单词 | out of season |
释义 | out of season [英 [aut ?v ?si:z?n] 美 [a?t ?v ?siz?n] ] out of season的意思、解释 out of season 基本解释 落令,凋谢,在淡季 out of season 网络解释 1. 过季的:organic cotton 有机棉 | out of season 过季的 | outseam 侧缝,[粤]侧骨 2. 不合时宜的:out of question 无疑的 | out of season 不合时宜的 | out of sight, out of mind 看不见了,也渐渐忘了 3. 3. 反季节:out-of-season flower and vegetables 反季节的花卉和蔬菜 | out-of-season 反季节 | ovary 子房 4. 不合时令的,已过旺季的:out of print 不再出版;绝版 | out of season 不合时令的,已过旺季的 | out of the question 不可能的;办不到的 out of season 双语例句 1. 1. If you're looking for something out of the ordinary for the season, The Lost Christmas Eve is for you. 如果你正在寻找的东西与众不同的季节,失落的圣诞节前夕是给你的。 2. out of season的反义词 2. Born in 1982, in Rijeka, Croatia, he played for Livorno last season and is here on loan, with an option for Juve to buy out half of his ownership. 克内泽维奇1982年生于克罗地亚的里耶卡,上赛季在利沃诺踢球,现在租借来尤文并且球队可以买下他的一半所有权。 3. Since gaining weight is almost as difficult as losing weight, maintaining your weight and avoiding weight gain for the next five weeks is feasible. Remember you have to consumer 3500 extra calories to gain one pound of fat. So as long as you don`t overindulge, you should be able to come out of the holiday season a lot poorer but carrying the same weight as you were when the season began. 由于增加体重同减肥几乎同样困难,保持你的体重和避免体重的增加在未来的5个星期是可行的,请记得你需要消耗3500卡路里去减掉一磅脂肪,因此,只要你不放纵自己,你应当能够拥走出假期饮食造成身材走失的阴霾,并在享受假期的同时还能保持假期开始时的体重。 4. In the first game of the 1996~1997 season, he scored an surprising goal from beyond the halfway line; seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal, Beckham became famous overnight. 在1996-1997赛季的第一场比赛中,他踢进一个惊人的球----从半场线外把球贯入对方球门;由于守门员没有挡住目标,贝克汉姆一夜成名。 5. The only thing that kept me out of the red last season was the increase in Cup income. 上季唯一的没让我破产的就是杯赛收入的增长。 6. United's utility man has played his part in an excellent start to the season, including five wins out of six games at Old Trafford. 曼联的全能先生在本赛季的完美开局中贡献了自己的力量。 7. out of season的解释 7. Sunshade: In the broiling season of 7-9 month, should rise the flower inside flower nursery with sunshade net keep out or move flowerpot to fall to shade canopy, shade, carry a scattering smooth condition that show, prevent strong light point-blank. 遮阳:在7-9月的酷热季节,应该将花圃内的花用遮阳网遮挡起来或将花盆移至阴棚。树阴下,保持通透的散射光条件,防止强光直射。 8. out of season的翻译 8. One that not even the sight of this season's Dolce-Gabbana strap sandals could lift me out of. 就连看到这个季节的多切尔哥班那凉鞋这样的事情都无法把我解救出来。 9. In general, the design work with traditional measures is done by hand, which cannot meet the needs of the technology and manufacture. So the author has developed a CAD hydraulic design software fit for lower specific speed axial flow runner, which is easily operated by users. The main research work of this paper is as follows:1 Analyzing the main reason of axial flow power station cannot work well under littler volume of flow in some season and putting forward an improving scheme, pointing out the characters of design under abnormal factors.2 Combined with the development of the industry in our country, the abnormal hydraulic design method of propeller turbine is discussed based on present literature, data and experiment results.3 Guided by the design method of software engineering, a suit of hydraulic design software of Lower Specific Speed Axial Flow Runner is programmed by the object-oriented programming language Visual Basic and a straightforward, concise and standard Windows human-computer dialogue interface is designed for the system, which makes the operation of the system very convenient.4 ActiveX Automation technology is adopted as the interface with AutoCAD and the hydraulic drawings are edited, modified by AutoCAD until hydraulic model drawings according with the demand of engineering practice are output.5 To resolve practice problem, the author has designed a lower specific speed axial flow runner for Duowa Power Station through an example. 论文的主要内容有:1 深入分析很多轴流定桨式水电站枯水季节小流量下不能发电的主要原因,提出减容改造方案,并指出超常规条件下的改造设计特点。2 结合国情及行业发展需要,参考现有资料、文献和前人的研究成果,进行低比转速轴流式转轮叶片水力设计方法的研究,对轴流式转轮叶片的奇点分布法水力设计进行了全面的探索,结合现代计算机技术,找到了一种针对特殊条件的轴流式转轮叶片水力设计方法。