单词 | overtime |
释义 | overtime [英 [???v?ta?m] 美 [?o?v?rta?m] ] overtime的意思、解释 overtime 基本解释 名词加班; 加班费; 加时赛; 超出的时间,额外的时间 副词超时地; 加班地 动词使历时过久; 使(曝光等)超过时间 overtime的解释 overtime 相关例句 副词 1. The employees were expected to work overtime. 要求雇员加班。 名词 1. They were paid extra for overtime. 他们拿到了加班费。 2. The game went into overtime. 那场比赛进入加时赛。 overtime 情景对话 加班 A:You look (tired/ exhausted/ busy). 你看上去很(累/疲倦/忙碌)。 overtime的近义词 B:Yeah, I’ve been working so much overtime lately. 是呀,我近来一直加班工作。 加班 A:Are you working overtime tonight? 今晚你加班吗? B:Unfortunately, yes! There’s a lot of work piled up on my desk. 很遗憾,要加班! 瞧我桌上堆了一堆的事儿。 A:I feel sorry for you. 我真同情你。 A Successful Story-(成功故事) A:You look tired. * 你看上去很累。 B:Yeah, I’ve been working so much overtime lately. 是啊,我近来一直加班工作。 A:Really? How come? 真的吗?怎么回事? B:My boss gave me a big project. I had to have it finished it by this morning. It was so difficult! 我的老板给了我一个大的项目,我必须在今天早上完成。真是够难的。 A:You shouldn’t work so hard. 你不要拼命工作。 overtime的近义词 B:I know. But hard work pays off, you know. 我知道,但是你知道,辛苦工作总有回报的。 A:What do you mean? 怎么讲? B:Maybe now I’ll get that promotion I was hoping for. 可能目前我快得到提升了,这是我一直期待的。 overtime 网络解释 1. (延长赛):这时的我实在超亢奋,没想到第一次看 NBA,就能看到不常见的延长赛 ( OverTime)运!因为会进入延长赛,代表两队比赛很激烈,是场很好看的比赛!进入延长赛后,尼克始终保持领先(延长赛为五分钟),终场前8秒,尼克还领先三分,眼看胜利就要到手, 2. 超时工作:假如人客有其他额外收入,例如超时工作 (OVERTIME)、花红 (BONUSES)、汽车津贴(CAR ALLOWANCES) 或其它形式的津贴, 也必须写在工作信上. 贷款机构一般会要求人客出示最近期之工资单,查看是否跟工作信 (JOB LETTER) 吻合. 答: 时薪人士, 3. 加时赛:out of bound 球出界线 | overtime 加时赛 | referee 裁判 4. overtime:ot.; 决胜期 overtime 双语例句 1. Data preprocessing method of Web log mining is studied. Frame pages filtering and overtime threshold value seting are analyzed. The improved method based on induction of decision tree(ID3) algorithm and threshold value dynamic amendment algorithm is proposed. 对网络日志数据挖掘预处理技术进行研究,针对Frame页面过滤方法与超时阈值设定进行分析,提出了应用ID3算法改进Frame页面过滤过程中丢失SubFrame页面信息且需要进行站点提升步骤。 2. overtime的意思 2. The golden October is for ingathering, and I have worked overtime for more than a month. 金秋十月,正是收获的季节啊,我都连续加班一个多月了。 3. I am working without overtime pay, so I can take some days off later. 我加班没有加班费,所以我可以在以后调休几天。 4. overtime的解释 4. I'm working without overtime pay, so I can take some days off later. 我加班没有加班费,所以我可以在以后调休几天。 5. 5. Overtime work of officers can be compensated by additional time off. 办公室职员的加班时间可以通过调休来进行补偿。 6. overtime在线翻译 6. When I recall days of after endless overtime I weeping on the bus, when I recall days of disappoint after times by times interviews, when I recall days of worry and running about moving, when I recall days of sad for worthless person., I said, all past away, ofcause beside continue running for rent house. but I changed my attitude. 当我回忆在没完没了的加班后独自在回家汽车上留泪的日子,当我回忆在一次次面试后的失望自我鼓励的日子,当我回忆为搬家烦恼奔波的日子,当我回忆为不值得的人懊恼伤神的日子,我很欣慰的告诉自己,都过去了,都过去了,当然,也许年后还会为房子的事继续操心,可是心态已经不同了。 7. Beijing`s decision to keep the currency stable means that instead of bidding up the renminbi, the dollars that flow into the country from the swelling trade surplus have to be parked by the central bank in foreign exchange reserves – leaving the PBoC working overtime to mop the extra funds out of the banking system. 北京决定维持人民币汇率稳定,意味着如果不想让人民币升值,中国央行必须吸收因贸易顺差膨胀而流入中国的美元,这使得央行不得不加班加点,回笼银行体系中多余的资金。 8. The public security organs shall strengthen the administration of detention houses and inform in good time other relevant judicial organs of any overtime detention. 公安机关要依法加强对看守所的管理,及时向办案机关通报超期羁押情况。 9. overtime的解释 9. If one day, a nine-to-five, or the workaholic overtime every night and suddenly talking about love. 如果有一天,一个朝九晚五,或者夜夜加班的工作狂,突然间谈起恋爱了。 10. overtime在线翻译 10. From the same date, overtime work will be limited to a maximum of two hours a day, from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. No one is permitted to remain in the office after 各位 ECPH 的同仁:从 2000 年四月一日起,全体员工的上班时间将更改如下:周一至周四:上午 9:30 至下午 5:30 周五:上午 9:00 至下午 4:00 至同日起,加班时间限定在每日下午 5:30 至 7:30,最多不超过二小时,下午 7:30 后不准留在公司。 11. The working hours of the day the teacher is far more than eight hours, can it work outside working hours, no one will pay them a dime of overtime. 老师一天的工作时间远远不止八个小时,可这工作时间以外的工作,却没人会付给他们一分一厘的加班费。 12. overtime的近义词 12. The 48-year-old Jimenez said in court papers she is owed more than $20, 000 in earnings that were wrongly withheld, as well as unpaid overtime and penalties for not being paid properly. 现年48岁的希门尼斯在讼词里还说道当初他被聘用的时候薪水是20000美元,但是被不正当的给扣留了,还有额外时间工作的工资也没有发,以及因为没有正常的发薪水给她带来的损失。 