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单词 continental shelf
    continental shelf [英 [?k?nt??nentl ?elf] 美 [?kɑnt??n?ntl: ??lf] ]
    continental shelf的意思、解释
    continental shelf 基本解释
    continental shelf
    continental shelf
    continental shelf 网络解释
    1. 陆棚:之所以如此,主因台陆皆非1951年旧金山和约之当事方,何况钓鱼台此迄今仍无人居住之弹丸小岛、於1968年联合国机构公布发现其所接连大陆棚(continental shelf)下之油藏之前、从未受到特别注意.
    2. 大陆棚:另外一个离本岛比较远的钓鱼台群岛则在台湾岛的北方,约150公里处,这些岛屿都分布在亚洲大陆棚(continental shelf)的边缘上,在台湾本岛海岸外海底斜坡约以一比十的坡度急降,在离岸约30公里处的太平洋水域海水已经深约 4000公尺
    continental shelf 双语例句
    1. If all of the continental shelf waters of the water pumping light, so that the continental shelf completely into the land, then the face of the continental shelf and the mainland is essentially the same.
    2. The sedment of the coast and beach primarily came from continental shelf, which was piled up the mainland by the coastal sediment of the low ocean surface position by shoreface translation under the processes and influence of the post-glacial transgression.
    3. The movements of crustal movement to make the land sink, submerged in water, the formation of the continental shelf; sea hit the coast, resulting in wave-cut platforms, submerged underwater, but also the formation of the continental shelf.
    4. continental shelf的近义词
    4. And the subaqueous shoal sandstones and limestone shoal of the continental shelf facies occur at the middle part of every member.
    5. China's claimed EEZ border is based on its continental shelf and runs much closer to Japan's coast.
    6. The foot of continental slope is an important terrain characteristic and is a basic evidence to get the out limit line of the expansion continental shelf right.
    7. continental shelf
    7. I combined the large amount of the materials of outcrop and section, the thin section, the dominated primary MT carbonates exited in micrite, marlite, calcilutite of slope and continental shelf margin.
    8. China and Japan do not share the same continental shelf because the Okinawa Trough separates them from each other.
    9. continental shelf什么意思
    9. Based on the investigated data in the west sea area of continental shelf of the East China Sea (25°30'-33°30'N, 128°00'E) from 1994 to 1996 and from 2004 to 2006, the quantity distribution and growth characteristics of Loligo edulis was studied. The results showed that the capture rate of Loligo edulis is 20.3 kg/h in summer, which is the fastigium of quantity distribution in a year, the capture rate is 5.1 kg/h in spring and autumn, and it's became the lowest in winter.
    10. Upper and middle Silurian formations are denuded in Tahe area, only lower Silurian Kepingtage Fomation and Tata'ai'ertage Formation develop here with 2 sedimentary subfacies which are tidal flat and continental shelf, and 3 microfacies which are mixed flat, sand flat, and continental shelf mud.
    11. In all, as many as 80 countries may be able to substantiate a claim to an extension of the continental shelf.
    12. The continental shelf battle of Sino-Japanese in East China Sea makes the relation between two countries worse.
    13. Some of these future systems may be installed as far offshore as the edge of the continental shelf.
    14. continental shelf的反义词
    14. The classification results have a good relationship to the regional sedimentary facies, including trough, margin continental shelf, and carbonate platform. The boundary of sedimentary facies divided by this method is quite accurate. On the basis of this, the distribution of the reefs in the margin continental shelf where reefs are well developed has been accurately predicted.
    15. In the study area, the platform, open continental shelf, shelf margin slope, deep sea basin and shallow sea sedimentary facies were developed.
    16. This scientific and research project is to analyze the geological structure of the continental shelf.
    17. Crustal movements or the continental shelf is the result of wave erosion.
    18. continental shelf是什么意思
    18. To the east of the forth step, the shallow water of the continental shelf.
    19. The sand dunes analyses data have shown they mainly consist of well sorted, symmetry skewness and find sands, and the kurtosis peak is narrow or very narrow. There are abundant impacts of mechanic process on the surface of quartz grains. The traces of eolian process often superpose on the traces stamped by river and beach processes. The dish--shaped concavities and mechanic pits are the most common surface textures, but the barchan concavities and curved grain edges are indicated the marks by eolian environment. The heavy minerals assemblages of coastal dunes are dominated by relatively high specific gravity which have stable chemical properity suggesting the mordern high dynamic environments of coast area. The depositional structures of coastal dunes are typified by corss--bed sets composed of steep foreset laminates and gentle windward dipping sets. It also contains some shell fragments and strong worn foraminiferal tests that are impossibly found in inland desert. On the other hand, the sandy deposits of the continental shelf of East China Sea are with wide range of grains, and the depositional pattens are quite complicated.
    20. This area on the map is the continental shelf.
    continental shelf 词典解释
    1. 大陆架
    The continental shelf is the area which forms the edge of a continent, ending in a steep slope to the depths of the ocean.
    continental shelf的反义词
    e.g. ...the deep water off the Continental Shelf.
    continental shelf 单语例句
    1. Article 121 says that rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.
    2. There may be disputes on sovereignty over the overlapping waters off the continental shelf between a country or countries ringing the South China Sea.
    3. China says its territory extends to the end of the continental shelf, while Japan says the sea border is halfway between the countries'shores.
    4. Japan's claim that there is no dispute with China over the ownership of the islands, the corresponding exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf is patently untrue.
    5. Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life shall not be considered to have an economic zone or continental shelf.
    6. The two sides exchanged views on the exclusive economic zone in the East China Sea, demarcation of continental shelf and other marine issues of mutual concern.
    7. China and Japan are divided on the issue of demarcation of the continental shelf of the East China Sea.
    8. Ma said China reserves its right to submit claims on the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in other areas.
    9. On related matters such as the East China Sea continental shelf, we can join hands in developing rather than stubbornly sticking to our own positions.
    10. Japan holds that the line is the two countries'coastlines, but it is in fact on the continental shelf of the Chinese side.
    continental shelf 英英释义
    1. the relatively shallow (up to 200 meters) seabed surrounding a continent




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