单词 | off duty |
释义 | off duty [英 [?f ?dju:ti] 美 [?f ?duti] ] off duty的意思、解释 off duty 基本解释 不值班 off duty 相关例句 ph. 1. He usually comes off duty at 5 p.m. 他通常下午五点下班。 off duty 网络解释 1. off duty是什么意思 1. 下班:off balance 不平稳的,摇摆的 | off duty 下班 | on a large scale 大规模地 2. off duty 2. 下了班(的),不在值班(的):in the distance 在远处 | off duty 下了班(的),不在值班(的) | on duty 在上班(的),在值班(的) 3. off duty在线翻译 3. 备用的:off-diagonal elements 非对角元素 | off-duty 备用的 | off-gas pump 抽气泵 4. 不当班的, 下班的:shakedown cruise 试验航行 | off-duty 不当班的, 下班的 | sodium sulfoxylate formaldehyde 甲醛次硫酸钠 off duty 双语例句 1. Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by throwing off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new sense of public duty. 在东部地区的高等学府抛弃了教堂的领导,西部地区的学校则扩大了学习范围,树立了一种新的社会责任感,由此教育不断地被推向更高的标准。 2. Confectioners like sour pickles, butchers like marzipan, and the baker prefers sausage to bread; bullfighters raise pigeons for a hobby, boxers turn pale when their children have nosebleeds: I find all this quite natural, for I never laugh off duty. 挤奶工人如能忘掉奶牛,瓦工如能忘掉灰浆,他们就会感到高兴,木匠家里常有关不上的门或费很大劲才能拉开的抽屉,糕点师傅爱吃酸黄瓜;屠宰工人爱吃杏仁糖;面包师宁要香肠不要面包,斗牛士爱玩鸽子,拳击家见到自己的孩子流鼻血会惊恐失色——这一切我都能理解,因为我下班后从来不笑。 3. Duty Wu planning business: Private bank manager offers all legal section duty to the client according to asset state of the client, avoid duty suggests, pass safe, off shore account, fiducial wait for special tool to assist a client to achieve a goal. 税务筹划业务:私人银行经理根据客户的资产状况向客户提供一切合法的节税、避税建议,并通过保险、离岸账户、信托等非凡工具辅助客户实现目标。 4. Be careful not to stray off the right path of duty. 心不要侵犯别人的权利。 5. Canniness: never have a shit when off duty. 精明:从不占用下班时间大便。 6. off duty在线翻译 6. He has been married to his wife, Mavis, for almost 30 years, kept the same writing staff for 17 television seasons, and wears the same outfit -- a blue denim shirt and jeans -- every day when he's off duty. 无论到哪,我都非常开心。雷诺,59岁,生平简单。他跟他妻子马维斯结婚超过30年,带领同一创作团队经过17个电视赛季,每天下班后的穿着一沉不变——蓝色牛仔上衣和牛仔裤。 7. Hungry don't choose food of we point comprehensive chafing dish, make bosom not disorderly of father give sharp advice preemptive, claim help a villain do evil to take a knife foolish display of skill before expert waitress, hurry Jiao rabbit dead the henchman boil, because corpse vegetable meal of we a son early add oil to add vinegar to complete, wait for chafing dish hurry up Chen2 Yu2 La4's wild goose good contend for Central plains, regrettable the pot cover be too small, have a little desire cover Mi soup after anticipate seethe, hot get so happy as to forget home and duty of we hurriedly take off clothing to push food very big righteousness to put out close top and bottom its hand, round up all at one fell swoop to get a water rockslide. 饥不择食的我们点了综合火锅,作怀不乱的爸爸当头棒喝先发制人,请求为虎作伥拿着刀子班门弄斧的女服务生,快点将狡兔死走狗烹,因为尸位素餐的我们一家子早就添油加醋完毕,就等着火锅赶快沈鱼落雁好问鼎中原,可惜锅盖太小,有点欲盖弥汤料沸腾后,热得乐不思蜀的我们赶紧解衣推食好大义灭亲上下其手,一网打尽捞个水落石出。 8. The husband came off sentry duty and the wife tred her best to make both ends meet. 丈夫下岗了,妻子想尽办法让家庭的收支平衡。 9. Forklift to be suspended under the gas pedal clearance, remove the keys before leaving. when off duty drive the forklift in a fixed position. Take away the key, and put an end to the others operate the forklift. 7.2.7铲车暂停使用时必须关下油门﹐取下车匙后方可离开﹐下班完工时必须将车开回固定位置放好﹐并统一将车匙保管好﹐杜绝将车转给他人操作。 10. off duty的翻译 10. You say not to go, catching up with ranking Buddha is doited, avalokitesvara arrives fitly again the turn of life, offend angry I am easy come off sentry duty. 你说不去吧,赶上上级如来是个老糊涂,观音又恰好到更年期,惹恼了我容易下岗。 11. off duty在线翻译 11. They wound up meeting three times along the trip, each time when the officer was off duty from the train. 一路上,他们一共见了三次,每次都是他歇班的时候。 12. We already had good rapport with each other earlier at Darling, more relax this time, endless topics floated, she was so beautiful with a figure so hot, and I had some alcohol- I can`t help but touched her, in the meanwhile a Portugal man next to us actually came over and got his hand under Meow`s dress, this happened often in those days` bar I doubt that guy was an off duty police, making use of opportunity to harass working girls 上次谈话巳十分投契,这次更加放松,话题不绝,她样子又靓身材劲冶火加上酒精-我还记得我忍不住借酒意抽水,同时邻座有葡鬼男人竟也过来伸手入她衣服里,当年这是常有发生在擘酒场(怀疑对方是下班司警乘机搏乱,欺凌上班的囡囡)。 