单词 | onslaught |
释义 | onslaught [英 [??nsl?:t] 美 [?ɑ:nsl?:t] ] onslaught的意思、解释 复数形式:onslaughts; onslaught 基本解释 名词突击; 猛攻,攻击; 大量的倾泻 onslaught 相关例句 名词 1. onslaught在线翻译 1. The politician made a violent onslaught on the unions. 该政客猛烈抨击工会。 onslaught 网络解释 1. 攻击:★全新攻击(Onslaught)模式:玩家可在地面、空中、太空展开战斗. 从鏖战太空到母舰争夺,玩家将体验多6个攻击模式剧本. ★全新屠杀(Assault)模式:玩家可在支持16-32人的超大尺寸地图上使用各种车辆和武器作战. onslaught 双语例句 1. There`s no need to manage the onslaught of unread articles but with the click of a button that causes many to tremble in fear. 我就没有必要去猛攻我没有阅读的文章,只要按一令许多人胆寒的按扭就可以了。 2. onslaught什么意思 2. Throughout most of Onslaught block, there were two big decks – Astral Slide and Goblins – and then a few decks that were peripheral to the primary metagame, like Zombie Bidding, MWC, Form of the Dragon, G/R, and U/W. 贯穿整个环境之中,有两套王者-星幽滑移和精灵-和一些对于主流来说次要的套牌,像灵俑、大白、纯红大龙、红绿和蓝白。 3. Yea, - if ye remain firm, and act aright, even if the enemy should rush here on you in hot haste, your Lord would help you with five thousand angels Making a terrific onslaught. 不然,如果你们坚忍,并且敬畏,而敌人立刻来攻你们,那末,你们的主,将使袭击的天神五千来援助你们。 4. Professor Bill Rawlinson from Sydney's Prince of Wales hospital says the country is preparing for an onslaught. 悉尼威尔斯亲王医院教授比尔罗林森表示,澳大利亚准备应付流感的大流行。 5. He made woeful and savage onslaught on a poem and a romance which came before him for judgement. 他对前来接受他的审判的一篇诗和一本小说,进行了大刀阔斧,铁面无情的讨伐。 6. onslaught的解释 6. March 1, the Japanese became more furious madness, to strengthen the forces to the Bay, the temple line, Liuhe onslaught launched at the same time, the strength of thin Route 19 and three times as much as the Japanese army launched a desperate struggle, the end result of众寡悬殊failed to beat the enemy, falling Liuhe opponent, the second line of defense was forced to retreat. 3月1日,恼羞成怒的日寇变得更加疯狂,加强兵力向江湾、庙行、浏河同时发起猛攻,兵力单薄的十九路军与三倍于我军的日寇展开殊死搏斗,终因众寡悬殊未能击败敌人,浏河沦入敌手,被迫退守第二道防线。 7. With the onslaught of the internet, it seems there are thousands of ways to locate that perfect home, and a new buyer might be a confused about where to start. 随着互联网的冲击,似乎有数以千计的方式找到那个完美的家庭,和一个新的买主可能是一个混乱的地方开始。 8. They were the least able to get out of the way of the onslaught. 当天灾降临时,他们是那些最不能逃避灾难的人。 9. However, following the recent onslaught of media speculation over Mourinho's future, JT had questioned whether he would still be playing for the same manager. 然而,由于近来媒体对穆帅的将来猜测纷纷,这样的传闻冲击下,特队曾问穆帅,他是否仍旧能跟随这个主教练。 10. Earth's magnetic field repels most of this onslaught, but some occasionally leaks through as a result of a sudden, explosive release of these particles from the solar wind. 地球的磁场挡住了大部分的冲击,但有时候会由于意外遗漏一些,太阳风中的这些微粒就会爆炸释放出来。 11. onslaught 11. And 4mp turned out to be too little in the wake of Canon's megapixel onslaught. 其实D2h的测光在使用某些对焦点的时候会完全不起作用。 12. As it happens, I suspect that Google`s canny onslaught on Microsoft is just a diversionary sideshow. 因为它发生的,我怀疑Google的Canny算子的冲击对微软只是一种转移视线的SideShow的。 13. onslaught的意思 13. The first time I saw his face, not handsome cute, and is precisely at this time I found that my heart seemed to beat very intense, the next night we talked late into the night, I also indirectly let him know I His love, the day my happiest and most painful day, happy because he knew my love, the pain is because I know that my love no results The third day and final day, he refused me, because I must we onslaught, he said he wanted to find a person to take care of him in my constituency who are to take care of, I do not for him! 第一次看到他的脸,没帅很可爱,也正是在这个时候我发现我的心好象跳动的很激烈,第二天晚上我们聊到很晚,我也间接的让他知道了我对他的爱,那天是我最高兴也是最痛苦的一天,高兴因为他知道了我的爱,痛苦是因为我也知道我的爱没有结果第三天,也是最后一天,他拒绝了我,因为我的咄咄相逼,他说他想找一个照顾他的人而我的选者是被照顾,所以我不适合他! 14. The galaxy is threatened to be overwhelmed by a dark force known as the Mirk. You take the role of a novice Guardian – an elite fighter pilot who, although infected with Mirk yourself, strives to give humanity and the other sentient races in the galaxy a chance to win against the enemy onslaught. 银河系正面临着强大的黑暗力量Mirk的威胁,你作为守护者部队的一名新兵,一位同样被Mirk感染的精英飞行员,要通过努力战斗为人类和银河系中的其他智慧种族赢得战胜强大敌人的机会。 