单词 | torrent |
释义 | torrent [英 [?t?r?nt] 美 [?t?:r?nt] ] torrent的意思、解释 复数形式:torrents; torrent 基本解释 torrent的意思 名词奔流,急流; 爆发,迸发; 连续不断; (质问等的)连发 torrent在线翻译 torrent 相关例句 名词 1. It rains in torrents. 大雨倾盆。 2. 2. The rain fell in torrents. 大雨如注。 3. His answer was a torrent of abuses. 他的回答是连珠炮式的漫骂。 4. A torrent of water swept down the valley. 一股洪流冲下山谷。 5. torrent的反义词 5. The river was a torrent after the storm. 暴风雨过后,河水成了激流。 torrent 网络解释 1. 激流:奔涌于全球钻头般的激流(torrent)最后在世界最高屋脊下戛然而止. 2009年7月,印度BT网站被关闭;2009年8月25日,瑞典最大的种子网站海盗湾(The Pirate Bay)被强行关闭......世界范围内,好像被诅咒了一样,各国都在纷纷关闭BT网站, 2. torrent的翻译 2. 洪流:Daelin Proudmoore,海军上将(Admiral) 洪流(Torrent)抵挡减速效果,但是伤害和晕眩无法被抵挡. X标记(X marks the spot)该技能被完全且完美地抵抗. 若施放于一个友军,技能被抵挡且不会触发林肯的冷却. ... 3. 奔流:曾在15世纪兴盛的印加帝国,只留下供人凭吊的遗迹. 今年主办亚太经合会(APEC)年会的秘鲁,固然有利马这类与现代文明接轨在BitTorrent术语中,所有参与散布某个档案的对等点称为奔流(torrent) 4. 湍流山溪:stream, brook 小溪 | torrent 湍流山溪 | rapids 急流 torrent 双语例句 1. torrent 1. In accordance with the specific characteristics of disaster resulted from mountain torrent and present conditions, the system integration strategy for assessment of disasters caused by mountain torrents was proposed. 详细山洪灾害系统是地球表层系统的异常或突变组分之一,对其通过冲毁、淹没、淤埋等致灾过程所产生的灾情进行准确评估是救灾、减灾和防灾的基础。 2. It is near the River torrent! 那靠近江边头光光的是铁拐李、旁边的是曹国舅、下面戴帽子的是何仙姑、接下来的是张果老、韩湘子、吕洞宾、蓝采和、汉钟离。 3. One other surprising addition is that this Mangonel throws burning barrels of oil! These barrels often explode in mid air, unleashing a torrent of fire down on its poor victims below. 不仅如此,重型投石车尚能投掷燃烧油罐,油罐经常在半空中便迸裂四散,将恐怖火海倾泻至下方敌阵。 4. Even as adults we are met with a torrent of influences, most of which we are not even aware. 即使是成人见了纷纷影大部分我们甚至不知道。 5. He had almost caught up with the Queen and his wife when the Queen heard the crying of his children. Looking back, she pulled off a gold clasp from her hair and drew a line behind her. A raging torrent immediately appeared in the sky. This is the so-called River of Heaven. 眼看快追上了,王母娘娘听到了小孩的哭声,她朝后一望,从头上取下金簪,在身后划了一道,天空中立马出现一条奔腾的河,这条河就叫天河。 6. Lately, I discovered a great site that searches multiple torrent search engines so users can search on only one page. 最近,我发现了一个伟大的网站,搜索多个种子搜索引擎,用户可以搜索只有一页。 7. Menelaus took Ulysses by the hand, and led him out of the press while his squire brought up his chariot, but Ajax rushed furiously on the Trojans and killed Doryclus, a bastard son of Priam; then he wounded Pandocus, Lysandrus, Pyrasus, and Pylartes; as some swollen torrent comes rushing in full flood from the mountains on to the plain, big with the rain of heaven- many a dry oak and many a pine does it engulf, and much mud does it bring down and cast into the sea- even so did brave Ajax chase the foe furiously over the plain, slaying both men and horses. 嗜战的墨奈劳斯抓住俄底修斯的手,带着他冲出人群,而他的驭手则赶着车马,跑至他们身边。随后,埃阿斯开大步,扑向特洛伊人,击倒多鲁克洛斯,普里阿摩斯的私生子,接着又放倒了潘多科斯,鲁桑得罗斯、普拉索斯和普拉耳忒斯。像一条泛滥的大河,从山上浩浩荡荡地泻入平野,推涌着宙斯倾注的雨水,冲走众多枯干的橡树和成片的松林,直到激流卷着大堆的树村,闯入大海――光荣的埃阿斯冲荡在平原上,追逐奔跑,杀马屠人。 8. 8. He sprang like a crystal-clear spring from the ground, and was permitted to choose whether he would become a river running through pleasant and productive green pastures, or a muddy torrent forever dashing against rocks and churning between deep, sunless cliffs — cold and miserable in itself, and unable to bring joy and fruitfulness to the surrounding land. 他可以象一条大河,快乐滋润地穿过翠绿的草原;也可以成为一支污浊的湍流,在岩石间冲激,在幽暗的深峡中迂回,冷冷凄凄,附近的大地从它那里得不到一点欢乐和富实。 9. Country: China, if that life is a long process, every romantic encounter is gay torrent streams, carrying throb and sigh the River of Life Meaningful import of Pori. Country:China,如果说人生是一条长河,每一次的浪漫邂逅就是欢快奔流的小溪,载着悸动和叹息汇入生命之河的隽永之波里。 10. No one knows for sure what that only sea is and when the torrent is going to empty into it. 这一切造成了奔腾的一股激流,具有排山之势(4),向着唯一的海流去。 