单词 | organise |
释义 | organise [英 ['?:g?na?z] 美 ['?:g?na?z] ] organise的意思、解释 organise 基本解释 organise 及物/不及物动词组织; 安排; 筹备 organise 网络解释 1. organise的解释 1. 组织:杨正这个家伙,自己藏不就行了,他居然还拉了一大帮人参与,很快,同学们一个个相继进入黑手党组织,并为黑手党起了个挺隐蔽的名字--BHO,即黑(black),手(hand)组织(organise)的三个首字母. 2. 有机化:organicist 唯器官变化论者 | organise 有机化 | organise 给予生机 3. 给予生机:organise 有机化 | organise 给予生机 | organism 有机体 4. organise 4. (美organize) vt. 组织:2001 ordinary a. 普通的,平常的 | 2002 organise (美organize) vt. 组织 | 2003 organiser (美organizer) n. 组织者 organise 双语例句 1. But now we have to analyse the schedule and see if we can organise the fixtures properly. 但现在我们要分析的进度,看看是否可以安排适当的固定装置。 2. To give yourself a little more time to organise your thoughts you can begin your answer with short phrases such as 为了能有稍多一点的时间去组织你的想法和思路,你可以用下列短语开个头先 3. 3. Zanitti effused, `We congratulate you on taking the initiative to organise such useful courses. 赞尼提说:祝贺你,组织了如此有效的培训课程,这是一种新的尝试。 4. organise的反义词 4. ON YOUR ACCEPTANCE I WILL SEND THE PROFORMA FROM MY INDIAN COMPANY, SUBIKSHAA SEAFOOD. YOU CAN SEND THE T/T TO MY INDIAN COMPANY AND I CAN ORGANISE SHIPMENT FROM SRILANKA. 如果你接受的话,我可以从印度公司给你开形式发票,SUBIKSHAA海产品,你可以电汇到我印度公司,我从斯里兰卡发货给你。 5. Michael Schumacher visited the terrace, talking to some of the Aldar representatives, who, during the race weekends, organise events and cocktail parties, but also display the park, explaining the stage of the works on the Yas Island, where on the upcoming 1 November the first Formula 1 Grand Prix will be held. 舒马赫也去到天台参加了活动,并和部分Aldar代表进行了交谈,这些代表也在比赛周末期间组织了一些活动和鸡尾酒会,同时此次活动中还展示了公园的模型,并说明了在Yas岛上的工作进展,而Yas岛也将将在11月1日第一次举办F1大奖赛。 6. 6. But however you organise your work it`s still of highest priority to find the most important tasks so you don`t spend days, weeks or months doing busywork that isn`t that essential anyway. 但是无论你如何组织工作,最关键的还是寻找那些最重要的工作,这样你就不必花费几天,几个星期甚至几个月的时间去忙于那些并不是很重要的事情。 7. But cells edema and destroy of cells`configuration in brain organise in intervenor groups were statistic lighter than that of model group. AQP4干预组和HO-1干预组各时间点脑组织结构的破坏和细胞水肿的程度均较模型组轻。 8. 8. Ms. Chan was Chairlady of the Hong Kong News Executive Association from 2003 to 2006, a period during which she helped organise a symposium to facilitate exchange between journalists within the Greater China region. 她於2003年至2006年出任香港新闻行政人员协会主席,任内协助筹办研讨会,积极推动大中华地区新闻工作者交流。 9. organise 9. This is because battle conditions are quite fluid, and the general on the ground must be given the maximum flexibility to organise and restructure his troops and formations depending on the battle situations. 战场上的风云变色只在一瞬间,你必须让身处其中的统帅有最大的发挥空间,好配合战局组织军队和布阵。 10. You will usually have time to organise your forces whether you're attacking or defending. 无论进攻或防守你都有时间来重新组织自己的部队。 11. This group was formed to organise the first Queensland Intercolonial Exhibition. 地點則是現在的展覽地。 12. organise在线翻译 12. I have to organise a seating plan for the dinner. 我必须要为晚餐安排座次。 13. The Bushmen of the Kalahari have some answers - the unique design of the human body made them efficient hunters and the ancient click language of the Bushmen points to an early ability to organise and plan. Kalahari沙漠南部的Bushmen民族或许能给我们以-人类身体的独特结构得以让他们成为高效的狩猎者,加之Bushmen民族古老的搭嘴语言,更让他们拥有了最原始的组织和计划能力。 14. The former are the containership end users who organise port to port or fully intermodal container services. 前者是集装箱船的最终用户,他们组织港口到港口的运输业务,或提供全方位的集装箱多式联运服务。 