13. off duty的翻译 13. The developed countries should end off agriculture subsidy that twisted world trade seriously, cancelled structural prohibitory duty for developing countries, avoided technical trade measures to result in barrier to world trade, and provided necessary capital and technical support for improving trade and economic development of developing countries. 发达国家应该终止对世界贸易造成严重扭曲的农业补贴,取消对发展中国家优势产品的结构性高关税,避免技术性贸易措施对世界贸易造成的阻碍,并为发展中国家提高贸易和经济发展能力提供必要的资本和技术支持。 14. 14. The Heavy duty shut-off damper are constructed of heavy gauge material and full welded at each corner of the frame. 重型气流截止阀采用较厚的材料制作,架子的各角通过完全焊接联接。 15. They put their daughter in the creche untill one of them pick her up when off duty. 他们把女儿放在托儿所一直到其中一人下班可以去接她。 16. My name am Guo Guoxun, the Xinjiang Hutubi County Hua'an communityperson, I am 79 years enlist the boundary veteran, after demobilizescontinuously works in Xinjiang the life after, changes the system fromthe reform and open policy enterprise, I realized national thedifficulty, comes off sentry duty in 97 years. 我叫郭国勋,新疆呼图壁县华安社区人,我是79年入伍进疆的老兵,复员后一直在新疆工作生活,自改革开放企业改制以后,我体会国家的难处,于97年下岗。 17. There is what dedicate willingly bear the burden of hard works, silently from beginning to end in the job in report round member farming industry of cable of the wood in 5 division contest is finite liability company generates electricity the constantly strive to become stronger after the branch lights carry to divide a factory to be defeated by coal to be versed in Hu Zhixin; has come off sentry duty, contend for achieve top-ranking outstanding achievement, active help off-duty workers again of obtain employment farming; of Hua Jing of Jiang of off-duty workers of head office of 9 division trade also has a model to be the first, those who become rich not to forget worker masses farming 13 division red star one grass 2 just depend on even hired herdsman of the Kazak nationality Muladi, their achievement is ordinary and touching, they are corps the model beside broad Party member. 报告团成员中有在工作中始终任劳任怨、默默奉献的农五师赛里木电业有限责任公司发电分公司燃运分厂输煤工扈志新;有下岗后自强不息、争创一流业绩,主动帮助下岗职工再就业的农九师商贸总公司下岗职工蒋华憬;也有模范带头、致富不忘职工群众的农十三师红星一牧场二连哈萨克族牧工恰依木拉提,他们的事迹平凡而又感人,他们就是兵团广大党员身边的模范。 18. We`ll be off duty at mid – night. 我们半夜十二点下班。 19. The device then begins pulsing on and off at the TON/duty cycle of 3%. 该装置然后开始脉冲和关闭的吨/税的3%循环。 20. Think that because you're on an airplane you're off-duty as a parent. 认为你是在飞机上,就不需要履行家长的义务了。 off duty 单语例句off duty的意思 1. The current draft allows Iraqi courts to prosecute soldiers accused of major, premeditated crimes allegedly committed off post and off duty. 2. But he was too shy to let his family know about his hobby, so wrote secretly at night when he was off duty. 3. Rather than imposing high import duty on them, the government should strike some of them off the duty list. 4. The draft also gives Iraqi courts limited jurisdiction over US troops accused of major crimes committed off post and off duty. 5. The current draft provides for limited Iraqi jurisdiction for major crimes committed off post and off duty. 6. Most of the Bechtel workers were killed while off duty, said company spokesman Jonathan Marshall. 7. The drivers take turns to run the special line when they are off duty. 8. It has been his habit over the years to observe people in the streets, even when he is off duty. 9. Several security officers also were arrested for carrying guns while off duty, he said. 10. Zhang said he obviously had no idea he had set off the alarm, which a guard on duty heard and phoned the police. |
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