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单词 thymus
    thymus [英 [?θa?m?s] 美 ['θa?m?s] ]
    thymus 基本解释
    名词& 形容词胸腺(的)
    thymus 网络解释
    1. 百里香属:百里香属 (Thymus) 是唇形科下的一属,包括大约350种多年生的芳香草本植物. 最高约40厘米,生长在 非洲北部、欧洲及亚洲温带,我国多产于黄河以北地区,特别是西北地区. 主要产地为南欧的法国、西班牙、地中海国和埃及..
    2. thymus
    2. 胸*腺*素:促进细胞对葡萄糖的摄取和利用(不依赖胰岛素)增加细胞对养的吸收和利用,促进ATP生成增加,使细胞携氧能量提高,改善细胞功能,增强血管通透性,从而使血流增加. 血清生长激活因子 (SERUM GF) 产品制程:胸腺素 (THYMUS) 的药理作用:胸腺素 (THYMUS) 临床适应症
    3. 百里香:例蒿属-无茎委陵菜(Artemisia-Potentilla subacanlis)草原、百里香(Thymus) -无茎委陵菜草原等. 以强旱生多年生根茎苔草(Carex)为主,具有相当稀疏的旱生小灌木、小半灌木的草原. 例蒿属-寸草苔(Artemisia-C. duriuscula)草原.
    thymus 双语例句
    1. Grip hollow straight back and forth on both sides of friction in the thymus can enhance the body immunity.
    2. thymus的翻译
    2. After Ichthyophthirius multifiliis infection, the expression of T-bet, GATA-3, HCK, LCK and CD8α in thymus and headkidney was mainly upregulated in 1-3d after infection, the expression of GATA-3 and HCK in skin was mainly up-regulated in 3-4d, and indicates that T cell immunity is related to anti-parasite infection.
    3. GanLe capsule can regulate the engulfing index of little mices serum anthracic, can increase the contain of serum hemolysin, and the contractible thymus by CTX, but it have no effect to the T- lymphopoiesis out of body.
    4. METHODS GC-MS was used to analyse the chemical constituents of the essential oil of Thymus quinquelostatus Celak.
    5. The weight of immune organs, the serum hemolysin level, the clearance rate of carbon power and the phagocytosis index of mononuclear macrophages were measured. Results Compared with Cy model group, FEES could obviously increase the values of serum hemolysin, enhance carbon clearance index and phagocytosis index, and suppress Cyclophosphamide-induced decrement of spleen index and thymus index.
    结果 脂麻花醇提取物可显著提高Cy所致免疫功能低下模型小鼠血清溶血素水平,明显增强小鼠的碳粒廓清率和腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬指数,拮抗Cy所致的小鼠免疫器官重量减轻。
    6. There is a resonance light scattering peak at 343 nm. The concentration of calf thymus DN
    7. The embryonic development of thymus in snake was investigated with light and electron microscopy, as well as cell account and immunohistochemical methods.
    李丕鹏 ,陆宇燕该文应用光镜、电镜和细胞计数技术对胚胎发育期虎斑颈槽蛇胸腺的发育分化进行了研究。
    8. thymus的近义词
    8. Sudˉden death from thymus hypertrophy was closely associated with adrenal gland atrophy resulting in letdown of cortex function and decline of stress ability of the organisms.
    9. Two-way immune 〔can improve the function of immune organs, so that the spleen, thymus obvious weight gain, immune-suppressed mice to promote the proliferation of T lymphocytes function, so that peripheral blood cell count, especially the number of nucleated cells was obviously improved; promote foreign thymus T the role of lymphocyte differentiation, activation of NK cells and stimulate macrophages and T cell function, so that E increase in the number of ring-forming cells, inducible cytokine.
    双向免疫〔能改善免疫器官的功能,使脾脏、胸腺明显增重,促进免疫抑制小鼠T淋巴细胞的增殖功能,使外周血细胞数尤其是有核细胞数量得到明显改善;促进胸腺外 T 淋巴细胞分化作用,活化 NK 细胞作用,刺激巨噬细胞和 T 细胞的功能,使 E 环形成细胞数增加,诱生细胞因子。
    10. thymus的反义词
    10. The results suggest that thymus peptide might adjust the immune function of the children with acute glomerulonephritis and it is beneficial to the recove...
