单词 | thrust |
释义 | thrust [英 [θr?st] 美 [θr?st] ] thrust的意思、解释 现在分词:thrusting; thrust 基本解释 thrust的反义词 及物/不及物动词猛推; 逼迫; 强行推入; 延伸 名词推力; 刺; [军]突击; [地]逆断层 不及物动词插入; 用力向某人刺去; 猛然或用力推 thrust thrust 相关词组 thrust是什么意思 1. thrust oneself in : 干涉, 强行闯入; thrust 相关例句 及物动词 1. They thrust him into the back room and tied him up. 他们将他推入后房并把他捆了起来。 2. We thrust our way through the mass of people. 我们冲过了人群。 不及物动词 1. I thrust at him with my sword. 我拿着剑向他猛然刺去。 名词 1. He is a man of thrust and energy. 他这人干劲十足精力充沛。 2. The direction of the thrust of the rockets is controlled by computer. 火箭推力的方向是由计算机控制的。 thrust 网络解释 1. 冲锋:必须指派最优秀专业经理人,虽然目前台积电总执行长可以兼任新事业总经理,但是台积电总执行长职位要顾及事情太繁杂,所以要由最优秀经理人专门出任,未来新事业部旗下包括太阳能、LED等绿色产业扮演向前冲锋(thrust)角色,是台积电在本 2. 冲断层:逆断层的倾角有陡有缓,如果断层面倾角小于45°,常称为逆掩断层或冲断层(thrust). 逆断层一般是在较强的水平挤压力的作用下形成的. 平移断层(strike-slipfault)两盘沿断层面走向相对水平错动的断层称平移断层或走向滑动断层. 3. 刺:银白联赛中的突刺(Thrust)和破盾(Shield-Break)攻击现在能正确地受到目标有效防御值的减伤作用. 奥芮雅附近的风暴淬炼守卫者的风暴震波(Storm Wave)技能现在不会提高超级能量(Supercharged)的伤害. 10人难度中, thrust 双语例句 1. Wafangdian HuaTian Metallurgy Heavy Manufacturing Company Limited mainly products 7 types of general rolling bearing which classified as single row. double –row, four –row taper and cylindrical roller bearing, angular contact ball bearing, thrust taper, cylindrical roller bearing, spherical roller and deep groove roller bearing and all kinds of knuckle bearing, sliding bearing, rotation structure bearing, combination bearing, ect. 瓦房店华天冶金重型轴承制造有限公司主要生产九大类型不同精度等级的各种轴承。其中包括单列、双列、四列圆柱、圆锥滚子轴承;单、双列角接触球轴承;推力圆柱、圆锥滚子、调心滚子和深沟球轴承及各类关节轴承,滑动轴承,回转支撑轴承,组合轴承等。 2. This thrust to the Dabie Mountains marks a shift in the war`s strategic balance, with the Communists beginning to assume the strategic offensive. 千里跃进大别山标志着战略均衡被打破,共产党转入战略进攻阶段。 3. The 3D simulation shows that the 25% thrust augmentation at sea level condition is obtained by the improved configuration. 对改进方案进行计算的结果表明,改进方案的发动机在零速下也获得了接近25%的推力增强。 4. By applying the obtained thrust augmentation mechanism, an improved RBCC configuration was proposed. 应用研究获得的推力增强机理提出了实验样机构型的改进方案。 5. It is of great significance to investigate performance characteristics and thrust augmentation mechanism in RBCC engine. 本文应用数值技术对支板式RBCC发动机,即支板火箭引射冲压组合发动机,引射模态的燃烧与流动现象进行了研究,探讨了RBCC引射模态的性能增强机理,主要有以下几方面:1。 6. thrust的翻译 6. It is in the first time in domestic RBCC researches that the RBCC configuration with relatively higher thrust augmentation in ejecting mode is obtained. 在国内RBCC研究中首次从理论上获得了具有较高推力增强的RBCC引射模态方案,对开展RBCC引射模态研究有重要意义。 7. Outstanding Yamaxun throws the thrust augmentation that go up in capital with the net that clean out treasure, quicken of business affairs of electron of very possible exciting China again. 卓越亚马逊和淘宝网在资金投入上的加力,很有可能刺激中国电子商务的再加速。 8. thrust的翻译 8. Lab tests showed that 55% thrust augmentation should be expected; however, differences in the scaled-up system dropped augmentation levels to 19% for the wing and a mere 6% in the canard. 实验室试验表明,55%加力应该有望,但在逐步扩大的制度不同程度下降扩增至19%的机翼和只有6%的谣传。 9. Large thrust engine is the key to manned lunar rocket propulsion system. 大推力发动机是载人登月火箭动力系统的关键。 10. thrust 10. After the optimization, the transfer efficiency of nozzle energy is improved, and the thrust is improved by 3.07%. 优化后,喷管的能量转化率得到了提高,推力提高了3.07%。 11. Breaking the chains of one's karma requires great energy similar to the thrust needed by a rocket to break the pull of Earth's gravity and to be launched into outer space. 要打开宿业的枷锁需要极大的力量,这就如火箭冲离地心吸引力到这太空所需要的强大喷射力一般。 12. 12. Based on the field study of fault outcrops and landform deformations, combining with TL and 14C ages, it is concluded that the north marginal fault of the Yumu mountain is a thrust with left-lateral slipping and the east marginal fault is a thrust with right-lateral slipping, and the Yumu Mountain developed from the resulting uplifting of the Yumu Mountain block along these faults. 根据野外断层露头和地貌体的变形测量和分析,本文认为榆木山北缘断层是一条具有左旋位移的逆断层,东缘断层是一条具有右旋位移的逆断层,这两条断层在全新世期间都有明显的活动。榆木山的发育是沿着北缘断层和东缘断层的逆活动,造成山体内地块叠加变形的结果。 13. This paper is based on the prototype test of axial thrust for the unit 6 of Three Gorge power plant. 本文基于三峡水电站左岸6号机组的水推力真机试验,论述了变负荷运行条件下水轮机轴向水推力的变化规律,并对计算预测结果与试验结果进行了比较和探讨。 14. When sillicon is added from 6.68% to 9.64%, the strength and modulus of diecastings increase slightiy, elongation, drill wear rate and drill thrust force decrease reasonably. However, when sillicon is... 硅含量从6.68%增加到9.94%时,合金的强度和弹性模量略有上升而延伸率、钻头磨损量和切削抗力下降,当硅含量从9.94%升至11.27%时,合金强度和弹性模量明显上升,而合金的塑性和加工性能明显下降。 15. 15. In the 1990s, when the Hindu nationalists were thrust to national power, they won three elections in Meerut in a row. 上世纪90年代,印度教民族主义者开始谋求国家权力时,就曾连续三届赢得过密鲁特的选举。 