单词 | thirdly |
释义 | thirdly [英 [?θ?:dli] 美 [?θ?:rdli] ] thirdly的意思、解释 thirdly 基本解释 副词第三 thirdly的翻译 thirdly 网络解释 1. 1. 第三:third-rater 三流货 | thirdly 第三 | thirst for 渴望 2. 第三层次:第二种解决方法是...... The second solution is... | C 第三层次: Third, Thirdly, Besides, In addition, Furthermore | 最后一点: Last, Lastly, Finally, In the last place, Last of all, Shortly, Briefly, In ... 3. 原因三:6. What is more,________________. (原因二) | 7. Thirdly,_____________________. (原因三) | 8. As a result____________.(讲述结果) (第二段) 4. 方法三:8. Secondly, . 方法二 | 9. Thirdly, . 方法三 | 10. In fact, . 提出解决问题的根本途径 thirdly 双语例句 1. And the amplitude is controlled by this method. Thirdly, this paper adopted the digital phase lock technique based on asynchronous varying-Frequency modulation algorithm to control the phase and frequency of the refrence current, and the power factor of the grid-connected inverter. 3针对并网参考电流相频的控制,采用基于异步变频调制的数字锁相算法,实现并网逆变器的并网电流对电网电压的频率和相位的跟踪,从而实现了对并网逆变器功率因数的控制。 2. Thirdly, the paper studies the important role of strategic requirements of WED in the constructing process of weapons and equipments system; the paper also aims at the realistic limitations in strategic requirements analyzing for weapons and equipments development, and points out some improved measures. 第三,本文研究了武器装备发展战略需求在武器装备体系建设中的重要作用,并根据目前开展武器装备发展战略需求分析的实际问题,提出了一系列改进措施。 3. Thirdly, the cost model is validated using jack-knife cross validation method. 估算结果结合不确定性分析和风险分析,给项目计划和决策提供参考。 4. Thirdly, Conceptual Dependency Trees are set up based on Conceptual Dependency theory andresource model to denote the relation of concepts. 根据设计领域自然语言理解的特点,确定了在产品设计领域内应用自然语言理解应该采用基于知识的方法。2。 5. Thirdly, the principles of NURBS curve and surface are used to the modeling of... 第三,采用了NURBS曲线、曲面技术对复杂目标建模,给出了反求NURBS曲线控制点的凸二次规划算法。 6. There are four characters that can be found in this process. Firstly, it is a struggle within the political system. In other words, tenants admit the hierarchical rights of ruling class, but reject excess exploit. Secondly, the resistance has various ways, and law is a frequent resort too. Thirdly, collective resistance comes to be the most common form, wealthy peasants always act as organizers and leaders. Fourthly, tenants` resistance processes exhibits obvious different theme of demands in all phrases. Before mid and latter of 14 century, most requirements aim to reject duty beyond custom; while after, mainly to strive for cutting down the rents and tallage. 再次,文章分析了英格兰佃农抗争的四个特点,一是体制内的抗争,即佃农接受统治阶级的等级权利,反抗过度剥削;二是抗争方式多法并举,以法律手段为主;三是集体抗争逐渐成为抗争的主要组织形式,富裕佃农是抗争活动的组织者和领导者;四是抗争历程有着鲜明的时代主题,即以14世纪中后期为界,之前以抵抗领主超出惯例规定的要求为主,之后以争取减免地租捐税为主。 7. Thirdly, the author analyses the stages when TK can be acquired, and points out the factors which influence the acquisition. 再次,分析了缄默知识获得的阶段及影响因素。 8. Firstly, it set up a TEMP (technology, environment, management, process) model for risk identification of software project. Secondly, built an index system of risk assessment of software project based on seventeen kinds of risk indexes. Thirdly, set up software project risk assessment model based on BP neural network. Fanily, through training of the MATLAB neural network tools and testing of test data, the research on risk assessment provided a new model for software project risk assessment. 首先,构建了软件项目风险识别的TEMP(technology、environment、management、process)模型;其次,在TEMP识别模型基础上建立了包括17种风险指标在内的软件项目风险评估指标体系;再次,利用BP神经网络建立了风险评估模型;最后,通过MATLAB实例证明该风险评估模型的有效性和可行性。 