3 仔细比较多种AutoCAD二次开发工具后,结合本课题的特点,选用Visual Basic语言,综合应用软件工程的设计思想,进行低比转速轴流式转轮叶片水力设计软件的编制,为系统设计了直观、简洁和标准的Windows人机对话界面,便于用户操作;编程时在考虑到设计条件特殊性的同时,尽量做到程序的通用性,使之可用于解决同一类问题;另外,大部分程序还可移植到普通轴流式转轮叶片水力设计中,具有良好的适应性。4 利用ActiveX Automation技术与AutoCAD接口,对AutoCAD进行二次开发,在AutoCAD下实现水力图的自动生成和编辑,直至输出符合实际工程要求的木模图。5 通过算例,为多哇水电站设计了一个低比转速轴流定桨式转轮,解决其在枯水期小流量下不能发电的问题。 10. Shoot dieback in late dry season was observed in 9 out of these 22 species. 在这22种植物中,有9种植物的顶部枝条在旱季末期出现枯死现象。 11. out of season 11. This may not be preferred for those of you who only get out a couple times a season. 这个对於一个雪季穿没几次的人可能不是很可被接受。 12. Two months short of my thirty-fourth birthday, I had been out of Liverpool's first team for nine months - the result of a dislocated left knee sustained in a pre-season friendly against Atletico Madrid in Spain - and had only started playing again, for the reserves, four days before the semi-final. 5楼阿伦·汉森:1989年4月15日,我们与森林队的比赛开始了才几分钟,能参加那场比赛我本来是十分开心的,那时我年近34了,而且此前我曾9个月无法参加球队的比赛(1988年夏天在西班牙与马德里竞技队的友谊比赛我左膝严重受伤),这场足总杯半决赛是我9个月以来的首场正式比赛首发。 13. out of season的意思 13. At present, Shandong into the wheat harvest season, at the end of suspension imposed by the Games impact on the site, post-market demand will be weakened, the resources businesses will be out of the shunt, the recent price change is expected to be steady. 目前山东进入麦收季节,月底加上受全运会工地停工影响,后期市场需求会有所减弱,商家的资源到时会往外分流,近期价格预计会稳中求变。 14. out of season的反义词 14. South Korea's Ko Gi-Hun, who won the first two of the season's five World Cup 1, 500-metre rounds, and her compatriot Joo Min-Jin, third overall, are also out to challenge Yang. 韩国的高基玄在该赛季世界杯的1500米赛五轮比赛中,前二轮都获得了胜利。她的同胞崔敏敬总分列第三位,她们也准备对杨扬发动挑战。 15. But now he was wantonly extravagant in the purchase of delicacies, out of season and dear, which might tempt Strickland`s capricious appetite 现在他却大手大脚,购买时令已过、价钱昂贵的美味,想方设法叫思特里克兰德多吃一点东西,他的胃口时好时坏,叫人无法捉摸。 16. Excite or stimulate(one's appetite, desire, interest, etc)But now he was wantonly extravagant in the purchase of delicacies, out of season and dear, which might tempt Strickland`s capricious appetite 现在他却大手大脚,购买时令已过、价钱昂贵的美味,想方设法叫思特里克兰德多吃一点东西,他的胃口时好时坏,叫人无法捉摸。 17. out of season的反义词 17. As I pointed out some time back he got more goals in one season from the bench than Aliadiere in his entire Arsenal career. Some of those goals were vital too. 就像我从前说的,他在一个赛季里替补上场打进的球比阿利亚迭雷整个枪手生涯进的都多,有些球还是至关重要的。 18. In his much-anticipated season debut, Roger Clemens showed strength and endurance, striking out seven over six innings of three-run ball in the Yankees'9-3 win over the Pirates on Saturday. 在他甚受期待的初次上场,Roger Clemens星期六展现了他的力量与耐力,六局三振七人次、失三分,让洋基队以9:3赢了海盗队。 19. His won-loss record may be spotty when you take his 23-5 Cy Young season out of the mix, but he has played on some underachieving A's teams, which surely cost him some wins. 他的胜败纪录也许看起来不怎麼样如果你把他得到赛扬那年的23胜5败扣掉。但是他是为表现不怎麼样的运动家队投球,这定让他吃下不少败仗。 20. out of season的翻译 20. Hawaii Arts Season 2005 ensures that you will get numerous chances to watch hula dances. Simply check out the extensive Calendar of Events so you know what`s going on while you`re there. 2005年夏威夷艺术季,保证会让你看到许许多多呼拉舞蹈,当你到了那里,你只要查看一般的行事历,便能得知有什麼活动在进行。 out of season 单语例句 1. He claims to give out 120 kg of free treats every day during the busy season. 2. Dallas Mavericks forward Caron Butler has been ruled out for the rest of the season after undergoing knee surgery on Tuesday. 3. The Chinese love lychee so much that they will even settle for the canned variety out of season. 4. Lots of activities suit the cheerful season, let's check out. 5. Sun sat out virtually the last three months of the season after clocking up 25 appearances in the first team. 6. His contract with Ferrari runs out at the end of the season. 7. Bayern officials have stressed that Hitzfeld will serve out his contract, which runs out at the end of the next season. 8. He can opt out of the contract after the season to become a free agent. 9. Over the course of last year's incident packed season there were no controversial punishments handed out - and the competition was better for it. 10. He has missed only seven games this season, after sitting out all of last season because of a bruised spinal cord. |
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