单词 | paltry |
释义 | paltry [英 [?p?:ltri] 美 [?p?ltri] ] paltry的意思、解释 paltry 基本解释 形容词微小的; 不重要的; 无价值的; 可鄙的 paltry是什么意思 paltry 网络解释 1. 无价值的;微不足道的;不重要的:parsimony 过度节俭, 吝啬 | paltry 无价值的;微不足道的;不重要的 | sultry 闷热的, 风骚的 2. 2. 吝啬的:paltriness 不足取 | paltry 吝啬的 | paludal 沼泽的 3. paltry 3. 无价值的:patter欺骗 | paltry无价值的 | peccadillo小过失 4. 4. 无价值的,微不足道的:palpitate (心脏)急速而不规则地跳动 | paltry 无价值的,微不足道的 | pamper 纵容,过分关怀 paltry 双语例句 1. Thoughtless of money or the accumulation of material possessions, he is none the less defeated in the end by his own greed — a greed that makes the avarice of King Midas seem paltry by comparison. 在钱财和物质财富积累方面没有规划,最终还是自己的贪婪打倒了自己——即便是得米达斯国王的欲望与其相比也显得无足轻重。 2. Unfortunately, Hotspot Shield now limit the free bandwidth usage (data that been transmitted and tunneled through AnchorFree VPN server) to paltry 3 GB over a rolling 30 days period. 不幸的是,热点盾牌现在限制免费频宽使用量(数据转发和隧道通过anchorfree VPN服务器)微不足道的3 GB的超过一个滚动30天期。 3. 3. From that paltry half-billion dollar cumulative outlay going into 2004, overseas investors committed an additional $18 billion to the Chinese banking system in the past 12 months alone. 每个人都一时冲动地冲进去﹐然後再花上十几年时间设法把自己刨出火坑。另外﹐他们在这个过程中还损失了大笔财富。这次也不例外。 4. paltry的反义词 4. Her creation followed the same traditional white design as The Diamond Wedding Gown, but came in at a paltry USD $8.5 million though it does lay claim to containing over 1, 000 pearls and one of only two 5 carat white gold diamonds in the world. 她的作品跟钻石婚纱一样也设计成传统的白色,尽管宣称镶嵌了1000多颗珍珠和一颗仅有5克拉的白金钻石,但全球售价仅8.5百万美元。 5. Your father's solicitors had appeared in the prison, and served me personally with a Bankruptcy notice, for a paltry 700, the amount of their taxed costs. 你父亲的律师在监狱里露面,当面递送了一份破产通知,就为了区区的七百镑,他们报的费用数额。 6. In the USA, Haier's promotion budget accounts for only a paltry 1% of its American Sales. 在美国,海尔的促销预算仅仅占其在美国的销售额的1%,可以说是微不足道。 7. Bestow paltry charity to sb.; give petty favours to sb. 比喻给人一些微小的好处以达到收买人心的目的。 8. The man who thought that all the historical information which can be collected from all the books which have been written in the Sanskrit language, is less valuable than what may be found in the most paltry abridgement used at preparatory schools in England, wished to make of Indians a darker version of the British. 那些认为从用梵语所书写的书本中收集到的历史资料的价值远低于从英国初级学校中所使用的最无知的删节本资料的价值人士,总希望把印度变成英格兰的反面教材。 9. If the results are verified, it is a turning point in human history, suggesting that life exists not just on two planets in one paltry solar system but throughout this magnificent universe. 假如结果证实无误,这可以说是人类史上的一个转折点,表明生命不只存在与一个小小的太阳系里的两颗行星上,而是遍布整个浩瀚的宇宙。 10. paltry 10. Confirm ˋv fa ˋv If the results are verified, it is a turning point in human history, suggesting that life exists not just on two planets in one paltry solar system but throughout this magnificent universe. 假如结果证实无误,这可以说是人类史上的一个转折点,表明生命不只存在与一个小小的太阳系里的两颗行星上,而是遍布整个浩瀚的宇宙。 11. There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man. 你若经常尝到人类那种寡情薄义的滋味,那么对于兽类那种自我牺牲的无私之爱,准会感到铭心镂骨。 12. My God! Martin thought; you can travel in a Pullman while I starve for the paltry five dollars you owe me. 天呀!你倒在坐豪华列车旅行,我却在为你们欠我的那可怜的五块钱挨饿。 13. A play, trying their hand at paltry reforms such as I was describing; of frauds in contracts, and the other rascalities which I was mentioning, not knowing that they are in reality cutting off the heads of a hydra? 因为他们努力用微笑的改革去除我说过的弊端,幻想通过立法可以用契约终结欺诈,消灭流氓、无赖,却不知道自己只是在斩九头蛇的头。 