15. Surprise attack; sudden onslaught; take sb. by surprise1. surprise attack; sudden onslaught; take sb. by surprise 成语原指军事上出其不意地攻击,现多比喻突然加于别人的行动使人感到意外而难应付。 16. onslaught的意思 16. 5The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind. 当前,车辆横冲直闯,严重地威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。 17. Now, all of a sudden, there is this onslaught of openly gay rockers out there. 现在,忽然的,这儿有一只摇滚乐队全是公开的同性恋。 18. For many, the first screening serves akind of appetizer-a way to get familiar with the basic storyline and characters and adjust to the special effects onslaught. 对很多人而言,看第一次只能算是开胃菜,先熟悉一下故本家儿线和人物,合适一下绝技结果的冲击。 19. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that this disease due to the onslaught of evil dry, cold and dry heat Shanglin evil, or in-Yin, inadequate endowment, or sweat, vomit, after the Fluid casualties, and so Yin Chun, lack of qi and blood, blood stasis Tongxinluo Bi due. 中医认为本病多因燥邪外袭,风寒热邪化燥伤阴,或素体阴虚,禀赋不足,或汗、吐、下后津液伤亡等,使阴津、气血不足,血瘀络痹所致。 20. One by became Using the arcane powerseven In time, by we left none alive to tend them. of our Warlocks and Necromancers, the mightiest of our foes could long stand against our increasing onslaught. one our enemies fell, and westronger with each victory. subjugating all who would oppose our rise to power, and enslaving these weaker races to use as we pleased, we conquered both nature and creatures to finally rise to the 他们的农地荒废,谷物在茎秆上枯萎,这是因为 for not One by became Using the arcane powerseven In time我们使用神秘的魔法,没有留下一个活人。我们的术士和巫师不断增加进攻次数,只有最强大的敌人才能长期抵抗。随着每一个敌人倒下,我们也随着每一次胜利而变得越来越强大。 onslaught 词典解释 1. 攻击;袭击;猛攻 An onslaught on someone or something is a very violent, forceful attack against them. e.g. The attackers launched another vicious onslaught on their victim... 袭击者再度凶残地攻击受害人。 e.g. The rebels responded to a military onslaught against them by launching a major assault on an army camp. 叛乱分子为报复政府的军事打击,向一处军营发动猛攻。 2. (常指难以应付的)大批,大量 If you refer to an onslaught of something, you mean that there is a large amount of it, often so that it is very difficult to deal with. e.g. The onslaught of orders should keep aircraft manufacturers busy for some time. 纷至沓来的订单应该会让飞机制造商忙碌一段时间。 e.g. ...the constant onslaught of ads on American TV. 美国电视上让人应接不暇的广告 onslaught 单语例句 1. But some feared that resurrecting the church would bring an onslaught of traffic from mass tourism as well as trigger painful memories of colonialism. 2. The deadly onslaught leveled an entire residential district in the downtown area, leaving in its wake a wasteland with many houses cut in two. 3. The mission would be the first US diplomatic effort on the ground since the Israeli onslaught against Lebanon began nine days ago. 4. After the direct onslaught of the storm, flooding is the next most frequently occurring problem after heavy wind damage. 5. They are holding up pretty well against the onslaught of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. 6. In a cultural world in which even the use of a microphone creates shock waves, how will the new onslaught of electronic sound change people's expectations? 7. Thousands died on the beaches but the invasion hastened the end for Hitler's armies, already reeling before the Soviet onslaught. 8. Security forces fired tear gas and loosed their weapons into the air to stop the onslaught. 9. Technicians have been scrambling for the past week to fend off the most concentrated digital onslaught ever seen. 10. The government failed to halt the onslaught " despite having been put on notice multiple times, " he said. onslaughtonslaught 英英释义 noun 1. (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons) e.g. the attack began at dawn Synonym: attackonsetonrush 2. the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written) e.g. a barrage of questions a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake Synonym: barragebombardmentoutpouring 3. a sudden and severe onset of trouble |
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