单词 | pagoda |
释义 | pagoda [英 [p??g??d?] 美 [p??go?d?] ] pagoda的意思、解释 复数形式:pagodas; pagoda 基本解释 名词塔,宝塔 pagoda 相关词组 1. shake the pagoda tree : 暴发致富; pagoda 网络解释 1. pagoda什么意思 1. 佛塔:长久以来,缅甸境内就有很多优美的佛塔(pagoda),高耸的塔尖表现出人类追求最崇高精神目标的志向. 它们特殊的造型象征解脱的道路,佛陀的教导. 缅甸佛塔中最有名且备受崇敬的就是位于首都仰光,闻名全球的苏达岗(Shwedagon)大佛塔. 2. 塔:第三份报纸为(Pagoda)英文刊,是唯一一份由华人创办的英语周报. 它是由郑丁才(英文名为Charles T. Chang)于1940年3月16日创办的. 郑丁才才华横溢,极富组织才能,也曾创办华人俱乐部. 由于这份周报刊登的是有关华人社区的报道和在牙买加生活的新闻, 3. 塔,佛塔:high altar 祭坛 | pagoda 塔,佛塔 | choir 唱诗班 pagoda 双语例句 1. The Samye Temple was based on a structure in India, round on the outside and square on the inside, with a round wall surrounding what represented Mt. Sameru. Then there were four pagodas built to represent the four lands. There were smaller pagodas along the outer wall, as if the whole thing was surrounded by a pagoda. 桑耶寺是仿照印度的一个坛城状的寺院做的,外圆内方,外面有圈墙,中间相当于须弥山,然后建四塔,建四大州(北俱罗洲,南瞻部洲,西牛贺洲等),它周围的圈墙上面有小塔,像塔墙一样整个把它围起来。 2. pagoda在线翻译 2. To carry on the effective seismic protection for the extant national cultural relic-masonry pagoda, with the earthquake damage rule, the study on the seismic performance of Xingjiao pagoda in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province has been done by mode-superposition method. 为了对国家现存文物-砖石古塔进行有效的抗震保护,结合砖石古塔的震害规律,采用振型分解法对陕西省西安市兴教寺塔进行了抗震性能研究。 3. Ge Fei Chui-nets, while the last was the pagoda-shaped layers. 飞阁垂檐,层层而上呈宝塔形。 4. September 25, 1949 liberation of Jiuquan Prefecture, in October to set up South West People's Government, directly under the County People's Government, under the jurisdiction of Huangcao, Changsha, Hong Zhuang, deep, Xifeng, Po Levin, of Tartu, Feng Hou, Manjusri, estuaries 12 Township People's Government, in January 1954, will Huangcao, Changsha, Hong Zhuang, deep, Xifeng, pagoda was placed under the 12th six rural area, in November 1955 revocation of the Central Government, by the Xifeng, pagoda Second Rural Township, the merger of People's Committee for Xifeng, in April 1958, the People's Committee and the Rural Xifeng Feng Hou, Xiang Zhuang two combined to set up the Southwest Rural Township, in September 1958 the establishment of rural people's communes Xifeng. 1949年9月25日酒泉县解放,10月成立西南区人民政府,直属县人民政府,下辖黄草、长沙、香庄、中深、西峰、蒲莱、塔尔、冯侯、文殊、河口12个乡人民政府,1954年1月,将黄草、长沙、香庄、中深、西峰、塔寺6个乡划归第十二区,1955年11月撤销区政府,由西峰、塔寺二乡合并成立西峰乡人民委员会,1958年4月,西峰乡人民委员会与冯侯、香庄两乡合并成立西南乡,1958年9月成立西峰乡人民公社。1959年4月19日成立西峰乡人民公社管理委员会,1966年11月7日更名为红旗人民公社管理委员会,1971年2月10日恢复原称,1968年3月30日成立西峰乡公社革命委员会,1980年4月改为西峰公社管理委员会,1983年3月成立西峰乡人民政府,2002年10月撤地设市,撤市设区,更名为肃州区西峰乡人民政府。 5. pagoda的反义词 5. Longgang Hill site, dated back four, five thousand years, the National Security TANG Temple, Song made thousands of pagoda, built Xuanzhen that concept, since the Fellows gathered in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, many Cliff inscriptions, heritage embellishment jade in the clear water between landscape and the Humanities IAC seamless. 龙岗山遗址,距今四、五千年,唐立国安寺,宋造千佛塔,明建玄真观,明清以来名士云集,众多摩崖碑刻、文物古迹点缀于碧水玉石之间,自然风光与人文英华浑然一体。 6. 6. After the Buddha image making rite, he has buried most of the images into the pagoda so as to succeed the Buddhism. For the rest of the images, he distributed to the people in the area. 当这些佛牌的加持开光仪式完成后,他将绝大多数的佛牌藏入佛塔中以期延续佛陀法教,剩下未送入佛塔中的佛牌,他则是将之发送给当地的居民。 7. Then you will stay in this pagoda, he said. 然后你将呆在这座塔,他说。 8. In the novel, Nalakvara changed from the Buddhist god to be a Taoist child, the maker of the lotus- body changed from Buddha to be a TaiYi god, the original meaning of Vaisravana's holding a pagoda to worship god also changed. 在作品中,哪吒由佛教护法神原型转变为道童灵珠子,莲花化身的施法者由原来的佛陀换成了太乙真人,毗沙门天王托塔奉佛的原始含义也被消解。 9. 