单词 | offender |
释义 | offender [英 [??fend?(r)] 美 [??f?nd?] ] offender的意思、解释 复数形式:offenders; offender 基本解释 offender什么意思 名词罪犯; 得罪人的人; 犯规者; 妨害…的人(或事物) offender 相关例句 名词 1. Those offenders all ended up in prison. 那些违法者结果都坐了牢。 offender 网络解释 1. 1. 犯罪分子:最多产的犯罪分子(offender)有 relay,他在每次调用一个 win32 函数的时候吐出(spits out)一个日记消息,win ,他跟踪 windows 消息传递,当然更有 all ,他是任何现存的调试单一通道的一个别名. 2. 犯罪者:Marshall的概念框架下,恢复性司法模式与国家中心主义下的司法模式不同,司法不是一种控、辩、裁的平面三角形结构,而是以犯罪者(Offender)、被害者(Victim)、社区(Community)构成的三角形为底面,以司法正义(Justice)为顶点的立体结构, 3. 冒犯者:offend 触犯 | offender 冒犯者 | offense 侵犯 offender 双语例句 1. The Prison Service recently spent £221726 on games consoles to keep jailed criminals in prisons and young-offender institutions in England and Wales entertained. 英国监狱以舒适闻名,近日该国监狱管理局又花费22万多英镑为英格兰、威尔士的监狱和少年管教所购置游戏机,供在押犯娱乐。 2. 2. The main problem is not the first offender or the petty thief but the repeated offender who commits increasingly serious crimes. 主要的问题不是来自于初犯者或小偷小摸,而是来自于犯罪行为越来越严重的那些惯犯。 3. Finally, please note that Repeated offender will be suspended. 若屡劝不听,该使用者将以禁止发言处分。 4. The Rifles released two singles, Repeated Offender and She's Got Standards, ahead of the July 17 release of their debut album No Love Lost, which peaked at 26 in the UK charts. 步枪公布两场单打,重复罪犯和她有标准,领先于7月17日发布的首张专辑没有爱失落,其中达到26在英国图表。 5. While your offender has probably forgotten the offense and gone on with life, you continue to stew in your pain 当冒犯你的人可能已经忘记他的冒犯而继续生活时,你却仍在痛苦里煎熬。 6. Complier`s monitoring refers to the typical incentive system matching complier`s monitoring is the qui tam system., under which private person is offered matching bonus for his monitoring. This system is constructed to encourage complier, being as a rational economic person, to monitor offenders. If the private monitor succeeds, some part of fine imposed on the offender may be bestowed to the monitor, and the rest to the state treasure or some specific public institutions; Offender`s monitoring refers to the collection and submission of violation information related to the offender`s own or others`monopolistic wrongdoings, in order to help the public enforcer to detect and deal with the antitrust violation. 其具体过程,则是鼓励守法的私人对违法行为进行监督举报,把对违法行为的罚款的一部分归于私人监督者,其余部分归国家或某一公共机关;违法者监督是指已经实施垄断违法行为的私人,针对与其共同实施垄断违法行为、或另行实施其他垄断违法行为的他人的违法信息,收集和提供给有关公共机构,并配合进一步调查的活动。 7. The offender is liable on conviction to a fine of $10, 000 and to imprisonment for three months. 违例者一经定罪,可被罚款一万元及监禁三个月。 8. offender什么意思 8. They don't usually imprison first offender s. 他们通常不监禁初次犯罪的人。 9. P:Seeing that you are a first offender, we'll forgive you this time. 看你是初犯,我们这次将原谅你。 10. But first offender s might be given a chance to complete an alcohol education program instead. 但是初犯者可能会给予一个完成酒精教育项目代替的机会。 11. The first offender was Shamael`s mother. 第一个触犯者竟是他的母亲 12. 12. As a first offender, she got off with a caution. 她由于是初犯,被从轻发落,只受到了警告。 13. A conditional release of an offender from confinement before the expiration of his or her sentence. 囚犯在服刑期满前有条件地释放出来,但必须置于假释官的督导之下。 14. Parole:假释 A conditional release of an offender from confinement before the expiration of his or her sentence. 囚犯在服刑期满前有条件地释放出来,但必须置于假释官的督导之下。 15. Under any of the following circumstances, a public security organ may initially detain an active offender or major suspect 第六十一条公安机关对于现行犯或者重大嫌疑分子,如果有下列情形之一的,可以先行拘留 16. A substituted call not permitted by A may be accepted by the offender`s LHO. 如果一个被A款不允许的更替叫牌被违规方的左手方对手接受。 