单词 | oval |
释义 | oval [英 [???vl] 美 [?o?vl] ] oval的意思、解释 复数形式:ovals; oval 基本解释 oval的反义词 形容词椭圆形的; 卵形的 名词椭圆形; 椭圆运动场(等); 椭圆,美式足球用球; [物]卵形线 oval 相关例句 形容词 1. She has a lovely oval face. 她长着一张可爱的椭圆脸。 oval 网络解释 1. oval的解释 1. 椭圆形:颜色分类越明确,其价格会越高.之前提到,工匠在切割时,会以如何保留宝石的最大重量为第一考量,再加上宝石内含物的分佈又不固定,因而切割出来的形状就有优劣之分.常见的切割有圆形(Round),椭圆形(Oval),梨形(Pear), 2. 卵形线:十四岁时,Maxwell就在爱丁堡皇家学会发表了他第一篇数学论文讨论卵形线(oval)与多焦点曲线,展现了他惊人的数学天赋. 1859年,声望如日中天的Maxwell申请爱丁堡大学教职,却败於好友Tate之手,1860年他受聘为伦敦国王学院(KingsCollege)的自然哲学与天文教授,开始他学术上丰硕的六年: 3. 椭圆:件 4.19 椭圆(Oval)控件 4.20 矩形(Rectangle)控件 4.21 圆角矩形(RoundRectangle)控件 4.22 组框(GroupBox)控件 4.23 命令按钮(CommandButton) 4.24 图片按钮(PictureButton) 4.25 水平滚动条(HScrollBar)控件 4.26 垂直滚动条(VScrollBar)控件 4.27 水平进度条(HProgressBar)控件 4.28 垂直进度条(VProgressBar)控件 4.29 4. 圆形:在对原 XML 文件进行解析的过程中,解析器要根据基于原文件和目标文件的 XML Schema 文件而生成的映射表中的信息,做相应的解析优化处理(比如,在电子表单领域,若目标文件的 Schema 中没有定义类似椭圆形(Oval)这样的元素,原文件中的 Oval 元素将全部被过滤掉, oval 双语例句 1. 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An oval shaped bar table is built on the marble tile floor corresponsively. 一盏愧丽的水晶吊灯在店中浮游著﹐高贵气派已叫人平静身心﹐大增食欲。 3. 3. Sonus tubing increases strength and torsional rigidity by over 30% compared to comparably sized oval tubes. Sonus材身相比与相同大小的椭圆材身在强度和抗扭刚度上提高了30%。 4. oval的翻译 4. Then, emerging from an area on the other side of the river, a large oval object seemed to rise up from the ground and proceed towards the unnerved couple's position. 然后,一个地区出现的另一边的河流,一个大的椭圆形物体似乎崛起从地面和着手令夫妇的立场。 5. Say that the orange-flavored, it is oval, like sugar and strawberry, but the color was orange. 再说说橘子味的,它也是椭圆形的,和草莓糖一样,只是颜色呈桔黄色。 6. The meizoseismal area was oval in shape along NW direction with its major axis along the strike of the regional tectonic structure. 这次地震发生在人烟稀少的高山地区,震中周围120km范围内无居民点,极震区内的天文站及边防哨卡的房屋有不同程度的损坏。 7. That didn't use to be the case, for example, when Clinton was your President to get into the Oval Office, all you really needed was abib. 从前可不是这样的,譬如说,克林顿当总统的时候,你要进椭圆形办公室的话只系口水兜就够了。 8. That didn`t use to be the case, for example, when Clinton was your President to get into the Oval Office, all you really needed was a bib. 从前可不是这样的,譬如说,克林顿当总统的时候,你要进椭圆形办公室的话只系口水兜就够了。 9. 9. You can also use circular or oval strokes for stiffing. 你也可以用画圆或者椭圆的方法来强化。 10. These operations required several different setups on the rotary table to cut the oval shapes. 这些行动需要几个不同的设置的旋转工作台削减的椭圆形状。 11. Unifoliate opposite leaves, oval, entire margins. 单叶对生,椭圆状卵形,全缘。 12. A church has oval windows, corbeled loggias, granite parapets. 一座教堂有椭圆窗、翘头廊、花岗岩砌的女儿墙。 13. Please fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. 这一题的答案是,请把答案卡上第五题下面的空格涂黑涂满。 14. RESULTS: At 6 hours, cells adhered, and at 48 hours, cells completely adhered. Oval or polygonal endothelial cells and spindle fibroblasts were found, and some formed whirlpool-shaped colonies. Following 1 week primary culture, a majority of cells were spindle. After 24 hours passage, cells adhered. Till 48 hours, cells began division growth. At 5-7 days, long, triangle and spindle-shaped fibroblasts with multiple nuclei were presented. 结果:接种后6 h细胞开始贴壁,48 h后细胞完全贴壁生长,出现呈椭圆形、多角形的内皮细胞,以及呈梭形的成纤维样细胞,有的形成漩涡状生长集落;原代培养1周后细胞以梭形为主;传代后24 h细胞基本完成贴壁,48 h细胞开始分裂增殖,5~7 d可见多核的成纤维样细胞贴壁,呈长杆状、三角形、梭形等。 15. Male tower by two giant stone相叠from high about Shuzhang, 上石larger, oval-shaped, such as the erection of the seal; under the tower and the connecting of three gravel pad, the wind vibration when vibration to audio, Ran stand tall dream, but unharmed. 