单词 | papua new guinea |
释义 | papua new guinea papua new guinea的意思、解释 papua new guinea 基本解释 papua new guinea的意思 名词巴布亚新几内亚 papua new guinea 网络解释 1. 巴布亚新几内亚:他还呼吁与下列一些国家签订双边渔业协议,例如:马来西亚、帕劳(Palau)、巴布亚 新几内亚(Papua New Guinea)、密克罗尼西亚联邦(the Federal States of Micronesia)和基里巴斯(Kirbati)等国,以使得菲律宾的渔船能够进入到世界上某些最丰饶的捕鱼水域. 2. 巴 布 亚 新 畿 内 亚:东帝汶和巴布亚新畿内亚(Papua New Guinea)正受到密切关注,因为种种迹象表明它们可能正逐渐向北京靠近,这有损坎培拉的战略利益. 据报导,坎培拉和华盛顿获悉阿尔卡蒂里已就协助修建东帝汶海上天然气管道与中国进行谈判,两国对此大感震惊. 3. papua new guinea 3. 巴布新幾內亞:有机保证,就从种子开始~ 23年前,一对芬兰夫妇来到了巴布新几内亚(Papua New Guinea)的戈罗加(Goroka), 这里海拔1600公尺、气候凉爽、四季如春,并出产众多农产品,其中以品质优良的咖啡豆最为出名. 4. 巴布亞紐幾內亞:(译者:中央社戴雅真)(路透雪梨2日电)巴布亚纽几内亚(Papua New Guinea)的布干维尔岛(BougainvilleIsland)外海今天发生规模6.5的强烈地震,所幸未传出灾情或海平面变化消息. 5. papua new guinea:png; 巴布亚新几内亚 papua new guinea 双语例句 1. This is the website of The Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research. 这是巴布亚新几内亚医学研究所的网站。 2. papua new guinea 2. This is the story of a journey to Papua New Guinea. 这是一个有关巴布亚新几内亚之旅的故事。 3. It also provides insight into life in Papua New Guinea, its customs and culture. 它也提供洞察在巴布亚新几内亚、它们的风俗和文化的生活。 4. Papua New Guinea has more than 750 languages and language is culture. 巴布新几内亚有超过750种语言,而语言就是文化。 5. Evidence to date in Papua New Guinea tends to confirm this. 最近发生在巴布亚新几内亚的事例再次证实了这一点。 6. 6. I'm writing to you from the little country of Papua New Guinea. 我正从巴布新几内亚这个小国家写信给你们。 7. You might be surprised to learn that Elvis Presley will be voting in the next election in Papua New Guinea, especially since he already died. 你可能对於猫王将在巴布亚纽几内亚下一轮选举投票感到惊讶,因为他早已过世多时。 8. 8. Since then a broad range of products, such as bricks, pavers and facing tiles, continue to be sent to an ever expanding portfolio of countries including: Brunei, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Vietnam. 从此,出口产品范围得到了不断的扩大,包括路面砖、墙面砖及贴面砖被源源不断地运往经济发达国家,包括:文莱、中国、香港、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、韩国、科威特、马来西亚、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、菲律宾、新加坡、西班牙、台湾、泰国、阿拉伯国家、英国、美国、及越南。 9. 9. Human Rights Watch, in reports on 15 countries including Afghanistan, Brazil, Morocco, Papua New Guinea, Togo and South Africa, has identified violence against schoolgirls, child domestic workers and those in conflict with the law as on the rise. 人权观察在一份关系到包括阿富汗、巴西、摩洛哥、巴布亚新几内亚、多哥和南非等国在内的15个国家的报告中证实,针对女学生、家庭童工的暴力以及那些与法律相冲突的行为在增加。 10. Over time, Gorgon is forecast to generate A$300bn of gas exports over 20 years and its sheer scale will curtail the development prospects for some of the other 27 LNG projects being considered in Australia and Papua New Guinea. 假以时日,预计高更项目在未来20年将生产3000亿澳元的天然气,而其庞大的规模,将削弱其它一些天然气项目的发展前景,包括澳大利亚和巴布亚新几内亚正在考虑的另外27个液化天然气项目。 11. She is the Queen regnant and Head of State of the United Kingdom, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu. 英联邦国家中有安提瓜和巴布达、澳大利亚、巴巴多斯、巴布亚新几内亚、巴哈马、伯利兹、斐济、格林纳达、加拿大、毛里求斯、瑙鲁、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、所罗门群岛、图瓦卢、新西兰、牙买加等17国以伊丽莎白二世为国家元首。 12. papua new guinea的解释 12. Two hemispheres under one roof. Papua New Guinea, India, the Argentine. 一间房子里,两种气候新几内亚,印度还有阿根廷 13. 13. The Count Raggi's bird of paradise is the national bird of Papua New Guinea. 意译:有价值的Raggi`s天堂鸟生活在新几内亚巴布亚岛的国家的鸟类。 14. But as I recently discovered, the shark finners just moved on to Papua New Guinea, where there are no controls. 但是,我发现,这些捕猎者又迁移到巴布亚岛新几内亚这些不受限制的地方去了。 15. 15. Of or relating to the peoples, languages, or cultures of Papua New Guinea or New Guinea. 