单词 | nudge |
释义 | nudge [英 [n?d?] 美 [n?d?] ] nudge的意思、解释 过去式:nudged; 过去分词:nudged; 现在分词:nudging; nudge 基本解释 nudge 名词推动; 用肘轻推 及物动词推进; (用肘)轻推 nudge什么意思 nudge 相关例句 及物动词 1. nudge 1. He nudged his friend to let him know it was time to leave. 他用肘轻推他的朋友告诉他该走了。 2. We tried to nudge them towards a practical solution. 我们试图促成他们达成一个可行的解决办法。 不及物动词 1. The ship is nudging through the ice. 船在冰中推进。 名词 1. nudge什么意思 1. I gave him a nudge and he understood at once. 我用肘轻轻推了他一下,他马上就明白了。 nudge 网络解释 1. 微移:notification message 通知消息 | nudge 微移 | nudge down one pixel 向下微移一像素 2. 你动动手肘,作作操:nod 你点点头. | nudge 你动动手肘,作作操. | pace 你不停地走来走去走来走去. 3. 用手肘顶 的肥肚子:nod 向 点头称是 | nudge 用手肘顶 的肥肚子 | pad 轻拍 的肩膀 4. nudge 4. the great reptiles gradually respond to gentle nudges:21, A large wet snout,,, 又大又... | 22, the great reptiles gradually respond to gentle nudges,,, 大爬虫对轻微的拥挤做出反应,,, nudge, 用肘轻推,悄悄推 | 23, until all accommodated to their liking.,,, 直... nudge 双语例句 1. Finally, nudge it 1px to the right by pressing the Right Arrow once. 最后,轻推它1px 向右按向右箭头一次。 2. Conscientious lenders could also nudge people to get off the refinancing merry-go-round, by suggesting that the term of the loan be shortened when a loan is refinanced. 认真负责的放贷机构也可以提议,如果对债务进行再融资,就缩短债务偿还期限,从而推动人们离开再融资的旋转木马。 3. 3. When God calls you to adopt children, just do it according to the nudge of the Holy Spirit. 当上帝呼召我们领养孩子的时候,那我们就按着圣灵的带领去行。 4. But what if we nudge it 0.5px? 但是如果我们移它半像素呢? 5. nudge 5. If it looks strange in letter spaces, try to nudge it a bit. 如果文字间距有点奇怪的话,移动一下可能就会正常。 6. nudge的反义词 6. Officials may have to fire the space station's engines to nudge it out of the way. 宇航局说可能会发动空间站的引擎来使它偏离垃圾的路径。 7. nudge什么意思 7. Earth's gravity will then give the asteroid the nudge it needs to leave. 那时地球的引力将给与小行星轻轻的一推使它离开。 8. The proposed deal will also see Mr Hatfield finally nudge past his rival, Jean Luc Chereau, chairman of Carrefour China, to become the biggest foreign hypermarket operator in China, having lagged behind Carrefour for more than 10 years. 这宗交易计划还会令钟浩威最终超过其竞争对手——家乐福中国区总裁施荣乐,成为中国最大的外资大型超市运营商。10多年来,沃尔玛的在华业务一直落后于家乐福。 9. nudge 9. So I have to nudge him to get him to tell me what she's saying 因此我不得不用肘轻轻推他要他告诉我她讲了些什么 10. Nudge Allows minute movement of selected objects resident under the Test Editor, Monitor Editor or Connections Editor tabs. 挪动 可将选定的在试验编辑器、监视编辑器或连接编辑器标签下的目标进行微小移动。 11. I gave him a nudge and he understood at once. 我用肘轻轻推了他一下,他马上就明白了。 12. All thanks to him who nudge rainie to wave at us before leaving singapore 在机场的时候还多亏你要丞琳跟我们招手。。 13. 13. Sure, we would nudge the kids to excel at school. But that didn't mean we had to force them to take cello lessons, calculus for tots, and master the intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony by age three. 当然我们会督促孩子在校取得优异的成绩,但这不表明强迫三岁的孩子们去上提琴补习课,学微积分,掌握纷繁芜杂的日本茶道。。 14. Sure, we would nudge the kids to excel at school. But that did not mean we had to force them to take cello lessons, calculus for tots, and master the intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony by age three. 当然我们会督促孩子在校取得优异的成绩,但这不表明强迫三岁的孩子们去上提琴补习课,学微积分,掌握纷繁芜杂的日本茶道。。 15. Some scrollbars replicate both their up and down nudge arrows at each end of the scrollbar; for windows that will likely stretch across most of the screen, this can be helpful; for smaller windows, such replication of controls is probably overkill and simply adds to screen clutter (see Chapter 19 and Figure 19-1 for more discussion of this idiom). 一些滚动条在两端重复设置上下箭头,这样对于可能超出大部分屏幕的文本视图是有帮助的;对于小一些的窗口,这种控件的重复可能有损害,陡然增加了屏幕的混乱(关于这种习惯用法的更多讨论请参见第19章及其中的图19-1)。 16. 16. The consensus in the South African markets is that the SARB will nudge rates still higher at its April 9th meeting, although analysts are divided over whether the increase will be 0.25% or 0.5%. 