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单词 continental
    continental [英 [?k?nt??nentl] 美 [?kɑ:nt??nentl] ]
    continental 基本解释
    形容词大陆的,大陆性的,欧洲大陆的; 〈美〉(独立战争时)美洲殖民地的
    名词欧洲大陆人; 〈美〉(独立战争中的)美国兵[纸币]; 〈美俚〉(起源于英国的)欧洲大陆发式
    continental 相关词组
    1. not worth a continental : 毫无价值;
    2. not care a continental : 毫无关系, 毫不介意;
    continental 网络解释
    1. 大陆式:但今次则将其中一条毛线利用大陆式(Continental)以左手持线. 开头有些不惯,但织了几行后就习惯了. 比起两线都用英式,这分法其实更容易一点,两卷毛线也不会打结. 速度方面,可能因为我还未熟悉大陆式织法,我觉得反而慢一点点,
    2. 大陆的:到了延庆小k这厮说,车是好车,没什么可挑剔的,认为中国的装配工艺水平相当不错,如果告诉他是德国的原装车他也会相信,(我没好意思告诉他国内bora的那些毛病)只是轮胎差点意思, 他建议换成倍耐力(Pirelli)或者大陆的(Continental).
    continental 双语例句
    1. continental的解释
    1. The study on microstructure characteristics of the five pores on the surface of ostracoda at Nenjiang Formation of Songliao Basin in Cretaceous shows that during the depositional period of Nenjiang Formation in Cretaceous, Songliao Basin should be a continental depositional system and palaeolacustrine enviroment and furthermore its water body property should be fresh saltish.
    2. The results of this paper show:(1) The Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation deposited in limited carbonate platform sedimentary environment of shallow marine; the temperature of paleo-sea water is mainly from 26.7℃~32.1℃, which indicates Lanping Basin located in the hot tropics during formation of the Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation.(2) The provenance tectonic setting of sedimentary rocks from the Lanping Basin are represented by passive continental margin and continental island arc and the original source rocks were all derived from the upper continental crust, with felsic rocks dominant. So the Lanping Basin is a typical continental-type basin.(3) The evolution of Lanping Basin have undergone three different prototype basins'evolution, i. e. rift basin, depression basin and strike basin.(4) Ore-forming materials of deposits in large ore-assembly district were derived from crust (mainly from basement and stratum of basin ore-forming fluids were hot brine of basin dominant and the organic matter from source rocks of basin stratum has involved in mineralization; and mineralization epoch of deposits was about 56Ma or 30Ma, which are compatible with the times of collision of Indian plate and Eurasian plate and late strong compression stage respectively.
    3. Cognition of illegality has been a hot issue in Continental Law System countries and is also a basic question of the theory of criminal law.
    4. There are two types of peridotites within this UHP belt.(1) Garnet peridotite consists of garnet lherzolite, garnet-bearing dunite, garnet-free dunite and garnet pyroxenite, which could be considered as one of the critical rock types in a continental-type subduction zone.
    5. There are two types of peridotites within this UHP belt.(1) Garnet peridotite consists of garnet lherzolite, garnet-bearing dunite, garnet-free dunite and garnet pyroxenite, which could he considered as one of the critical rock types in a continental-type subduction zone.
    6. Such a predicament is closely associated with the mode of systematic construction from the continental legal tradition.
    7. If all of the continental shelf waters of the water pumping light, so that the continental shelf completely into the land, then the face of the continental shelf and the mainland is essentially the same.
    8. continental的解释
    8. His ambition to sponsor a continental movement of radical leftists is being crimped as the money runs short.
    9. As an inland province adjacent to the coastal areas, Hunan has an area of 211, 800 square km, 2.2 percent of the national total, ranking 11th largest in China. Hunan has a humid continental and subtropical monsoon climate.
    18 湖南省 HUNAN PROVINCE ………………………………………………… 55-56 湖南省总面积21.18 万平方公里,境内东南西三面环山,幕阜、罗霄山脉绵亘于东,五岭山脉屏障于南,武陵、雪峰山脉逶迤于西。
    10. According to core observation and description, many deformation structures with seismite characteristics are recognized within sandstone and shale sedimentary strata of Paleogene continental faulted basin in Yangxin Subsag, such as micro-faults, earthquake fissures, liquefaction sandstone veins, water-escape structure, vibrational liquefaction deformation structure, seismic pillow structure and associated structure, etc. The vertical sequence of seismites in Yangxin Subsag, in ascending order, is underlying unshocked layer, micro-faults layer, autoclastic shattered breccia layer, vibrational liquefaction deformation structure layer, seismic pillow structure and associated structure layer, liquefied homogeneous layer and overlying unshocked layer, which corresponds to different earthquake intensity respectively.
