单词 | nostalgia |
释义 | nostalgia [英 [n??st?ld??] 美 [n??st?ld??] ] nostalgia的意思、解释 nostalgia 基本解释 名词怀旧; 乡愁; 对往事的怀恋; 怀乡病 nostalgia 网络解释 1. 怀乡病:他对于都市的怀乡 病(Nostalgia)从未有比那一晚更甚的. 学校开了课,他朋友也渐渐儿的多起来. 感受性非常强烈的他的性情, 也同天空大地丛林野水融和了. 不上半年,他竟变成了一个大自然的宠 儿,一刻也离不了那天然的野趣了. 2. 2. 思乡:五月二十三日 生日花:洋丁香(Common Lilac) 花 语:思乡(Nostalgia) 虽然这种植物在美洲大陆很常见,但是最早是由英国移民引进来的. 所以带有一点点故乡芬芳的气息,因此它的花语就是-思乡. 受到这种花祝福而生的人特别恋家, nostalgia 双语例句 1. nostalgia的翻译 1. You are home decorations, gifts or relatives and friends, let us link the products on your relatives and friends at the same time also convey the imprint of the era with nostalgia complex and profound significance. 你是家居装饰,还是馈赠亲友,让我们的产品在您联结亲情、友情的同时也传递着带有时代印记的怀旧情结而意味深长。 2. Yes, we maybe sad, may be crying, andmaybe heart-broken, but we don't dothis because we have to say goodbye, we do this because our tears and nostalgia show how much we cheirsh theold daysand how much we love those memorable moments in our lives. 也更醒悟,世上最值得去追求和保护的,绝不是物质上的丰裕,而是精神上的富足和人与人之间的关怀这么小的一间屋子,就能让我感到满足 3. He mostly performed what islanders call morna music, singing about nostalgia, love, loss and sacrifice. 他大部分时间弹奏被岛上人们称作Morna的音乐,歌唱乡愁,爱情,失落和奉献等。 4. Restrain bird nostalgia and Lin, Chi Yuan fish think it is. 羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。 5. It's happened to me before with Fog's 10th Avenue Freakout album on LEX Records and to a lesser extent Nostalgia 77's debut LP way back when, but that's exactly how I felt 8 weeks ago when I received an inconspicuous package containing the relatively unannounced new 2562 record, Unbalance. 这是发生在我之前,雾的第十大道Freakout 专辑关于特别法记录和在较小程度上的乡愁77的首张唱片遥想当年,但是这也正是我的感觉8周前,当我接到一个不显眼的包包含相对突击新 2562 记录,不平衡。 6. nostalgia的反义词 6. Here, what is worthy of my nostalgia? 这里,有什麽值得蛾留恋? 7. I was not rich, but I treated myself to two nights at the Oriental, where I basked in orchids and nostalgia. 虽然不算是个有钱人,但我还是在曼谷的东方大酒店里住了两个晚上,周围芝兰的香气令人陶醉,不禁让我悠悠地想起了往事。 8. nostalgia的近义词 8. This is one of the famous nostalgia poems written by Li Yi, where the HuiLe Watchtower and the Triumph Town are all located in the Hui people habitat in Ni Xia Hui municipality of China 这里所说的回乐峰和受降城都指的是今宁夏回族自治区境内的回族聚居区。 9. Not that nostalgia is foreign to him. 留恋之感并非与他遥遥相对,但他却偏好他的勇气和推理。 10. 10. Simian-cutting days blended, cotton blends, cotton wash fading nostalgia, special Momao mill, Jinmian intertwined, and high-density variegated cowboy... 天丝棉交织混纺,麻棉混纺,全棉洗褪色怀旧,特种磨毛磨条,锦棉交织,高支高密杂色牛仔。。。 11. 11. Actually, all of us have a kind of nostalgia or instinct for trying to find our own roots. 其实,我们每个人都有思乡的情怀,都有寻根的本能。 12. nostalgia的反义词 12. Said that nostalgia is not how good that time, but at that time you're young! 人说,怀旧,并不是那个时候有多么好,而是那个时候你年轻! 13. Because that kind of nostalgia and heritage now exists for the first time. 因为现在刚刚开始出现那种怀旧之情和相关的文化遗产。 14. nostalgia的翻译 14. What are the factors that have great impact on the emotions that hold on to the nostalgia? 最能影响怀旧情感的因素有哪些? 15. But these are niche markets that depend on nostalgia, and they are unlikely to last. 的艺术品。但这只是依赖怀恋往事的小市场,它们不可能经久不息。 16. nostalgia什么意思 16. Will it live up to that nostalgia? 星际2会超越对星际1的怀旧吗? 17. It was when I saw the film Nostalghia by Tarkovsky that I realised that nostalgia is universal. 正是在观看塔尔科夫斯基的《怀旧》时我发现原来怀旧情绪是普遍存在的。 18. That's not faithfulness. That's nostalgia. 那不是忠贞,是怀旧。 19. Since its debut in early 2004, Thunder In The Valley has been wowing Twin Cities audiences and critics with its exuberant blend of rock and ragtime — not a nostalgia trip, but an innovative blend of old and new styles that conjures thoughts of Tom Waits, Sixteen Horsepower, and DeVotchKa with a bit of Kurt Weill and a mad-eyed carnival barker thrown in for good measure. 从它的首演在2004年初,在谷的雷使姊妹城市有它岩石和拉格泰姆旋律—的茂盛的混合的观众和评论家不是乡情旅行,但是老和新的样式的创新与位的混合召唤汤姆等待想法,十六马力和DeVotchKa惊叹Kurt Weill和为好措施投掷的疯狂被注视的狂欢节剥皮器。 20. The famous eighty two verses of Hymn of Nostalgia use the ancient to criticize the present and analogize emotions. 据《晋书?阮籍传》记载,曹爽辅政时,曾召阮籍为参军,阮籍以身体有病为借口,坚辞不就。 nostalgia 词典解释 1. (尤指对极幸福时光的)怀念;怀旧;念旧 Nostalgia is an affectionate feeling you have for the past, especially for a particularly happy time. nostalgia的解释 e.g. He might be influenced by nostalgia for his happy youth... 也许是对年轻时幸福时光的怀恋影响了他。 e.g. He discerned in the novel an air of Sixties nostalgia. 他在小说里感受到一种20世纪60年代的怀旧氛围。 nostalgia 单语例句 1. But the days of northeastern pride can now be found only in nostalgia for a bygone age. 2. However compelling the siren call of nostalgia, we cannot afford to stand still. 3. Those who magnify such minor issues and deliberately raise a wave of nostalgia for the colonial era bring only chaos and disorder to our society. 4. Nostalgia for school life and respect for schoolteachers are common to most cultures and societies. 5. Fong held her first Chinese mainland concert in Shanghai in 2007, which mostly attracted people who went for nostalgia rather than music. 6. Liu's fans call her " Milk Tea " because her soft and mellow songs have a creamy sense of nostalgia and sad romance. 7. But it's no longer a symbol of the upper crust - it's an affordable place that trades on nostalgia to draw in diners. 8. It was once mostly known as a destination for elderly German " nostalgia tourists " seeking out places of childhood memory. 9. Regardless, the little boats capture a dreamlike nostalgia for people in the region. 10. He says he does not want to run a retro restaurant selling nostalgia without content. nostalgianostalgia 英英释义 noun 1. longing for something past |
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