单词 | offence |
释义 | offence [英 [??fens] 美 [??f?ns] ] offence的意思、解释 复数形式:offences; offence 基本解释 名词犯罪,违反; 冒犯,触怒; 攻击 offence offence 同义词 名词offense offence 反义词 名词defence offence 相关例句 1. offence的近义词 1. No offence (meant)! 没有冒犯你的意思!不要见怪! offence 网络解释 1. 冒犯:使用这个词可以避免使用其他字眼儿而冒犯(offence)对方. 例如,你使用lover一词,而对方心里却一直当作boyfriend/girlfriend的,这种情况下对方就很可能觉得你的说法不妥(inappropriate). 在美国,婚礼和聚会邀请函时常用到这个词. offence 双语例句 1. An important reason, which causes criminal offence, is a crime motive of the crime native. 引起犯罪行为的一个重要原因是犯罪人的犯罪动机。 2. Offence of remove goods without pay for them or of refuse to pay a bill. 拿走货物不付钱或者拒绝付账,这是犯法行为。 3. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was 刑罚不得重於犯罪时适用的法律规定。 4. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. 根据国家法律和国际法律,在其行为或过失不构成犯罪的情况下,任何人都不应该被判处有刑事犯罪,也不应该承受与罪犯当时所犯的罪行相比更重的刑罚。 5. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. 其刑罚也不得重於犯罪时适用的法律之规定。 6. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. 每个人都指控犯有刑事罪的权利被假定无罪,直到证明有罪依法公开审判时,他的一切必要保障为其辩护。 7. The continuing offence is a crime form between the single crime and several crimes, it is this character that gives rise to much controversy in the field of criminal law. 连续犯是一种游离于一罪与数罪之间的犯罪形态,这种罪数不典型的特征,使得它在刑法学界引起了诸多争议,同时,这些争议又给它在实践中的适用带来了不少困难。 8. 8. So I will take an overall and systemic investigation on the continuing offence about its evolution、conception、constitutive factors、character、legal effects、differences from other crime forms and reserving or abolishing, and I will also discuss... 本文的意义,一方面,旨在引起学者们对连续犯这一问题的研究兴趣,从而将连续犯的研究推向深入;另一方面,希望本文的讨论有助于解开连续犯在理论上的一些困惑及由这种困惑引起的司法实践中的混乱局面,进而对我国的刑法理论和实践有所裨益。 9. offence什么意思 9. The offence indicated in the request for extradition is a purely military offence under the laws of the People`s Republic of China or the laws of the Requesting State 五根据中华人民共和国或者请求国法律,引渡请求所指的犯罪纯属军事犯罪的 10. 5The offence indicated in the request for extradition is a purely military offence under the laws of the People's Requesting of China or the laws of the RequestingState 根据中华人民共和国或者请求国法律,引渡请求所指的犯罪纯属军事犯罪的 11. 5The offence indicated in the request for extradition is a purely military offence under the laws of the People's Requesting of China or the laws of the Requesting State 根据中华人民共和国或者请求国法律,引渡请求所指的犯罪纯属军事犯罪的 12. The person sought is one against whom penal proceedings instituted or punishment may be uted for reasons of that person`s race, religion, nationality, sex, political opinion or personal status, or that person may, for any of those reasons, be subjected to unfair treatment in judicial proceedings; (5) the offence indicated in the request for extradition is a purely military offence under the laws of the People`s Republic of China or the laws of the Requesting State 被请求引渡人可能因其种族、宗教、国籍、性别、政治见解或者身份等方面的原因而被提起刑事诉讼或者执行刑罚,或者被请求引渡人在司法程序中可能由于上述原因受到不公正待遇的;根据中华人民共和国或者请求国法律,引渡请求所指的犯罪纯属军事犯罪的 13. B in the case of a member of a body unincorporate, was a partner or office holder in or a member or manager of that body unincorporate, or who, in either case, was acting or purporting to act in any such capacity commits a like offence. 倘第(1)款所指之任何人士被控犯有本条例所指罪名,该人士得提出辩护,证明其并未同意或默许该违例事项之进行,且其鉴于职责所在及所有其他情况,已尽力避免该违例事项发生。 14. offence是什么意思 14. And they gave their hands to put away their wives, and to offer for their offence a ram of the flock. 他们宣誓辞去自己的妻子,为赎自己的罪,献了一公绵羊作赎过祭。 15. The Japanese aggression of China with glaring arms together with the invisibly killing weapon of opium resulted in a monstrous offence to Chinese people. 日本帝国主义将这个杀人不见血的软武器与赤裸裸的武力侵略结合在一起,对中国人民犯下了滔天罪行。 16. offence的意思 16. Now, for an unfortunate man in his position, this convent was both the safest and the most dangerous of places; the most dangerous, because, as no men might enter there, if he were discovered, it was a flagrant offence, and Jean Valjean would find but one step intervening between the convent and prison; the safest, because, if he could manage to get himself accepted there and remain there, who would ever seek him in such a place? 对一个处在他那种情况下的苦命人来说,那修院是个最危险也最安全的地方,说最危险,是因为那里不许任何男人进去,万一被人发现,就得给人当作现行犯,冉阿让只要走一步路,便又从修院跨进监牢;说最安全,是因为如果能得到许可,在那里住下来,谁又会找到那里去呢? 17. In cases of flagrant offence, persistent offences or breach of Law 16.2, the umpire shall fault the offending side and report the offending side immediately to the Referee, who shall have the power to disqualify the offending side from the match. 