巴布亚的,巴布亚人的属于巴布亚新几内亚或新几内亚的民族、语言或文化的或与之有关的 16. Some of the biggest and most beautiful bugs in the world live righthere on the island of Papua, New Guinea. 一些最大最漂亮的昆虫生活在巴布亚新几内亚岛上。 17. Pomacea canaliculata originates from Central and South America, and in Asia the snail has spread through deliberate and accidental introductions to the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Korea, Japan and South China. 金苹果螺起源于中南美洲,在亚洲,它通过有意或无意的传播而逐渐扩散到菲律宾、越南、泰国、老挝、柬埔寨、马来西亚、印尼、巴布几内亚、韩国、日本和中国的南部。 18. papua new guinea在线翻译 18. According to pest risk analysis, which is based on international standard of plant quarantine measure, using relative risk analysis model, applying this system to qualitiative and quantitative analyze the risk of Papua New Guinea Neotermes in China from five aspect:domestic distributing status, potential risk, economy importance of injured planting host, possibility of transplant and difficulty of risk management. 根据国际植物检疫措施标准规定的有害生物风险性分析程序,利用相关风险性分析模型,从国内分布状况、潜在的危害性、受害栽培寄主的经济重要性、移植的可能性及风险性管理难度5个方面对巴布亚新几内亚新白蚁在中国的风险性进行定性、定量分析,其综合风险值R为2.01,符合检疫性有害生物的条件,据此提出了2条相关风险管理备选对策,并进行效率和影响分析,以期使风险减少到可接受的水平。 19. All you have to do is put some money into a forest in India or Papua New Guinea or somewhere, Ramesh said. 你所要做的是投一些钱到印度、巴布亚新几内亚或其他地区的森林,拉梅什说道。 20. papua new guinea 20. Ireland, Estonia and Andorra Albania Austria Belarus Bosnia Bulgaria, Belgium and Iceland Russia Poland, Denmark and Germany France, Finland and Netherlands Montenegro Czech, Croatia and Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia, Romania, Moldova, Monaco and Norway Malta, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland San Marino Serbia Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine Greece, Hungary and Italy Spain United Kingdom European North America Antigone melon and Barbuda, Barbados, Bahamas and Panama, Costa Rica Dominica Grenada, Cuba and Canada Jamaica Trinidad and Tobago United States of America Mexico South America Argentina Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia Ecuador, Guyana and Peru Suriname Uruguay Venezuela Oceania Australia and Australia Papua New Guinea, Chile, Fiji, Cook Islands FSM Tonga Samoa Vanuatu New Zealand亚纽埃construction of power grids; power grid infrastructure; power supply; the safe operation of power grids; States Power; the national grid; power grid construction and development; grid development planning; grid construction projects; Power Development planning; power grid construction and transformation projects; grid projects and line the corridor of land for construction purposes; power grid planning and construction projects; substation sites, and overhead power line corridors and cable channels; substations and overhead power line pole, tower base; grid enterprises; power construction projects; grid enterprises; grid construction projects; grid enterprises; the pole and overhead power lines, tower base; overhead power line corridors and underground electrical facilities sites; overhead power line pole, tower base; the basis of self-reliance for its tower extends over the exposed parts of the lateral 1 m of the quadrilateral formed; la mast, tower of the main pit and pit lines; under the tower base; the pole and overhead power lines, tower base; power grid enterprises; new corridors and overhead power lines; new corridors and overhead power