单词 | thirst |
释义 | thirst [英 [θ?:st] 美 [θ?:rst] ] thirst的意思、解释 过去式:thirsted; 过去分词:thirsted; 现在分词:thirsting; 复数形式:thirsts; thirst 基本解释 thirst在线翻译 名词(口)渴; 渴感; 长期的干渴 不及物动词口渴; 渴望 thirst 相关例句 不及物动词 1. He thirsted for a drink of cold water. 他渴望能喝到一口冰水。 2. thirst什么意思 2. Some men thirst for power. 有些人渴望权力。 3. I thirst for beer. 我想喝啤酒。 名词 1. Some of them died of thirst in the desert. 他们中有些人在沙漠中渴死了。 2. The horse satisfied its thirst at the river. 那马在河中痛饮解渴。 3. His thirst for knowledge is insatiable. 他对知识的渴求不会满足。 thirst 网络解释 1. 口渴:一只乌鸦口渴(thirst)了,飞到路边找水喝. 看见了一只大罐子,可是罐子里面水很少,他把自己的头使劲往进塞也喝不到水. 乌鸦想把罐子推倒,这样水流出来,就能喝到水了,可是罐子太重,乌鸦推不动. 这时, 2. 渴:我们也用一定时间进行了一项试验,将渴(thirst)和压力(stress)这两项基本需求增加到玩家负责管理的基本需求集中. 当看到mockup(用于显示设计思想的粗浅原型)版本的时候,我们发现在需求栏中出现的这两条额外需求槽使得界面整体看上去太复杂, 3. thirst的解释 3. 蝙蝠:>(Look for Eric)爱尔兰 迈克尔-哈内克 (The White Ribbon)奥地利 布里兰特-曼多萨 (kinatay) 菲律宾 加斯帕-诺 (Enter the Void)美国 朴赞郁 (Thirst)韩国 阿伦-雷乃 4. 蝙蝠:血色情慾:(Enter the Void)则拿下了评审团特别奖及最佳摄影奖;最佳导演与最佳电影原声带颁给了新科坎城最佳导演曼多萨的(Kinatay). 最佳女主角则由(Hierro)的艾莲娜安那亚与(Thirst)的金玉彬共同获奖. thirst 双语例句 1. The rivers are our brothers; they quench our thirst. The rivers carry our canoes, and feed our children. 江河是我们的兄弟;是他们给我们解旱止渴,让我们载舟运物,让我们抚育子孙后代。 2. There was the thirst I had when I watched clear, sweet juice trickle from sugar cane being crushed. 还有,我看到一边榨干蔗,一边淌出透亮的甘汁,就口渴起来。 3. thirst的近义词 3. In toil and hardship, through many sleepless nights, through hunger and thirst, through frequent fastings, through cold and exposure. 劳碌辛苦,屡不得眠;忍饥受渴,屡不得食;忍受寒冷,赤身裸体 4. Female Yin Yin serious disease can cause death and symptoms are: hot and sticky sweat, shortness of breath, fear the body heat, hand, foot temperature, impatient jump to anxiety, thirst-hi cold drinks, or facial flushing, redness of the tongue and dry, weak pulse breakdown. 女性阴虚严重者可导致亡阴症,症状为:汗热而粘、呼吸短促、身畏热、手足温、躁妄不安、渴喜冷饮,或面色潮红、舌红而干、脉细数无力。 5. thirst是什么意思 5. The springs are still there to be enjoyed --- all one needs is the original thirst. 然而,甘泉仍在,待各位品尝—我们需要的只是原始的渴望。 6. When facing a child who likes to ask questions, don''t answer him in a manner to quickly send him away. He can feel the lack of effort on your part and gradually lose his desire to ask questions, his curiosity and his thirst for knowledge. 第3招:面对喜欢提问题的小孩,父母千万不要以为孩子还小,三言两语就想打发孩子,因为孩子会感受到你敷衍的态度,渐渐地失去发问的热情、好奇心及求知欲喔! 7. When facing a child who likes to ask questions, don''t answer him in a manner to quickly send him away. He can feel the lack of effort on your part and gradually lose his desire to ask questions, his curiosity and his thirst for knowledge. copyright mmkey. com 第3招:面对喜欢提问题的小孩,父母千万不要以为孩子还小,三言两语就想打发孩子,因为孩子会感受到你敷衍的态度,渐渐地失去发问的热情、好奇心及求知欲喔! 8. He`s been the president of CONMEBOL, the South American federation, forever and if votes were being bought, his was a thirst that would need barrels of champagne. 要是选票可以花钱买到的话,他恨不得拿簸箕去撮。 9. thirst的解释 9. The thirst of my soul is not such that it can be allayed with a drop of pure water—the streams of whole rivers would not satisfy it. 我从她的手接过杯子,一饮而尽杯中的水汁,觉得精神恢复了,然而我的心灵的乾渇,不是一杯清水所能满足--即使一江的流水也不能使它减轻些许。 10. B. Wind-heat syndromeManifestations: High fever with mild chilliness nasal obstruction sweating distending pain over the head congestion of the throat sore throat cough with thick or yellow sputum thirst thin-yellow tongue coating and superficial and rapid pulse. 流感的传染性很强,由于这种病毒容易变异,即使是患过流感的人,当下次再遇上流感流行,他仍然会感染,所以流感容易引起暴发性流行。一般在冬春季流行的机会较多,每次可能有20~40%的人会传染上流感。 11. This fruity beverage is a sweet thirst-quencher at summer soir es. 这种果味饮料是甜的。 12. The watery eyes seemed brimming with tears, as if they were thirst to meet their beloved ones, even once. 水汪汪的两只眼睛好像是眼泪扑簌的盼望着能见亲族一面似的。 13. Heat, thirst, and, for the moment, dinosaurs were forgotten as the team members followed Hettwer back to the three dunes and began to gingerly survey their slopes. 酷热、干渴以及恐龙一下子都被一时忘在了脑后,队员们跟随着Hettwer 回到了三个沙包处并开始小心翼翼地观察它们的斜面。 14. 