15. Please bear in mind that we need at least one week's prior notice to organise this service. 请记住我们需要至少一个星期的预先的通知组织这项服务。 16. organise的意思 16. Ribas, club doctor of Sevilla, expressed himself as follows on the conditions of captain Javi Navarro: Considering that the player has great temperament and can organise himself very well, I think he can recover from his injury very quickly. 米兰— 塞维利亚队医里巴斯医生对于队长纳瓦罗的伤势表达了自己的看法:考虑到这名球员脾气良好,有很好的自我管理能力,我认为他很快就可以从伤病中恢复。 17. 1 Of the labour code, employers are required to organise the health services. 根据《劳动法》第241-1部分内容,雇主必须定期组织员工体检。 18. To organise and participate in the review of requirements related to the product, and organise the implementation of corrective actions and preventives actions within responsibility. 组织并参与与产品有关的要求的评审。并组织实施所辖范围内的纠正和预防措施。 19. According to Mark Hastings of the institute of Management, in the future, people will organise their working life around a variety of jobs, instead of working just for one division or branch of a company. 据马克黑斯廷斯的管理学院,在未来的日子,人们将举办自己的工作生活周围各种工作,而不是工作,只为一个司或分支机构的一家公司。 20. He had been entrusted with the organisation of the banquet to Bagration by the club, because it would have been hard to find any one so well able to organise a banquet on a large and hospitable scale, and still more hard to find any one so able and willing to advance his own money, if funds were needed, for the organisation of the fête. 他接受俱乐部的委托,为迎接巴格拉季翁筹办一次盛大的酒会,因为很少有人这样慷慨待客,他竟能举办豪华的宴会,尤其是因为很少有人为举办华筵需要耗费金钱时能够而且愿意掏出腰包。 organise 词典解释 1. -> see organize organise 单语例句 1. The company intends to fly cargo into the airport and also organise weekly passenger charter flights. 2. " It seems impossible to organise indisputable elections in the chaos of Iraq today, " he was quoted as saying. 3. They agreed to help organise an international donors'conference for Georgia. 4. For this reason travellers are strongly advised to plan and organise their trip in advance according to what they want to see. 5. Different tour operators organise tours around the city, tourist interested can book the Suzhou tour through China Tour. 6. Moving house is a complicated ordeal that can take thousands of dollars and many weeks to organise. 7. He is trying to organise a tour of three bands around China, and then perhaps onto the UK. 8. Previous elections had failed amid chaotic scenes and FIFA appointed a committee last year to organise the election. 9. Rousseff was upset that Teixeira did not invite Brazilian soccer great Pele to help organise the World Cup. 10. Traveling in China is exciting and now offers more flexibility, especially if you organise group traveling. organise 英英释义 organise的翻译 verb 1. bring order and organization to e.g. Can you help me organize my files? Synonym: organizecoordinate 2. plan and direct (a complex undertaking) e.g. he masterminded the robbery Synonym: mastermindengineerdirectorganizeorchestrate 3. arrange by systematic planning and united effort e.g. machinate a plot organize a strike devise a plan to take over the director's office Synonym: organizepreparedeviseget upmachinate 4. cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea Synonym: organize 5. form or join a union e.g. The auto workers decided to unionize Synonym: unionizeunioniseorganize 6. create (as an entity) e.g. social groups form everywhere They formed a company Synonym: formorganize |
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