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单词 nursery rhyme
    nursery rhyme [英 [?n?:s?ri raim] 美 [?n?s?ri ra?m] ]
    nursery rhyme的意思、解释
    nursery rhyme 基本解释
    nursery rhyme在线翻译
    名词童谣; 歌谣
    nursery rhyme 网络解释
    1. 童谣:显然是经过整理和删节的,因为传说鹅妈妈童谣的准确篇目在80多首到800多首不等. 不过事情可以这样理解,Mother Goose已经称为童谣(nursery rhyme)的代名词,所以不管之前或之后的童谣都可能被算在鹅妈妈唱的那些童谣里.
    2. 儿歌,童谣:多利用教具、有声教材,如童谣、歌曲、节奏韵文(chants)、儿歌童谣(nursery rhyme)及律动、TPR...等,培养儿童听、说、读、写的兴趣与能力. 教师可配合教学内容、学生的程度及兴趣,设计有意义的听、说、读、写互动(interactive)的学习活动,
    3. 兒歌:儿歌 (nursery rhyme)儿歌是以低幼儿童为主要接受对象的具有民歌风味的简短诗歌. 它是儿童文学最古老也是最基本的体裁形式之一. 儿歌是民歌的一种,全国各地都有. 内容多反映儿童的生活情趣,传播生活、生产知识等. 歌词多采用比兴手法,
    4. nursery rhyme的反义词
    4. [名]兒歌,童謠:nuisance: [名]討厭的人、事或物 | nursery rhyme: [名]兒歌,童謠 | objective: [名]目標;[形]客觀的
    nursery rhyme 双语例句
    1. From my study, which is apart from the house and faces it, I can see the children flattening their noses against the nursery window, and there is running through my head a jangle of rhyme I used to repeat when I was a child and flattened my nose against cold window to watch the failing snow
    2. From my study, which is part from the house and faces it, I can see the children flattening their noses against the nursery window, and there is running through my head a jangle of rhyme I used to repeat when I was a child and flattened my nose against the cold window watching the falling snow
    3. This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me.
    4. nursery rhyme
    4. Your house is on fire and your children have gone ~Nursery Rhyme
    5. Please remember your first nursery rhyme when I read it a hundred times for you.
    6. Boys and girls, let's study this nursery rhyme.
    7. The nursery rhyme is very familiar to me.
    8. Home nursery rhyme with the adaptability of the age.
    9. Our teacher tells us that they will give us extra credit if we can figure out how the nursery rhyme " Ring around the Rosy " relates to the black plague.
    10. nursery rhyme在线翻译
    10. I'm due at a nursery rhyme recital.
    11. Star of nursery rhyme and toyshop, greenfly's terror and gardener's friend, few insects hold such a special place in our affections as the ladybird.
    12. nursery rhyme在线翻译
    12. She lapsed into a little girl voice to deliver a nursery rhyme
    13. Calf: I can speak Chinese. I can even sing a Chinese nursery rhyme.
    14. First, the more the development of day shows that the non-material culture than the culture of a more visible and more durable not easy to be changed (though the Han girl put on Dai ultra short miniskirt they hardly forget Dai childhood nursery rhyme).
    15. A nursery rhyme familiar to most children;
    16. nursery rhyme的翻译
    16. And this aint no nursery rhyme.
    17. nursery rhyme的解释
    17. Home nursery rhyme, but also the aroma filling the earth.
    18. nursery rhyme什么意思
    18. Will be the subject of the next nursery rhyme Penned by Brooklyn's lamest fiction writer.
    19. When walking up and down stairs, have your child count the number of steps or chant a nursery rhyme.
    20. nursery rhyme的反义词
    20. Like baby Via, who can sing, rattle off nursery rhyme identify colours and animal all before she turns two.
    nursery rhyme 词典解释
    1. 儿歌;童谣
    A nursery rhyme is a poem or song for young children, especially one that is old or well known.
    nursery rhyme 单语例句
    1. The nursery rhyme saved the day, and the company was none the wiser.
    nursery rhyme是什么意思nursery rhyme 英英释义
    1. a tale in rhymed verse for children




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