14. Such receptors are nerve cells that specialize in different senses. Thus there are receptors that detect heat, cold, itch, pain, taste, hunger, thirst, muscle ache, visceral sensations and so-called air hunger, the need to breathe. 这些感受器特异于某一种感觉,包括冷热感、痒、痛、味觉、饥饿、口渴、肌肉疼痛、内脏感觉以及空气感觉。 15. We have senses of cold, hunger and thirst. 我们有冷、饿、渴的感觉。 16. 16. As of this writing, hardware makers are taking advantage of the thirst for more memory by selling 64-bit systems. 在撰写本文时,硬件厂商正在利用了渴望通过出售更多的内存64位系统。 17. 17. Lin Qianliang concluded the curative effects of tea as following aspects, namely: Help less sleep, tranquilize the nerves, brighten eyes, fresh brain, quench thirst, promote the body fluid, clear heat, relieve summer heat, expel the poison, promote digestion, keep fat off, break wind, eliminating dampness, relax the bowels, dispel phlegm, expel pathogenic wind from body surface, consolidate the teeth, cure the heartache, cure furunculosis and paralysis, relieve hunger, benefit physical strength, prolong life and others. 林乾良教授将茶的疗效归纳为以下几个方面,即:少睡,安神,明目,清头目,止渴生津,清热,消暑,解毒,消食,去肥腻,下气,利水,通便,去痰,祛风解表,坚齿,治心痛,疗疮治痿,疗饥,益气力,延年益寿及其他。科学研究表明,普洱茶除了和其他茶类一样具有以上功能外,现代研究证实在以下几个方面疗效更为突出:1。 18. We returned to the barn and slaked our thirst with tea. 我们回到谷仓,饮茶解渴。 19. Not only was the number of slain very great, but both sides slaked their thirst for vengeance in plunder, murder, and wholesale massacres. 这不仅是数量的杀害很大,但双方slaked渴望复仇,在掠夺,谋杀,和批发屠杀。 20. I wanted to give my Beloved to drink and I felt myself consumed with a thirst for souls. 除非我和祂感到同样的饥渴,又如何能使祂稍解对人灵的饥渴?。。。。。。 thirst 词典解释 1. 渴;口渴 Thirst is the feeling that you need to drink something. thirst是什么意思 e.g. Coca is well-known for reducing hunger, thirst and fatigue... 人们都知道可乐能消饿、止渴和解乏。 e.g. Instead of tea or coffee, drink water to quench your thirst... 渴了喝水,别喝茶或咖啡。 2. 干渴;缺水 Thirst is the condition of not having enough to drink. e.g. They died of thirst on the voyage. 他们在航行途中因缺水而死亡。 3. 渴望;渴求 A thirst for something is a very strong desire for that thing. e.g. Children show a real thirst for learning. 孩子们对于学习表现出真诚的渴望。 e.g. ...their ever-growing thirst for cash. 他们对于金钱越来越强烈的渴求 4. 渴望;渴求 If you say that someone thirsts for something, you mean that they have a strong desire for it. e.g. We all thirst for the same things. 我们都渴望得到同样的东西。 thirst 单语例句 1. Whatever Ang Lee brews is not for quenching thirst, but for savouring. 2. The transaction will largely quench CPIC's thirst for capital, which has previously been a major problem. 3. Provinces and autonomous regions in western China hoped a specialized bank could help ease a cash thirst in the region. 4. The huge thirst for jobs in the civil service has made the national civil servant exam one of China's most competitive tests. 5. The fresh air, clear blue waters and matching skies replenish urban thirst. 6. The three grand concerts come just in time to quench the thirst of Beijing fans with cool and refreshing performances this hot summer. 7. Liu's relatives said he was deaf and mute and were apparently too weak from hunger and thirst to complain of any discomfort. 8. Water is the best drink to quench your thirst in the hot summer and water can always help you lower the risk of contracting heatstroke. 9. Through the campaign, more villagers have adopted a cultured lifestyle and developed a thirst for knowledge. 10. Hanging the film on Zola's classic novel works as a narrative device, largely for the fact that it gives Thirst what little direction it has. thirst的意思thirst 英英释义 noun 1. strong desire for something (not food or drink) e.g. a thirst for knowledge hunger for affection Synonym: hungerhungrinessthirstiness 2. a physiological need to drink Synonym: thirstiness verb 1. have a craving, appetite, or great desire for Synonym: cravehungerstarvelust 2. feel the need to drink |
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