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单词 or whatever
    or whatever
    or whatever的意思、解释
    or whatever 双语例句
    1. I'm a traitor or whatever.
    2. Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions, a little online nook where they can blurt out whatever just bugs them or whatever makes them feel elated.
    3. As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilledge to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this muslem country.
    4. Pay her back if you want. Or not. Whatever.
    5. In consideration of the Lender granting or agreeing to grant or continuing to grant to the Borrower the facilities applied for as hereinbefore recited or otherwise granting indulgence or accommodation to the Borrower or forbearing to sue the Borrower as hereinbefore recited the Borrower doth HEREBY COVENANTS with the Lender that the Borrower will ON DEMAND by notice in writing of the Lender made to the Borrower pay make good and discharge to the Lender all sums of monies obligations and liabilities which are now or may at any time hereafter be or become from time to time due owing or incurred to the Lender anywhere by the Borrower (whether alone or jointly with any other person in whatever style or form and whether as principal or surety) with interest thereon in accordance with and as provided under the covenants terms and conditions contained in the Legal Charge/Mortgage attached hereto and the Facility Letter therein referred to as if he had already executed the Legal Charge/Mortgage and was bound by the covenants terms and conditions therein set forth.
    6. And our young friend, who was forever dashing from bawdy-house to gambling-den, from tea-house to eating-place, on one errand or another, day and night, would, whenever he had a free moment, squat down by one of the tables and listen to whatever story was being told (he was always obsequiously polite to the tea-house proprietor, and as a result was never chased away).
    7. We also extend these same constitutions, with each and every censure and penalty contained in them, to each and every living person of whatever status, condition and distinction, who attacks with an armed band the home of any of the said cardinals, both at the time of the said conclave, even if the cardinal in question has been elected pope, and at other times and for any reasons, and who seizes anything in the house with violence like an enemy or wounds anyone of those dwelling there, and also their associates and those who have given orders for it to be done, or have given personal approval to the deed or have provided counsel and support to the attackers in the above matters and have defended them.
    8. If I were a bridge, though I do not look interesting, but also by the most simple light gray stone or concrete chips into, but, whatever I may stand upright in the mountainous overlapping mountain stream, or across the choppy river on the.
    9. The answer is no. we should encourage him as this:you own a good wish, however, the backbreaking practice is needed. you won`t stop exercise untill you achieve the success. if you keep doing like this, finally you will take part in the international competition. i reckon writing as the way that who is willing to pay perspiration will end in success. anyone shouldn`t have the idea of being known around the world after the initiation of writing. the words which I mentioned before as to wirte whatever you want and as much as you can is for practice actually. if we ignore the processing of practice, only thininking to print it on paper immediately, writing can`t be done properly. indeed a half part of writing won`t be published as you can`t write any more. don`t be irritated whether your writing can be pubished or not, which will make us dispressed, unwilling to learn. however, from the point of learning, it is pretty good for a half writing, before that, you can`t write a half one, can you?
    10. And when that person snuffs out these symbols, he or she expresses the hope to have a degree of control over whatever lies in store for him or her.
    11. or whatever是什么意思
    11. Do not depend upon the fish and game for food supply, but take along some boneless bacon and fat pork, which are good for a relish with whatever fish or fresh meat you may secure.
    12. We had our mentally disturbed, or whatever they call them, but not so many as we have now.
    13. O Arjuna, whatever living entity, animate or inanimate comes into being; know they are produced by the interaction between the field of activities and the knower of the field of activities.
    14. So you can just bury it in a pot or do whatever you like.
    15. We condemn, reject and detest, with the approval of this same sacred council, each and every thing done by those sons of damnation, Bernard Carvajal, Guillaume Briconnet, Rene de Prie, and Frederick of San Severino, formerly cardinals, and their supporters, adherents, accomplices and disciples -- who are schismatics and heretics and have worked madly to their own and others'ruin, aiming to split asunder the unity of holy mother church at the quasi-council held at Pisa, Milan, Lyons and elsewhere -- whatever the things were in number and kind that have been enacted, carried out, done, written, published or ordained up to the present day, including the imposition of taxes carried out by them throughout the kingdom of France, or shall be done in the future.
    我们谴责,反对和痛恨批准,同样神圣理事会,每个人所做的事情的儿子诅咒,伯纳德瓦哈尔,纪尧姆Briconnet ,雷日Prie ,和弗雷德里克的圣塞韦里诺,原红雀,以及他们的支持者,信徒帮凶和弟子-谁是schismatics和异教徒和已经疯狂到自己和他人的毁灭,旨在分裂四分五裂的团结,圣母教堂的准安理会举行了比萨,米兰,里昂和其他地方-不管事情的数量和种类已经颁布,实施,完成撰写,出版或晋牧至今,包括实行税收进行了他们在整个英国,法国,或应这样做的未来。
    16. You can them as a vector for use in Adobe Illustrator or as a plain PNG whatever you want.
    17. All messages text whatever deleted or resident in the mailbox are saved in your hard drive and appears in the main window list, the reason for deletion or existence and other checking information are also stated.
    18. or whatever是什么意思
    18. These outbuildings are ideal for conversion into farm shops, shooting lodges or whatever might spin some money.
    19. Take an interest in whatever happens, whether good or bad.
    20. Consider radishes, chopped parsley, finely shredded Romaine lettuce or avocado whatever is in season.
    or whatever 单语例句
    1. They decide these things on the basis of their feel for the flow of chi, electromagnetic fields or whatever other form of energy the client will worry about.
    2. The use of modern terms like " whatever " as an American teenage colloquialism or " makeover " in the subtitles can be distracting to discerning native speakers.
    3. Such protection applies to computer programs, whatever may be the mode or form of their expression.
    4. Whatever image you conjure up with it, it reflects or reinforces your existing view of China.
    5. These cracked wheat morsels just need to soak up their weight in hot water or stock - whatever you have on hand.
    6. Together, they mean putting up with whatever is beyond one's limit of endurance or acceptance.
    7. The rationale for such is that whatever happens in one area directly or indirectly, and favorably or unfavorably affects the interests of the unipole.
    8. Whatever emotional or physical shortcomings you may feel you have, you can almost always find a book that offers a " chicken soup " - style solution.
    9. I'm not expecting to make the cut or finish top whatever.
    10. The awareness of the need to save energy affects whatever policies a government makes and whatever way an individual or a firm uses energy.
    or whatever的翻译




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