9. Thirdly, vessel cell wall was a multilamellate structure, which CMfs orientation of each wall lamellate was perpendicular to cell axis. 基本薄壁组织细胞的细胞壁为多层结构,无明显的薄厚层变化规律。 10. Thirdly, in the means of course implementation, what should be dealt with well are relations between prearrangement and opening as well as imitation and innovation of aestheticism in teaching practice. 一是对体验性目标的逐层分解和操作性表述,二是将学科知识的横向整合和纵向序列相结合,三是处理好审美化教学实践的模仿与创新、预设与开放的关系。 11. thirdly在线翻译 11. In our point of view, the traits of Chinese income sources are: firstly it is mainly from the brokerage commission and the margin interests; secondly the focus on some special businesses can also make big profit; thirdly the previously main income—aggressive investment; fourthly the consulting business has become new gaining point. 我们认为,目前券商盈利模式的特点:一是基本还依靠经纪业务佣金和保证金利息收入;二是全力发展专项特色业务也能成为盈利大户;三是原先盈利的主要来源——主动投资成为经营风险的主要来源;四是以提供专业咨询服务的其他业务成为券商新的利润增长点。 12. Thirdly, he should receive moraleducation. 第三,他应该接受道德教育。 13. thirdly的意思 13. Firstly, the status of the production is been analyzed of from surface mining to underground mining of the metal mines in our country; secondly, the Daxingshan mines basic exploiting datum are collected and the exploiting conditions of the mine are grasped; thirdly, it is presented of the used-commonly methods and general steps of mining optimization; after the introduction of the numerical simulation method, the general steps are given of the optimization of the boundary pillar by FEM; the 3-D geological model of Daxingshan mine is set up, and different schemes are carried on by the 3-D finite element software; finally, the numerical results are analyzed, and by comparison, the optimal is offered; moreover, the valuable suggestions are put forward for the production and design of mine. 首先分析了我国金属矿山露天转井下的生产现状,搜集了大杏山铁矿开采的基础资料,比较全面的掌握了大杏山铁矿开采的条件;论文介绍了进行采矿优化常用的方法和一般步骤;在分析采矿优化设计的数值模拟方法基础上,介绍了基于有限元法的露天转井下境界顶柱优化的一般步骤;针对大杏山铁矿的开采条件,采用三维有限元软件建立了数值模拟的三维地质模型,针对可能的开采情况制定了不同的数值模拟方案,并应用三维有限元软件进行了数值模拟;最后整理数值模拟的结果,对比分析几个模拟方案,得出了一个数值模拟的最佳结果,为矿山生产设计提供了有价值的参考。 14. Thirdly, It reviewed the development of China's banking industry, analyzed and the characteristics of previous mixed-industry in 1993, contrasted the separated mode between China and USA. 再次,对我国金融业的发展进行了回顾,对我国在九三年以前的混业经营特点和利弊进行了分析,并且对此后的分业经营和美国的分业经营进行了对比。 15. Thus he is an appropriate objective to investigate the vicissitudinous relations between a writers changeable thoughts and works and the ambience. Thirdly, Ba Jin insists on the spirit of the enlightenment of May Fourth. This is a basic point throughout his life. In this sense, he is a best embodiment of the spiritual values of May fourth in modern China. 第三,巴金一直是一个坚持五四启蒙文学精神的作家,一生中虽然不断调整自己的姿态但这个基点一直未变,从这个意义上讲,他更能体现出五四的精神价值在二十世纪的中国所经历的沧桑沉浮。 16. Thirdly, this paper analyses the positive and negative effects of the rural migrationreturn to the city and the countryside. 其次,分析了农村外出劳动力回流给城市和农村带来的正负两方面的效应。 17. Thirdly, based on theoretical research of port economics, economic analysis has been given on the port resource integration. 建议采取增长性战略,实现航道建设重点转移,建设高等级骨干航道网,充分发挥内河航运的优势。 18. thirdly 18. Kunlun, and draws on many ancient myths, and recomposes them by his expectation. Firstly, he brings many new myths to his heaven; secondly, reforms the structure of old Mt. Kunlun; thirdly, brings new life idea to Mt. Kunlun, and hopes to slip the leash of time by high speed; fourthly, overthrows old relation between human beings an gods, and he becomes a host on Mt. Kunlun. 