单词 | continuously |
释义 | continuously [英 [k?n't?nj??sl?] 美 [k?n?t?nj??sl?] ] continuously的意思、解释 continuously 基本解释 副词连续不断地,接连地; 时时刻刻; 连着; 直 continuously 相关例句 副词 1. continuously的近义词 1. The telephone rang continuously for five minutes. 电话铃声连续响了五分钟。 continuously 网络解释 1. 不断地:continuous 连续的 | continuously 不断地 | continuum 连续 2. 连续不断的:perpetual永久的 | continuously連續不斷的 | renewable可更新的 3. 连续地:continuously variable control 连续可变调整 | continuously 连续地 | continuum hypothesis 连续性假定 4. 连续不断地:continue 继续,连续;延伸 | continued 继续的,延续的 | continuously 连续不断地 continuously 双语例句 1. Due to the exploitation and utilization of deep groundwater in northern Shandong plain, a lot of environmental problms have been occurred, such as, the regional deep groundwater depression is continuously enlarging, in some area, deep groundwater exhausted and water quality is becoming more and more saltish, as well as land subsidence was aggravated and endemic appeared in some major towns. The reason is that the groundwater exploitation is most concentrated in towns areamabd tge exploiting methods is much more irrational. 摘 要:鲁北平原在深层地下水开发利用过程中,由于开采地段过于集中在城镇,加上不合理开采等因素,出现了区域性深层地下水超采漏斗不断扩大、部分地段地下水资源枯竭和水质咸化问题严重、重点城镇地面沉降加剧及饮用高氟高碘地下水引发的地方病呈上升趋势等诸多水环境问题。 2. In the electromagnetic field that countercurrent inductor produces, the metal droplet that melts gets the role suspension of electromagnetism force in quartz pipe center and had been heated up continuously. When metal droplet of melting have been heated up certain temperature surface beginning gasification, metal vapor tension will raise follow temperature go up, is heated continuously can have plenty of metal atoms overflow metal ball liquid surface, at the same time, as the inert gas of cooling medium, all along with certain current velocity, sideswipe the metal droplet surface that melts. Metal atoms fly out liquid surface according to certain way form the atom cluster by the condensing of inert air current, merger and the collision between crystal nucleus pellet and atom cluster form the smoke flame of nanoparticle pellet eventually. 在逆流感应器产生的电磁场中熔化的金属液滴受电磁力的作用悬浮于石英管中央并继续被加热,当金属熔球被加热到一定温度时表面开始气化,金属蒸气压随温度的升高而升高,继续受热会有大量的金属原子飞出熔球液面,与此同时,作为冷却介质的惰性气体始终以一定的流速掠过熔化的金属液滴表面,原子飞出液面受冷后就按照一定的方式凝聚成原子簇,在惰性气流中形核并随之长大,颗粒、原子簇间的碰撞与合并,最终形成金属纳米颗粒的烟焰。 3. As the economic construction develops and the industrial structure continuously optimizes and adjusts itself, a series of newly professions have emerged, such as electronics, information technology, new materials, etc. And traditional agriculture has been transforming into modernized. At the same time, the production of all trades and all professions has been gradually transforming from labor-intensive to technology-intensive, and the personnel demands from skilled worker or primary professionals to secondary or senior professionals. Just can Higher Vocational Education supply those qualified manpower resources. Since 1990s, Higher Vocational Education in our country has made rapid progress, and it has presented an unprecedented scene of prosperity. 随着经济建设的发展和产业结构的不断优化调整,出现了一系列新兴行业,如电子、信息、新材料等,传统农业也向现代农业的道路转化;各行各业生产由劳动密集型逐渐向技术型转化,由对熟练劳动者和生产初级人才的需求,转化为对中高级应用人才的需求,这种高素质人力资源,需要通过高职教育来提供。90年代以来,我国高职教育有了很大的发展,出现了前所未有的繁荣景象,为社会主义现代化建设事业培养了大批急需的各类专门人才,提高了劳动者的素质。 4. During the years of operation, the business scope of Yuedu has been expanding continuously, and presently divided into two parts: the first part mainly deals with the design and construction of industrial floor; the other mainly deals with indoor and outdoor decoration and mainte nance, civil work, equipment installation and maintenance, and steel structure fabrication, and so on. 