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单词 nymph
    nymph [英 [n?mf] 美 [n?mf] ]
    nymph 基本解释
    名词仙女; 幼虫
    nymph 相关例句
    1. nymph的近义词
    1. She fled as if she were a startled nymph.
    nymph 网络解释
    1. 若虫:头虱的生活史可分为卵(nit)、若虫(nymph)和成虫(adult)三个阶段. 卵的颜色介於淡黄色至白色,容易被误认为是头皮屑,靠著粘著力强的非水溶性物质附著在发根部位;约7天后,孵化为若虫. 若虫外型与成虫相似,但只有针尖大小,
    2. nymph在线翻译
    2. 蛹:从卵(egg 或 nit)到成虫(adult)持续30-35天. 雌虱每天可下卵10枚,卵的孵化约需8-10天. 第二个阶段为蛹(nymph),约8-10天,蛹经蜕(或脱)皮三次,到达成虫阶段. 跳蚤(flea)属于昆虫纲,蚤目(Siphonaptera,或Aphaniptera),蚤科(Pulicidae).
    3. 宁芙:宁芙(Nymph)是居住在山林、原野、泉水、大海等地的自然女神,源自於[[希腊神话]]中的[[传说生物]],有时也被翻译成精灵和仙女. 她们会依居住地点不同分成树宁芙(Dryad)、泉水宁芙(Naiad)、芙山宁芙(Oread)、海宁芙(Nereid)等等.
    nymph 双语例句
    1. It was just a lifeless seed of a nymph that Chloris found one day in a clearing in the woods.
    一天,在清理树木的时候 Chloris 发现了一颗形似无生命的仙女种子。
    2. Its not until the nymph reaches adult hood that the sex of the head louse is apparent.
    3. Because Tai'an does not have tea tree, then government officials are chosen come nymph, to Lai Qingtong shoot is picked in the father-in-law, immerse with father-in-law spring, the warmth that use system is hot, give the emperor samples, the name says daughter tea.
    4. Chigger mite paraffin section were made from larva on natural mice, free larva and reared nymph and examined by IFAT.
    5. You tie a nymph onto your leader and step into the water.
    6. Each way designed to sink the fly in a particular manner than the typical nymph.
    7. Of an insect undergoing incomplete metamorphosis in which the nymph is essentially like the adult and there is no pupal stage.
    8. The development of this psocid can be divided into three stages:the egg, nymph and adult.
    9. The nymph leaves the shell on the hair shaft and it turns a dull yellow color.
    10. Many mayfly species are clumsy swimmers at best, and combine that with shucking their outer nymph skin, they become a flailing treat for the waiting trout.
    11. Some of the best nymph anglers I know don`t even own a fly rod.
    12. nymph的反义词
    12. This striking sea nymph comes alive with metallic threads, beads and treasures.
    13. Achilles was a great Greek warrior and son of the sea nymph Thetis.
    14. nymph
    14. The Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, the Games Workshop logo, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Arahan, Athel Loren, Beastmen, Bladesinger, Bretonnia, Branch Nymph, Branch wraith, Chaos, Cyanathair the Corruptor, Dryad, Drycha, Eternal Guard, Forest Dragon, Glade Guard, Glade Rider, Great Stag, Guardian, Highborn, Horsemaster, Kislev, Kurnous, Lord's Bowman, Malekith, Morgbur, the Master of Skulls, Naestra, Naggaroth, Noble, Orion, King in the Woods, Phoenix King Bel Shanaar, Shadow Sentinel, Sisters of Twilight, Spellsinger, Spellweaver, Tree Kin, Tree Kin Elder, Treeman, Treeman Ancient, Ulthuan, Wardancer, Warhawk, Warhawk Rider, Waywatcher, Wild Hunter, Wild Riders of Kurnous and all associated marks, names, characters, illustrations and Images from the Warhammer world are either? , TM and/or? Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2005, where applicable registered in the UK and oilier countries around the world, All Rights Reserved. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.
    奇美拉,游戏兵工厂logo,Games Workshop,战锤,阿拉汗,艾瑟洛伦,兽人,剑吟者,巴托尼亚,林间仙女,树妖,混沌时代,Cyanathair the Corruptor,森林女神,树精,永恒卫队,森林龙,森林卫兵,森林骑兵,巨鹿,守护者,名门,驯马人,基辅,库尔纳斯,领主的射手兵,巫妖王梅肯丝,Morgbur,骷髅主,纳丝塔,纳戈路丝,贵族,森林之王奥利安,凤凰王贝尔姗娜,暗影哨兵,胞生姐妹,神圣诗人,魔法织造者,树怪,树怪长者,树人,远古树人,Ulthuan,战争舞女,战鹰,战鹰骑士,岗哨,野战猎人,库尔纳斯的山野骑兵,及所有相关的来自战锤世界的标志、名字、特征、插图说明和图片,均归属游戏兵工厂公司,版权所有。
    15. nymph的解释
    15. It is conceivable that pubescence forms a barrier, particularly for young nymph s
    16. nymph的近义词
    16. Less rainfall in spring is not advantage to egg's breaking ground and hulling and to nymph's feed getting. The egg grows rapidly and has high imago ratio under condition of apprpriate temperature and 3~10mm rainfall per ten days.
    17. Adults appeared in mid to end of April, disappeared in early and mid of October. The adult stage lasted 160~180 days per year, and nymph stage could be 100~120 days.
    18. When Ta was 44℃, the highest LT_(50) and LT_(90) respectively were 112.5h and 326.4h. When Ta was 50℃, the highest LT_(50) and LT_(90) respectively were 11.4h and 20.6h. Without radiant heat, when Ta<32℃, Tb>Ta and Ta>32℃, Tb<Ta. When Ta raised at the velocity of 0.5℃/min, 1.0℃/min, 1.5℃/min and 2.0℃/min, Tb raised with Ta and temperature wave appeared. The death time of adult locusts was higher than nymphs and its ability of high temperature resistance was better. With radiant heat, locusts were inclined to choose higher temperature which would not damage their body. Transferred from shadow to illumination then to shadow, the velocity of temperature raise and descent were adult>fifth instar>fourth instar>third instar nymph. At the same radiant heat resource, Tb raised fastest at straight irradiation. When the angle of radiant enlarged, the velocity of raising Tb was slow down. Wind influenced Tb at the condition of with radiant heat. Without radiant heat, the effect of wind to Tb was small. Thermoregulation influenced the death time, mortality, behavior of temperature chosen and fecundity. Given radiant heat at the right day after inoculation and the third day, the differences of LT_(50) and LT_(90) reached 3.6d and 7.1d.
    19. The nymph of first generation usually bores into the splitting bud to feed and it transfers to the expanded leaf.
    20. It s the adults that were given the colorful names that we listed in the Mayfly Nymph article.
    nymph 词典解释
    1. (希腊、罗马神话中居于山林水泽的)仙女
    In Greek and Roman mythology, nymphs were spirits of nature who appeared as young women.
    2. 蛹;幼虫
    A nymph is the larva, or young form, of an insect such as a dragonfly.
    nymph 单语例句
    1. The sculptor did so with the mythological Greek nymph Pan, replacing a trademark flute with Apple Inc's iconic music player and headphones.
    nymph是什么意思nymph 英英释义
    1. a larva of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis (as the dragonfly or mayfly)
    2. (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden
    e.g. the ancient Greeks believed that nymphs inhabited forests and bodies of water
    3. a voluptuously beautiful young woman
    Synonym: houri




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