单词 | owl |
释义 | owl [英 [a?l] 美 [a?l] ] owl的意思、解释 复数形式:owls; owl 基本解释 名词猫头鹰; 夜猫子; 惯于晚上活动的人; (像猫头鹰一样)机警的人 owl 相关词组 1. take the owl : 发火, 生气; 2. as drunk as a boiled owl : 烂醉如泥; owl 相关例句 名词 1. Don't be such a silly owl. 别做那样的傻事。 owl 网络解释 1. owl的反义词 1. 鹰:泡 泡(bubble) 可增加装备水气球的数量 力量水(fluid) 增加炸开来的水流长度 旱冰鞋(roller) 角色的移动速度加快 大力丸(ultra) 大水流的水气球拳 套(glove) 可以扔水泡的物品 运动鞋(shoes) 可以踢水泡的物品 隐身衣(ghost) 使其他人很难看清自己 乌龟(turtle) 可以骑,但是速度变慢 猫头鹰(owl) 可以骑,速度稍微 2. 2. 头鹰:時值伯羅奔尼撒戰爭(Peloponnesian War)時期.四德拉克馬銀幣(Tetradrachm), 重17.14g. 正面:雅典娜(Athena)女神杏眼側視,頭戴裝飾有冠毛及橄欖枝的阿提卡式頭盔像. 背面:一頭貓頭鷹(Owl)旁有一彎勾月及橄欖枝, 幣文:雅典人民的(of the Athenians). 3. 枭,猫头鹰:otter 水獭 | owl 枭,猫头鹰 | ox 牛 4. owl:ordinary water level; 正常水位 5. owl:online writing lab; (英文)在线写作实验室 6. 6. owl:object windows library; 适用“视窗” 的对象库(博兰德公司 C++创建) owl 双语例句 1. The eagle owl stands around 70 centimetres tall, weighs up to 5 kilograms, and has cinnamon-coloured feathers. 雕枭站起来个头有70厘米左右,体重达5公斤,羽毛黄棕色。 2. owl 2. When workers carefully and reverently took it out of the box, the eagle owl constantly thumped its wings. 工作人员小心翼翼地将其从箱子里拿出来时,雕枭不停地扑腾着翅膀。 3. owl 3. Pet: none, although he does have an eagle owl 他有着一张苍白的尖脸。 4. 4. The eagle owl is a large bird of prey and a class 2 state protected animal. 雕枭属于大型猛禽,是国家二级保护动物。 5. owl在线翻译 5. FORMAT: THEME AND ANNOUNCEMENT VOICE: A research team at California Institute of Technology has learned a lot about human hearing, by studying the auditory system of the barn owl, species Tyto alba. 在加利福尼亚科技学院的研究小组通过研究一中谷仓猫头鹰,提多阿尔巴的听力系统,已经掌握了许多关于人类听力的真相。 6. This paper also analyzes context modeling methods, especially ontology; uses ontology method to model context information on SCSD platform and uses OWL ontology description language to describe it. 使用本体的方法对SCSD平台的上下文信息进行了建模,并使用OWL本体描述语言对该本体进行了描述。 7. Why, are you going to owl to grass me up to him? 怎么了,你想要送信给他打我的小报告吗? 8. A stout, middle-aged man, with enormous owl-eyed spectacles, was sitting somewhat drunk on the edge of a great table, staring with unsteady concentration at the shelves of books. 一个矮矮胖胖的中年男人,戴着老大的一副猫头鹰式眼镜,正醉醺醺地坐在一张大桌子的边上,迷迷糊糊目不转睛地看着书架上一排排的书。 9. Besides, in the cave there's one more Silver Ring, one book of the Tawny Owl, one Silver Ruby Ring and Blue Meteorite. 搜刮尸体,特别是头头的尸体,可以得到银戒,褐色猫头鹰药剂和关于该药剂的书,一个红宝石银戒和蓝色陨石。 10. Black days of blind fire, the stars are hiding inside the clouds, the small north wind is blowing blowing, the wind is blowing is blowing like a root needle, through a thin cotton jacket, gill with F, pork skin, he slipped into the production of Cat Lumbar Spinal team yard, left Miao Miao, right look, slip Teng land drilling granary, hemp slip to install a bag of soybean resistance to the darkness, a night owl like manner disappeared in the darkness. 黑天瞎火的,星星都躲在云里边,小北风呼呼地刮,飕飕的风象一根根钢针,穿透薄棉袄,刺着F的肉皮,他猫腰溜进生产队的院子,左瞄瞄,右瞧瞧,滑腾地钻进粮仓,麻溜地装了一袋子大豆,抗到夜幕中,夜猫子一样地消失在黑暗里。 11. Dad's gray-green eyes seemed large and wise as an owl's in his blackened face. 爸爸沾黑的脸上灰绿色的眼睛像猫头鹰的那样又大又精明。 