单词 | trawl |
释义 | trawl [英 [tr?:l] 美 [tr?l] ] trawl的意思、解释 过去式:trawled; 过去分词:trawled; 现在分词:trawling; 复数形式:trawls; trawl 基本解释 trawl的解释 名词拖网; 排钩绳 及物/不及物动词用拖网捕鱼 及物动词查阅(档案等) trawl 相关例句 不及物动词 1. They are trawling for cod. 他们正在用拖网捕鳕。 trawl 网络解释 1. 拖网:钩住光线的是盘子(tray),装灰的盘子是烟灰缸(ashtray)家有提篮(hamper)他篡改(tamper),篡改无人是纵容(tamp),纵容加花是踩实(tramp)弟弟慢说(drawl)不争吵(brawl),专家平躺(sprawl)他拖网(trawl)成年之后才谄媚(adulate), 2. 2. 拖网;曳绳的:trawl 拖网 | trawl 拖网;曳绳的 | trawl 拖网捕鱼拖网 3. 拖网捕鱼拖网:trawl 拖网;曳绳的 | trawl 拖网捕鱼拖网 | trawl 拖网用拖网捕vi.拖网捕鱼 4. 拖网用拖网捕vi.拖网捕鱼:trawl 拖网捕鱼拖网 | trawl 拖网用拖网捕vi.拖网捕鱼 | trawlboat 拖网船 5. trawl:tape read and write library; 带读写库 trawl 双语例句 1. trawl在线翻译 1. Studies on the characteristics of fish communities structure and diversity are conducted, based on data from bottom trawl surveys during January~February 1991 in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. 相对重要性指数大于 50 0的鱼类定为优势种,共有 5种:竹鱼、带鱼、小黄鱼、鱼、绿鳍马面;IRI值在 50 0~ 10 0的鱼类定为常见种,共有 10种:银鲳、短尾大眼鲷、黑鳃梅童鱼、短鳍红娘鱼、黄、细纹狮子鱼、黑、龙头鱼、黄鲫、白姑鱼。 2. In February, Tom Aikens, the youngest British chef to win two Michelin stars (by the age of 26), opened a fish-and-chips shop in West London that sells only nonthreatened species from small-scale fishermen who don`t trawl with nets that damage the ocean floor. 就在二月,赢得两个米其林星级的英国最年轻的厨师Tom Aikens(26岁),在西伦敦开了间炸鱼与炸薯条店,只出售不受灭绝威胁的鱼种,并且都来自小规模经营的渔民,他们都不用破坏海底的拖网捕鱼。 3. trawl的近义词 3. And discusses the basic theory and key techniques of the information system of trawl winches. 论述了所研制的拖网绞机信息系统的基本原理和关键技术等。 4. 4. A total of 175, 120, 136 and 149 species were caught by sergestid shrimp mid-trawl, planktonic shrimp mid-trawl, bottom shrimp trawl and shrimp beam trawl, respectively. 正樱虾中层拖网混获种数175种,中型毛虾中层拖网120种,底层虾拖网136种,桁杆式虾拖网149种,四种渔业混获种类合计高达347种,而总渔获种类有379种。 5. Based on the data collected from bottom trawl surveys conducted in the East China Sea and the southern Yellow Sea in June 2006 to April 2007, regional difference of CPUE for small yellow croaker, characteristics of environmental factors in its distribution areas and their relationship between the SYS and ECS were analyzed. 根据2006年6月~2007年4月黄海南部和东海底拖网监测调查资料,比较分析了2个海域小黄鱼资源密度指数分布、环境因子特征、CPUE与环境因子相关关系的差异。 6. trawl 6. In terms of voluntary fishing off subsidy, the subsidy should be granted according to tonnage of fishing vessel in order to keep the same compensation rate among different tonnages. However, the subsidy needs to be raised to six to ten times the amount of money to compensate the loss of an otter trawl vessel. 六、在自愿性休渔奖励上,为使不同船吨级别的渔获收入损失获得一样的弥补率,休渔奖励金应如现行各船吨级别给予不同奖励金额,但金额需提高6~10倍方能完全弥补蚵子寮港拖网渔船的渔获收入损失。 7. 7. The trawl fishery in Ke-zih-liao is suitable for fishing off institution. Fishing off season should be over 60 days from March to June. The fishing off subsidy should be from thirty to fifty thousands NT dollars per month according to tonnage. 八、以政府实施休渔制度的目的而言,高雄县蚵子寮港拖网渔业的最适休渔,以指定性休渔为宜,休渔期间在3~6月间任选2个月实施,每月依船吨级别分别给予3至5万元不等的奖励金。 