9. The Heavenly King and the Buddha in line drawings appear on the door frames and horizontal bars on the four sides of the pagoda`s base. 大雁塔是楼阁式砖塔,采用磨砖对缝(意思是将砖的 6 个面磨光,用石灰、三合土、米浆粘连)的砌垒技术。 10. 10. She will never exhibit her past, but fold it as the lines of the hand, on the gate of church, in the corner of rampart, at front of the steps of library, under the old pagoda tree in the lane 它被写在教堂的门口,城墙的拐角,图书馆的阶前,胡同口的老树下 11. pagoda 11. Han Fu and the Chinese Buddhism are Luoyang, Pengcheng, regardless of possession (of the ancient name of this in Wuwei, Gansu), Linzi, the governor, Jinling long pagoda, (namely the Temple Tower has been destroyed in the Opium War), the arm Temple Pagoda, Guta Qixiashan Nanjing, Suzhou 13th Sallgupta have both been enshrined. 以及中国汉傅佛教有洛阳,彭城,姑藏,临淄,会稽,金陵长佛塔,(即大报恩寺塔,已毁于鸦片战争中),润州有甘露寺古塔,南京栖霞山古塔,苏州虎丘山古塔,都曾经供奉。 12. The intake amount of the food in pagoda is the esculent part of raw material. 膳食宝塔建议的各类食物摄入量都是指食物可食部分的生重。 13. pagoda在线翻译 13. Up to the world without the pagoda, located in the pagoda Dian. 无世达 的灵塔,座落在灵塔殿中。 14. Inside the pagoda in the backyard of the temple, there lay the remains of the dignitary. 寺庙后院的灵塔,存放着这位高僧的遗骨。 15. To the east of the Wenfeng Pagoda is the ever-deep Dragon Pool where the flood water flows rapidly with high waves in spring and summer. 文峰塔以东,龙潭深不可测,每逢春夏水涨,潭水涌激,雪浪翻腾。 16. Another Song Dynasty pagoda, Bo Ta, from 974, has been partially destroyed. 另一位宋代佛塔,波大,从974 ,已部分被摧毁。 17. This article of jade shaped like a pagoda was created in the Tang Dynasty. 这件宝塔形的玉器是在唐代制作的。 18. pagoda 18. U Awbata he does not know how many died after soldiers attacked monks at the famed Shwedagon Pagoda in Rangoon, but that he will never forget what he witnessed there. 吴。奥巴塔说,他不清楚在仰光著名的瑞光大金塔旁到底有多少僧人在政府的镇压中丧生,但是他永远也忘不了他亲眼所见的事实。 19. Stanfield A goldsmith smelts bars of donated gold for use in the famed Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar. 这有2500年古老的圣地被说到房子几股佛佗的头发,在其他神圣的遗物之中。 20. Witnesses say the monks chanted prayers Thursday as they entered the revered Shwedagon pagoda, which authorities had locked earlier this week. 目击者说,僧侣星期四进入神圣的大金塔时大声诵经。这个星期早些时候,有关当局关闭了大金塔。 pagoda 词典解释 1. (尤指佛教中的)塔,宝塔 A pagoda is a tall building which is used for religious purposes, especially by Buddhists, in China, Japan, and South-East Asia. Pagodas are usually very highly decorated. pagoda 单语例句 1. The estate includes a red English telephone booth and English garden, as well as a red Chinese gate and cedar pagoda. 2. All residents from the county turn up at the pagoda and walk clockwise around the building. 3. Besides the marble construction of the diamond throne pagoda, the temple complex also contains a number of wooden buildings. 4. The fats at the top of the " food pagoda " should comprise the smallest percentage of our daily diet. 5. The Shanghai Daily reports that the pagoda will be opened to the public on September 21 and 22 as well as October first to third. 6. The pagoda was designed to lock disaster dragon and protect the embankment from flood when it was built. 7. The pagoda features a veranda with banisters, yet is entirely solid with no hollow inside or staircase as some pagodas feature. 8. The trail takes you down the mountain gradually, past the charming Esoteric Spot Pagoda and weaves its way under the shady canopies. 9. Many consider the pagoda to be the oldest and largest of all extant wooden structures. 10. According to the introduction in Zhou Zhongqi Pagoda Pilgrimage, the images of pagodas often surround the pagoda on foggy days. pagoda 英英释义 pagoda noun 1. an Asian temple usually a pyramidal tower with an upward curving roof |
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