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单词 out
    out [英 [a?t] 美 [a?t] ]
     过去式:outed;   过去分词:outed;   现在分词:outing;   复数形式:outs;
    out 基本解释
    副词出局; 在外,在外部; 完全,彻底; 出版
    介词(表示来源)从; (从…里)出来; (表示不在原状态)脱离; 离去
    及物动词使熄灭; 揭露; 驱逐
    形容词外面的; 出局的; 下台的; 外围的
    名词不流行; 出局
    out 同义词
    动词come out
    out 反义词
    out 相关词组
    1. out of : 在...外, 出于, 由于, 缺乏, 丧失;
    2. out from under : 脱离危难;
    3. out of it : 不加入;
    4. out and home : 往返, 来回;
    5. be out for : 力图要;
    6. on the outs : a. 不和;
    7. out and away : 远远地, 大大地;
    8. out with : 与...不和;
    9. from out to out : 从一端到另一端;
    out 相关例句
    1. The gas is out.
    2. My father is out this morning, but he will be in this afternoon.
    3. I'm tired out.
    out 情景对话
    B:We’re out of (flour/ milk/ bread).
    A:All right, I’ll pick some up.
    A:There’s some more out at my (parents’/ parents’ house/ my family’s home).
    B:That’s good.
    A:The grocery store is (closed/ open/ out of business).
    B:Yeah, it closes at ten.
    out 网络解释
    1. out的解释
    1. 出界:出界(OUT):-球没有打在场地的有效部位. 单打时的有效部位是靠内的两条竖线之间的空间,而双打时则是靠外的两条竖线之间的区域. 擦网(NET):在发球时擦网被判为犯规需要重发,而在正常的比赛过程中则会被视为运气球,
    2. 前九洞:52、状况:在前九洞(Out)的某洞中,以推杆代替拐杖使用时将其折断,在打后九洞(In)之前因为有时间而替换. 53、状况:在提交给委员会的记分卡(Score Card)中,某洞的分数少于实际的杆数. 55、状况:提交的记分卡没有记分员(marker)或球员本人的署名.
    3. 在外:outline 轮廓;略图;大纲 在外(out)排列(line)出一个轮廓. ownership 所有权 所有制 轮船(ship)的物主(owner)有所有权. parcel 包裹 怕(pa)人厕(rce)还提一袋包裹. partner 伙伴,搭挡,配偶 部分(part)门儿(ner)有搭挡. pause 中止;
    4. out:o.; 界外球
    5. out:on us transaction; 自身事务处理,会员内部事务处理
    6. out的意思
    6. out:output; 输出指令
    out 双语例句
    1. out的近义词
    1. Chien Pao-sheng roared through clenched teeth; beads of sweat stood out on his forehead.
    2. I don't want Ichigo and Rukia to confess their love and run off into the sunset, namely because it's out of character and their intense connection, their relationship of mutual understanding and support is what I love so much about them, I don't see the need to throw romance into the mix.
    3. The thermal imbalance test of the panel and high temperature reheater was carried out.
    4. The problem with private teaching is finding students; it took me a year to build up a full schedule of private lessons, so I started out teaching in schools part-time.
    5. RT-PCR were carried out for PC tissue specimen to validate proteins ident...
    6. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the real difference between an open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.
    7. out的反义词
    7. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the difference between real open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.
    8. out是什么意思
    8. The bamboo yarn was too drapy and the shape of the pattern did not come out well, even after blocking.
    9. The Tao receiver actually comes with a car and home kit, along with headphones and a random assortment of other stuff to let you do everything you want, right out of the box.
    10. out是什么意思
    10. Although the term potluck suggests a random assortment of dishes, it s likely to turn out better when the host does some kind organization by discussing with and assigning your guests a specific course or beverage to bring along.
    尽管 potluck 一词含有随意携带食物之意,倘若主人与客人商议并分配下各自应带食品或饮料,效果可能会好得多,不然就有可能出现客人都只带餐后甜点的情况
    11. out是什么意思
    11. If this man wrongs my sister, I will find out who he is, track him down, and kill him like a dog.
    12. out的反义词
    12. Does it worry you that he's out there?
    13. And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letter.
    14. The workers out of work are on strike.
    15. You can hit the brakes, pull up hard to almost stall out, then as your plane starts to rotate over, accelerate to pull off a very sharp loop-the-loop.