17. To the such height of shamelessness, refuses to mend despite repeated admonition is a suspect the illegal criminal offender, I only can suggest the country and the law-enforcing departments, to illegal fabricate a rumor mislead attempt to overthrow poor person's political party----Communist party's political power, the attempt destroy the socialism illegal criminal offender who serves for the poor person and the poor country carries on the appeal and captures. 对此等无耻之尤、屡教不改的涉嫌违法犯罪分子,我只能建议国家和执法部门,对违法造谣蛊惑企图推翻穷人的政党----共产党的政权,企图摧毁为穷人和穷国服务的社会主义的违法犯罪分子进行公诉和追捕。 18. offender 18. Where the offender causes any serious occupational poisoning hazard or causes any occupational poisoning accident, the person in charge who is responsible therefor and other directly responsible persons shall be investigated for criminal liability according to the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of causing an accident in the control over dangerous articles, the crime of negligently causing serious accidents or other crimes. 造成严重职业中毒危害或者导致职业中毒事故发生的,对负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依照刑法关于危险物品肇事罪、重大责任事故罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任。 19. 19. Facing this complicated condition, everyone in the village has made preparation for an outbreak of violence as some of them were habitual offender with criminal record. 小豪的出现,对他来说己形成了一个两虎相争的局势,围村里各人都作了准备,因为他们曾经都是一些有案底的惯犯。 20. If the offender subsequently repeats his call on the board from which he mistakenly drew his cards the Director may allow that board to be played normally, but the Director shall award artificial adjusted scores when offender`s call differs* from his original cancelled call. 如果违规方重复其错取牌的叫牌,裁判则允许此牌副正常打牌,但是当违规方叫牌不同于*其原来取消的叫牌则裁判应判认为调整分。 offender 词典解释 1. 犯罪者;违法者;罪犯 An offender is a person who has committed a crime. e.g. The authorities often know that sex offenders will attack again when they are released. 当局一般都知道性犯罪者在获释后往往会再次犯案。 2. 造成问题的人(或事物) You can refer to someone or something which you think is causing a problem as an offender . e.g. The contraceptive pill is the worst offender, but it is not the only drug to deplete the body's vitamin levels. 避孕药的危害最大,但是它并不是唯一一种消耗体内维生素的药物。 offender 单语例句 1. If he catches a friend parking illegally, he can ticket the offender and collect a fine. 2. Cady was also charged with violating sex offender laws by failing to report a name or residence change. 3. An important element of the objective aspect of a crime is that the offender has committed a certain criminal act. 4. A drastic measure like exposing jaywalkers through images is metaphorical medicine, though it may constitute a slight infringement of the offender's right to personal image. 5. The court handed down a lighter punishment given that Guo was a first offender and confessed her crime. 6. A cupboard in Wang's office is filled with a batch of files, each matching a criminal offender his center has helped. 7. The objective aspects of a crime are the basis for deciding an offender's actions constitute a crime and related criminal liabilities. 8. The Justice Ministry's committee for treatment and custody deliberation ordered Monday the offender to undergo drug treatment designed to diminish sexual urges. 9. I'll spot an offender, cancer stick dangling from his mouth. 10. The State Department of Juvenile Justice confirmed on Monday that Martin does not have a juvenile offender record. offender的反义词offender 英英释义 noun 1. a person who transgresses moral or civil law Synonym: wrongdoer |
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