南非市场一致认为,南非储备银行在4月举行的第九次会议上,仍然会把利率轻微上调,尽管两派分析师各持己见,一派认为上调幅度是0.25%,另一派认为是0.5%。 17. nudge的反义词 17. I nudge her and pointed to the man across the street. 我用肘碰了她一下并指了指街对面的那个男的。 18. His specialty is his ability to identify a phrase, a voguish morsel of talk, from the business universe and nudge it into the realm of absurdity. 他擅长于从生意场中找出一个正在流行的词汇,或一段谈话的只言片语,并揭示出它们的荒谬。 19. 19. By default, your thumb is resting on the keyboard and you simply nudge the space bar to move on to the next page. 默认情况下,你的手指放在键盘上,只需轻按空格键就能翻页。 20. nudge的解释 20. Chiu said it might be possible to nudge cells with drugs to develop into particular cell types, such as contracting muscle cells, despite being implanted next to scar material. 周说:有可能利用药物促进特殊种类细胞,如收缩的肌肉细胞的培育,即使它们已被移植到靠近已经受损伤的组织。 nudge 词典解释 1. (通常指用肘)轻推,轻碰(以引起注意) If you nudge someone, you push them gently, usually with your elbow, in order to draw their attention to something. e.g. I nudged Stan and pointed again... 我轻轻推了推斯坦,又指了一下。 e.g. 'Stop it,' he said, and nudged the boy lightly with his knee. “别这么干了,”他用膝盖轻轻碰了碰那个男孩说道。 2. 轻轻地推动(或推向) If you nudge someone or something into a place or position, you gently push them there. e.g. Edna Swinson nudged him into the sitting room... 埃德娜·斯温森把他推进了起居室。 e.g. The civil servant nudged him forward. 那个文职人员向前推了他一把。 3. 劝说;鼓动 If you nudge someone into doing something, you gently persuade them to do it. e.g. Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest... 鲍勃一步一步劝说弗里茨卖掉了他的控股权益。 e.g. Foreigners must use their power to nudge the country towards greater tolerance... 外国人必须动用他们的力量促使这个国家变得更加宽容。 4. 几乎达到;接近 If someone or something is nudging a particular amount, level, or state, they have almost reached it. nudge是什么意思 e.g. ...a little-known stage play writer and actress who was nudging 40 and going nowhere... 一个年近四旬、一事无成、寂寂无闻的舞台剧作者兼演员 e.g. The temperature when we were there was nudging 80 degree F. 我们在的时候,那里温度接近80华氏度。 5. 性关系;(尤指)性丑闻 If you refer to a nudge and a wink or to nudge-nudge wink-wink, you mean that someone is referring to sex, especially immoral sex, in an indirect way. e.g. The article then listed a series of nudge-nudge, wink-wink rumors that have appeared in newspapers over the last two years. 文章接下来列举了过去两年间报纸上出现过的一连串性丑闻传言。 nudge 单语例句nudge什么意思 1. For a second - before they speak - I imagine that nudge is coming from a wealthy businessman with money spilling out of his pockets. 2. As commercial buildings nudge up close to its borders, the art area may be doomed as well. 3. It needs a nudge in the appropriate direction, especially when a country has a strong comparative advantage in natural resources. 4. Through higher interest rates and weaker demand, it wants to nudge down inflation by creating more price and wage competition. 5. The Chinese government has also allowed the yuan to nudge higher against the ailing dollar by guiding it toward successive record peaks. 6. A recent IMF study shows that better regulation would indeed nudge banks'lending rates up, but by relatively little. 7. But the latest developments in the money market may nudge the government in that direction, traders said. 8. Yushchenko has pledged to nudge Ukraine closer to the West, making it a priority to pursue a future membership in the European Union. 9. Bush also used the announcement to try to nudge unnamed " regimes that seek or possess weapons of mass destruction " into similar cooperation. 10. World record holder Liu shook off a poor start to nudge past American Terrence Trammell, twice an Olympic silver medallist. nudge 英英释义 noun 1. a slight push or shake Synonym: jog verb 1. push into action by pestering or annoying gently 2. to push against gently e.g. She nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant Synonym: poke atprod |
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