雄塔由两块巨石相叠而成,高约数丈,上石稍大,椭圆形,如竖立之印章;与下塔相接处由三卵石支垫,风来时则振振有声,然屹立千载,却安然无恙。 16. The results showed that, after induced for 4~5 d by dexamethasone, beta-glycerophosphate and ascorbate-2 phosphate, the volume of some cells of the goat MSCs gradually largened and changed their form from spindle/polygon to cuboid/ovoid; With the induce time continuing, the numbers of the cuboid/ovoid cells continuous increased; At 15th day, there were many cuboid cells, and the modality of the cells changed from cuboid to ovoid; At 25th day, the oval and cuboid cells accumulation were observed. 结果表明,山羊MSCs在地塞米松、β-磷酸甘油和抗坏血酸的作用下,从诱导的第4~5天开始,即可见有些MSCs体积逐渐增大,由梭形或多角形转变为立方形或卵圆形;随着诱导时间延长,立方形或卵圆形细胞不断增多,到第15天时,有较多的立方形细胞,且这种变化经历了从立方形向卵圆形转变的过程;第25天,可见卵圆形和方形细胞堆积,诱导分化率为90.2%± 2.97%。 17. oval的翻译 17. Oval Desk. This is one an important icon for Express. 椭圆形写字台是快捷酒店的重要标志。 18. Slightly oval, located in the dorsal pons and medulla oblongata, has one cavity between the fourth ventricle. 髓质中心埋藏有数个灰质核团,称为小脑中央核,其中最大的一个叫齿状核。 19. 19. 212 The Danish capital of Copenhagen, Lang Gening a waterfront park in the Gulf, there are a huge oval granite similar abrupt in the deep blue sea, a world-famous Little Mermaid statu... 俊秀的美人鱼,用深沉而忧凄的目光望着沧茫的大海,那哀婉动人、凄凉悲伤的神态,透露出安徒生童话摄人心魄的魅力。。。。 20. The oval cells might be the initiated cells of liver carcinoma of host rats fed by chemical carcinogen and have a close relationship with histogenesis of liver carcinoma. 卵圆细胞是宿主受化学致癌剂作用后发生肝癌的始动细胞,与肝癌的发生有着密切的联系。 oval 词典解释 1. 椭圆形的;卵形的 Oval things have a shape that is like a circle but is wider in one direction than the other. e.g. He was a man in his late thirties, with fine, dark hair and a pale oval face. 他年近四十,头发乌黑亮泽,长着一张苍白的鹅蛋脸。 e.g. ...the small oval framed picture of a little boy. 镶在椭圆形相框里的小男孩照片 oval 单语例句 1. " The chain of command goes all the way to the Oval Office, " said the Massachusetts senator. 2. Critics have suggested weak management was one of the reasons the controversial Oval test spiralled out of control. 3. The hearing stemmed from Hair's decisions on the fourth day of the fourth test between England and Pakistan at The Oval on August 20. 4. The oval dome of the theatre is already nearing completion and is a striking contrast to its surroundings. 5. Eisenhower was in the Oval Office and has been on the world stage long enough to see 10 other presidents in the same chair. 6. Obama will deliver an Oval Office speech on August 31 to mark the end of Iraqi combat missions. 7. Scoreboard at the end of the fourth test between England and India at the Oval on Monday. 8. The judge will sit at one end of the oval table, and the prosecution and the defence will sit on the other two sides. 9. The girl had an oval face, which Xia believed did not quite match the double eyelid look. 10. It was England's best first day score since World War II surpassing the 406 for two they made against Pakistan in 1962 at The Oval. oval的反义词oval 英英释义 noun 1. a closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it e.g. the sums of the distances from the foci to any point on an ellipse is constant Synonym: ellipse adj 1. rounded like an egg Synonym: egg-shapedellipticellipticaloval-shapedovateoviformovoidprolate |
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