    术语解释 loop-the-loop:就是指推/拉飞行杆做垂直跟斗,包括向上翻跟斗和向下翻跟斗有时都会直接被叫做loop-the-loop
    16. out
    16. It is this holy light which enables us to break out of the marshland of materialism.
    17. out的反义词
    17. Champa Dorje boarded the shuttle and said to them, Usually, when we`re out and about they don`t dare present a plea. They don`t know which lama can help them with their problems. At the same time, we don`t like to show ourselves on purpose.
    18. out的反义词
    18. Long time ago, I begin to remind self not to need every day and you send out a message not asking every day to wait for you to criticize beloved safety because of my some thing that can lose, be unable to stand once more.
    19. Ma Baozhong is contemporary artist walked out of Hei Long Jiang province and he is the pride of Hei Long Jiang people.
    20. out是什么意思
    20. The emancipation of their minds, the raised economic incomes and social status, and also the strengthened pressure from their works make more and more women go out and choose the form of travel to relax and keep abreast of the outside world.
    out 词典解释
    副词用法(ADVERB USES)
    Out is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘pull’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘give out’ and ‘run out’.
    out 常与walk, pull等动作动词连用,亦用于 give out, run out 等短语动词中。
    1. (拿)出;(取)出
    When something is in a particular place and you take it out, you remove it from that place.
    e.g. Carefully pull out the centre pages...
    e.g. He took out his notebook and flipped the pages...
    2. 在外;在室外
    You can use out to indicate that you are talking about the situation outside, rather than inside buildings.
    e.g. It's hot out — very hot, very humid.
    3. 不在家;不在工作地点
    If you are out, you are not at home or not at your usual place of work.
    e.g. I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you were out...
    e.g. She had to go out.
    4. 在他处;(通常指)在远处
    If you say that someone is out in a particular place, you mean that they are in a different place, usually one far away.
    e.g. The police tell me they've finished their investigations out there...
    e.g. Rosie's husband was now out East.
    5. (海水或潮水)离岸
    When the sea or tide goes out, the sea moves away from the shore.
    e.g. The tide was out and they walked among the rock pools.
    6. 缺少,不足,损失(某一数量的钱)
    If you are out a particular amount of money, you have that amount less than you should or than you did.
    e.g. Me and my friends are out ten thousand dollars, with nothing to show for it!
    1. (灯、火)熄灭的
    If a light or fire is out or goes out, it is no longer shining or burning.
    e.g. All the lights were out in the house...
    e.g. Several of the lights went out, one after another.
    2. (花)盛开的,吐蕊的
    If flowers are out, their petals have opened.
    e.g. Well, the daffodils are out in the gardens and they're always a beautiful show.
    3. 面世;问世;发行
    If something such as a book or CD is out, it is available for people to buy.
    e.g. ...cover versions of 40 British Number Ones — out now.
    4. 罢工的
    If workers are out, they are on strike.
    e.g. We've been out for two and a half months and we're not going back until we get what we're asking for.
    5. 无法参赛的;淘汰的
    In a game or sport, if someone is out, they can no longer take part either because they are unable to or because they have been defeated.
    6. (棒球比赛中选手)出局的
    In baseball, a player is out if they do not reach a base safely. When three players in a team are out in an inning, then the team is out.
    7. (提议或建议)不能接受的,不值得考虑的
    If you say that a proposal or suggestion is out, you mean that it is unacceptable.
    e.g. That's right out, I'm afraid.
    8. 不时髦的;不流行的;过时的
    If you say that a particular thing is out, you mean that it is no longer fashionable at the present time.
    e.g. Romance is making a comeback. Reality is out.
    9. (计算或测量)不准确的,错误的
    If you say that a calculation or measurement is out, you mean that it is incorrect.
    e.g. When the two ends of the tunnel met in the middle they were only a few inches out.
    10. 打算的;试图的
    If someone is out to do something, they intend to do it.
    e.g. Most companies these days are just out to make a quick profit.
    动词用法(VERB USE)
    1. 公开揭露(公众人物、名人等)的同性恋身份
    If a group of people out a public figure or famous person, they reveal that person's homosexuality against their wishes.
    e.g. The New York gay action group 'Queer Nation' recently outed an American Congressman.
    The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.
    Out of is used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘pull’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘do out of’ and ‘grow out of’. In American English and informal British English, out is often used instead of out of.
    out of 与 walk, pull 等动作动词连用,亦用于 do out of , grow out of 等短语动词中。在美国英语和非正式的英国英语中,out 常用于代替 out of。
    1. 从(某处)离开
    If you go out of a place, you leave it.
    e.g. She let him out of the house.