11. All that makes up the tumultuous torrent rushing with terrific force towards the only sea. 这一切造成了奔腾的一股激流,具着排山之势,向着惟一的海流去。 12. Like a drop of water in a torrent, he had no alternative but to be swept along by the multitude around him, his feet barely touching the ground. 他仿佛急流里的一滴水滴,没有回旋转侧的余地,只有顺着大众的势,脚不点地地走。 13. Like a drop of waterin a torrent, he had no alternative but to be swept along by the mul-titude around him, his feet barely touching the ground. 他仿佛急流里的一滴水滴,没有回旋转侧的余地,只有顺着大众的势,脚不点地地走。 14. Not think of the day 13:30, the second Road protective dam suddenly collapsed, is the scene of more than a dozen armed police operations were torrent How Far beyond 10 metres, thanks to a huge block, the side did not trouble. 未曾想到,当天13时30分,第二道防护围堰突然垮塌,正在现场作业的十多名武警被急流冲出10米多远,幸得一个铁门挡住,方未出事。 15. torrent是什么意思 15. I believe it cost about 30 but you can D/L it here on Bit Torrent. 我相信它的成本约30但你可以数/ l它在察看所有电影在这里。 16. 16. The sound of the lute roils and surges like a torrent. 琴声中表达出来的感情奔腾澎湃得像流水一样。 17. torrent的意思 17. His mother needed to go for a seminar and mama promised to babysit torrent for a few hours. 一个朋友要去开会,妈妈答应帮她照看一下三岁的小托任。 18. A moment later, Bo Ya`s mind turned to a torrent of water. 过了一会儿,伯牙的心思转到流水那儿去了。 19. Moments later, Bo Ya`s mind turned to a torrent of water. 过了一会儿,伯牙的心思转到流水那儿去了。 20. torrent的解释 20. On the border of the country, villagers have found the traditional spiritual origin in this era devoid of faith and made their villages the Noah`s Ark in the torrent of urbanization. 在国家的边缘,村民们在这个信仰真空时代又找回传统的精神源泉,并使村庄在一定程度上成为城市化洪流中的诺亚方舟。 torrent 词典解释 1. 急流;激流;洪流 A torrent is a lot of water falling or flowing rapidly or violently. e.g. Torrents of water gushed into the reservoir... 急流涌入了水库。 e.g. The rain came down in torrents, and we could see nothing… 大雨倾盆而下,我们看不见任何东西。 2. (谩骂、问题等的)连发,迸发 A torrent of abuse or questions is a lot of abuse or questions directed continuously at someone. e.g. He turned round and directed a torrent of abuse at me. 他转过身来冲我劈头盖脸地骂了一通。 e.g. …a £45,000 offer which prompted a torrent of criticism in the media. 激起媒体一片指责的 4.5 万英镑的出价 torrent 单语例句torrent的反义词 1. It is also working on chemical sensing chips with DNA Electronics, a British company that licensed its patents to Ion Torrent. 2. Residents caught in the torrent clung to railings to avoid being swept away. 3. The ministry said on Tuesday it decided to dismiss Wang Yongping, whose remarks at a news conference on July 24 triggered a torrent of public criticism. 4. One can appreciate the sails hoisted on the torrent while sitting leisurely in the boat and drinking tea. 5. Roads and fields adjacent to the dyke were immediately submerged as the torrent was released. 6. An earthen dam burst on the Hawaiian island of Kauai on Tuesday, sweeping away houses in a torrent of water 150 yards across. 7. Indian authorities already face a torrent of criticism about missed warnings and botched intelligence. 8. If that torrent expands significantly, it could feed inflation in an already feverish economy. 9. Paris were called to a bar in Paris's hip Marais district where they found an inebriated Galliano delivering a torrent of abuse to a couple. 10. The Ion Torrent machine uses chips like those in a computer to do sequencing, rather than the complicated cameras and lasers most other sequencers use. torrent 英英释义 noun 1. a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid) e.g. the houses were swept away in the torrent Synonym: violent stream 2. a heavy rain Synonym: downpourcloudburstdelugewaterspoutpeltersoaker 3. an overwhelming number or amount e.g. a flood of requests a torrent of abuse Synonym: floodinundationdeluge |
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