13. Labor contract will be expired and enterprises to adopt effective measures which are effective disposal can absolutely do not want to retain staff to avoid the risk of labor disputes compensation including withholding pay social security, taxes, accommodation and bonuses, overtime, Duration of payment how to calculate staff fighting, theft, bribery, false claims, internal evidence the court does not accept, he alleged that the security authorities on grounds of very serious reluctant to support the evidence collection, how businesses do not pay compensation in the case of to take effective measures to be dismissed? 劳动合同行将期满时,企业采取哪些得力有效措施处置不想留用员工才能绝对避免劳动争议风险★补偿金包括已代扣代缴的社保、税金、食宿和奖金、加班费吗,补偿金起止时间如何计算★员工打架、盗窃、收贿、虚假报销,企业内部取证法院不采纳,治安机关又以不很严重为由不愿支持证据采集,企业该如何在不付补偿金的情况下采取有效措施将其辞退? 14. overtime的翻译 14. Frank Selvy had a chance to end the game for the Lakers in regulation, but his miss forced the game into overtime, when the Celtics, behind Bill Russell's 30 points and 40 rebounds, would go on to win 110-107 and win Boston's fifth NBA title. 湖人队的富兰克。塞尔维本有机会在常规时间内终结比赛,但他的失误导致比赛进入加时。那场比赛中凯尔特人队的比尔。拉塞尔得到了30分和40个篮板,最终使得凯尔特人队以110-107取得了比赛的胜利,并赢得了他们队上的第5次 NBA 总冠军。 15. Jealousy:Wife Maggie and her male colleague Fred had to work overtime on the dump polluting water issue. 醋海微谰:妻子麦琪和男同事加班报道垃圾场污染水源的事件,杰生醋意大发,中午找借口到麦琪单位叫妻子一起吃饭,晚上还偷偷到麦琪单位查岗,却被误认为是流氓而被打。 16. overtime的意思 16. Not only normal weekday works overtime, and playday works overtime, legal holiday also works overtime. 不仅正常工作日加班,而且休息日加班,法定节假日也加班。 17. 17. Your passport is overtime, you can't pass the customs without valid certification. 您的护照过期了,没有有效证件您不能过关。 18. I had to work a little overtime. In the morning an important client called to place a large order. 还得加班。早上一位重要的客户打电话下了一个很大的单子。 19. The action seeks unspecified general, punitive and special damages, as well as back pay and overtime Jimenez says she is owed. 这次诉讼的请求并没有特别的指出有什么特别赔偿金,以及她的欠薪和额外时间的工资。 20. overtime在线翻译 20. Overtime hours worked continued to fall by double digits, declining 40 per cent year-on-year in the manufacturing sector. 加班工作时间继续以两位数的速度减少。 overtime 词典解释 1. 加班;加班时间 Overtime is time that you spend doing your job in addition to your normal working hours. e.g. He would work overtime, without pay, to finish a job... 他会为了完成工作无偿加班。 e.g. Union leaders had urged miners to vote in favour of an overtime ban. 工会领导人呼吁矿工投票支持加班禁令。 2. 投入全力;热情高涨 If you say that someone is working overtime to do something, you mean that they are using a lot of energy, effort, or enthusiasm trying to do it. e.g. We had to battle very hard and our defence worked overtime to keep us in the game... 我们不得不奋力搏杀;为保证我们不被淘汰出局,防守队员拼尽了全力。 e.g. She works overtime with her vacuum cleaner to keep grit out of the kitchen. 她动用真空吸尘器力争不让厨房出现沙砾。 3. (体育比赛中为决胜负而延长的)加时赛 Overtime is an additional period of time that is added to the end of a sports match in which the two teams are level, as a way of allowing one of the teams to win. e.g. Denver had won the championship by defeating the Cleveland Browns 23-20 in overtime. 丹佛队在加时赛中以23比20击败克利夫兰布朗队夺得冠军。 in BRIT, use 英国英语用 extra timeovertime 单语例句 1. McGrady missed a desperation jumper at the buzzer, sending the game to overtime. 2. The organization said salaries of workers who refuse to work overtime are cut by 100 yuan to 200 yuan for each absence. 3. Manufacturers could calculate working hours by the month or by the quarter so that overtime at busy periods could be offset during slowdown. 4. The game only went to overtime because Cable called a late timeout that negated Jay Feely's missed field goal at the end of regulation. 5. But key lawmakers were reluctant to call it quits and bargained into overtime Thursday on the legislation before all issues were reported settled. 6. She lifted her own very simple very basic cell phone to call home, to let her family know she'd be working overtime that night. 7. Courtney worked overtime and tapped into his retirement account to try to catch up with two loans on his home. 8. He always works overtime to catch up and his persistence has made a deep impression on his teachers. 9. According to research by the Development Research Centre under the State Council, most migrant workers do a lot of overtime without earning anything extra. 10. He would not reveal the charge for the " overtime care " but explained many parents are happy to pay so they can have a " comfortable holiday ". overtime 英英释义 noun 1. work done in addition to regular working hours 2. playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie Synonym: extra time adv 1. beyond the regular time e.g. she often has to work overtime |
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