    2. 从…里面(拿、取)出来
    If you take something out of the container or place where it has been, you remove it so that it is no longer there.
    e.g. I always took my key out of my bag and put it in my pocket.
    3. 向(窗)外
    If you look or shout out of a window, you look or shout away from the room where you are towards the outside.
    e.g. He went on staring out of the window...
    e.g. He looked out the window at the car on the street below.
    4. 避开,未暴露于(太阳、雨或风)
    If you are out of the sun, the rain, or the wind, you are sheltered from it.
    e.g. People can keep out of the sun to avoid skin cancer.
    5. 摆脱,脱离(尤指令人不快的事)
    If someone or something gets out of a situation, especially an unpleasant one, they are then no longer in it. If they keep out of it, they do not start being in it.
    e.g. In the past army troops have relied heavily on air support to get them out of trouble...
    e.g. The economy is starting to climb out of recession...
    6. 离开(机构)
    You can use out of to say that someone leaves an institution.
    e.g. You come out of university and find there are no jobs available...
    e.g. Doctors should be able to decide who they can safely let out of hospital early.
    7. 在…之外;超过…界限
    If you are out of range of something, you are beyond the limits of that range.
    e.g. Shaun was in the bedroom, out of earshot, watching television...
    e.g. He turned to look back, but by then she was out of sight.
    8. 出于;由于
    You use out of to say what feeling or reason causes someone to do something. For example, if you do something out of pity, you do it because you pity someone.
    e.g. He took up office out of a sense of duty...
    e.g. Some people have left out of embarrassment at what's happened to them.
    9. (通常指在对方不情愿的情况下)从(某人)身上(获得信息或工作成果)
    If you get something such as information or work out of someone, you manage to make them give it to you, usually when they are unwilling to give it.
    e.g. 'Where is she being held prisoner?' I asked. 'Did you get it out of him?'...
    e.g. We knew we could get better work out of them.
    10. 由…(引起);从…中(得到)
    If you get pleasure or an advantage out of something, you get it as a result of being involved with that thing or making use of it.
    e.g. We all had a lot of fun out of him...
    e.g. To get the most out of your money, you have to invest.
    11. 缺乏;没有
    If you are out of something, you no longer have any of it.
    e.g. I can't find the sugar — and we're out of milk.
    12. 用…(制成);由…(建成)
    If something is made out of a particular material, it consists of that material because it has been formed or constructed from it.
    e.g. Would you advise people to make a building out of wood or stone?
    13. (表示比例)每…中
    You use out of to indicate what proportion of a group of things something is true of. For example, if something is true of one out of five things, it is true of one fifth of all things of that kind.
    e.g. Two out of five thought the business would be sold privately on their retirement or death...
    e.g. In 99 cases out of a hundred this will be done more effectively by the army.
    out 单语例句out在线翻译
    1. English is the language of international business and learning it here from a native speaker is in demand and beneficial to Chinese enterprises " going out ".
    2. The idea of carving out his own business began to take form.
    3. He modeled the UK Pavilion's acrylic rods out of toothbrush bristles and used matchsticks to make the beams of the China Pavilion.
    4. A call to Glencore's Baar office out of regular business hours wasn't answered.
    5. " Poor business is also another reason why we moved out, " he says.
    6. The firm manager said advanced notice would help the business prepare future rosters after being caught out previously.
    7. In business operations, we seek harmony in and out of our company to promote healthy and continual development.
    8. Without demand for papers, the dirty business will surely die out.
    9. It disposed of the assets of failed savings and loans and then went out of business.
    10. He dropped out of a US business school which his traditional parents hoped would prepare him for taking over the family business.
    out的意思out 英英释义
    1. (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball
    e.g. you only get 3 outs per inning
    1. be made known
    be disclosed or revealed
    e.g. The truth will out
    Synonym: come out
    2. reveal (something) about somebody's identity or lifestyle
    e.g. The gay actor was outed last week
    Someone outed a CIA agent
    3. to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality
    e.g. This actor outed last year
    Synonym: come out of the closetcome out
    1. outer or outlying
    e.g. the out islands
    2. no longer fashionable
    e.g. that style is out these days
    1. away from home
    e.g. they went out last night
    2. from one's possession
    e.g. he gave out money to the poor
    gave away the tickets
    Synonym: away
    3. moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden
    e.g. the cat came out from under the bed




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