lines; power grid enterprises; and overhead power lines from the higher ground; grid enterprises; overhead lines; grid enterprises; overhead power line construction and safe operation; and above 500-kilovolt line from the side below the level of lead from the scope of 5 meters; 220 kV and below line; overhead lines within the scope of 300 meters; power lines; grid enterprises; power facilities protection; power facilities; power facilities; grid enterprises; grid construction project planning and construction of power grids; power grid enterprises; 500 kV Substation, 220 kV substation City; Power Enterprise; grid construction projects; grid enterprises; grid construction projects; grid construction projects; grid smooth implementation of construction projects; power grids, power plant equipment tender, power plants, power grids project tendering, project information to be under construction; Chen Mobile:+0086-13901623260; pool of talent pool, experts ring 阿尔巴尼亚爱尔兰爱沙尼亚安道尔奥地利白俄罗斯保加利亚比利时冰岛波黑波兰丹麦德国俄罗斯法国芬兰荷兰黑山捷克克罗地亚拉脱维亚立陶宛列支敦士登卢森堡罗马尼亚马耳他马其顿摩尔多瓦摩纳哥挪威葡萄牙瑞典瑞士塞尔维亚圣马力诺斯洛伐克斯洛文尼亚乌克兰西班牙希腊匈牙利意大利英国欧盟北美洲安提瓜和巴布达巴巴多斯巴哈马巴拿马多米尼克哥斯达黎加格林纳达古巴加拿大美国墨西哥特立尼达和多巴哥牙买加南美洲阿根廷巴西玻利维亚哥伦比亚厄瓜多尔圭亚那秘鲁苏里南委内瑞拉乌拉圭智利大洋洲澳洲澳大利亚巴布亚新几内亚斐济库克群岛密克罗尼西亚纽埃萨摩亚汤加瓦努阿图新西兰电网建设;电网基础设施建设;电力供应;电网安全运行;各国电力;各国家电网;电网建设和发展;电网发展规划;电网建设项目;电网发展规划;电网建设与改造项目;电网项目建设用地和线路走廊;电网规划建设项目;变电设施用地、架空电力线路走廊和电缆通道;变电站和架空电力线路的杆、塔基础;电网企业;电力建设项目;电网企业;电网建设项目;电网企业;架空电力线路的杆、塔基础;架空电力线走廊和地下电力设施用地;架空电力线路杆、塔基础;自立塔以其基础外露部分外侧向外延伸1米所形成的四边形;拉线杆、塔的主坑和拉线坑;杆、塔基础;架空电力线路的杆、塔基础;电网企业;新建架空电力线路走廊;新建架空电力线路走廊;电网企业;架空电力线路距离地面较高;电网企业;架空线路;电网企业;架空电力线路建设及安全运行;500千伏及以上线路距边导线正下方水平距离5米范围内;220千伏及以下线路;架空线路300米范围内;电力线路;电网企业;电力设施保护;电力设施;电力设施;电网企业;电网建设规划和电网建设项目;电网企业;500千伏变电站、220千伏城区变电站;电网企业;电网建设项目;电网企业;电网建设项目;电网建设项目;电网建设项目顺利实施;电网、电厂设备招标、电厂、电网工程招标、拟在建项目信息;陈氏手机:+0086-13901623260;人材库,人才库,专家圈 papua new guinea 单语例句papua new guinea 1. The Chinese cargo ship was enroute from China's Shanghai to Papua New Guinea on Wednesday when it sank some 820 km south of Okinawa. 2. The cargo ship carrying timber was sailing from Papua New Guinea to China. 3. Peridotite also occurs in the Pacific islands of Papua New Guinea and Caledonia, and along the coast of the Adriatic Sea and in smaller amounts in California. 4. Papua New Guinea police have arrested a woman attempting to carry a dead baby in her hand luggage on an internal flight. 5. Another trouble spot is Papua New Guinea, which shares an island north of Australia with Indonesia's easternmost Papua province. 6. Fiji and Papua New Guinea completed an interim EPA with the EU in 2009 to liberalize trade in goods only. 7. Papua New Guinea's maritime authority said earlier at least 28 people had been rescued, with many more floating in the sea near where the ferry went down. 8. Sailors on the Chinese cargo ship Zhonghe secure a raft that carried people from the stricken ferry off Papua New Guinea's east coast on Thursday. 9. President Hu also met the leaders of Papua New Guinea and Viet Nam yesterday. 10. The study examined corals off the coast of Papua New Guinea located near undersea seeps of carbon dioxide. papua new guinea 英英释义 papua new guinea的近义词 noun 1. a parliamentary democracy on the eastern half of the island of New Guinea in 1975 it became an independent state within the Commonwealth of Nations Synonym: Independent State of Papua New Guinea |
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