单词 | out of tune with |
释义 | out of tune with out of tune with的意思、解释 out of tune with 双语例句 1. To stay in tune with time, universities in modern China should follow those progressive schools of thought, and root out instrumentalism and pragmatism overrunning higher education institutions, by resorting to the spirit of modern aesthetics. 中国现代大学必须顺应这一进步的世界文化思潮,以现代新美学精神消解其工具主义和实用主义大学理念。 2. out of tune with的解释 2. Their formulation and methods of bartender are confidential, and tune out the quality of the wine experience with the bartenders. 他们调酒的和方法都是保密的,而调出来的酒品质量也同调酒师的经验有关。 3. out of tune with的解释 3. Some people like to take this skill to, or shortcut keys on the No. 2 ranked (need to tune out with the mouse, keyboard shortcuts 3 row), in fact, whether to upgrade or PK, are proposed to the sword on luoying F1, PK this is the case when After all, according to F1 than directly with the mouse to the left to hit the faster and more there are a lot of people are still running under the banner of Jiaochang PK when you can not find people anxious, especially in the beginning of time, it is actually very simple, first with the right mouse button can be locked, said too much trouble, It would be easy 有人喜欢把此技能拿下去,或放在快捷键第2排(需要用鼠标调出来,快捷键共3排),其实无论升级还是PK,都建议把落英剑放在F1,PK时更是这样,毕竟直接按F1比用鼠标左击要来的快的多(有好多人还在为较场PK打着跑着时候找不到人而着急吧,特别是刚开始时候,其实很简单,先用鼠标右键锁定即可,说的太麻烦,做起来很容易 4. In front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: In the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens Mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash, but loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture. 灾难面前,不言放弃,他们用自己的生命,谱写出一曲曲不朽的颂歌:废墟中,29岁的老师张米亚紧紧抱着两名学生,用背顶住坍塌的房梁,他是一只矫健的雄鹰,伸出双翅为学生抵挡死神,或许他的生命在一瞬间就已终止,可是爱和信仰,让他保持着这样神圣的姿态。 5. In front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: In the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens Mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash, 8ttt8.com loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture. 灾难面前,不言放弃,他们用自己的生命,谱写出一曲曲不朽的颂歌:废墟中,29岁的老师张米亚紧紧抱着两名学生,用背顶住坍塌的房梁,他是一只矫健的雄鹰,伸出双翅为学生抵挡死神,或许他的生命在一瞬间就已终止,可是爱和信仰,让他保持着这样神圣的姿态。 6. 6. The human is so tiny, is containing the formidable strength actually. in front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: in the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash, but loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture. also has huaiyuan middle school's teacher wu zhonghong, he luckily is already out of danger, but in order to is stranded in the classroom however the student, mr. 人是如此渺小,却又蕴含着强大的力量。灾难面前,不言放弃,他们用自己的生命,谱写出一曲曲不朽的颂歌:废墟中,29岁的老师张米亚紧紧抱着两名学生,用背顶住坍塌的房梁,他是一只矫健的雄鹰,伸出双翅为学生抵挡死神,或许他的生命在一瞬间就已终止,可是爱和信仰,让他保持着这样神圣的姿态。 7. Many of those same people say it's not always a gift because a lot of music is played slightly out of tune and for those with perfect pitch it sounds horrible! 許多相同的人說這並非是一個禮物,因為很多音樂播放略有格格不入和那些絕對音聽起來可怕! 8. That way you can play out of tune all night with a clear conscience. 这样的话你就能有一个清楚的意识演奏一整晚。 9. 9. Anyway, I always sing out of tune, so I really don't want to sing with my friends. 马克:真不巧,我已经答应小赵去她的乔迁晚宴了,再说,我唱歌跑调,最害怕和熟人一起去唱歌了。 10. out of tune with的近义词 10. He flung up his hands and tramped down the stone stairs, singing out of tune with a Cockney accent 134他抡起双臂,咚咚地走下石梯,用东伦敦口音荒腔走调地喝道 11. The monotonous blows of woodcutter's axe or carpenter's mallet, the splashing of oars, the merry voices of the naked little children at play, the plaintive tune of the ryot's song, the more dominant creaking of the turning oil-mill, all these sounds of activity do not seem out of harmony with murmuring leaves and singing birds, and all combine like moving strains of some grand dream-orchestra, rendering a composition of immense though restrained pathos. 伐木工的斧头或木匠的木槌单调的撞击声,船桨击打河水的声响,裸露着身体的小孩玩耍发出的欢笑声,农夫们哼出的忧怨的曲调,转动的压油机吱吱作响的声音盖过了其它的声音,这一切所发出的声音与树叶的低语和百鸟鸣啭好像没有不协调的音律,这一切结合在一起宛若一个盛大的梦幻般的交响乐队奏出的动人的乐曲,透过淡雅的伤感传递出一首异常美妙的乐章。 12. out of tune with什么意思 12. The three-ring line in Beijing seems to be a small community of small nodes in major cities, small cities, so that it has been the rapid expansion forgotten, whether it is a natural social environment for the community or the community of life are floating population the surrounding high-rise buildings, bustling city noise out of tune, I lived just a few days, so I can not judge how he formed, but her presence is the first time I came to Beijing to surprise some people, the tension of Beijing has been expanding beyond the three-ring style, and even farther into the tetracyclic rings greater geographical direction, but this community did not catch up with this tide, he just quietly watching the dramatic changes around, and silence in their own small world. 