屈原在运用原有昆仑神话的同时,也改造、构建神话:其一,增加了许多《山海经》中原本没有的地名、物象,诸如县圃、咸池、春宫等,丰富昆仑神境;其二,调整神话物象的方位,重新构建昆仑格局;其三,以空间运动超越时间,赋予昆仑以新的生命内涵;其四,颠覆了昆仑的神人关系,人成为神境的主人。 19. First, this article clarifies the purpose and significance of this study. Summarize the achievements in theories at home and abroad which are closely related to inventory management and customer behavior, as well as establish the research approach and content that will be involved in this study. Secondly, recall the theories of inventory management and customer behavior systematically, which are conducted to provide general guidance of the theory. Thirdly, on the basis of human general behavior model, from individual intrinsic and intrinsic factors, set up inventory management index system based on customer behavior which is tested by empirical analysis. Fourthly, according to index system, analyze the customer behavior, and predict customer demand further. Fifthly, forecast customer traveled mileage which is matched with prospective mileage to acquire customer requirements, and then make corresponding inventory strategies. Finally, sum up the researches in this article. On account of the shortcomings that exist the evaluation system, bringing up the improve vision ulteriorly. 本文首先阐明了研究的目的和意义,比较系统地综述了与本文紧密相关的国内外库存管理和客户行为研究成果,同时也确立了本研究将会涉及到的研究方法和研究内容;其次,对库存管理、客户行为进行了系统的理论回顾,旨在为论文提供一般性的理论指导,找出了现有研究难题并提出基于客户行为的库存管理思想;第三,在人类一般行为模式的基础上,从个人内在影响因素和外在环境因素两个方面入手,构造基于客户行为的库存管理影响指标体系,并进行实证分析对指标体系进行验证;第四,以影响指标体系为依据,本文对客户行为进行分析,依据客户行为对客户需求进行预测;第五,预测出客户的行驶里程,使之与客户需求里程进行匹配,获取客户需求情况,制定相对应的库存策略;最后,对本文的研究工作进行了总结,提出本文中还存在的不足并就进一步的改进提出设想。 20. Thirdly, the paper presents the special legal status of social intermediary organization by exploring the relation between social intermediary organizations and government, social intermediary organizations and members. 第三,通过对社会中介组织与政府、成员关系的探讨,论证了社会中介组织的特殊法律地位。 thirdly 词典解释 1. 第三(点) You use thirdly when you want to make a third point or give a third reason for something. e.g. First of all, there are not many of them, and secondly, they have little money and, thirdly, they have few big businesses. 首先,他们人数不多;第二,他们钱很少;第三,他们没有几家大企业。 thirdly 单语例句 1. Thirdly, the currency appreciation may have an impact on Chinese agriculture. 2. Thirdly, developed countries have a duty and responsibility to provide the developing nations with greater support. 3. Thirdly, talks at the parliament include signing eternal peace deal by all nationalities at the parliament. 4. Thirdly and unforgivably, there are no innovative murderous gizmos to satisfy the movie franchise fans'inner geek. 5. Thirdly, optimization of the industrial structure has accelerated the development of primary industry. 6. Thirdly, both sides must persist in pragmatic cooperation for mutual benefit. 7. Thirdly, he says the company has the ability to supply the whole power solutions package. 8. Thirdly, whole society should be in favor of elders'activities. 9. Thirdly, he suggested youths work hard and avoid basing their lives on comfort. 10. Thirdly, consensus has been reached that both parties should consolidate and boost political mutual trust. thirdly 英英释义 adv 1. in the third place e.g. third we must consider unemployment Synonym: third |
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