单词 | obstacle |
释义 | obstacle [英 [??bst?kl] 美 [?ɑ:bst?kl] ] obstacle的意思、解释 复数形式:obstacles; obstacle 基本解释 名词障碍(物); 障碍物(绊脚石,障碍栅栏) obstacle 同义词 obstacle的解释 名词barrierhindrancestoppagedeterrenthitchobstructionblocksnagcatchimpediment obstacle 反义词 名词help obstacle 相关例句 名词 1. Her parents' opposition is an obstacle to her marriage. 她父母的反对是她结婚的障碍。 2. His reluctance to compromise is an obstacle to his political success. 他不肯妥协是他政治上成功的一个障碍。 obstacle 网络解释 1. 阻碍:练习2:在飞机上,角色A身边坐了一个举止怪异的人,角色A想要(want)的是隔壁的人闭嘴或是离开,阻碍(obstacle)是他在飞机上不能离开,座位也满了,而且身边的人愈来愈奇怪,让他觉得不安全甚至有点危险. 2. 2. 障碍物;阻碍:13.manipulate 操作;操纵 | 14.obstacle 障碍物;阻碍 | 15.priority 优先权;优先考虑的事 3. obstacle:obst; 障碍物 obstacle 双语例句 1. How to generate complete and high coverage benchmark data will be the major obstacle of our research. 事前的恶劣环境模拟也是设计的重点,如何产生完整、高涵盖率的测试资料也将是本研究必须面临的难题。 2. A thermal column constitutes an obstacle for the wind. There is a lee side to it. 当上升热气流带像一条管子时,对水平风而言它就像是一个障碍物,其后方有下风处。 3. However, with the passage of time and economic and socialdevelopment, at today's point of view, it become null and void policy, and also takes theproperty management a major obstacle. 在社会转型中,在多元利益格局和利益目标冲突下,政府究竟应该以怎样的方式去制定和实施有效的物业管理社会政策? 4. Not only it can lead to water function obstacle, affect breed aquatics and sightseeing, but also the algae toxin and derivative it procreant are seriously harmful to health, survival and multiplication of people. 水体富营养化不仅造成水环境功能障碍,影响养殖和景观旅游,其产生的藻毒素及衍生物对人体健康和生存、繁衍存在着严重危害。 5. Hougomont, --this was a funereal spot, the beginning of the obstacle, the first resistance, which that great wood-cutter of Europe, called Napoleon, encountered at Waterloo, the first knot under the blows of his axe. 乌古蒙是一个伤心惨目的地方,是障碍的开始,是那名叫拿破仑的欧洲大樵夫在滑铁卢遇到的初次阻力,是巨斧痛劈声中最初碰到的盘根错节。 6. CHAPTER II HOUGOMONT Chinese Hougomont, --this was a funereal spot, the beginning of the obstacle, the first resistance, which that great wood-cutter of Europe, called Napoleon, encountered at Waterloo, the first knot under the blows of his axe. 二 乌 古蒙英文乌古蒙是一个伤心惨目的地方,是障碍的开始,是那名叫拿破仑的欧洲大樵夫在滑铁卢遇到的初次阻力,是巨斧痛劈声中最初碰到的盘根错节。 7. Hougomont, --this was a funereal spot, the beginning of the obstacle, the first resistance, which that GRE at wood-cutter of Europe, called Napoleon, encountered at Waterloo, the first knot under the blows of his axe. 乌古蒙是一个伤心惨目的地方,是障碍的开始,是那名叫拿破仑的欧洲大樵夫在滑铁卢遇到的初次阻力,是巨斧痛劈声中最初碰到的盘根错节。 8. 8. Legal conceptualism has been regarded as an obstacle to the judical adaption of the law to social change. 法律概念论被认为是使法律在司法方面适应社会变革的一个障碍。 9. These innumerable multitudes of ruminating beasts often form an insurmountable obstacle to the passage of the trains; thousands of them have been seen passing over the track for hours together, in compact ranks. Dddtt.com 简直象是一座活动的堤防,这一支由无数反刍动物组成的大军,经常在铁路上给来往火车造成无法克服的障碍。人们曾经看见过成千上万的野牛一队紧接着一队穿过铁路,往往 www. 10. obstacle 10. On the basis of that, the thesis analyzes current situations and problems confronted by the reform of the system of university personnel placement and explains the reasons which obstacle it. 在此基础上,论文分析了当前高校用人制度改革的现状,面临的问题及阻碍高校用人制度改革的原因。 11. obstacle的意思 11. Based on the results of experiments, simulation and FEM calculation, the following are found: The values of mechanical properties measured in tensile tests are lower than those measured in compression tests. The inferior properties presented in tensile tests are caused by the damages of material, which are produced at much lower applied loads before yielding and resulted in more microcracks. Many micro-cracks initiate in the elastic condition, which shows the driving force initiating a cleavage crack is the tensile stress rather than the shear stress or the plastic strain. The interlamellar strength is lower than the translamellar strength, and even lower than the yield strength. The tensile properties of duplex microstructures are higher than that of fully lamellar, on the contrary, the fracture toughness of duplex microstructure are lower than that of fully lamellar, which is related to the grain sizes in a way. The intergranular fracture and finer interlamellar fracture are the dominant fracture mechanisms in the duplex microstructure materials, the fully lamellar microstructure materials resulted in more translamellar fracture. The fatigue fracture surface and mono-bending fracture surface presents almost the same mode. The cracks extend directly from a notch or a precrack controlled by the tensile stress. The superblunting, burification and deviating from direction of tensile stress of the crack-tip fronting an obstacle are the main toughening mechanism. 