14. It was a subject of regret and absurd as well on the face of it and no small blame to our vaunted society that the man in the street, when the system really needed toning up, for the matter of a couple of paltry pounds was debarred from seeing more of the world they lived in instead of being always and ever cooped up since my old stick-in-the-mud took me for a wife. 109正当普通市民确实需要加强体质的时候,由于舍不得区区两三英镑,就不去看看自己所生活在其中的大千世界。这位老古板自从娶了老婆,就一直关在家里。真是令人遗憾,一望可知是很荒唐的事,这在相当程度上要归罪于我们这个自负的社会,不管怎么说,真是岂有此理。 15. paltry什么意思 15. On a more mundane front, Garff examines Kierkegaard's finances and paltry sales figures. It's astounding what a name for himself he made while selling fewer than 300 copies of each book. Garff还从一个更加世俗的角度,对克尔凯戈尔的财政状况以及作品出售的窘况进行了分析,在作品只卖出区区300余本的情况下,他获得了如此的名声,这让人有点目愣口呆了。 16. Trade within the AMU quintet accounts for a paltry 2% of what the region conducts with the whole of the rest of the world. 阿拉伯马格里布联盟中五个成员国间的贸易额仅占这个地区与世界其他国家贸易额的2%,可谓微不足道。 17. There had been a whole series of petty quarrels about the possession of paltry wells. 在原有之地,他为了几口井起了几次的争闹,他的心顶纷乱,顶痛苦。 18. Butler's career. There was something paltry about it, after all. 他对巴特勒先生的事业不满意,总觉得其中有些东西不足为训。 19. If we refused, or rather used up, such paltry information as we get, the oracles would distinctly inform us how this might be done. 如果我们对生活中的细节不假思考,枉费了这些无足挂碍的信息,先哲们依然会明示我们,该如何把握这一切。 20. paltry 20. Given that the average salary in Nepal is a paltry $200 a year, the $20 per kilogram that he charges means that his cheese is exclusively for the luxury market. 尼泊爾的年平均薪資只有微薄的200美金,而迪雅德的起士每公斤售價20美金,顯然是瞄準高級市場。 paltry 词典解释 1. (数量)微小的,微不足道的 A paltry amount of money or of something else is one that you consider to be very small. e.g. ...a paltry fine of £50... 50英镑的小额罚款 e.g. They suffered an electoral catastrophe, winning a paltry 3 seats. 他们在选举中惨败,仅获得微不足道的3个席位。 2. 可鄙的;卑贱的;不重要的 You can use paltry to describe something or someone that you consider to be small or unimportant. e.g. The parents had little interest in paltry domestic concerns. 那些家长对家里鸡毛蒜皮的小事没什么兴趣。 paltry 单语例句 1. The rulers and the establishment are using poor, brave soldiers as cannon fodder for the sake of a paltry sum in dollars. 2. Tao does not mind the paltry compensation for the work with the Ad Hoc Division. 3. But the paltry amount that employees in the Heze SOE earn is far from being enough to lead a dignified life. 4. The paltry amount is quickly evaporated by the tropical heat as the temperature in December rose notably. 5. But the paltry penalty for doing so has failed to deter people from striking deals in secret. 6. The paltry income of their mother is not an isolated case, either. 7. As for his overall job performance, history suggests that Bush's paltry 33 percent spells trouble for Republicans in the fall. 8. They live in cities but earn only paltry amounts, when their income makes up the most essential part of the entire rural population's. 9. Its shares have soared 92 per cent in the past year, outpacing a paltry 2 per cent gain in the broader market. 10. Their cut of the box office was a paltry 13 percent until it was raised to 25 percent early this year. paltry 英英释义 paltry adj 1. contemptibly small in amount e.g. a measly tip the company donated a miserable $100 for flood relief a paltry wage almost depleted his miserable store of dried beans Synonym: measlymiserable 2. not worth considering e.g. he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost piffling efforts a trifling matter Synonym: negligibletrifling |
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