对于严重犯规、连续犯规,或违反第16.2款,裁判应对犯规方罚分并立即报告裁判长,裁判长有权判定犯规方丧失比赛资格。 18. Chapter 1 the summary of the offence against traffic regulations In this chapter the author introduces and analyzes thelegislation on the offence against traffic regulations in ourcountry's mainland, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries, such as Japan, Korea, France, Germany, Russia, England...etc. 第一章 交通肇事罪概述该章作者介绍并分析了我国大陆、港澳台地区以及外国立法中交通肇事犯罪的概况。 19. Give me to know How this foul rout began, who set it on; And he that is approved in this offence, Though he had twinn'd with me, both at a birth, Shall lose me. 让我知道这一场可耻的骚扰是怎麼开始的,谁是最初肇起事端来的人;要是证实了哪一个人是启衅的罪魁,即使他是我的孪生兄弟,我也不能放过他。 20. That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ 恢复本 使你们能鉴赏那更美、不同的事,好叫你们纯诚无过,直到基督的日子 offence 词典解释The spelling offense is used in American English. The pronunciation /'?fens/ is used for meaning 3. 拼写offense用于美国英语中。义项3读作/'?fens/。 1. 违法行为;罪行 An offence is a crime that breaks a particular law and requires a particular punishment. e.g. Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty... 13人被控犯有叛国罪——一种可处死刑的罪行。 e.g. In Britain the Consumer Protection Act makes it a criminal offence to sell goods that are unsafe. 英国的《消费者保护法》规定销售不安全物品属刑事犯罪行为。 2. 冒犯;得罪 Offence or an offence is behaviour which causes people to be upset or embarrassed. e.g. The book might be published without creating offense... 出版这本书可能不会引起人们的反感。 e.g. Privilege determined by birth is an offence to any modern sense of justice. 与生俱来的特权是对现代公正意识的亵渎。 3. (体育运动中的)进攻队,进攻方 In sports such as American football or basketball, the offense is the team which has possession of the ball and is trying to score. e.g. Between plays the coach was talking to the offense in the huddle. 中场时,这位教练对围拢一圈的进攻队员进行战术指导。 4. 冒犯;得罪;惹恼 If you cause offence or give offence to someone, you say or do something rude which upsets or embarrasses them. offence的解释 e.g. It says the photograph is likely cause distress and offence to the public... 上面说这张照片可能引起公众的忧虑和反感。 e.g. We have had our differences and I'm sorry if it has caused offence. 我们有过一些分歧,如有得罪我很抱歉。 5. 别见怪;无冒犯之意 Some people say 'no offence' to make it clear that they do not want to upset you, although what they are saying may seem rather rude. e.g. Dad, you need a bath. No offence. 爸爸,别见怪,不过你该洗澡了。 6. (常指不必要地)(对…)生气,(因…)见怪 If someone takes offence at something you say or do, they feel upset, often unnecessarily, because they think you are being rude to them. e.g. She never takes offence at anything... 什么事都不会让她生气。 e.g. Never had she seen him so tense, so quick to take offence as he had been in recent weeks. 她从未见过他像最近几周这样高度紧张,动不动就生气。 offence 单语例句 1. He was charged with one count of dealing with property known or believed to represent the proceeds of an indictable offence. 2. Libor Kozak got his marching order in stoppage time for a second bookable offence to add to Lazio's misery. 3. Each offence carries one to two months'imprisonment, which will be served concurrently. 4. They had opted not to indict him on the offence due to conflicting details in the account of one of his accusers. 5. Under an Italian law adopted in 2000, doping is a criminal offence and can result in a prison term. 6. The judge warned that the boy's act is a criminal offence both in Hong Kong and on the mainland. 7. Loopholes in the criminal law should be plugged for dealing with this offence. 8. Xia has a personal policy of " tolerating misdemeanour but no criminal offence ". 9. The amended Criminal Law stipulates that all drunk driving constitutes a criminal offence, even if no road accidents or other serious consequences occur. 10. For example, they no longer take the use of condom as proof of a criminal offence. offence 英英释义 noun 1. (criminal law) an act punishable by law usually considered an evil act e.g. a long record of crimes Synonym: crimeoffensecriminal offensecriminal offencelaw-breaking 2. the action of attacking an enemy Synonym: offenseoffensive 3. a lack of politeness a failure to show regard for others wounding the feelings or others Synonym: discourtesyoffenseoffensive activity 4. a feeling of anger caused by being offended e.g. he took offence at my question Synonym: umbrageoffense 5. the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score Synonym: offense |
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