12. An owl swoops from the ridgetop, noiseless but bright as flame. 蓦地,山脊上一只夜枭飞扑直下,悄无声响而赫然如一道火光。 13. The long-eared owl can see and hear extremely well. The tufts on its head are not ears, they 长耳猫头鹰目明耳聪,头顶上的不是耳朵,而是它正在警觉时竖起的羽毛。 14. The night owl are all out? ? 夜猫一族出现了吗??? 15. Roof, front and rear vertical ridges, bifurcation ridge head a total of 10 owl kiss, in architecture can protect the spinal ridge solid, impermeable. 屋脊、前後垂脊、岔脊头共有十个鸱吻,在建筑上可保护脊垄稳固、不渗水。 16. There was a couple of huge colored glaze owl-like ornaments grown up from the field at that time, people said that was a couple of sons of the old dragon who were order by their father to be two huge colored glaze owl-like ornaments to protect Tanzhe Tmple. 天亮之后,风雨平息,昨天还是黑水千丈的青龙潭变成了一块平地,并从地上慢慢地拱出了一对巨大的琉璃鸱吻来,这是老龙的一对龙子,是老龙叫他们化作琉璃鸱吻,留下来保护潭柘寺的。 17. It'll also feature a star-studded soundtrack to boot, including new music from Avril Lavigne, The All-American Rejects and Owl City. 影片的原声音乐也会有大牌的加入,包括来自艾薇儿-拉维妮、全美反对战线和老鹰城市的新歌。 18. So the Ass entreated the Owl not to desert it, and determined to visit the whole world in the Owl's company. 于是驴子恳求猫头鹰不要撇下他,决意与他结伴一同环游世界。 19. Be to use OWL Full and treat the wine instances as classes with subclasses denoting vintages. 一个方案是使用OWL Full,将Wine类的实例视为类,而后者的子类代表瓶装葡萄酒。 20. An algorithm is provided to transform XML models into OWL ontology in this paper, then a way for realizing mapping among these ontologies is given by a shared global ontology and a thesaurus to resolve this heterogeneous structure problem. Based on this ontology aligning method a system of XML semantic query is achieved at last. 提出一种从XML模式到OWL本体的转换算法,然后借助共享全局本体和同义词典实现转换后的本体在语义上的相互映射,从而解决XML结构异构的问题,最后提出了利用本体串连实现XML语义查询的方法。 owl 词典解释 1. 猫头鹰;鸮 An owl is a bird with a flat face, large eyes, and a small sharp beak. Most owls obtain their food by hunting small animals at night. owl 单语例句 1. Huang said he has contacted the local animal protection center officials, who would come to take away the owl soon. 2. An owl accidentally flew into a resident's house in Chongqing municipality and refused to eat for almost a week. 3. That continued up until the day people discovered that an owl living inside the tree's hollow trunk was the source of its voice. 4. In the coalfields of eastern Kentucky, it's known as the hoot owl shift. 5. The owl returned on the same day a year later and hatched four more offspring. 6. Whether you are an owl or a lark, the market is definitely worth visiting. 7. Sean bought his first owl ornament while in college in the US, made of copper. 8. The bird turned out to be an eagle owl, a protected species. 9. Officials also found 319 owl carcasses and 22 paws of the protected Malayan sun bear, he said. 10. A truck driver found a small owl hiding under his truck late last week. owl的翻译owl 英英释义 noun 1. nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes Synonym: bird of Minervabird of nighthooter |
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