单词 | transportation |
释义 | transportation [英 [?tr?nsp?:?te??n] 美 [?tr?nsp?:r?te??n] ] transportation的意思、解释 transportation 基本解释 名词运送,运输; 运输系统; 运输工具; 流放 transportation什么意思 transportation 相关例句 名词 1. The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage. 铁路免费运送一定数量的行李。 2. We paid our transportation to Taipei. 我们付了去台北的旅费。 transportation 情景对话 Pollution-(污染) transportation是什么意思 B:Man, that sunset is beautiful. I’ve never seen one so red. 瞧,日落真漂亮。我从未见过这么火红的日落。 A:Yeah, it’s pretty nice, but its so red because of air pollution. 对,很漂亮。可是颜色之所以这么红是因为空气污染。 B:Really? 真的吗? A:Yeah, the smog from all these cars gets into the air and turns the sunlight red. 是的,汽车产出的烟雾进入空气中,日光便显出这种红色。 B:I never knew that. 我可不知道这个。 A:Yeah, more people need to take public transportation or carpool. 是呀,应该有更多的人搭乘公交车或合伙使用小汽车。 B:Well, we’ve already done our part. 噢,我们自己已经尽力了。 A:Yeah, it’s your turn to drive next week. Don’t be late picking me up. 是呀,下个星期轮到你开车了。接我可别迟到了。 B:Don’t worry. I’m getting more sleep these days. The baby’s finally growing up a little more. 不用着急。我近来睡眠时间更充足了。小孩子终于长大了一些了。 A:Well, give me a call if you can’t make it for some reason. 哦,如果因为什么原因你不能来的话给我一个电话。 Conveniences-(便利设施) A:Well, this is certainly a nice place, Mr. Taylor. What sort of public transportation is nearby? 哦,这个地方真不错,泰勒先生。附近有什么公交系统? B:Please, call my John. Well, there’s a subway stop and bus station just around the corner. Do you have children? 叫我约翰好了。嗯,附近有一个地铁站和一个公车站。你有小孩吗? A:Yes, two. 有,有两个。 B:Well, in that case, the schools in this area are very good. 哦,这样的话,这个地方的学校也很不错哦。 A:We send our kids to private school, but that’s good to know too. 我们送小孩去私立学校读书,不过知道这个也很好呀。 B:Oh, well. As far as other conveniences in the neighborhood, there’s a grocery store just up the block, and there’s lots of little shops nearby. 哦,其他的便利设施还包括:街区内的一个杂货店,附近则有很多小店铺。 A:Great. Well, we’ll have to think about it, but the place looks great. 好极了。哦,我们还考虑考虑,但这个地方真的不错。 transportation什么意思 B:Here’s my card, just give me a call if you’re interested. 这是我的名片,如果你有兴趣就打我电话。 transportation 网络解释 1. 移位:会使旋转器械的使用寿命减短.同样的,在愈弯愈急的弯曲根管内,器械回复原来形状的力量就会愈大.因此,修形弯根(如图1A主要的腭侧跟管)所造成的根管移位(transportation)会比直的根管明显.有许多因素会影响修形时产生扭力(torque)的大小, 2. transportation 2. 交通运输:审视、分配并修改员工资源. 票务-票务(Ticketing)应用软件能处理订位和邮寄事务,动态协调门票销售事宜. 交通运输-交通运输(Transportation)应用软件帮助悉尼奥运会组织委员会员工规划管理人员在比赛场地之间的交通运输事宜. transportation 双语例句 1. Basing on the abundant investigating datum, the paper researches on trip feature of residents and transportation status, then analyzes the condition of implementing different working hour. 在大量调查资料的基础上研究了目前北京市居民出行特征和道路交通状况,并分析了错时上下班措施的实施条件,认为在北京市实施该措施所能达到的效果有限,北京市缺乏实施错时上下班的基础和条件。 2. transportation 2. General transport system which container transportation depends on is founding stage by stage. 我国的集装箱相关技术仍然落后,集装箱的运输通道需要进一步扩展和完善,集装箱的运输组织模式和未来发展需要深入分析和研究,集装箱运输方式间协作需要加强,集装箱运输的信息系统建设需要加快发展。 3. Before establishment of SEASM, if southerly moisture transportation through the meridional moisture channel is very strong, the convection activity becomes more active around the IndochinaPeninsula and the rainy season begins earlier in Yunnan corresponsively. 当这一水汽通道中南风水汽输送在季风建立前异常偏强时,相应地中南半岛附近的对流也增强,对应着云南的雨季开始偏早,初夏降水偏多,反之则初夏降水偏少。 4. In the aspect of equipment, the company will use advanced materials, processing, welding, painting, lifting, transportation and other equipment in the domestic to increase production efficiency and to ensure products` qualities. 公司在设备配置方面,将采用国内先进的下料、加工、焊接、涂装、起重、运输等设备,提高生产效率,保证产品质量。 5. 5. After years of operating, we have gained rich experience in bulk cargo transportation and chartering as well the trust of the shipping companies and factories. In the mean time we calculate a high qualify working team with high efficiency, good at managing and operating, and responsible. 通过十余年来与广大客户的愉快合作,我们在钢材、铁矿石、设备等散杂货的租船配舱上积累了丰富经验,赢得了广大船东和货主的信任,并且培养了一支高效率、懂经营、善管理、负责任的高素质团队。 