There is evidence that the industry's greed means that it is cutting off its nose to spite its face.
    17. (车辆)首尾相连
    If vehicles are nose to tail, the front of one vehicle is close behind the back of another.
    e.g. ...a line of about twenty fast-moving trucks driving nose to tail.
    in AM, use 美国英语用 bumper-to-bumper
    18. 对…嗤之以鼻;蔑视
    If you thumb your nose at someone, you behave in a way that shows that you do not care what they think.
    e.g. He has always thumbed his nose at the media.
    19. 对…不屑一顾;嫌弃
    If you turn up your nose at something, you reject it because you think that it is not good enough for you.
    e.g. I'm not in a financial position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand pounds.
    20. 当着…的面;在…的眼皮底下
    If you do something under someone's nose, you do it right in front of them, without trying to hide it from them.
    e.g. Okay so have an affair, but not right under my nose.
    21. to put someone's nose out of joint -> see joint
    相关词组:nose around
    nose 单语例句
    1. The problem could be caused by a polyp in the nose or infected sinuses, she said.
    2. A baby girl was almost abandoned last week by her parents for having a deformed nose.
    3. One woman saw her nose swell up after being injected by a registered doctor in 2005.
    4. Her eyes and nose are still a little swollen but they are recovering day by day.
    5. A woman covers her nose when walking through dense fog caused by heavy pollution in Beijing on Tuesday.
    6. He is now in a stable condition but is still battling infections caused by dying tissue developing on his face and nose.
    7. A man surnamed Zhang is suing his neighbor after being clawed on the nose by the neighbor's dog.
    8. A young woman of the Li ethnic group from the island province of Hainan surprised viewers by playing her bamboo flute with her nose.
    9. It is comparable to the proverbial intrusion of the camel's nose into the hapless traveler's tent.
    10. Then there was one video the new Rockets boss watched like a kid with his nose pressed against a candy store window.
    nose 英英释义
    1. a front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft)
    e.g. the nose of the rocket heated up on reentry
    2. the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon
    e.g. he ducked under the nose of the gun
    3. a projecting spout from which a fluid is discharged
    Synonym: nozzle
    4. the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract
    the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals
    e.g. he has a cold in the nose
    Synonym: olfactory organ
    5. a natural skill
    e.g. he has a nose for good deals
    6. the sense of smell (especially in animals)
    e.g. the hound has a good nose
    7. a symbol of inquisitiveness
    e.g. keep your nose out of it
    8. a small distance
    e.g. my horse lost the race by a nose
    1. defeat by a narrow margin
    2. rub noses
    Synonym: nuzzle
    3. push or move with the nose
    4. advance the forward part of with caution
    e.g. She nosed the car into the left lane
    5. catch the scent of
    get wind of
    e.g. The dog nosed out the drugs
    Synonym: scentwind
    6. search or inquire in a meddlesome way
    e.g. This guy is always nosing around the office
    Synonym: intrudehorn inprypoke




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