多年的经营中,悦都的业务不断的取得拓展延伸,目前主要可划分为两大部分,一部份主要从事企业厂房的室内外装修、维护,土建工程、设备安装、保养,钢结构制作等。另一部份专业从事工业环氧地坪设计、施工。 5. continuously是什么意思 5. The wage and salary remuneration he gained during the period of work in China belonged to income originated in the territory of China, but his working time in China in a tax-paying year calculated continuously did not exceed 90 days, whether or not he can enjoy the preferential treatment of exemption of individual income tax shall be determined in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulation on the Implementation of China's Individual Income Tax Law as well as the stipulations of Clause 1 of Article 2 of this Circular. 其在华工作期间取得的工资、薪金报酬,属于来源于中国境内的所得,但由于其在一个纳税年度内在华工作时间连续计算不超过90天,需依照我国个人所得税法实施条例第七条以及通知第二条第一款的规定,判定其可否享受免征个人所得税优惠待遇。经核查,该机构仅为其总机构进行了解市场情况,提供商情资料以及其他业务联络、咨询、服务活动,没有营业收入而不征收企业所得税,因而没有设立明细帐簿列明该代表的工资薪金。 6. continuously 6. To assist Plant Manager to setup Plant's safety regulations and rules, keep zero LTI, improve the EHS performances of plant continuously. 车间管理:协助车间经理指定并执行各类规章制度,检查监督执行情况。确保持续改进车间各区域环境卫生状况。 7. Below current macroscopical economy environment, want to achieve the goal that our country economy grows steadily continuously, can base oneself upon expands actively at holding to inside needed policy, and must put demand of consumption of the farther dweller that start in more prominent place. 在目前的宏观经济环境下,要实现我国经济持续稳步增长的目标,只能立足于坚持积极扩大内需的方针,而且必须把进一步启动居民消费需求放在更加突出的地位。 8. Using Janis CCS-350 refrigerator (which lowest temperature is 10 K) to provide the low temperature environment, from room temperature to 200 K, then using the vacuum pump continuously to make the oxygen in the oxygen deficiency YBa2Cu3O7-x sample to redistribute. 利用Janis CCS-350制冷机(最低可达10 K)提供低温环境,从室温到200 K,利用真空泵持续抽取真空,使氧缺陷YBa2Cu3O7-x超导体中的氧重新分布。 9. It is considered as a unique adaptation of the conventional EDM process, which uses an electrode to initialize the sparking process. However, WEDM utilizes a continuously traveling wire electrode made of thin copper, brass or tungsten of diameter 0.05–0.3 mm, which is capable of achieving very small corner radii. 它被视为对常规放电加工工艺的独特改创--常规的放电加工工艺利用电极来引发电火花放电过程,而WEDM工艺利用的是连续走丝的电极丝(由直径为0.05–0.3 mm的细铜、黄铜或钨制成),这种电极丝能够达到非常小的圆角半径。 10. continuously什么意思 10. Phase of this one history can not develop to serve as a foundation with the result to its develop the useful and discard the useless however as the foundation continuously with industrial times, it is a when human place should experience higher development level. 这一历史阶段不以工业时代可持续发展作为基础而是以对其扬弃的结果作为基础,是人类所要经历的一个更高的发展阶段。 11. Respecting this rich advocate write through giving a person civil get regular pay, I consider as what should get affirmation continuously, the work that carries oneself on one hand obtained income; to also solve real problem for a few businessmen on the other hand. 说到这个博主通过给人写文获取一定的报酬,我认为是应该直得肯定的,一方面通过自己的劳动获得了收入;另一方面也为一些商家解决了实际的问题。 12. 12. PHOENIX MAGAZINE·JEWELRY 》 own a professional author team. They will continuously explain fashion trends of jewelry and personal luxury, general knowledge about luxury consumption. 凤凰周刊·珠宝》拥有一批高水准的专栏作家,他们将持续以极具专业水准和优美文笔对珠宝、私人奢侈品的时尚流行、消费常识进行专业解读。 13. With the development of city building construction and constructionindustry, more and more new building materials appear continuously, and chemical buildingmaterials has become the foundational industry of our society. 