16. The objective is to prevent a blocking of a booster thrust rod (4) in the maximum travel position. 目的是为了防止助力器推杆(4)阻塞在最大行程位置处。 17. In the next free debate, the two sides are more thrust, I block you, and neck. 在接下来的自由辩论里,双方更是唇枪舌剑,你来我挡,难解难分。 18. This means that when the engine block access to a maximum power and maximum thrust, block 2 has been prepared to do a good job of bonding. 这意味着当发动机在1挡获得最大功率和最大推力时,2挡已做好接合的准备。 19. Thrust block may bridge the space between the termination of the arch and the foundation rock at the same elevation. 推力墩可以跨在拱脚和同高程的基岩之间。 20. B. Heel blocks should have screws located on the side of the block toward the thrust. 跟刀靠向冲头一侧应该有螺丝定位。 thrust 词典解释 1. 猛推;猛塞;刺;戳 If you thrust something or someone somewhere, you push or move them there quickly with a lot of force. e.g. They thrust him into the back of a jeep... 他们把他硬塞进吉普车后座。 e.g. She grabs a stack of baby photos and thrusts them into my hands. 她抓起一沓婴儿照片塞到我手里。 2. 挤;推;扎 If you thrust your way somewhere, you move there, pushing between people or things which are in your way. e.g. She thrust her way into the crowd... 她一头扎进人群。 e.g. He reached the garden gate and thrust his way through it. 他来到花园门口,挤了进去。 3. 露在外面;凸出来 If something thrusts up or out of something else, it sticks up or sticks out in a noticeable way. e.g. An aerial thrust up from the grass verge... 一根天线在草地边上竖立着。 e.g. A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds. 一缕阳光透过云层照射下来。 4. (车辆等的)推力,反压力,侧向压力 Thrust is the power or force that is required to make a vehicle move in a particular direction. e.g. It provides the thrust that makes the craft move forward. 它提供了飞机前进所需的推力。 5. (活动、思想的)要点,主要内容,要旨 The thrust of an activity or of an idea is the main or essential things it expresses. e.g. The real thrust of the film is its examination of New York's Hasidic community... 这部电影的真正要旨是它审视了纽约的哈西德教徒。 e.g. The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation... 此项研究的核心是早期宇宙和银河系的形成。 6. cut and thrust -> see cut 相关词组:thrust upon thrust 单语例句thrust的解释 1. Washington believes that its waning influence would weaken its capability to intervene in other countries'internal affairs and thus the new policy thrust. 2. The new thrust of China's blue economy is a combination of traditional, new and emerging industries. 3. The fictitious story struck a chord with so many people that the right to having pets was thrust into the limelight of controversy. 4. The fall of another senior citizen and his death have thrust the notorious judgment in the Nanjing Peng Yu case into question once again. 5. The American Spanish War of 1898 thrust upon the rising US power its colonial foothold in Asia. 6. A blind fault means a thrust fault that is " buried " under the uppermost layers of rock in the earth's crust. 7. Dr Vaughan said the controversy was part of the curatorial cut and thrust. 8. Wen said politicians don't necessarily " understand each other's history and culture " in the cut and thrust of political debate. 9. The thrust of the cafe's concept is upstairs in the Dark Room. 10. During a " green landing approach ", pilots fly with the engines on idle thrust in the descent phase of the flight. thrust的解释thrust 英英释义 noun 1. the act of applying force to propel something e.g. after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off Synonym: drivedriving force 2. a sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow) e.g. he warned me with a jab with his finger he made a thrusting motion with his fist Synonym: jabjabbingpokepokingthrusting 3. a strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument e.g. one strong stab to the heart killed him Synonym: stabknife thrust 4. verbal criticism e.g. he enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians 5. the force used in pushing e.g. the push of the water on the walls of the tank the thrust of the jet engines Synonym: push verb 1. impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably e.g. She forced her diet fads on him Synonym: force 2. penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument Synonym: pierce 3. place or put with great energy e.g. She threw the blanket around the child thrust the money in the hands of the beggar Synonym: throw 4. push forcefully e.g. He thrust his chin forward 5. make a thrusting forward movement Synonym: lungehurlhurtle 6. press or force e.g. Stuff money into an envelope She thrust the letter into his hand Synonym: stuffshovesqueeze 7. push upward e.g. The front of the trains that had collided head-on thrust up into the air Synonym: push up 8. force (molten rock) into pre-existing rock |
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