在这些实验与模拟计算的基础上,我们初步分析了TiAl基合金室温断裂机理,得到了以下几个方面的结论:这种材料的拉伸与压缩性能存在很大差异,拉伸性能远低于压缩性能,在拉伸时测得比较差的性能是由于材料在很小载荷拉伸时产生微裂纹,导致了材料的损伤;大量微裂纹产生于弹性阶段,其驱动力是拉伸应力,而不是剪切应力或者塑性应变;沿层强度低于穿层强度,甚至低于屈服强度;双态组织的拉伸性能高于全层组织,而双态组织的断裂韧性低于全层组织,这与晶粒尺寸的大小有一定的关系;双态组织的断裂形态表现出更多的沿晶粒边界断裂和小沿层面断裂,而全层组织中表现出更多的穿层断裂;疲劳裂纹的断裂形态与加载过程中产生的裂纹断裂形态没有本质差别,加载过程中产生的裂纹是疲劳裂纹的延续,是逐渐扩展的过程;无论缺口试件,裂纹试件还是光滑试件,都是逐渐扩展的过程,所以解理断裂为扩展控制,控制的因素为拉伸应力;裂纹扩展时遇到取向不利的经历而引起裂纹尖端的超钝化,分叉,方向偏移是其主要的韧化机理,在裂纹很短时表现出上升的阻力曲线。 12. obstacle的翻译 12. An obstacle composed of barbed wire or spikes attached to a wooden frame, used to block enemy advancement. 防滑铁齿板一种绑在鞋下或靴子下防滑用的带铁齿的金属板,尤指在冰上 13. obstacle的翻译 13. The domestic degree of carbon pickup from mold powder is higher than that of developed country. Carbon pickup has been a main obstacle to the development of ultra-low-carbon steel industry in our country. 超低碳钢连铸过程中增碳机理的研究是目前国内外尚无人深入研究的课题,国内在防止超低碳钢连铸过程中增碳方面的工作远远落后国际先进水平。 14. This is a big obstacle in the way of developing of supercavitation theory. 本文设计了用于水洞超空泡试验研究的充气自动控制系统。 15. This has become an obstacle in communication. 这已经成了交流的障碍。 16. 16. Which is the main obstacle of effective communication. 也是有效交流中的一个主要障碍。 17. The last one of this activity was to experience the obstacle in communion. 室内活动的最后一项是体验交流中的障碍。 18. In Chapter 4 of this thesis, we consider this kind of recursive optimal control problem with the obstacle constraint for cost functional. 在这篇论文的第四章,我们针对这类带障碍约束的递归最优控制问题进行了研究,得到了动态规划原理。 19. And we need to abolish the monarchy too. For it has now become an obstacle to freedom and human dignity. 我们也需要抛弃君主政体,因为这已经成为自由和人民尊严的障碍。 20. This is computer user how acknowledge and choose and buy are appropriate the CPU product of own demand brought very big obstacle. 这为电脑用户如何认知和选购合适自己需求的CPU产品带来了很大的障碍。 obstacle 词典解释 1. 障碍物 An obstacle is an object that makes it difficult for you to go where you want to go, because it is in your way. e.g. Most competition cars will only roll over if they hit an obstacle... 大多数赛车只有在撞上障碍物时才会翻车。 e.g. He left her to navigate her own way round the trolleys and other obstacles. 他扔下她一个人在一堆手推车和其他障碍物之间绕来绕去。 2. 障碍;困难;阻碍 You can refer to anything that makes it difficult for you to do something as an obstacle . e.g. Overcrowding remains a large obstacle to improving conditions... 过分拥挤仍然是改善环境的一大障碍。 e.g. To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles. 必须学会克服困难才能成功。 obstacle 单语例句obstacle的近义词 1. The peak can be reached by navigating an obstacle course traditionally designed to assist the development of kungfu skills. 2. This pits another obstacle in the path of the single career woman here. 3. The lobby will be transformed into a challenging obstacle course through which contestants will navigate their way while tossing a freshly made pancake. 4. Keyboard Chinese language inputing has been a major obstacle for Chinese computer users, who are often frustrated at the difficulty of transforming a Chinese character into phonetic alphabets. 5. Another obstacle in curbing child abuse in Hong Kong is parents'misunderstanding on child protection. 6. Water wave race includes circling race and obstacle race, and the water wave group relay race is competing by groups. 7. Besides the combustible nature of his personality, the biggest obstacle to a deal is Iverson's hefty salary. 8. City commercial lenders were the major obstacle to the whole banking system reform, said Ms Chen. 9. Lithium ion batteries'relatively high cost is currently an obstacle to widespread commercialization of electric vehicles. 10. Most people see a centuries old residential compound as shabby housing, while a section of an ancient city wall is merely an obstacle to traffic. obstacle的近义词obstacle 英英释义 noun 1. an obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented) 2. something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted e.g. lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement the poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan Synonym: obstruction |
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