这个位于北京三环线上的小社区似乎是一个大城市中的小节点,小的让它在城市的急速扩张中被人遗忘,无论是社区的自然社会环境还是社区中生活的外来流动人口都与周围的高楼大厦、喧嚣的城市繁华格格不入,我才刚刚生活了几天的时间,所以我无法判断他如何形成,但她的存在还是让我这个第一次来北京的人有些吃惊,北京城的张力已经膨胀式的越过了三环,冲向四环五环乃至更远更大的地理方向,但是这样的社区却没有赶上这样的潮头,他只是默默的关注着周围发生的剧烈变化,而沉默于自己小世界里。 13. Well, I know that you're in love with him'cause I saw you dancing in the gym You both kicked off your shoes Man, I dig those rhythm and blues I was a lonely teenage broncin'buck With a pink carnation and a pickup truck But I knew I was out of luck The day the music died I started singing Now, for ten years we've been on our own And moss grows fat on a rolling stone But that's not how it used to be When the jester sang for the king and queen In a coat he borrowed from James Dean And a voice that came from you and me Oh and while the king was looking down The jester stole his thorny crown The courtroom was adjourned No verdict was returned And while Lenin read a book on Marx The quartet practiced in the park And we sang dirges in the dark The day the music died We were singing Helter skelter in a summer swelter The birds flew off with a fallout shelter Eight miles high and falling fast Landed foul on the grass The players tried for a forward pass With the jester on the sidelines in a cast Now the half-time air was sweet perfume While sergeants played a marching tune We all got up to dance Oh, but we never got the chance'Cause the players tried to take the field The marching band refused to yield Do you recall what was revealed The day the music died? 我知道奶爱上了他因为我看到你们在体育馆里跳舞你们踢掉鞋子老天,我深深感受到节奏与蓝调那时的我是个寂寞的年轻人别着一朵粉红色的康乃馨,有一辆小货车但我明白自己并不走运在音乐死亡的那一天我开始唱着。。。。。。如今十年了,我们全靠自己熬过来了滚动的石头上长满了青苔但,它原来不是这个样子的当弄臣为国王与皇后歌唱穿着向詹姆斯狄恩借来的外套用来自你我的声音当国王低头弄臣偷走了荆棘桂冠法庭当时休会没有任何判决宣判当蓝尼读着马克思主义的书四重奏在公园里排练我们在黑暗中唱着挽歌在音乐死去的那天我们唱着。。。。。。在酷暑中手忙脚乱鸟群飞过辐射尘防护罩高度为八英哩,急速下降错误的降落在草地上球员尝试把球向前传靠着边线上弄臣的帮忙在中场休息时间,空中充满着香味当士官们奏起了进行曲我们都起身准备跳舞但我们始终没有机会因为球员们占据了球场军乐队拒绝让步你还记得当时透露了什麽讯息吗? 14. You will be helped to make a smooth transition from Impromptu tune blocks and pitch contour notation to conventional staff notation, while drawing out the differences along with the advantages and disadvantages of each. 当过程中引申出每一个的优缺点的不同时,你将有助于从Impromptu的曲调方块和音高线条的记谱到传统五线谱记号的记谱可以有一个顺畅的转变 15. The buyer must, subject to the provisions of A3 a, pay all costs relating to the 90OCIS from the tune they have been delivered in accordance with A4; and all costs and charges relating to the goods whilst in transit until their arrival at the Port of destination, unless such costs and charges were for the seller`s account under the contract of carriage; and unloading costs including lighter age and wharf age charges, unless such costs and charges were for the seller`s account under the contract of carriage; and all additional costs incurred if he fails to give notice in accordance with B7, for the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the period fixed for shipment, provided, however, that the goods have been duly appropriated to the contract, that is to say, clearly set aside or otherwise identified as the contract goods; and where applicable 7, all duties, taxes and other charges as well as the costs Of carrying Out customs formalities payable upon import of the goods and, where necessary, for their transit through any country less included within the cost of the contract of damage. 规定外,买方必须支付自按照A4规定交货时起的一切费用;及货物在运输途中直至到达目的港为止的一切费用,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方支付;及包括驳运费和码头费在内的卸货费,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方支付;及如买方未按照B7规定给予卖方通知,则自约定的装运日期或装运期限届满之日起,货物所发生的一切额外费用,但以该项货物已正式划归合同项下,即清楚地划出或以其他方式确定为合同项下之货物为限;及在需要办理海关手续时,货物进口应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用,及办理海关手续的费用,以及需要时从他国过境的费用,除非这些费用已包括在运输合同中。 16. out of tune with的翻译 16. Feel out of tune with one's surroundings, companions 她上学时总觉得和大家格格不入。 17. out of tune with的反义词 17. Feel out of tune with one's surroundings, companions. 感到与环境、同伴格格不入。 18. This might strike you as totally un-PC and out of tune with the times, and it is. 这是我们纯粹的增量,和我们的传统渠道将形成互补。 19. He finds himself heading a rump party largely out of tune with his own views. 他发现自己领导的这个残存的党派和自己的观点大多不符。 20. out of tune with 20. The self-styled straight talker is badly out of tune with the American people. 这个自成一派的直言者并没和美国人民一个鼻孔出气。 out of tune with 单语例句 1. In a time of bulging egos, altruism and many other fine moral qualities appear increasingly out of tune with our surroundings. 2. The release of Obama's internal report comes during Christmas week, when many people tune out the news to spend time with families. 3. Chen's actions may seem out of tune with the traditional image of a Chinese farmer but it certainly reflects his concern for the environment. out of tune with |
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