6. Tuition includes Transportation, Field Trip, Tickets and Performance fee. 至周五早上10:00am – 6:00pm 的上课及教材费用,交通费,政管费,郊游活动 7. In this paper, the constitution of the highway express passenger transportation system is analyzed by applying the system engineering theory at first. 本文首先应用系统工程学的理论和方法,分析了公路快速客运系统的构成。 8. Suppliers Chain Management, Customs Declarations, Land Transportation arrangement, Documents preparation for Customs House, Suppliers due payments requests and payments plan to suppliers, etc. 供应商供应链管理,报关,陆运运输的安排,海关清关的相关资料准备,到期的供应商货款的申请,到期的供应商货款的资金计划等。 9. The storage and transportation with oxidant, organic matters and metal powder is forbidden. 不得与氧化剂、有机物质和金属粉末等共储混运。 10. transportation是什么意思 10. The scientific, efficient and modern highway maintenance method can make the highway maintain an intact state in tenure of use, and the transportation economic benefit of highway can be obtained. 科学、高效的现代化公路养护作业与养护管理方法可使公路在使用年限内经常保持完好状态,从而最大限度地发挥公路的运输经济效益。 11. According to the latest research, CiGangRen ancestor's ancestral home India punjab, about the tenth century A. D. tribal war and famine, and by CiGangRen began to leave, they migrate in India, but no fixed place in the home and transportation caravans to busk, one living in cities, gradually become world-famous wandering peoples. 据最新的考证,茨冈人的祖先是祖居印度旁遮普一带的部落,大约公元10世纪以后,迫于战乱和饥荒,茨冈人开始离开印度向外迁徙,他们没有固定的居所,而是以大篷车为家和交通工具,以卖艺为生,在一个个城市间游荡,逐渐成为世界闻名的流浪民族。 12. The amount of state-owned property right are: an area of 169.714 square meters; 13 warehouses covering an area of 36940 square meters; a special railway transport line long for 1.556 km; an office building having an area about 1043 square meters; 14 buildings for dormitory with an area of 6448 square meters area; 2 Loader cranes, 8-ton crane; 2 sets of forklift as well as other transportation infrastructure equipment and railway transit qualification. 国有产权数额为:划拨土地使用权一宗,面积169.714平方米;仓库13栋,建筑面积36940平方米;铁路专运线一条,长度1.556千米;办公楼一栋,建筑面积1043平方米;宿舍14栋,建筑面积6448平方米;装载机2台,8吨吊车1台;叉车2台等配套的储运基础设施设备和铁路运输中转资质。 13. A great amount of post tensioned pre-stressing concrete single box beam for double track (as called the Box Beam hereinafter) has been used on the line. It is of infeasibility in adoption of the traditional practice of pre-fabrication in precast factory and erection of the Box Beam with the track laying machine for that this type of beam is characterized by new structure, complicated workmanship, large volume and difficulty in transportation. Therefore, the key and hardest problem to tackle is that what processing should be adopted to precast the Box Beam on site and that what kind of machinery should be used to transport and erect the Box Beam. 由于该型梁具有结构新、工艺复杂、体积大、运输困难,将常规铁路的桥梁厂制造桥梁、经过铁路运梁到工地、边铺边架进行桥梁制造与架设的传统施工模式应用到该线是行不通的,必须在现场预制桥梁、并采用专门的运架梁设备进行桥梁架设,因此箱梁的制造、架设施工成为该线施工技术攻关的重点和难点。 14. AIM:Kir2.1 existing in corneal epithelial cells can participate in the production of resting membrane potential and transmembrane transport, ciliary body is crucial for the K+ transportation in hydatoid development. 目的:Kir2.1通道存在角膜的内皮细胞,参与膜静息膜电位的产生和跨膜转运,睫状体对房水的生成过程中K+的转运起到关键性的作用。 15. Great improvements has been made in the study of multiphase transportation technology in recent years. 近年来,多相混输技术研究有了较大的进展。 16. Located in the East Third Ring Road of 5A class office space, convenient transportation, Frontera Design Co., Ltd. will provide you with a good working platform and environment. 公司位于东三环5A级写字楼内,办公环境优越,交通便利,我们将为您提供良好的工作平台和环境。 17. One reason is that honeycomb paper reduces vibration and impact during transportation process. 蜂窝纸凭借一定的六边形纸芯结构在包装行业得到了快速发展,其中一个原因就是蜂窝纸可以有效地防止或减轻运输过程中传递给物体的振动和冲击。 18. Full closure of transport, to ensure that no damage, cargo poor, safe and convenient, affordable, able to reduce your transportation cost. 全程封闭运输,确保无货损、货差,安全方便、经济实惠,能为贵司降低运输成本。 