随着城市建设和建筑业的迅速发展,各类新型建筑材料不断涌现,化学建材已成为国民经济的支柱产业。 14. A8 music depends on China the biggest achieve musical platform formerly, climb successively in the consequence of domestic music domain in recent years litre, a8 music achieves platform to already had more than 60 thousand to start musical work formerly up to now formerly, have nearly 10000 many start musical person formerly, held 3 dimensions continuously royal start musical contest formerly, and at 8 years in June with home concept of first network music in Hong Kong advocate board appear on the market successfully. A8音乐凭借中国最大的原创音乐平台,近年来在国内音乐领域的影响力节节攀升,A8音乐原创平台截至目前已拥有超过6万首原创音乐作品,有近10000多个原创音乐人,连续举办了三届规模盛大的原创音乐大赛,并于08年6月以国内首只网路音乐概念股在香港主板成功上市。 15. continuously的近义词 15. We came to this world, everyone, and carrying an empty LouZi life, is continuously to his own LouZi put things in the process. 我们来到这个世上,每个人都背着一个空篓子,而人的一生,就是不断地往自己的篓子里放东西的过程。 16. China continuously attaches importance to material object management of state assets instead of its value management. 我国一直以来只重视国有资产的实物管理,不重视国有资产的价值管理。 17. Obvious bowel obstruction continuously happened in 6 cases and enterobrosis in 2 cases. 继发明显肠梗阻6例,肠穿孔2例。合并肠道原发性病变11例。 18. 18. Along with the economy of continuously, high speed development, our country market from have brand-new of variety. 随着经济的持续、高速发展,我国市场由有了崭新的变化。 19. As the brand globalization comes, the international competition internalizes and foreign brands continuously launch an offensive. 随着品牌全球化的到来,国际竞争国内化,洋品牌不断向中国的市场发起攻击。 20. With the development of the society, language is continuously changing and developing. 委婉语的产生和发展与社会,经济和文化的发展紧密相关。 continuously 单语例句 1. The complaint service office at the massive Canton Fair continuously received information about suspected infringement during the trade fair's third phase that ended this month. 2. The central authority has continuously reduced the tax burden on small enterprises since 2008. 3. The central government has continuously adjusted the curriculum of the class to ensure it stays in line with the latest developments in Tibet. 4. The government continuously strengthens its supervision of certificated products and enterprises, and increases the authoritativeness and effectiveness of certification. 5. He said the Chinese government had continuously perfected its legal system and quality standard system, and strengthened law enforcement and supervision in this regard. 6. Official statistics on Christianity in China reveals there are 16 million believers, a number which is continuously expanding. 7. Another highlight is that fouling or corrosion in sea water circulating system will not appear even it has been operating continuously for four months. 8. The geostationary orbit meteorological satellites are capable of continuously monitoring and identifying dangerous climatic conditions like typhoons and storms. 9. It can automatically and continuously search for natural intrinsic conduction and reduce unnecessary right ventricular pacing. 10. Hu said China is willing to make concerted efforts with the Republic of Congo to continuously deepen their strategic cooperation and benefit the two peoples. continuously 英英释义 adv 1. at every point e.g. The function is continuously differentiable 2. with unflagging resolve e.g. dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste Synonym: endlesslyceaselesslyincessantlyunceasinglyunendingly |
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