8. The otter trawl fishery and the gill net fishery are the two important fisheries in Ke-zih-liao harbor. The trawl fishery vessels, from 5 to 100 tonnages, are larger and more than gill net fishing vessels. 一、高雄县蚵子寮港的渔业经营型态主要有拖网和刺网两类,拖网渔船居多且船吨数相对较大,其范围在5~100吨之间。 9. This study evaluated the efficiency of fishing off institution with a case of the otter trawl fishery at Ke-zih-liao harbor, Kaohsiung county, southwestern Taiwan. The optimum fishing off subsidy and designed fishing off season were proposed based on viewpoints of fisheries biology and full compensation for fishermen`s loss for policy makers. 为了探讨我国休渔制度实施的成效,本研究以高雄县蚵子寮港的拖网渔业为研究对象,除了对现行休渔成效进行分析之外,并以渔业生物学和完全弥补休渔渔获收入损失的观点,尝试求其最适之休渔奖励金和指定性休渔期,供政府施政之参考,期能促进本制度更为完善,台湾沿海资源永续利用。 10. trawl的翻译 10. To solve the issue, sorting grid was developed to separate catch effectively by species retained in non-selective codends in trawl fisheries. In this paper, the separating efficiency of sorting grid of different bar spacings (15, 20, and 25mm) for three-lined tongue sole Cynoglossus abbreviatus, little yellow croaker Pseudosciaena polyactis, and spinyhead croaker Collichthys lucida was analyzed in sea trials carried out in Lvsi Fishing Ground in the SELECT model. 刚性栅栏是实现拖网渔具种类选择性捕捞的主要装置,本文根据在吕四渔场开展刚性栅栏海上生产试验,结合SELECT模型分析不同栅条间距(15、20和25mm)的刚性栅栏对短吻舌鳎、小黄鱼和棘头梅童鱼的分隔效率。 11. Based on the monthly bottom trawl surveys in the central waters of Jiaozhou Bay from September 2008 to February 2009, a preliminary study on the variations of community structure and diversity of macroinvertebrates during autumn and winter was carried out. 根据2008年9月~2009年2月在胶州湾中部海域进行的逐月定点底拖网调查,对该海域秋、冬季大型无脊椎动物群落结构及多样性变化进行了初步研究。 12. trawl 12. Based on the principal dynamic equations, in accordance with the characteristics of the trawl movement, the dynamic differential equations are given in this paper. 本文从动力学基本方程式出发,根据拖网运动的特点列出曳纲动力学的微分方程组,并详细阐述了拖网处于不稳定运动时曳纲形状、张力和速度的计算方法,且举例给予说明。 13. Major companies trawl the universities for potential graduate according to the scores and diploma they have got in school, however, exam results and diploma are not the only yardstick. People who can acquitt himself brilliantly in the exams may not as brilliant as in work for lack of experience and skills. 一些大公司根据他们在学校取得的分数和文凭去网罗有潜力的毕业实习生,然而,考试结果和文凭并不是衡量的惟一标准,如果缺乏经验,能在考试中表现突出的人就不一定能做到在工作中表现的也如此突出。 14. Based on the collected data from the investigation of otter trawl fisheries and of crab resources in South Fujian-Taiwan bank fishing ground during 1992 to 1995, main distribution area, fishing season, main reproductive season and characteristics of population of Portunus gradiator were discussed. 本文根据1992~1995年期间闽南、台湾浅滩渔场开展单拖渔业调查和蟹类资源调查中所收集的资料,阐述了该渔场拥剑梭子蟹主要分布海区、生产汛期、繁殖盛期以及群体组成特点,为今后合理利用和管理该资源提供科学依据。 15. 15. On the basis of the bottom trawl fishery resource investigation in the offshore water of south Zhejiang in May, August, November 2006 and February 2007, this paper estimated the abundance and allowable catch of demersal species. 