    11. The sedment of the coast and beach primarily came from continental shelf, which was piled up the mainland by the coastal sediment of the low ocean surface position by shoreface translation under the processes and influence of the post-glacial transgression.
    12. Natural gas hydrate distributes mainly in the marine continental margin sediments and permafrost environments, and most of found gas hydrate existed in the former.
    13. In the late cratonization phase from late Carboniferous to early Permian, the tectonic regime transformed from compaction to extension process in collision phase, the tectonic-magmatic activities were more and more strictly controlled by the new tectonic framework: the extensive development of continentalrift, eruption of volcanic rocks of double peak continental facies, massive intrusion of alkaline granite, upward invasion of basite and hyperbasite complex and diabase dike, accompanied by large-scale mineralization. Meanwhile, the products of magmatism evolved to silic and alkaline minerals.
    14. We can also paraphrase Confucius by saying that the people of maritime countries are the wise, while those of continental countries are the good.
    15. In some extent, granulite is the synonym of the lower continental crust.
    16. The movements of crustal movement to make the land sink, submerged in water, the formation of the continental shelf; sea hit the coast, resulting in wave-cut platforms, submerged underwater, but also the formation of the continental shelf.
    17. Gated devices: a variety of door control products, such as shutter door motor, remote control, electric door volumes of various parts, (3) Automatic Door Products: Continental shutter door, garage door, door insulation, industrial door, crystal shutter door, curved crystal shutter door, side volume crystal shutter door, side roll shutter door insulation arc.
    18. Volcanic activities are divided into two cycles of Paleo-Asia and continental margin bordering on Pacific, including 6 sub-cycles of the Xingkai, Caledonian, Variscan, Indosinian, Yanshanian and Himalayan, and magmatic intrusive activities into three periods of platform crystallization base formation, Paleo-Asia orogenic movement, and tecto...
    19. From the method of comparison, most countries of Continental Law System and Anglo-American Legal System reco...
    20. We are entering a new phase of continental collision that will ultimately result in the formation of a new Pangea supercontinent in the future.
    continental 词典解释
    1. (除英国之外)欧洲大陆的
    Continental means situated on or belonging to the continent of Europe except for Britain.
    e.g. He sees no signs of improvement in the UK and continental economy.
    2. 欧洲大陆人
    A continental is someone who comes from the continent of Europe.
    3. 典型欧洲大陆的;具欧洲大陆特征的
    If you describe someone or something as continental, you think that they are typical of the continent of Europe.
    e.g. He's very continental...
    e.g. Torquay is undeniably continental.
    4. 大洲的;大陆的
    Continental is used to refer to something that belongs to or relates to a continent.
    e.g. The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.
    5. (除夏威夷、美属维尔京群岛等之外)美国大陆的,美国本土的
    The continental United States consists of all the states which are situated on the continent of North America, as opposed to Hawaii and territories such as the Virgin Islands.
    e.g. Shipping is included on orders sent within the continental U.S.
    e.g. Since these substances are not licensed, they cannot be sold in the continental United States.
    6. (美国革命时期)发生(或存在)于美洲殖民地的,美洲大陆的
    Continental means existing or happening in the American colonies during the American Revolution.
    e.g. ...George Washington, Commander of the Continental Army...
    e.g. The Continental Congress called upon the 13 states to draft new constitutions establishing governments more conducive to 'republican' principles.
    7. (美国革命时期的)大陆军士兵
    Continentals were soldiers who fought in the Continental Army against the British in the American Revolution.
    continental 单语例句continental的意思
    1. The Eurasian continental corridor is considered a favorable choice for cargo transport between the two continents because it takes less time than shipping by sea.
    2. Continental's business class passengers can enjoy this premium service free of charge.
    3. Some of Hokkaido's inland areas have a continental climate, with large daily and yearly temperature variation.
    4. Due to its location in the temperate zone, visiting tourists enjoy its continental climate.
    5. Tianjin is in a temperate, continental monsoonal climate zone with clearly demarcated four seasons.
    6. The climate of Heilongjiang is a moderate temperate zone with continental monsoons.
    7. It lies in a temperate zone with a continental climate and has distinct seasons.
    8. The special continental monsoon climate characteristics make the winter cold and dry, and summer rainy and hot.
    9. The Philippines sits on the Pacific " Ring of Fire " where continental plates collide, causing frequent seismic and volcanic activities.
    10. They also organized a Continental Association to boycott British goods and to stop all exports to any British colony or to Britain itself.
    continental 英英释义
    1. being or concerning or limited to a continent especially the continents of North America or Europe
    e.g. the continental United States
    continental Europe
    continental waters
    2. of or relating to or characteristic of a continent
    e.g. the continental divide
    continental drift
    3. of or relating to or concerning the American colonies during and immediately after the American Revolutionary War
    e.g. the Continental Army
    the Continental Congress




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