    11. Methods Fifty C57BL/6J mice received subcutaneous implantation with Lewis lung cancer cells from the axillary fossa to induce lung cancer models. After implantation for 24 hours, the mice were randomized into 5 groups: model group, cyclophosphamide group CTX, 20mgkg^(-1d^(-1), and XD groups at the doses of 1.65, 0.85 and 0.44 gkg^(-1d^(-1) respectively. After treatment for 14 days, the tumor mass, tumor inhibitory rate, spleen index and thymus index as well as the serum levels of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin 6 (IL-6) were examined.
    12. After 30 days the activity of serum Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Glutatbione peroxidase and the content of malondialdehydein brain and Lipofuscinin brain and liver, the weight of thymus gland and spleen and the immune-macrophage function were detected.2.Effect of Pollenpine on telomerase: After addition of different doses of Pollenpine into the involution form of fibroblasts of embryo human lung, the cell growth rate was measured, and the degree of cell aging was detected with B-galactosidase staining.
    13. Resected area from thymus and all lipoid tissue in the front mediastinum.
    14. Among them VLP- 1100 mg/kg d acts best, the transition rate of achroacyte reach 65.5013%, each VLP -1 dosage has apparent effects to the live weight gain of normal rats'immunization organic, VLP-150 mg/kg d and 100 mg/kg d have sorely significantly live weight gain function to thymus and milt, when VLP-1 is 25 mg/kg d, the thymus weight increase sorely significantly while milt increase not too much.
    各VLP一1剂量对正常小鼠免疫器官的增重均有明显作用,其中VLP一1在50 mg/kg.d、100 mg/kg·d剂量下对胸腺、脾脏有极显著地增重作用,在25mg/kg 。d 剂量下极显著地增加胸腺重量,而对脾脏增重无影响;粗多糖仅在100mg/kg·d 剂量下对脾脏增重有明显作用外,其余各剂量对正常小鼠胸腺、脾脏增重无影响。
    15. Aim To investigate the electrochemical behaviors of Mitomycin C and its interaction with calf thymus DNA. Methods The cyclic voltammetry was carried out at a paraffined graphite electrode.
    16. One-day-old SPF chicklings were inoculated via intracephalic injection at a dose of 0.03ml per chickling, consisting of 1:100 tissuer virus suspension. And 4 of experimental group and 2 of control group were killed at 1, 3, 5, 10, 14, 20, 25 and 30 days postinfection, respectively. All the sera, the lymphocyte suspension of peripheral blood, thymus, Fabricius bursa and spleen, were collected.
    17. thymus的近义词
    17. The change of general physiological characters, D-xylose excretion, activity of amylase in serum, stomach emptying and enterokinesia speed, contractile activity of small intestine in vitro, morphological change of gastrointestinal mucosa, gastrin content in serum, spleen index, thymus index were observed.
    18. Distribution of IgM(superscript +) and ANAE(superscript +) T Cells in Spleen, Head Kidney and Thymus of Hunphead Snapper Lutjanus sanguineus Cuvier
    红笛鲷脾脏、头肾和胸腺中IgM细胞与ANAE T细胞的分布,李珠;吴灶和;简纪常;鲁义善-66文免费论文库,大学生论文库
    19. The calibration curve was linear in the range of 0.05~1mg/L and 1~10mg/L for calf thymus DNA. The limit of determination was 0.014mg/L.
    线性范围分别为0.0~2.5 mg/L,0.1~3.0 mg/L,0.0~2.5 mg/L,0.1~3.0 mg/L;检出限分别为0.027mg/L,0.033mg/L,0.042mg/L,0.053mg/L。
    20. This experiment was undertaken to detect the dynamic changes of the numbers of T cells m thymus, bursa Fabricius, spleen, cecal tonsiles and Harderian glands of chicks infected with chicken infectious anemia virus at one day-of-age.
    thymus 英英释义
    1. a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes and aids in producing immunity
    atrophies with age
    Synonym: thymus gland




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