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单词 tinker
    tinker [英 [?t??k?(r)] 美 [?t??k?] ]
     过去式:tinkered;   过去分词:tinkered;   现在分词:tinkering;   复数形式:tinkers;
    tinker 基本解释
    名词〈英〉小炉匠,补锅匠,修补匠,补锅,修补; 拙劣的工人,粗劣的修补; 〈美〉杂活工人,打杂工 4。吉卜赛人,流浪工人,流浪者; 小鲭鱼
    不及物动词做焊锅匠; 焊补; 胡乱修补; 笨手笨脚地做某事
    及物动词修补; 粗修; (尤指不起作用地)修修补补; 小修理
    tinker 相关例句
    1. Don't tinker with my television.
    2. He's been tinkering with that engine for hours, but it still won't go.
    3. tinker的翻译
    3. Please don't tinker with my car engine.
    tinker 网络解释
    1. 修补匠:换英雄.* 修补匠(Tinker)的热导导弹(Heat Seeking Missile)现在将攻击最热的单位(如秀逗魔导士).* 剑圣(Yurnero)使用剑刃风暴(Blade Storm)时可能会垂直飞上天.* 炼金术士(Razzil Darkbrew)使用化学狂暴时有一定几率被甩下来.* 修正了敌法师(Magina)和灵魂守卫(Terrorblade)作为瞎子还拥有视野的Bug.* 修正暗夜魔王(Balanar
    2. 修补:不过神牛这种长着力量脸的靠智力吃饭的英雄就算了,对了,还有个猛肉,钢猪有了控场还要有输出,输出分为魔法输出和物理输出魔法输出主要有火女(LINA),受折磨的灵魂(TS),众神之王(ZEUS),双头龙(THD),修补(Tinker),仙女龙等等物理输出主要有魂守(TB),
    3. 地精修补匠:又猥琐的英雄? 法系:恶魔巫师lion出红杖,一晕一羊,能控能跑出了红杖的恶魔前期爆发能1000多; 遗忘法师(骨法),虚无,减速物免,多加44%的魔法伤害,出了红杖很恶心,逃跑杀人都好使. 地精修补匠(tinker)激光,导弹,一般前
    4. 工匠:该能力是一个每回合只能使用一次的自由动作(free action),人物可以花费一个英雄点数(hero point)以在一天内多战吼一次,如此战吼的距离和持续时间将加倍工匠(Tinker)可以选择任何科技专长作为他的额外专长,
    tinker 双语例句
    1. To scribe a scroll, you need a scribe's pen (may be bought from NPC scribes or made by players with sufficient tinkering skill) and a blank scroll in your backpack.
    要抄写卷轴,你需要准备一个抄写笔scribe's pen,可从NPC处购买或由工艺匠(tinker制造,双击抄写笔弹出抄写选单。
    2. In the middle-1400s, Johannes Gutenberg, a tinker in what is now Germany, devised an innovation that made it possible to print pages using metal letters.
    3. There were some bricklayers just released from work--a tinker mending some kettles by the road-side; there was a dogcart dashing down the road, carrying the master of the Audley hounds to his seven o'clock dinner; there were a dozen common village sights and sounds that mixed themselves up into a cheerful bustle and confusion; but there was no George Talboys.
    4. Similar is the look and feel of the iTunes homepage, Tinker`s featured page let you browse through categories of the top trends on Twitter.
    5. Set in a clear blue monochrome sea inhabited by Euclidean cellular critters and your own slowly evolving Tinker toy paramecium, Flow sucks you in with its sinuously elegant physics and keeps you hooked on the ever so slightly yet increasingly challenging task of gobbling up your fellow sea bugs.