19. transportation的意思 19. Flachskampf had some caeats, acknowledging that the regular acupuncture sessions used in the study represent a significant time inestment: each acupuncture session lasted 30 minutes - not including transportation and administratie time - and took place seeral times a week. Flachskampf告诫说,研究中应用的规则的针灸治疗意味着一种重要的时间投入:每次治疗需30分钟--不包括交通及等待的时间-并且需一周几次的治疗。 20. transportation什么意思 20. From the Ningbo Chemical Industry Zone was informed that a group of a total investment of about 28 billion yuan infrastructure and downstream series ethylene project officially started today, the project include: Akzo Nobel of ethylene amines and biological sewage pre-treatment projects, Ningbo Kim Hyde flag separation projects EPA Chemical Co., Ltd., Ningbo瑞福特Gas Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd. 记者从宁波化工区管委会获悉,一批总投资约28亿元人民币的基础设施及乙烯下游系列项目今日正式动工,项目包括:阿克苏诺贝尔乙烯胺及生物污水预处理项目、宁波金海德旗化工有限公司碳五分离项目、宁波瑞福特气体储运有限公司低温乙烯储罐项目等。 transportation 词典解释 1. 交通工具;运输工具 Transportation refers to any type of vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in. e.g. The company will provide transportation. 公司会提供交通工具。 in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 transport 2. 交通运输系统;公共交通(网) Transportation is a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, for example using buses or trains. e.g. Campuses are usually accessible by public transportation. 通常乘坐公共交通即可到达各个校区。 e.g. …our national transportation policy. 我们国家的交通运输政策 in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 transport 3. 运输;运送 Transportation is the activity of taking goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle. transportation是什么意思 e.g. The baggage was being rapidly stowed away for transportation… 行李正在迅速装载等待运输。 e.g. Oxfam may also help with the transportation of refugees. 乐施会也会帮助运送难民。 in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 transporttransportation 单语例句transportation什么意思 1. The survey also showed that more than a third of China's logistics firms are using traditional operational methods in their transportation and storage business. 2. Confidence levels of business people in construction, transportation and postal services were unchanged compared with the first quarter. 3. But its reputation as an important transportation and business hub in the US is less familiar. 4. The prosperity of these sectors during and after the Games period will bring a wealth of business opportunities for logistics and transportation companies. 5. The bus was owned by Bazhong Transportation Company of neighboring Sichuan Province. 6. He said Chengdu's advantage is its convenient transportation links, especially by air. 7. But Huan said it is still more convenient for him to travel by car than it is to use public transportation. 8. At least 60 per cent of the Chinese economy is facilitated by road transportation, the planning official said. 9. The confidence comes from the fact that the current transportation cost by rail is far lower than that by road. 10. Ferries are the main way of transportation between north and south Senegal, in part because travel by road is slowed by border checks passing through Gambia. transportationtransportation 英英释义 noun 1. the act of expelling a person from their native land e.g. men in exile dream of hope his deportation to a penal colony the expatriation of wealthy farmers the sentence was one of transportation for life Synonym: exiledeportationexpatriation 2. the act of moving something from one location to another Synonym: transporttransfertransferralconveyance 3. the commercial enterprise of moving goods and materials Synonym: shippingtransport 4. a facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods Synonym: transportation systemtransit 5. the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance Synonym: fare |
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