2006年5月、8月、11月和2007年2月,对浙江南部外海渔场使用底拖网进行渔业资源调查。据其资料,使用扫海面积法估算浙江南部外海底层渔业资源量以及可捕量。 16. trawl是什么意思 16. Based on otter trawl catch rates of five surveys conducted by South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute from 1961 to 1999, changes in demersal trawling fishery resources in the northern South China Sea were analyzed. 摘 要:利用1961~1999年期间南海水产研究所5次渔业资源调查的底拖网渔获率数据,分析了南海北部底拖网渔业资源的数量变动。 17. Based on the bottom trawl surveys conducted in the central and southern Yellow Sea in autumn during 2000-2002, the food consumption by 23 fish predators such as Trichiurus lepturus, Pseudosciaena polyactis, Lophius litulon, Liparis tanakae etc. was estimated by Egger's model. The results suggest that the total food consumption by these predators during autumn was over 3.09 million tons. 研究鱼类与饵料生物之间食物定量关系进而为多鱼种资源评估提供依据,2000~2002年秋季(10~11月)在黄海中南部海域进行了定点底拖网调查,应用Egger、模型,计算了带鱼、小黄鱼、黄鮟鱇、细纹狮子鱼等23种鱼类在秋季对饵料生物的摄食量。 18. Scouts trawl through the population of schoolchildren for potential champions, plucking out the extremely tall for basketball, the slim and double-jointed for diving -- regardless of whether they know how to swim. 在2001年选择中国为本次奥运会的东道主后,中国的体育专家启动了119项目(一共可以获得的奖牌的数量,独木舟,帆船,划船,游泳不是中国的强项),并且派遣有希望的运动员攻克这些项目,有些甚至是他们没有听说过的。 19. trawl的解释 19. We will trawl through the classes that we are 拖网,我们将通过我们的类 20. If you do get the chance, I'd strongly recommend a little trawl through the 如果你得到机会,我会强烈建议通过一个小拖网 trawl 词典解释 1. (在大量相似物中)搜索,搜寻 If you trawl through a large number of similar things, you search through them looking for something that you want or something that is suitable for a particular purpose. e.g. A team of officers is trawling through the records of thousands of petty thieves... 一组警员正在翻查数以千计的小偷小摸者的犯罪记录。 e.g. Her private secretary has carefully trawled the West End for a suitable show. 她的私人秘书已经在伦敦西区进行了拉网式搜索,以寻找一部合适的剧目。 2. 用拖网捕(鱼) When fishermen trawl for fish, they pull a wide net behind their ship in order to catch fish. e.g. They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish... 他们曾见过他用拖网捕鱼,因此知道那里有鱼。 e.g. We came upon a fishing boat trawling for Dover sole. 我们碰上一艘正用拖网捕鳎的渔船。 trawl 单语例句 1. So they trawl the riverbed on a moonlit night, hoping to catch some luminous jade. 2. She uses it extensively to trawl for information on the IT industry. 3. A trawl through the last 30 years of men's tennis throws up some memorable rivalries. 4. Some users worry about privacy concerns that there are search firms which trawl the blog and BBS without informing them. trawl 英英释义 noun 1. a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths Synonym: dragnettrawl net 2. a long fishing line with many shorter lines and hooks attached to it (usually suspended between buoys) Synonym: trawl linespillersetlinetrotline trawl的近义词 verb 1. fish with trawlers |
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