    6. He then repeats this, farming BoT/Guinsoo/Manta/Orchid/Linkens/Shiva, then gives them all to the enemy Tinker.
    让我们看看他是怎么做到的把,他出了3把圣剑,撒旦之邪力,和从 roshan 那抢过来的2块不死盾,然后他把这所有东西全部给了对方的幻影刺客,然后他不断的重复这一举动,又继续 farm 了远行鞋/羊刀/幻影斧/紫渊之仗/林肯法球/shiva 的守护,这些东西他全部给了对方的修补,接着他又送给了斧王了四颗心,强袭装甲,和吸血鬼的祭祀,送给了电魂辉耀,大雷锤,冰眼,蝴蝶和黑黄,最后,遗忘法师也从他那获得了5及大根,3及死灵书。
    7. I don't give a tinker's cuss for what he thinks.
    8. In the eyes of some, to tinker with the economic model is to risk dismantling the social order.
    9. NOTE: I use these schedules as an improvement on the default FM schedules, if you have a player who needs a lot of work in a certain area, copy their schedule and tinker with it.
    10. tinker的反义词
    10. He does not need to be on a mobility or stability program and probably does not need to tinker with pitching mechanics to improve his pitching.
    11. His ideas are not worth a tinker's cuss; they are all borrowed from others.
    12. Programs available in source for fledgeling hackers to read and tinker with.
    供他们阅读和努力的大型程式的 source 数量很少。
    13. Finding good code to read used to be hard, because there were few large programs available in source for fledgeling hackers to read and tinker with.
    要找到好的程式码来看是很一件很困难的事,因为,对菜鸟 hacker 们而言,适於供他们阅读和努力的大型程式的 source 数量很少。
    14. As you can see, there are many important variables to tinker with.
    15. Because I'm a tinker. It's who I am.
    16. There's your house, Tinker Bell.
    17. I had a tinker at your radio, but I can't mend it.
    18. Now, Tinker Bell, are you sure you can do this?
    19. As you can see, there aremany important variables to tinker with.
    20. Please don't tinker with my car engine.
    tinker 词典解释
    1. 小修;小补;摆弄
    If you tinker with something, you make some small changes to it, in an attempt to improve it or repair it.
    e.g. Instead of the Government admitting its error, it just tinkered with the problem...
    e.g. They tinkered with the engine…
    No amount of tinkering is going to improve matters.
    2. (旧时的)补锅匠,修理匠
    In former times, a tinker was a person who did not have a fixed home, but travelled from place to place mending metal pots and doing other small repair jobs.
    3. (尤指爱尔兰裔的)流浪者,吉卜赛人
    Some people refer to any traveller or gipsy, especially one who is Irish, as a tinker .
    tinker 单语例句tinker的反义词
    1. Keson Bernard Tinker is a postgraduate student of business management at Shanghai's Donghua University.
    2. In the eyes of some, to tinker with the economic model is to risk dismantling the social order.
    3. While engineers tinker with the Internet's core framework, some university researchers looking for more speed are developing separate systems that parallel the Internet.
    4. But all the city government seems able to do is tinker around the edges of regulations governing who can sell property and take out mortgages.
    5. Tinker's soulful renditions of red songs have won him plaudits and awards.
    6. The proposal to tinker with 44 characters was made public by the Ministry of Education and State Language Commission on Aug 12.
    7. The book is the latest franchise of The Walt Disney Company, building upon the enormous popularity of Tinker Bell.
    8. The Park's signature centerpiece " Tinker Bell Castle " was illuminated for the first time on Friday.
    9. A fascination with Chinese culture and civilization brought Tinker from the Bahamas to China in 2005.
    10. " I used to put on traditional Bahamian costumes and dance along the street, " Tinker said.
    tinker是什么意思tinker 英英释义
    1. small mackerel found nearly worldwide
    Synonym: chub mackerelScomber japonicus
    2. formerly a person (traditionally a Gypsy) who traveled from place to place mending pots and kettles and other metal utensils as a way to earn a living
    3. a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts
    Synonym: tinkerer
    1. try to fix or mend
    e.g. Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it's not working right
    She always fiddles with her van on the weekend
    Synonym: fiddle
    2. do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly
    e.g. The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house
    Synonym: puttermess aroundpottermonkeymonkey aroundmuck aboutmuck around
    3. work as a tinker or tinkerer




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